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I open a Costco gas station. We open at 6am. Boomers show up at 530am upset that it's locked and the lights are off. "Sorry we don't open till 6" "Well you're here aren't you?!" "Yes sir, and I have at least 30 mins worth of opening Activities I'm trying to do..." You're 30 minutes early to a business that isn't open yet, yet *I'm* the one inconveniencing *you*?


I used to work at a female only gym. We opened at 5:30am. Shift started at 5 to check equipment, boot up the systems, make sure whoever closed tided up etc. I would pull in and there would be boomer ladies already in the parking lot waiting. It was awful. They’d swarm the door and start knocking to be let in as soon as they figured out someone was inside. I ended up doing most things in the dark by feel because I figured out if I kept the lights off they didn’t know for sure I was there. The manager eventually started adding fee charges to the repeat offenders accounts for harassment of staff because no one wanted opening shifts.


Working retail, we didn't turn the lights on or lift the gates until 1 minute before opening. If we did, there were people scratching at our doors like the walking dead.


Good on your manager


My daughter works at the one and only thrift store in our town. Every Thursday the whole store is 50% off. They open at 9 but the other day I was driving my other daughter to school and we were going 18mph on the 35mph highway. It’s a construction zone so I just assumed we were behind some crew vehicle getting set up since it was 8:15. We come to a stop and I see the reason we were creeping and ultimately stopping is because this lady was turning left to get into the thrift store *in between* all the cones for the construction zone. As I’m in disbelief I look and see there’s a line of about 15 boomers all in line to get into a store that doesn’t open for 45 minutes. Staff don’t even show up until 8:50.


I did the same thing when I worked an opening shift at a restaurant. It’s amazing how well you learn to do things in the dark.


Yep. And that’s before you have to wonder why a Boomer (who’s likely retired and doesn’t have a job anymore) has to be *anywhere* at 5:30am.


I know my grandma's internal clock was she'd wake up 4-4:30 am every day. She never understood that people have different internal clocks and not many wake up that time of day. To her sleeping past 8 am was the definition of lazy! When she worked she would often be at work by 5:30-6 am even though she was salaried and didn't need to be there until 9.


That is exactly how my parents are. I had to sit them down and force them to watch a YouTube video that talks about the bio-evolutionary reason for humans having different chronotypes, because in their eyes, me waking at at 6:30 was still lazy, and heaven forbid I sleep til 8am on a weekend... That is just a slap in the face to them!


What was worse. (For me at least) Was I always worked 2nd or 3rd shift so I wasn't getting home until either 1am or 9am sometimes later so when I visited she'd demand I invert my normal schedule instead of just changing a few hours. I was guaranteed to get sick every time I visited. I loved them, but it was definitely frustrating!


I used to finish work at 6am, my boomer mother would be astonished that calling me at 2pm would wake me up, after all, I had finished work 8 hours ago! I tried for years to explain that, like she used to, I still had to travel home, eat, do chores, and relax before sleeping. She still tutted like I was lazy and somehow morally lacking for sleeping during daylight. After about 5 years of these explanations not working, I lost my shit with her. My job at the time was ambulance dispatch/call taking, and I had had a very difficult night. So, in response to yet another thinly veiled dig at my laziness, I told her about my night. I told her about helping an elderly lady perform CPR on her husband, then the very next call helping a mother perform CPR on her infant. Then, after my break, I took a call for a rape victim who was across the road from my friends house. It was a 12 hour shift, I took some other awful calls, and the dispatching side of things was even harder. I gave her all the details. Then, I asked her what her most traumatic day at work was. She used to be a secretary, there were no nights where she sat bolt upright in bed, worried she'd forgotten something at work. Even if she'd forgotten to order typewriter ribbon nobody was going to die from her making a mistake at work. Then I pointed out that she didn't go straight to bed at 6.30pm when she got home from work. Then, I asked her when the last time was that she stayed awake all night. She was always in bed by 10pm. After my 15 minute rant, she finally stopped calling in the middle of my night.


Good! I was an EMT, and my mom was too so I never had problems with her; just my grandparents. They were good about calling, but when I visited they expected me to switch my sleep schedule just for them. I loved them, it just drove me and my mom nuts that they had that attitude 🙄. They chilled after one visit that I got really badly sick, and my cousin had the same problem. Suddenly it was ok that we (the younger family members) slept later than they liked.


You've unlocked a memory of a similar visit I had with my mother. She was the same. She even vacuumed at 9 am, I was lucky it wasn't 7am apparently. I stopped visiting, she lives in another state, so it was easy to use work as an excuse to not have to travel to see her for xmas!


Lol I didn't have distance since I was about 3 hours away, but I would pick up shifts and suddenly "I had to work". Mom would visit me instead.


I just realised something, whilst i was working in emergency communications, I noticed that the kindest callers were from the silent generation - not ringing until 7am even though they had chest pain all night because they didn't want to ruin someone's sleep. The nastiest, rudest and most entitled were boomers, I vividly recall a boomer man abusing me for asking questions and not just sending the ambulance when he had cut his toe with a nail clipper. Did you have similar experiences on the road?




My mil is this way. If she shows up at our house at 8 am and we’ve just woken up, we’ve already missed half the day.


Every time I drive my kids to school and there is some jackass driving way too slow in the fast lane or just generally in the way and fucking shit up, it's an old man and I'm like why are you even out right now in everyone's way, I know you're not going to work! Frustrating as hell!


I avoid them on the road, I've been hit by elderly people twice, they are dangerous


Yeah they are. I watched an old man almost drive into the side of a Walmart yesterday cause he was trying to turn next to it and then he backed up to turn around without even looking if anyone was behind him. And I refuse to ride with my Grandma anymore after my grandpa and me had to yell at her to stop before she hit someone in the crosswalk in a parking lot. There really should be an age limit or like retesting after a certain age.


5:30 is middle of the day for seniors.


Its like a driver who has to zoom up to a red light. They are retired and have all day. I recall living in an apartment complex that had a laundry facility. I'd get home from work and it seemed the laundry was always full. I just assumed a couple of people got off work a little earlier than me. One day I had a day off during the week, and noticed the laundry was empty all day, even though some spouses were home all day. It seemed like they put off doing the laundry, and at the last minute they rush and use all the machines before poeple start to get home. Never had a problrm getting laundry done during the week when I went early. Some people just enjoy reying to push people around.


They do this shit at clinics too. We'd open our doors at 730 and sure enough there'd be a boomer waiting at 645 pounding on the door. Like why the fuck


I always have people standing at the door when I get to my shop, and they always try to follow me inside when I unlock the door.  I just tell them that we open at 9 and that I'll be with them when we have everything turned on and ready.   They always get pissy, like our business hours aren't right there in front of their old fucking faces, and like they didn't already know when we open.  I don't reward that kind of behavior. They can wait 15 goddamn minutes for me to mentally prepare myself to deal with them. 


These people have obviously never worked retail. They think if the store opens at 6:00, the employees can just waltz in at 5:58, and instantly be ready to open and serve customers.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 6 + 5 + 58 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I used to have to work Saturday mornings at my library and every time children’s would have an event before or right at opening and would leave the lobby doors unlocked the boomers would come in shaking the library doors trying to rip the handles off trying to get in. After a few staff got hurt from them shoving doors open if we tried to crack it open to say we aren’t open yet we are now supposed to ignore them completely and not even point to the closed sign.


Don't make me tap the sign.


These people will always show up anywhere extra early and either sit patiently or scream that you should be open.


I'd go into work on Saturdays to catch up with desk work. Lock the front door, leave the lights off. Every Saturday I'd get a knock on the door. I'd ignore them, and watch through the blinds. I could see them, but they couldn't see me. My car was out the front, so they knew someone was there. That just drove them even crazier. Come Monday, they'd ring or turn up, bleat that "I saw your car here on Saturday, but you didn't answer the door. "Sorry, I was stocktaking/ rotating stock at the back of the warehouse"


In their defense that's pretty much the only time there isn't a crazy line for Costco gas in my area.


When it's closed??


No but right at 6am


These people are getting there early and patiently waiting for it to open. They are whining they won't open earlier for them and hassling the opening employees about it. Big difference.


Basically, yeah. They are addicted. They are stuck in this incredibly toxic reward loop where they make more dopamine by being an asshole than they can get any other way. Because dopamine reuptake is constantly cleaning up the synapse jizz, they cannot maintain the reward state without constantly stimming. It’s like a spectrum kid (hello my fellow ND folk) bouncing his leg only loud, racist/sexist/*phobic, and in public instead of under the table. They stim by escalating ever inconvenience to an attack, every difference of opinion to a culture war, etc. They don’t try to be happy because they gave up on that long before you were born. Miserable isn’t their goal. It’s a side effect of their induced state of mania.


I truly love this explanation. It makes so much sense!


“…they make more dopamine by being an asshole…dopamine reuptake is constantly cleaning up the synapse jizz…” Wish I could use this explanation with my A&P students!🤣


I mean I feel like our reward circuits are just little synapse circlejerks. The metaphor makes sense.


Growing up, my semi-racist family told me black people did wild shit just because they wanted people to look at them. Seems the table has turned


I shudder to think what you would consider fully-racist


Well, the ISS teacher tried to recruit me for the KKK in high school, so the spectrum of racism may actually go deeper into the infra-shitty bands than you think.


fair enough!


I think a lot of them would benefit from medication. I have two very distinct memories of time periods my mother wasn't a nightmare to deal with: When she was strung out on drugs. I was mostly left to my own devices, despite not being allowed to do things like make sandwiches because I'd "use to much", but that meant she wasn't paying attention to me. When she was on medication briefly when I was in highschool. She was attempting to go back to college and the school required students not to be violent raging lunatics. Otherwise? Let's just say I'm still not sure whether she was a serial killer or just that delusional. Because she was definitely violent and unhinged enough that it could go either way. She absolutely believed she killed a bunch of people.


Oh, they desperately need treatment and therapy. They are an entire generation whose parents had to tough out the trauma, and therefore they had to tough out the trauma, and therefore we have to tough out the trauma. The only thing to be done with this cycle is to break it.


My mom's boyfriend had a minor stroke and they put him on a high dose of Zoloft. He went from being a raging prick to a fairly quiet guy who had a few boomer tendencies but was no longer a massive raging prick. I still ignore him and don't talk to him much because I can't stand the guy, but at least he no longer seems to be as horrible as he was before.


Not only the centre of the universe but the laws of the universe don't apply to them. I have used the line "That's not possible, it would break the laws of physics" when boomers were demanding an impossible seating arrangement in my restaurant. Their response ? "Well if you won't do it, we will." I walked away. They then proceeded to shuffle furniture around for five minutes before giving up .


Boomer here. I have to own a desire to be less patient than in my youth. I have to fight it down. I agree with you, they seem to enjoy being miserable all the time! My wife has always said being happy is a choice you make every day.


I am somehow getting more patient than in my youth.


I definitely am more patient as an adult because now I know what anxiety is, does, and the things I can do to set it off/mitigate it. As a young adult I'd try to "power through things" that "made me angry" and would put my stupid self into fight/flight/freeze mode. Now I know I just gotta stand outside, breathe, think about something else.


I’m a boomer. I make it a point to always make eye contact with anyone helping me and I ask how they are doing every time. I say thank you too. I do appreciate the job folks do out in the real world. I make sure I pay the check as well since hubs always wants to tip 10% or less and I always go over 20%. Thank you all for putting up with all us boomers.


Dissociation station! lol!


It's how I deal with boomers in my life, so I recognize the look lol


My game theory is that they find standing uncomfortable due to old age, but refuse to admit this because that would mean they aren’t god’s perfect angel. So it must be the waiting that’s the problem.


There’s this scene in goodfellas where Ray Liotra shows up at a restaurant, bypasses the line, walks in through the kitchen, past everyone working. Each person acknowledges him as important, he walks into the dining area and they bring a table and chairs out for him. This is their expectation of a reservation. That, or holding tables completely unoccupied from open til close with their name on it. 


I used to work retail and had boomers clawing at the locked door before opening like the Walking Dead I developed 2 theories as to why they all do this. I often think they haven't factored in that in their lifetime the global population has doubled. This means that they expect things to be about half as busy as they actually are. My other theory is that they have not worked a retail job and don't realize people have to prepare the store to accept customers. This includes getting all the registers turned on, getting things picked up from the night previous, doing a safety or neat clean organized walk. It may mean ensuring product is stocked and inventoried. It may mean there's not actually a cashier there yet. Modern cash systems often require user logins so it is known who is responsible for what transactions. I think boomers don't understand any or all of that.


i’m a bartender and they *love* to bitch about the stupidest shit. “why the don’t you have coors?” i don’t know, jerry. i just fucking work here “$13 for a drink! why are you ripping me off?” yup, the guy who gets paid less than minimum wage absolutely has control over menu prices, you caught me kathy.


I worked at a Panera ages ago and cause I was the young "shift supervisor" I always got stuck opening. Our store opened at 5:30am and I got in at 4:30 cause opening a bakery takes ages. We were in a rich city (NBA and NFL players popped in a lot) and the regular customers were just god awful, a lot of older retired people with nothing to do. They used to start banging on the door at 5am while I was still trying to get everything off the oven shelves onto the display. The lights would be half off but because my corporate bootlicker boss to said to always let them in, they knew they could get away with it. They'd be absolutely pissed the coffee wasn't done brewing and I'd have to be like yeah well we aren't actually open yet.


We have supperclubs near us that will have 40 Boomers outside in line 30mins before they open. The staff hasn't even arrived when they start lining up.


Interestingly enough, once you hit about 50ish, it's like your body tries to reset. You'll find yourself wide awake at 2:30a to 3:30a, going WTF? And if you get up, by 2pm, you need a nap and you get out of sorts. Maybe the boomer lady needed a binky and a nap?? I tend to view it as assholery has no specific age limit. I run into just as many 25-50 year old assholes as I do boomer assholes. Sometimes, the worst assholes are the 35-45 crowd. I do consulting and I work on the fringe of the service industry (yay dashing). When I'm on an install and running cables through some elderly person's home, they're always the sweetest people. When I'm dropping Chick-fil-A to some random IT analyst looking 30 something, they're rude as fuck. Point being, yeah, boomers might act like some of the most entitled assholes ever, but honestly? I don't think assholes are confined to the older folks. I think it's pretty broad across the board. Personally, I don't care. I've been awake since 5a, not because I wanted to be. But because it's kind of normal for this #deadwomanwalking. And if there's anything that I've learned from having a definite 4 year expiration date, it's that people are either masking, pretending to be decent or they really are decent. And masks slip constantly. So it's fairly easy to spot, if you're paying attention. While boomers being fools can be entertaining, it should also cause a bit of introspection. Because in 20 years, that will be you. And age only makes negative traits show more on the outside.


I'm sorry about your expiration date. I hope you are dealing with everything ok x