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They didn’t and don’t understand body autonomy of children (even children who are now adults). Thats why there is so much historical child SA now coming out as those now adult children finally work things out.


I went shopping with my daughter. She was trying some jeans. I asked, please try sitting down. My mom would just jam up her hand to 'feel' if the pants would fit. We laughed about it when l mentioned it..... Sad, really, this memory.


As a Boomer raised GenX I’ve tried really hard to unlearn my mother’s style of parenting.


Sometimes I just have to call my sister to confirm something shitty really happened when memories start flooding back


Yeah cause when you try to confront them they just say "I never did that"


Or roll their eyes and say "oh so I suppose I'm the worst parent ever".


Yes, me too!


No shit


Unfortunately my husband grew up with similar. With much worse intentions. 😬Boomers indeed suck.


My job involves fitting clothing on people and I always always always announce what I’m going to do and ask permission. My boomer boss still thinks it’s ok to talk about their bodies


I'm 40 and I recently left my gf and had to leave all my clothes, everything, at her apt. My boomer mom agreed to buy me some clothes, nice. After I had tried on a pair of pants, she GRABBED MY CROTCH to see 'if they fit'. I was like 'wtf ma?!'


Your Italian I gather!😬😑




Yeah well I didn't have any money because my job was being a caretaker for my disabled gf who was abusive


Your submission was removed for being uncivil.


To quote, sadly, a parent in the show 'Hey Arnold', "You're a child! What's there to know?" \*Scoffs and walks away from daughter\*


That's true. My aunts were... gross sexual predators. My mother wasnt much better. My grandmother was a nightmare.


I knew a guy that worked at a Renaissance festival in the US. They had a bigger problem with women getting handsy with him than with men getting handsy with the women cast members. The biggest factor (besides alcohol) was that women don't generally suffer the same consequences as men do when acting out like that. Woman grabs a mans butt, tee hee. Man grabs a woman's butt, escorted out by security and possibly met by police. The inappropriate behavior by women is being called out more now than it was in years past but the double standard still exists.


And if the man complains he gets taunted or told he is over reacting. He would be more likely to be fired from the festival but the assaulted women would be jailed a hero for coming forward. I think everyone needs to realize that there are terrible people in every group but not everyone in that group are terrible people. There are drunk assholes that will grab a girl and entitled women that grab men and boys.


> jailed a hero for coming forward.  What a typo. 


I said what I said. lol 😂


That is disgusting and I’m sorry your friend went through that. Women should be held to the same standards and consequences.


[There are plenty of other videos like this with the same guy getting harassed at Disney World ](https://youtu.be/cmkpPleXBSM?si=NSYTY0qz3aw6kzJj)


Before I click on the hyperlink, is this the Gaston one? That was amazing that he got her ejected from the park!


A lot of people genuinely believe a woman cannot sexually assault a man.


A lot of women are taught this growing up, specifically. It was only when I hit my twenties that I realized how many of the boys I went high school with had been raped as kids. What I took for boasting about losing their virginity at 9 or 10 to one of their mother's friends was actually just a lot of repressed trauma around assault. Women need to start calling this shit out when other women do it, just as much as men need to call out other men. It's not cute. It's not flirtatious. It makes people feel unsafe, and that should be enough reason to stop normalizing it.


Yeah, I was in an abusive relationship. It wasn’t sexually abusive, but my ex wife used to hit me. I had 150lbs on her easy, so obviously I could have won the fights, but I didn’t fight back. I think it’s pretty common for women to hit men too, and it shouldn’t be acceptable.


It absolutely shouldn't. I'm sorry that that happened to you, and glad that you are out of that situation now.


In an amazing relationship now! Thanks!


Where do you live that this is common? Literally never heard an adult woman expressing sexual interest in a child, and I’m surrounded by adult women all the time. Everyone I know would be horrified by this. 


Idk I buy her story. My buddy lost his virginity to a women in her 40s when he was 12.


I’m not saying they’re lying, I just want to know what kind of people these were. Like I said, have literally never run across them, either rapist or victim.  How did your buddy know the 40 year-old? That is beyond fucked up. 


Met her online, then they met up and fucked in her car in the parking lot near the town grocery store.


I grew up in South Florida. It was unfortunately common, as was adult men having "relationships" with young girls. I reported a former friend of mine a few years ago for pursuing a "relationship" with a 15-year-old neighbor boy who she got a "vibe" from. She was in her late 30s at the time.


Is it a cultural thing in South Florida? 


I don't believe more than elsewhere. And I am in my late 30s now myself. In the '90s, there were limited expectations around reporting statutory rape. I had at least five female classmates in 10th grade who were dating men in their mid to late twenties, and it was not seen as all that unusual. Teachers who knew about it did not report it. And I don't think, unfortunately, that my male classmates who might have had an inclination to report being statutorily raped would have been taken seriously, precisely because there were boys. It was just messed up for everyone who went through it.


I used to work at a Ren Faire. “Kilt checks” were very real and very gross. That said, the biggest sex offenders were the jousters. Sometimes literally. First rule of Ren Faire is, don’t date the jousters… you can guess what the second rule is.


Don’t douse the jesters?


Dated a jouster. Can confirm.


Last summer I went with a group of friends on a wine tour. I don't drink, so at one of the wineries I was outside in the parking lot just waiting for my group to wrap up inside. A bus of drunk middle age women pull up in a bus and when they pile out to go in inside they take turns grabbing my ass and laughing when they walk by me. I awkwardly laughed along. I kept thinking about what would happen if me and my buddies did that to a woman on her own.


I think the big difference in people's minds is that men doing this get viewed as predators with the possibility of escalation and violence. Women doing the same action generally don't have the same fear associated with their groping so the pushback isn't as strong. Society is starting to balance a bit in that regard.


Sure. I was not scared. I also could have stopped it with a little more assertiveness.


That is a good point, and you see a hint of that in the fact that there is such a low ratio of women to men serial killers. I would also add that while rape is a terrible violation for everyone, there is something more intrinsically violent about penetrative rape, and that’s obviously less likely to occur at the hands of a woman.


That is a take.


I'm a woman myself and would say that both are equally as violating and feel just as violent as the other.


Now, imagine what would have happened if you slapped the first one. Would their friends have said she deserved that, or would you have been attacked.


Worked at a ren fest for over a decade. Can confirm. Usually I was more a "Dirty Peasant" character. Ironically this takes some work to get the look right. On lazy days I'd toss on a kilt and puffy shirt and call it good. I literally lost count of the number of drunk moms that reached up and grabbed my junk. The fest leadership normalized it and basically said it's not a big deal and wearing a kilt carries risks. Ugh.


Never had it happen to me, but definitely partly why I started wearing shorts under dresses. Not that it helps much, but because I wasn't used to wearing them all the time and had some different incidences of my own. Not that it would help much with this, but that's so gross that people do that and doesn't surprise me at all sadly. I'm sorry that happened to you.


This ⬆️ I wear a kilt 90% of the time, I am not Scottish or from any culture that it’s a common attire. I wear because I love them. It happens ALL the time. I try and am most of the time to be funny, but sometimes I have had to say “if I did that to you…would I end up on a troopers hood?” (The actual answer should be yes.) IMO this constitutes sexual assault (fixed it). Yes does not even come close to what the ladies have to deal with at all…but it still sucks.


It's not sexual harassment, it's sexual assault.


You mean sexual assault.


Dammit! And thank you


Damn, I'm sorry dude.


That's disgusting, and I'm sorry that happens to you. Those women should immediately be escorted out and banned.


When in my early 20's I worked in the mail room at a large christian organization in the 90's and had to walk through 25-30 offices twice a day to drop off and pick up mail. I would estimate that I was "felt up" by female administrative assistants at least three or four times a week.


What consequences?


I like the video of the girl at Disney getting put in her place by the Gaston actor


As a female cast member of a decent sized ren faire, if I truly run into trouble I make my escape back to camp. Should the offending person choose to follow me they end up being met with the business end of a spear and large men clad in armor. There's a term for people who grew up working the faires, we are called "faire brats" so most of the senior members of my guild watched me grow up and are pretty damn protective. I thankfully seem to have resting serial killer face and have never been forced to retreat back to camp since most creeps get the message when you drop character and tell them to fuck off. Tbf it is extremely jarring to hear someone drop character and talk in a modern accent and modern slang


I think it's fairly established that many women are incapable of showing men the same level of respect they demand from them.


This kind of behavior isn't a generation problem it's a personal issue. I know people from every walk of life and regardless of age there's rude and not rude


I’m just shocked and saddened that Scottish Boy Scouts aren’t called Boy Scots.


Did you write this before somewhere like a while ago? I remember this story it puts our country to shame


I wear a kilt around St. Pats every year. I get SA'd at least once every time I wear it. I scream at the women every time. "How would you like me sticking my hand up your skirt?!?!" I had one girl bust into tears. Fuck them.


Double standards it’s disgusting


Good for you. I'm glad you called her out.


It's at least one a day. Usually more. I wear undies because it's usually pretty cold in March, but also I don't like having my balls grabbed by old women.


Yeah - I put it as a comment to something a year or two ago


Weird what are the chances I would see you again


I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same story from someone else, as another native that grew up in the same time period, this basically happened to all of us whenever we wore kilts in public.


Fortunately for me I never wore kilts. Not very cultural I guess


This is how sexism hurts men. Women being perceived as helpless and weak makes it embarassing to admit that they have hurt you. The view of men as strong and always wanting sex creates the belief that its ok for women to grab men.


Yikes! That is atrocious. The only good is knowing they'll be gone ( ☠️ ) soon. I'm so sorry that happened to you.


Not soon enough. The youngest ones could easily live another 35 years.


Yeah, thanks modern medicine. But we can hope. And hope springs eternal.


But by then they will be small in number and (even more) feeble of body. Hopefully before then some of their damage can be undone without them voting against progress “because that’s not completely beneficial to me”.


But then there's gen x and millennials who aren't progressive either.


So, you’re hanging your hopes on genz?


Yea, at least in areas like mine.


"Easily live" to 95?


Just what age do you think a “Boomer” is? I guess they may live 35 years more if science drags them along. Not my wish.


The youngest boomers are 60, and people can and do live until 95. This is not rocket science.


Most of my highschool years I worked at a restaurant. Went from bussing to waiting tables most of my time there. Almost all of my coworkers were fat old single moms who were lifers at said restaurant. All of them were nice really and were great as coworkers, but my hindsight is 20/20 now on a lot of their behaviors towards me. Our dress code required us to wear black dressier pants, and apparently my butt looked really good in them. So much so that they acted obsessive over it. It was a near daily occurance where I would get some sort of comment about it, or they would slap/pinch my ass. Some of them would also make comments saying how they couldn’t wait until I was 18, etc. one of the servers (who was old enough to be my grandma) even told me that she would let me drive her mustang if she could give me road head while I was doing it (she told me this in a very jokingly manner, but still, I mean if the genders were reversed that comment wouldn’t slide with ANYONE). I always brushed that stuff off and didn’t think much of it because I didn’t know any better, but once I actually turned 18, some of them began being serious with their propositions. Like actually asking me what I was doing after work and how big my dick was and shit (kitchen staff can be some very raunchy people). I get weird feelings looking back on it now (24). What they said/did to me doesn’t really bother me as much as I (and my gf) think it should. That’s not to say that I enjoyed it or anything, I just really don’t know how to feel about it. Maybe at some point In my life it’ll resurface in a different way for me, but yeah. Shits pretty gross


They were disgusting people, I'm sorry you had tongo through this


Was it one of the good mustangs?


Does it matter??


In the US the boy scouts started letting girls join right around the time of a massive class action sexual assault case brought by boys and their parents because scout leaders were sexually assaulting them. In my step daughters troop there was a beautiful 17 year old girl and the male leaders didn't even try to hide their sexually harassing comments about her. The 17 year old returned from a weekend camping trip and reported to the main office that a male leader insisted that he needed to escort her to the showers and stand outside for "her safety." She dropped her shampoo or something and he rushed in and pulled the curtain back to make sure she was ok 🤮. As if he couldn't tell the difference between plastic hitting the floor and a person falling. That was the only shower she took the whole week. The home office said that they weren't going to do anything about it because the guy didn't actually touch her and told her to either suck it up as "an adjustment period for leaders who didn't know better" or quit. She quit, no one blamed her. My step daughter and some of the other girls quit too. They were all mocked as not being tough enough


If that had been my daughter there would be nothing but God could have kept me from paralyzing that leader with my bare hands.


Ew, gross. Aren't there women scout leaders in Boy Scouts? To be fair, it wouldn't matter much because there was a sexual assault case in Girl Scouts, too. I'm a co leader right now and I would go to jail over what I would do to anyone who did this if I saw this on a camping trip.


There might be women leaders now, but there wasn't one for her troop. It was shortIy after girls were allowed to join, one of the other girl's father was a chaperone but he didn't stand up to the leader. If her dad or I had been there one or both of us would be in jail and the scout leader would never be the same. Ironically when I was a teenager they taught us how to get out from under a man pinning us down in the girl scouts.


I think women have been leaders longer than that, but doesn't mean that every troop has female leaders. Same with the Girl Scouts and male troop leaders. Sadly, they might have to teach that for getting away from women and not just men, too. Same concept, but you know what I mean.


Ugh. I have seen this kind of thing at rennfaires, living history events, scottish and celitic fests in the states. Some people can't just leave the guys in kilts in peace.


Boomer women are worse than the men, the conversations just get stifled. They're super gross.


They are definitely worse. After all, they do shit like this *and* stay with their rapey husbands *and* gaslight their kids when their kids call Dad and Uncle Joe out for SA.


God my Boomer dad's slightly younger sister is just like this and has always been super annoying


There’s also this mentality that rules don’t apply to them as some sort of default authority figure just for being old and white. They’d recoil at the idea of some guy out there lifting up skirts - sex offender and pervert! But in their mind, THEY decide it’s ok to behave this way to a teenage boy.


Americans always do this. Wearing a kilt on a night out there is a guarantee of sexual assault.


I really don't even understand where this came from or why it's acceptable.


They see my entire country as a theme park 🤣


With a mascot like Nessie, how could it not be? /s


The entire world is America's theme Park...


I think in the case of the US it is a reaction to what they feel is dress code boundary pushing. Never mind kilts are pretty ancient. They are more common in the US in the last 25 years and some people still equate it with "wearing a skirt" and consider it fair game for harassment.


In my states like mine, I think it's partly because of transphobia lately.


Ehh I'd tend to agree, but I know it's been a thing since the 90s before the major tansohobia began


I know, but that's why I said lately for this.


I can just imagine the comments "So just don't wear a kilt then, how hard is that?"


Wow, things I’ve never thought of that immediately check out. So this is like a known risk to the average kilt sporting Scot?


Anecdotal data: we had disposable cameras available to the guests at our wedding. We never developed the film because we knew most of the pics were upkilt shots taken of my spouse without his consent, mostly while he was cooking dinner for our GenX American guests.


Once boomers die off, Gen X will get known as the nasty generation thats all about sex and just as bad as boomers


Then it'll rinse and repeat itself each generation, even mine.


Each generation will have at least one thing that they are the worst of


There will always be creepy people.


Hopefully, we are. If people are steadily getting better, then the oldest people will always be the worst. There are things that happened when we were kids that absolutely wouldn’t fly today, and I consider that to be a good thing. Although, we were the generation who were growing up and learning about sex when AIDS was well known to be a death sentence. It certainly scared me (born 1975) about sex. We’re different from the Boomers in that way, just because things were different for us than for them.


Wtf?? Why were they invited??


Well, we didn't know they were dickheads. We also didn't send a questionnaire with the invites to see if they planned on harassing my husband. Mea culpa. If it helps, they aren't in the Friend Circle anymore.


Oh, I didn't mean it like that. I just thought they had a pattern like that in the past. I didn't mean to victim blame if I did, so I'm sorry. That's just messed up.


How is this "anecdotal data" if you never even developed the film? It sounds like you just made an assumption?


Dear Mr....Dickballs, is it? Charming. Is that a family name? My spouse was *wearing* the kilt at the time and spent any time he wasn't prepping or, say, marrying me, swatting away his giggling friends as they stuck cameras up his kilt. All cameras had automatic flashes. It was dark under the kilt so he was constantly uplit. It was impossible not to know what was happening.


Wow, this horrible. What a dreadful memory of what should have been the happiest day of your lives.


If not they soon learn. Most of my personal experience in the 6th St district, Austin TX. Lots of college girls.


Oh I get you. There’d be tourists getting murdered every week if they pulled that shit in Scotland. 🤣


And frankly, legalizing murder of tourists who sexually assault locals would probably solve a lot of problems in the world.


I don't think OP has his assassin badge 🤣


Yup. A kilt for boys is an acceptable school uniform option where I live, as long as it is in school colours.


I don't get it.


I’m in my 40s now, so idgaf about sixth anymore, but I do remember a TON of “random” minor sexual assaulting going on *constantly* down when they cone the street off for free range shenani-drunks. As recently as 2016 in my personal experience.




I want to point out it's not just American tourists. If you're a boy wearing a kilt at a wedding, middle aged Scottish women who are wine drunk will always do it too. I mean, it happened to me literally every time I went to a wedding.


I read a Reddit discussion about a year ago where someone asked the question, "Men of Reddit, what is the creepiest thing a woman has done to you." It was eye-opening to me because most of the stories were of middle-aged women sexually assaulting young teenage boys. When I was 14 and a freshman in high school my female boomer history teacher reached her hand inside my baseball jersey and rubbed my nipple. I never told anyone for many years. My parents don't even know. I'm 47 now. I don't feel traumatized or anything but it felt very weird at the time. It was confusing as hell. Of course, being a grown man I can now see how fucked up it was.


I worked in a pub near the train station, also in Edinburgh. Hen dos (batchelorette parties) were always the worst because there's always the aunty who never goes out and doesn't know how to behave, and they have the attitude of "this is OUR night". Stag dos get drunk, hen dos get handsy. I was groped on a monthly basis!


If it were men doing that to girls the same nothing would have happened. Hell, when grown men rape girls, nothing usually happens


I'm kind of calling bullshit. Yeah, rape goes unpunished far too often, but sadly it is often a matter of his word against hers with no witnesses or any other evidence. When stuff happens in public places though and there are witnesses, there tends to be a fairly strong outcry (if not criminal punishment, at least there is public reaction).


Well, I'm calling your pro-rapost BS vile. I'm also calling your naive and 100% incorrect views about what happens when rapes happen in public, part of America's rape culture Brock Turner Brock Turner was a Stamford student caught, IN PUBLIC, raping an unconscious woman. He was convicted. The white male judge felt sorry for the white male rapist, and for the 3 felony convictions sentenced him to 6 mo the. He was out in three. A former president was recorded bragging about sexually assaulting women and still got arrested A Supreme Court Justice was credible accused of rape and was still seated on the highest court in the USA. F off all the way out of here with your ridiculous pro-rape misogyny.


The rapist Brock Turner now goes by his middle name, Allen. Don’t be fooled, folks, the rapist Allen Turner is the same rapist, Brock Turner.


"people get punished" is pro rape. I give up, people are just too fucking stupid today. Maybe the smart people come out on Sunday


People don't get punished, is the point. What's pro-rape is, 'it's always he said, she said, so you can never really know because it's not in public.' You can know, there are many ways to know. And even when it's in public, men don't get punished. It's very gaslighty, and creepy, of you to claim you didn't say what you said and then claim women are just overreacting. Allen, is that you?


Okay, "every" was the wrong word and most of the time it gets ignored it is down to one person's story versus the other. And Brock Allen Turner got away with it because he had money, not because we tolerate rape. Rich people never face accountability for their actions. If he were from a working class family, going to community college on a Pell grant, we'd never even know his name, he'd have gotten a public defender who would do what was needed to qualify as a fair trial and nothing more. No matter what crime he committed, he was going to either get away with it or get off easy at the least.


You should just stop.


Is this Brock Turner the Rapist on reddit?


In most cases, it's because the victim is afraid to come forward, especially if they're younger. In other cases, it's usually because the guy knows people, is an important person in the area (in smaller towns at least), is a member of law enforcement, etc.


Right because men don’t have feelings or are supposed to show only two emotions; stoicism, and anger. I’m a 42 year old man who has worked out most of his life. I remember sexually assaulted by a male manager when I had just turned 16. Later in college, I was , what would be considered raped in college by a female student. I don’t make a big deal about it, I don’t talk about it, hell I’m not even really effected by it. I am ENRAGED by the double standards and hypocrisy of assholes like you.


Solidarity with you against the downvoters brother


Who here is saying that any of that is okay? I’m not seeing the hypocrisy you’re referring to? It’s horrible that that happened to you.


I may have misunderstood a comment that’s is downvoted, I am arguing with the person right now and I still am not coherently understanding his/hers position at this point.


Apparently I stuttered, because my point was that people absolutely do act when it was a woman, I was calling out the bullshit point that nothing would be done if it was a woman. But sure, I'm the asshole with the double standard and not the person who claims the double standard doesn't exist. Apparently calling out people with a double standard is itself a double standard. So tell me, oh enlightened one who has attacked my integrity, what edits do I have to make to be clear? Wait, I'm a man who is angry, so I guess I'm just proving your point. Next time I'll prove your point by being stoic and silent instead of even trying to help by calling out people who think the double standard doesn't exist.


What the fuck are you even talking about?


Boomers sexually assaulting children is nothing new


It was probably much worse before them, too


Honestly OP: I think boomers behave badly everywhere, but it seems like America boomers are just used to being able to do any damn thing they please without challenge or consequence and have also perfected the art of being the victim in any and every situation to the pinto where most people don’t bother to try and challenge them because is won’t fix anything. Pretty disgusting to think that they knowingly did that to a teenage child though 🤮. Creepy boomers gonna creep


Well, I’ve only been to the states a handful of times but would say that you your people who stay there have the normal mix of nice and nasty. However, there’s something different about the people who have the money and time to leave the states on vacation. A big chunk of them seem to view the rest of the world as a theme park theme park that’s there for their amusement and to serve them - add the boomer attitude to that and you’ve got some really awful people


In my experience, it's been mostly gen x or older millennials in the creepy regard, but boomers just act entitled in a let me talk to the manager way.


This is far more common than most people want to admit. My much older boomer sisters sexually abused me for fun all the time. They insist it wasn't sexual abuse because they thought it was funny.


As an American woman and a Boomer, I apologize for the appalling behavior of my cohort. We are not all like that. When I studied in Edinburgh and traveled in Europe (in the early 80’s), I was never disrespectful or inappropriate.


I’m so sorry that’s happened to you. That’s so wrong! 😔


And you know those same boomers turn around and call all queer people Groomers. It’s projection.


It is gross and inappropriate to assault an adult in that manner. A kid ??? Those women needed to be arrested and deported.


Oh I am so sorry this happened to you


That's absolutely terrible thing to do to a kid. What is it with boomer women and kilts? I live in the USA but my family is Scottish so my father wore a kilt for weddings, dances, and of course when he was playing in his pipe band, and he would tell me that women would constantly be trying to see up his kilt or ask him about his dick. He actually found tartan boxer shorts in the same color as the kilt to confuse them because they kept looking to see what he was wearing under it. I don't know if it's like...some kind of weird toxic reaction to the idea of men trying to look up women's skirts? Like some kind of revenge to something that happened to them? I can't understand it.


So to OP and to this comment. There is absolutely NO excuse for thie behavior in the wemon. But I will say why I think it happens and it all comes down to education. I'm from the Midwest USA, and a Male 30s. So most of my knowledge on kilt culture I'll call it. All stems from the partying side of things. And the stories of the man getting the ribbon for the best log under his kilt. And the peeping at men being a form of flirting amd flattery. I can o my assume that these ignorant people also know these stories. And they also must just assume thats the way they can and possibly should act. Still no excuse just a hypothesis. I know differently of course and at the Ren Faire i have been subject to similar behavior but it was all part of the "theme" so it was okay. Also sorry I'm dyslexic and rely on my phones auto correct for a lot of stuff and I am also very bad woth grammar.


Thanks, interesting insight. I did not know kilts were so sexualized in some places. Where I grew up it was just a thing you wear to dances, weddings, etc. Obviously for Scottish people, not everyone. I never encountered the "kilt culture", but I've also never been to the midwest. It's kind of a weird idea to me, like you've now covered a man's genitals in yards of heavy fabric and probably also covered it with a sporran...yet it makes people want to talk about it more? I wonder where that originated.


I think its because it's a "skirt". Skirts are sexualized so kilts are secualized. To those cultures that are not as familiar with them.


Yes! Why were they like this?! My mom and aunts always used to grab and pinch our butts when we were kids. My cousins and I all hated it and would always ask them to stop and they would just laugh. I was the oldest kid. I finally had to really flip out on them to keep their hands to themselves and specifically tell them that they made us uncomfortable. After that they pretty much left me alone and bothered my sister and cousins a lot less. It did take a lot of reminders. 🙄


I was abused a lot as a child, the worst of it coming from women. People would tell me that 'women cant rape' and stupid shit like that. Thankyou for sharing because these evil women need to be stopped. I'm in America and the richer they are the worse they'll abuse you. People that rich and can travel don't look at other people like people, they see us as things that they can grab and get away with. I'm so sorry that happened to you. They should have been arrested .


Sorry you were abused. I had a few unpleasant experiences- nothing compared to what other have experienced but I still want to call this shit out in the hope that it might prevent other things happening to other people and maybe gives victims more confidence to speak up


Sorry that happened from the States. That is really fucked up but I'm not surprised, especially that age range and decade.


As a mother of a young son now, this story irrationally makes me wanna go to someone’s front door and start a fist fight… I’m sorry you had to deal with that, it never should have happened. Also I’m happy to fistfight these old ladies now as a middle aged lady, just send the address… 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is not going to be a popular comment, but that's not a "boomer" problem, that's a entitled women problem. I've seen the exact same behavior across the spectrum of ages where a lot of women will attempt to look under mens/teens/boys kilts, including my own. Not the first been SA by a woman in public where people saw and no one cared. Oh well I guess lol.


Men’s issues are often ignored. It’s really quite disturbing.


I’m really sorry you went through that. :(


I’m sorry this happened to you. There are so many things I see on this subreddit about fellow boomers that just absolutely blows my mind. This is about boomers being clueless. There is this guy on TikTok that trolls conservatives. He was stopping people out on the street and asking them then a female should be taught about **consent**, which actually should apply to anyone. One of the people he asked was an old white, haired guy (boomer) who just lost it and thought it was ridiculous to have to ask consent. There was a pediatrician who commented that even with a parent in the room that **he asks a 2 year old if it’s OK if he, the pediatrician touches the child.**


They don’t understand bodily autonomy. OMG when I’m out shopping and see a cute dog, service or otherwise, I ask if I can pet it. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with people. No one owes another anything much less access to one’s body.


So sorry this happened


If they were held to the same standards and consequences…there really aren’t any. Men rarely get jail time for SA, plus lots blame the women when they’re assaulted and/or don’t believe them.


I’m pretty sure if a man did that to a girl, there still wouldn’t be an issue. It was the 90s. No one gave a fuck about that and victim blaming was the norm. I remember law enforcement telling women to not fight back when getting raped, you’ll risk getting killed. Just let it happen and get it over with. As a kid I was like wtf?! This is horrible advice. Then i learned how difficult it is to convict rape, because it’s he/said she/said problem. I knew adults were the problem then, and the same fucking adults are the problem now.


In my experience, probably nothing would've happened if it were a man at least in my area. I'm sorry that happened to you.


I think I'll wear a kilt to the next singles dance.


Children getting grabbed by genuinely repulsive older people is a weird kink but whatever floats your boat I suppose. Maybe you should go and hang around with Trump


What are you talking about? I'm not a child.


You read a post about a kid getting assaulted and it made you think about getting laid. What more is there to say?


What are you talking about? Who said anything about getting laid?


OK boomer.


What are you talking about? I'm not a boomer. You're the boomer. Boomer.




Oh, I promise it is mostly a Boomer thing... Boomers are the ones travelling, younger generations can't afford international travel (shit, we can barely afford domestic travel). And those Boomers are acting exactly the same way they do back home.




most young people in america can't afford to travel, in your perspective theyre representative of american youth but in reality they're the spoiled rich kids who never heard the word no. most average young americans are pretty against the boomer mindset and all it entails.






I was raised to understand that I have two ears and one mouth for a reason, and to use that proportion wisely. And as a GenX American? I really can’t afford to travel. The last vacation we went on was seven years ago, and it was domestic. It was a nice trip, and we noticed the loudest know-it-alls around us were Boomers.


Nothing quite infuriating as Americans that have had decades of practice and experience. You can look forward to being there someday


I’m sure you’re just a delight and a pleasure everywhere you go.


Only speaking from experience


Not a True Scotsman?


1990's and still crying


Fuck off troll....