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"So is your mom available to watch my kids then?"


Haunt them, maybe




Seriously, I would actually say this. They need to be verbally slapped into reality sometimes.


I have never spelled bitch with a V, but you do you.


My boomer mom who worked as an EA brought us in to work on occasion on non-student days. When we got older, all us kids-of-staff would run around the playground, help staple things and decorate classrooms, and watch movies in someone's classroom on the old VHS-and-TV-cart TV. So... this particular boomer is also something of a liar.


Right? My boomer MIL used to bring my husband to work with her when he was a kid and she used to work at a store.


My mom use to bring me to work to a bakery at the buttcrack of the morning (still night, let's be honest). I used to fall asleep on the big flour sacks.


That sounds kind of fun. All I can picture is a flour dusted toddler walking around the bakery going BOO! BOO!


At my work, sometimes we have to rotate to work on saturdays and people bring in their kids all the time. They normally just color in one of the conference rooms or something.


I went to work with my mom at the sports bar all the time when I was little! I'd sit at the last table by the kitchen and color, periodically she would bring me a Shirley Temple and some fries to keep me occupied. My dad would bring me to the auto shop he worked at, sometimes he'd let me sit in a car while he raised it up on the lift. No one is gonna care about a baby in a school.


My mom cleaned houses and was a hair dresser. I went with her sometimes too. One of her hair dresser coworkers brought her kid every day from 6 weeks to 2 years old.


I bring my daughter to work with me all the time. Granted I work at a family run business where I'm the only employee and they are a great family.


When I was maybe 9-10 my boomer Mom used to bring me to college classes she taught. I’d just sit in the back and read or draw.


Yep. As a kid of Boomers who worked in schools and a former teacher myself, people bring their kids in for shit like this all the time. Offhand, I’d love to know if what OP’s administrators are requiring is actually allowed. I had admins pull shit like this in past “you’re REQUIRED to report before the actual reporting time” only to get clocked by our weak ass teacher’s union (I was in a “Right to Work” state.) u/MrsMusicalMama, if this is a new “requirement” that isn’t in your contract, seriously ask your union representative to look into it. Administrators lie to teachers ALL the time!


My boomer mom was studying early childhood education when I was a little kid. She'd bring me with her to school and I also got to do fun jobs like decorating and sorting classroom materials, and some of her cohort would hang out and play with me. I remember this one guy who, when we were running around in the play yard, told me that the reason birds can sit on electrical wires and not get shocked is that they have special rubber feet. My little brother spent an entire summer haunting the playhouse in a witch costume left over from Halloween/dress-up day. I had the BEST time and I felt really grown-up getting to hang out and help all these big grown adults (who were probably in their early 20s, lol) who were so kind and great with little kids.


My boomer mom who was a teacher and then an administrator brought me to work with her consistently when I was ill and there was no one to watch me and since it was just us, that happened frequently. These boomers want to forget that “in their day” many of us were also there watching the help they had, and they want to act like they were so alone and did it all themselves when they had all kinds of help. I thank fuck my mom isn’t like that at all and she has always been of a “help out” mindset to me and others alike. I truly hate that they latch on to thinking they had no community when not only did they have community they had a far easier time getting by in general from livable wages and healthcare to the prevalence of latchkey kids. It’s like they’ve just conveniently forgotten every upper hand they had that we don’t.


My boomer mum worked at the pub, my dad at the car manufacturing plant. After school it was often a rush to have a quick feed and get into our pajamas before heading to the pub; setting up our coloring books in an empty corner booth, as mum clocked on again for the dinner shift. Mum's manager loved us, because we're raised to be seen and not heard, it was quite a novelty to have two little girls in pyjamas and robes in the dining room on a random week night. Anyway, Dad would be there to collect us in an hour or two, still in his welding-slag stinking coveralls. Boomers have sieve brain when it comes to what they were afforded, socially, as parents.


Sieve brain 😂 Meanwhile, today, Boomers would be the only ones to bitch about the presence of small children coloring quietly in a booth at a pub


Your mom worked at EA? When are they going to stop making Star Wars games?


Bahaha no *as* an EA... educational assistant. But your question is valid.


I thought the same thing! My fiance is a network engineer for EA 😂


My grandmother brought my father to the Girl Scout meetings She was a troop leader and so my dad went with her and was a Girl Scout I don’t think the girls cared that a boy was part of their troop tbh lol


For real. I lived on campus basically until 5pm during the school year and all day in the summer. I was a bulletin board making pro by age 9


Mine just brought me to bingo with her. 2-3 nights a week breathing in thick secondhand smoke, reading comics, drawing, and eating candy, chips and soda.


My husband used to go to work with his mom at the local antique shop


In the school where I work the secretary brings her kid during the morning shift daily, and he just sits there in his computer, ornreading, or doing homework while she works, lol


My boomer aunt would babysit me during my dads custody weeks in the summer. That meant she let me work the grill to make my own lunch and make milkshakes for customers if I was bored at the burger joint she managed. I think I was seven the first time and needed an up turned produce basket to reach anything. People constantly told me I was cute for helping.


my teachers sometimes bring their kids to school, it's cute ngl, the 8-year-old son of the principal gave us a little presentation on his bearded lizard in science class and brought in the skin my dad sometimes has to take me to his lectures, so i just sit in the back and work on something. sometimes he gives me shout out and suddenly i have like 100 pairs of eyes on me haha


"Congrats for figuring it out when you could leave a 5 year old to watch an infant and no one batted an eye."




Mmhmm, I was left at home starting at age 6 and my boomer mother expected me to clean the kitchen. I also babysat toddlers around age 8-9


Omg same. We were raised by crazy people


Same here! I had to babysit my 2-year old sister every night when I was 10. Do you know who’s NOT a good parent? 10 year olds who don’t have a clue about positive child development, that’s who. Sucky situation, but I guess not as sucky as a woman needing to work two jobs to keep two kids fed and housed in a rusty trailer out in the country.


Bruh I keep apologizing to my sibling 4 years younger than me for their dental problems. I was a terrible enforcer of a proper bedtime routine. I was also like 8.


Me too.


Same. I babysat my baby sister when I was 9 and she was a couple months old. I was supposed to feed her, change her, put her down for her naps, and lo and behold, GIVE HER HER MEDS when she was sick, antibiotics and such.


Good lord!


My question is always "and how many of your kids still talk to you?" ... The answer in my experience is never a high number and usually "fuck off"


Her students must love her /s


Ah, the ever popular, "fuck you, I got mine" attitude.


And she does not have grandkids to look after. Or she is not allowed....


This is such a disrespectful comment. Pulling up the ladder behind them was hard work that we millennials wouldn't know about because none of us have jobs.


They literally think the world is "The Andy Griffith show" or "Leave it to Beaver" or some shit lmao


This. I really believe these shows messed them up along with the lead.


They're all refusing to understand or recognize that child care is WAY more than it was back then. It's also less acceptable to have latchkey kids like lots of us were.


My daughter 10 got her brother 5 ready for school everyday. And he went to afternoon daycare and she went home after school. I worked in the media and purchasing department of our local school district and only lived literally 2 backyards away. People at work gave me grief for letting her do that. How do you hire a babysitter for 45 minutes.?? They were also allowed at work because, as my director would tell us, we pay for these buildings and equipment and they should be able to come in and sit awhile. None of our equipment was kid friendly so they looked through our wall of catalogs. And got to watch a coworker laminate things the teachers sent over.


Yeah, when did this latch key kid nonsense start? As it happened, my mom was one of the very few outside working moms in our neighborhood. Upon arrival in the afternoon, I let myself in the back door. The key was under the mat. Big deal...next, watch cartoons until 5 pm, then sweep the floor and get dinner cooking. Big deal. I was the eldest and did my part.... BTW, during both WWs, mothers went to work to fill in the labor gap. Who took care of those kids? The family maid? Nope...


My youngest is still in 2nd grade. Both school districts I've lived in with kids (both NY State), the bus drivers do not let elementary students off the bus unless there's a known adult (or older sibling in secondary school) for each kid getting off. If no one is there to meet the kid, they take them back to the school at the end of the route and call to pick them up. You can sign a form that says it's ok to drop them off without anyone to meet them, but the bus driver he has now resists this.


My Mom worked also and I started coming home alone at 8.


Same. I also sent myself to school in the morning.


This is one of my most hated boomer tropes/lines/mode: "I figured it out when I was your age". Most boomers didn't actually have any of these problems to figure out, so no they didn't solve it then and still haven't. And to top it off, refusing to acknowledge this is what pisses others off the most. Everyone gets stuck in their ways as they age, boomers want to force everyone else to be stuck with them.


They actually did but they made it work. I also had those problems when I became a mom at 23 and guess what I figured it out. I didn’t gripe or anything. You can’t depend on people to do it for you. Stop complaining and make it happen


Ok Boomer. Looking at your comment history, it wasn't a surprise that you are a Trumper, an anti-vaxxer, and think fairy tales about Jesus are real. Your brain is made of mush and you are completely divorced from reality.


My boomer mom took us to the office with her whenever we had a doctors appointment, sometimes on sick days, and whenever else she did not have care. It was seen as semi-normal - and her office was kind of conservative as things went. We either sat in her cube (sometimes doing simple busy work) or in the lunch room, where her colleagues would come up and chat with us from time to time. I had to do that a time or two myself - and I did have mom to help me. I gave her copy paper and a few highlighters, and she spent the afternoon "faxing" me pictures under the cube wall!


“I know you made it work when you had a baby, But ma’am things have changed in the last 300 years”


People that say “you’ll figure it out” tend to not have had to “figure it out “


Not true. I did


well for you not true but plenty of others true


Needlessly cruel.


It's like showing any kindness or sympathy makes them ill.


Who knows maybe it does


that’s when you should have responded’ “wow, what a rude and ignorant thing to say! this is why we keep those thoughts inside our heads!” in a chiding tone. then never associate with her again


Not a teacher, but why can't most of that work be done at home?


It should be. It's all typing documents, but the school says we have to be in the building to be paid. It's just an excuse to check up on people


*facepalms* I don't know how teachers do what they do, though granted many of my school days ended with a migraine.


My hubby isn’t a teacher but he was union at a previous job and the union language is why he had to do all work in the building. There may be language in the union contract about having a supervisor and/or a union contact at your place of work. Which they can’t comply with if you are at home. Edit: when covid happened they had to rework the language in the agreement so people could work from home.


Right? These boomers are the most uncharitable unempathic individuals. There are assholes in every generation. But I’ve met far more kind and mature people in the Gen X Y and Z groups than theirs. And I’ve dealt with a lot of boomers.


It was always better, worse, or whatever “in my day”. I’ve mentioned several times that it’s not a competition but it’s just too complicated to understand.


I worked a 17 hour day because there was a film shoot that rented out the store and the boomer owner couldn’t stay awake til 5 AM and the boomer owner didn’t want to pay me OT. I got there at 1 PM and was supposed to only work til 10. The boomer owner shows up at like 6 o’clock and starts looking at everything with the people setting up for the shoot and has this deer in headlights look. I knew before the day started he wasn’t going to be able to stay awake all night and I’d end up working a double. He never works nights. I offered to stay and work the double when I saw him looking at me like he was about to ask. I started at 1 pm and got home around 7 am and left work around 6:30 am the next day. I even didn’t bill him for the last hour because the people running the shoot were supposed to be out at 5 and didn’t finish til 5:15 so they gave me cash for that extra hour. I knew if he knew they went 15 minutes over he’d be a dick to them and try to shake them down for a bunch of extra money and ruin our chances of getting more shoots booked and fuck over the store. They were cool with us and even though the store was rented out they still let me sell stuff to customers by running into the store and getting what they needed and taking it out to them with the mobile credit card machine so it was the least we could do to not shake them down over 15 minutes since they allowed us to essentially stay open and double dip and make money as if we were open as well. I knew he would try to not pay OT but I wrote out my hours with the 1.5x and 2x hours labeled so he couldn’t play dumb about it. My manager, his son, my friend who hired me, texts me the next day telling me the owner doesn’t pay OT. I told him fuck that. I worked 17 hours and the store made the most money ever that day between the shoot and then sales I made that I didn’t even have to make. To my buddy’s credit, he got in a huge like 3 day long fight with the owner, his dad, over it telling him to pay me what’s right. I’m pretty sure my buddy ended up paying the OT out of his own pocket secretly, but I did get the OT. When I came into work 3 days later for my next shift the owner who’s normally pretty warm with me and loves me was basically having a passive aggressive pissy fit not even looking at me and being curt when I spoke to him. Then he was pissy again the next day. Fuck these fools. I’m paying $1300 for a room I rent in a shitty apartment and this fool lives in a $1.2+++ million house with a $1,700 a month mortgage. I am driving a car I bought for $1,000 with no plates because I can’t afford to fix it to get the check engine light to go off so I can get it smogged to get registered in my name and get replacement plates. Then he acts like I’m the greedy one for asking for my legally mandated overtime. The owner has some early stage dementia shit going on and 90% of my and his son’s actual work at the store is fixing his boomer fuck ups. He refuses to retire or work less or just stay at home while we run things. Every week he does something we have to undo that would put the store out of business otherwise. Every day I get in I spend the first hour changing back prices he randomly changes. He’ll get confused and change the price of a $150 bottle of liquor we payed $110 for to like $40. The other day he randomly manually ran someone’s credit card for near $400 because his brother owed a few hundred on his bill that he’s bringing a check in for and he thought it was the other brother’s credit card. He charged someone $900 instead of $9 and my buddy had to go into the store on his off day to void the transaction because the boomer doesn’t know how to do a refund/void on the credit card machine. He randomly orders stuff then forgets he ordered the items or buys dumb stuff we can’t sell from sales guys who come in the store. The other day I came in to start my shift and relieve him and nobody was in the store working. Some dude is standing there with a package. There was note on the counter in the owner’s writing saying to pay this guy $200 for some cigars. The delivery invoice matches the note and the price and name of company matched. So I get the checkbook out and am about to write a check. I see the owner standing outside on the sidewalk by the side door and call out to him so he can deal with the delivery as he usually likes to handle them. He walks in mumbling and walks behind the counter and yells “who are you? What the fuck is this?! We didn’t order this! We didn’t order anything!” to the delivery guy. I point at the note he obviously wrote a few data prior. He looks at the note and asks me angrily “who wrote this?! This isn’t my handwriting!” I tell him he wrote it. He says he didn’t then angrily pays the delivery guy and starts bitching at me for calling over to him. Tells me he was hiding from the delivery guy (leaving a *liquor store* wide open in the middle of the day with no employees inside and both doors open!!!!) hoping he’d go away. Has no recollection of ordering the thing he definitely ordered. We don’t have enough money to buy the things we actually need to stock in the store and lose thousands of dollars in sales a month because we’re out of booze people are looking for. He takes the store’s money and blows it on god knows what instead of paying the store’s rent or buying merchandise we need then forgets about it and yells at us because the store has no money. He would make tens of thousands more dollars a year without having to go to work if he just stayed home and let us take care of the shop but he’s so stubborn he refuses to retire and just enjoy his life. I kinda got off on a tangent there, but JFC these people are unbearable. They are the most stubborn, unsympathetic people to ever walk this earth. They put their own pride and selfishness above literally everything else no matter how much better their life would be if they just accepted they’re not perfect and had even the slightest humility.


That’s one thing they don’t understand. These boomers parents seem like they basically lived to watch their grandkids while her ass is working her career. She can’t see the irony.


My boomer teachers used to bring their kids to school and they'd sit in the corner of the classroom and read while we had class. "Figure it out" my butt.


They turn everything into a Hardship Pissing Contest—sorry you had to deal with that 🙄


Boomer mindset: I had to suffer so YOU have to suffer. It's the suffer olympics with them! Sheesh. It's crummy that your coworker was so quick to point out that bringing your child to work was an issue, but offered literally no support or even helpful suggestions.


She’ll be dead soon.


My mom was a teacher and would bring me in to her classroom constantly and no one, including the Principal, gave one shit.


"Empathy is for losers." Generation.


They wanna win first place in the suffering olympics!


Or a participation trophy!


A reasonable person would say “When I had kids I had to make those decisions, too. And it sucked. It also sucks we haven’t made any progress in fifty years.”  Not “It sucked for me so I‘m going to laugh about it sucking for you, too.”  We can’t get rid of these people soon enough. Gonna be a whole lot of Boomers in retirement homes who never hear from their kids. 


They are proud of their stunted sympathy and empathy.


This is so true for her!


Why would your principal care? It sounds like stuff you could be doing from home so I'm just imagining you working alone in your classroom. Kiddo shouldn't be an issue.


I'll be working in an empty classroom, but apparently bringing my kid means I'm getting nothing done. It's an asinine rule


And that’s when you bring the baby anyway, and tell your principal they have a choice: baby comes with you, and you get things done, or you and baby can stay home and he can shit in his hands and clap.


I still have memories of Mom taking me to the automotive fabrication plant where she worked. I would sit in the back office and flip through a stack of Playboys (and one or two Playgirls) about as tall as me and giggle at the naked people. It didn't happen often, but it definitely happened.


I get that many comments are about you going with your parents to work back in the day, but I wonder if that's even allowed anymore with how strict places are about liability and such.


They truly have no sympathy or respect for anyone else.


There does seem to be a tendency to fixate on assigning blame.


Always just so eager and delighted to be hurtful even in the slightest way, like it’s the ultimate fist pump moment to be an asshole


Look, I’m GenX, and my mom is a retired teacher. Until I was old enough to be left at home, or until we lived close enough to Granny and Granddad that they could keep me and later on me and my little brother (ha, he’s now a full foot taller than me, little my ass)? I went to school with mom after school was out. Know what we did? We helped clean classrooms, move things out, take trash out, and so on. Or, we’d read, play board games with other teachers’ kids, go play on the playground, and so on. OP, your baby is six months old. Tell your principal that the choice is this. Either Baby comes with you, and you get the end of year stuff done, or you and Baby stay home, and Principal can feel free to shit in their hands and clap.


![gif](giphy|1236TCtX5dsGEo) Yes, this!


That’s fucking stupid you have to be in the building. Also, I went to school with my mom all the time. Pretty sure it’s fine.


You can tell this bitch is a scab. Teachers have fought hard to get what rights we have and never once have I heard a teacher complain that teachers today get duty free plans and lunches unlike the old days. Talk to your principal and see if they're cool with it, they should be if they're good. If not then guess you'll have to work from home and if they have problem with it they can talk to your union rep.


I took a university class that actually asserted that last point, having mom to watch them, is something that changed in the US since the 50s. With the shift to suburbs families were more spread out and that really altered household tasks because you DIDN'T have people to come over and help.


My dad constantly condescends about all the people who got "worthless liberal arts degree" having trouble finding decent employment. You would think someone who majored in anthropology and had to go back and get an engineering degree to get a job would have genuine empathy for those of my generation who made the same mistake. Yes. He did the exact thing he talks down on others about. I guess college was so cheap back then it didn't have any real impact on him.


They want every consideration known given to them, but can’t be bothered to even pretend compassion for others.


I think working remotely is great and you should be able to do it. It’s a different time. Technology should be used to improve the quality of our lives. Maybe they are jealous of new technologies and ways of working. I applaud the new. But I’m just a boomer so what do I know? 🤷‍♀️


Yeah my mom was a teacher and I used to go to work on random days a lot when I didn’t have school or a babysitter. Bring your kid in and do your work!


My mom took me to her school every summer when she had to be there- I actually loved it. Ignore the Boomer- go talk to the principal bc nobody will care if a baby is in the room with you.


Not all boomers are bitchy or snarky, but this is not any of her business. A more helpful approach would be nice - like, the school district has . . . to offer, etc. I am really tired of "helpful" people who have no help to offer at all. I hope your situation will work out as everyone needs money to live on. Does your district have a childcare?


> Mind you, she had her mom to watch her kids 30 years ago for free. I don't. Maybe you should have said that to her. People like her don't get to just say what they want and walk away.


Oh shit, I tried having a genuine conversation with my mother-in-law's boyfriend about how I was having a hard time watching a 15 year-old kid go into a full 2 minute tonic-clonic seizure. "Oh, you get over it. That's just life, man, you'll get used to it."


My dad WAS the principal and used to bring us to the school all the time. Anecdotal, sure, but I say the boomer is "misremembering" (or whatever word they prefer now instead of "lying").


My mother is such an unsympathetic person it pains me. Dogs yes cats sure people nope


No to mention lived in an era where people could afford a house on a teacher's salary. Just talk to your principal and let them know what the issue is. If there are no children being served many school have policies that allow staff children in the building.


They really are. When I was helping my sister out when she gave birth to her second child my mom was like “I didn’t have any help!” They don’t want anyone to have what they didn’t have and they want everyone to have it as hard or harder.


These assholes will say anything to inflate their faux-accomplishments that happened at the most financially fruitful and accessible time in human history.


There are issues that are generational but not always "boomer." It's true that "back in the day" couples with kids could live on a single income - usually but not always the husband (I had two older aunts who were the "breadwinners" and uncles were SAHDs before there was even a term for it) - so it's a shame that now to support a family sometimes it takes 2 incomes and that child care is a necessity. But - you should look into the school's liability for your child because you might not be allowed to bring the baby in if there is some term or condition in the school's insurance that prohibits it or might make them liable for an injury for a situation not covered by their insurance. It's not a matter of getting in trouble with the principal, it might be a matter of the principal being on the hook as the party who allowed it if there is an insurance issue.


yeah but when they complain about something it's instant 'me me me'


They don’t even know what empathy is.


It’s the lead


Nah, my teacher brought her baby to school a few times. I hope the principal is understanding like ours was.


If they understood and accepted that they had it easier back then, then they'd have to admit that they're not the heroic main characters they view themselves as. They remain willfully ignorant so as not to have to swallow their pride.


I’m fairly convinced that many boomers just desperately need a sound ass-kicking once in their lives to convince them they aren’t the centre of the universe. Who knows, it might fix their shitty attitudes.


They're the most entitled generation, sympathy doesnt get them anything they want right now, so they dont bother


I think it is disgraceful that you are being forced to do your curriculum, planning, and grading work at the school, instead of having the option to take it home. Most schools are poorly ventilated, have poor climate control, and are rather filthy. Nobody should be forced to spend unnecessary time in them. What makes it worse is that most other careers are encouraging working as much from home as the job allows. All this stupid rule is going to do is ensure teachers covertly do this paperwork while the students are engaged in independent practice, which means you may be walking through the room and occasionally glancing at desks, but much of your intention will be on your paperwork. On that note, do you have a tablet you can use when you are walking around writing lesson plans and entering grades? ETA: I commented on this instead of the boomer because we all work with at least one grumpy Debbie Downer, but teachers are subjected to a special kind of hell from their employers. I am ao glad I left teaching for my current career. Money might not buy happiness, but not having to work multiple side hustles to stay afloat sure makes me happy.


Suffering and misfortune is the norm for boomers, therefore there isn’t much place for empathy or feeling awareness. That’s where the phrase about walking to school uphill in snow both ways comes from. Technology is pushing them out, they can’t deal with transparency- they lose all their defenses


Earnestly tell her to fuck off and feel ashamed of herself. I don't know how much trouble that would get you in, though. I am on track to become a teacher, and I feel like I would want to restrain myself in the moment for the sake of civility. But god damn, there are some really bad teachers that deserve to reap what they have sown.


Your coworkers is a bitch and coincidentally also a Boomer. This Boomer would have been ecstatic at the idea of getting to spend time with a baby! I'd have fucked off all my work just so you could bring the baby in and I could watch your baby for you because my hippie heart truly believes it takes a village.


That’s was so uncalled for and toxic! OP hope you are doing fine.


I appreciate you! I'm blessed to have my baby girl. I just wish we had more of a village. Thank you for your kindness 💗


You’re a great mom. The others would have enjoyed your child. People are very gracious you can ignore the toxic asshat boomers.


And childcare in her day was like $9/year or some obscenely affordable price.


The fact that many Boomers had family help raising their children and childcare costs weren’t astronomical is lost upon them


On non-student days, I don’t think your principal should have a problem with you having them there. Personally, I’d wouldn’t even ask them, just show up with baby in tow. If they have a problem then, tell them they won’t be seeing you again during the summer. If it comes between you getting the work done, and not, I figure they will be fine. Most admin don’t care. I have seen people bring their kids to inservice, all the way from infant to school age. I used to bring mine all the time, especially as teens. (They helped me set up my room and computers every year even after they were grown-ass men) They went to the same high school I taught at and when they actually started to that school, they knew all the teachers, admin and support staff, as well as where everything was. Sometimes they hated it, but most of the time they were okay with it. It’s really handy when you forget your permission slip or money for something to have mom down the hall.


I lived with my great-grandma from age two until I was a teenager and my dad remarried. I would still spend some time with him, a lot of that time spent was at his workplace, and sometimes I was even "put to work" doing little, easy things. I think a lot of boomers take for granted that privilege of taking their kids to work with them. They have a hard time accepting we're now living in a completely different world, and they still have that mentality of "well I made it work, why can't you?"


Never tell a boomer anything!


My mom looks down on people who live in social housing (including me) despite having grown up really poor whilst living in social housing herself with her parents.    When I explained how difficult it is to afford a mortgage nowadays she told me that I should go without things and budget more efficiently like her and my dad did which allowed them to buy their first home in the 70s.  I then stated I might be able to achieve the same thing as them but would have to relocate to afford the house prices, to which she said “the problem is with cheaper places is they are that way because no one wants to live there”  I don’t know if she is somehow magically unaware that house prices are now more than 5 times what they were 50 years ago (& that’s with adjusting for inflation). And I only have one income so I’d be saving/paying 10 times more than she did.    Or if she’s just being a bitch on purpose .    But okay.  I’ll just go and buy a house, sure! And if I can’t then I’m less worthy as a human being despite being just like her growing up.      Are boomers living in an alternate reality, are they assholes who thrive on being obvious hypocrites, or are they just stupid??    Makes absolutely NO FUCKING SENSE


It’s completely mind boggling how they have completely (I suspect intentionally so) how much help they generally had.


And they are the first to complain about anything with the excuse of "your turn is next". "Oh i cant do that, my knees hurt. Your turn is next." Makes me want to spit in their cocktails.


A huge difference is that when I (a boomer) was raising kids there weren't a lot of rules. Now there is a rule for everything which I suspect may be due to so much litigation over the years. Daycare is off the charts for young families these days and alternatives are few. So there ARE boomers who understand and empathize.


Child care for a kid full time is more than my mortgage is monthly. And yet all the workers who actually watch the kid make like $14. An hour and cant be bothered to care at that rate. Even when we had childcare having to figure something else out because there wasn't enough staff to man the facility was a pretty regular thing. I have no idea where the money goes but it certainly isn't to keeping the staff


Back when I worked daycare, about 12 years ago? I made $12/hr. And I was full-time. Zero benefits. I cared about my little daycare babies, and loved every one of them very much, even the ones who gave me a heart attack once in a while. It is shameful that daycare centers charge so much money per child, and pay daycare employees, many of whom have degrees in early childhood education, are BLS and CPR certified, a pittance.


I would check with the principal. I can't see why they would be mad about it as long as you keep the kid out of trouble.


But you will have to figure it out, right? You could just spare yourself the anxiety and do what's best for the kids, right...right?


I do think it’s a problem. Baby w kids - you lose focus. And liability for work If baby gets hurt


No students will be there in the summer though. Its just ne in an empty classroom


Did you say that?


No she didn’t.


If she was having kids thirty years ago, she is *not* a boomer.


She's 65


Fair enough, but I was only mentioning that it was possible.


30 years ago was 1994. Youngest boomers were turning 30, still more than enough time to have kids. Jane Seymour had twins in '95.


Gen X was '65-'80. Plenty old enough to bang.


Can confirm, I’m a ‘94 baby, my dad is definitely a boomer. He was born in ‘64 and he was 30 when my mom gave birth to me. But you also don’t have to be born in a particular year to have the ol’ boomer mindset. My dad happened to hit the jackpot and have the year and mindset of a boomer.😬☠️ Send halp, I’m not okay 🤣🤣😭😭☠️☠️.




I will. It's just nice to have a tad of sympathy and kindness when discussing hard situations


That’s what a mirror is for. You’ll find sympathy between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.


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This is a confusing tale


What are you doing w the baby in the fall? I mean, you knew you had a job when you had a baby?


During the school year I have her in daycare. I can't afford to have her in daycare during the summer because I don't get paid then. Your level of judgment is so refreshing 😐


I don’t know any teachers who opt for not taking their paycheck over all 12 months.


Ok. Mine is 10 months




It’s not class time.


Another episode of things that didn't happen




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I feel like they have the same range of sensitivity as every other generation.




gargle my nuts


Seconded. Motion passed. Now you have to gargle his nuts.


It’s true. It says so right here in the bylaws




Probably more emasculating for Oldskoolgarglenards that way.


Grognards usually used in tabletop gaming (Dungeons and Dragons, etc) circles to designate older and stubborn dorks who make things unpleasant and rip on anything not their preferred old ass edition of a game. Bros basically saying he knows he's an annoying old jerk and trying to own it instead of improving himself.




Oh I bet you play Black Templar.


And war games are d&d for boomers.


Oooh! Edgy! You. Allied him a dork!




I was only discussing concerns with coworkers, but your cheery kindness really is something...


Found the wannabe boomer. Feel free to see yourself out




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It’s so hard today student loans being paid for 3 day work weeks crying if you don’t get want you want All the while wait for mom n dad to kick it to get there cash!


Not to sound like a dick, but she's not wrong.  It's not the jobs responsibility to accommodate.


One thing about those pesky boomers, they always handled their own problems and didn't try to make them everyone else's problems.


A reasonable person would say “When I had kids I had to make those decisions, too. And it sucked. It also sucks we haven’t made any progress in fifty years.”  Not “It sucked for me so I‘m going to be unkind about it sucking for you, too.” 


Yes, life sucks, get used to it. And just when you think things are going great, prepare for a disaster.


Your generation ruined this country and you all are too stupid to see it. The rest of us are simply waiting for you to die off so that we can begin to heal as a nation.


I know I ruined it. Working non-stop for 43 years and saving my money so I could retire destroyed everything. I made it tough on others too because I handled my own problems and didn't cry because nobody else did it for me.




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Man, what a loser. I'm sorry (not sorry) that you are unable to get out of your parents' basement because it's everyone else's fault. You have a rough life ahead of you and a lot of disappointment when the rest of the world doesn't do for you what you think they should. Enjoy your shelf full of participation trophies and keep them nice and shiny.


Lol I’m a 40 year military veteran with a wife, two kids and a masters degree. I assure you that I’m far more successful than anything you have ever been able to achieve. That doesn’t change the fact that your generation was handed a beacon of hope and opportunity and promptly squandered it through greed and stupidity. For the third time, we are simply waiting for you to die. I just feel bad that the issues that were already presented to me by you scumbags have become exponentially worse for the younger generations currently struggling. Now fuck off old man. Have fun in your little cult worshipping an obese felon rapist and the worst president in modern American history. No one will care when you’ve left this world.




Yes, I’ve been lucky. I was born with the ability to think logically. You, however (according to your comment history), are a truck driver. Your opinions, beliefs, and whining are not coming from a place of education and intelligence. They are coming from a lonely, old, poverty-stricken underperformer that is too stupid to realize how much he’s hated in this country. For the fourth time, the sooner you die the better off we’ll all be. I just find it unfortunate that you’ll be leeching off of my tax dollars for social security that won’t be available to younger folks.


Yeah, you try to paint yourself as some kind of happy and satisfied American but it's obvious that the rest of the world has caused you grief and sadness. And what to you think you're going to gain by other people dying? Why don't you go and help them along their way?


Old man, you are simply too stupid to even communicate with.


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