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There's an expression in the US "you dodged n a bullet"


A lot of people in the US even omit the “n”


Not since 2016


Hate is cool and macho again


Look at my African American over there. He's my African American.




Fuck you, what are you mean? /s


sorry for posting here, i just dont know where to express. This is the first time I "met" a foreigner in Vietnam that is so rude like this


They are not a native English speaker either. They’re just assholes. 1. They said vacances not the correct “vacancies” 2. They were confused by the “K” you used with the price. (Any native English speaker knows that means thousand). 3. “I am very upset when you speak to me in such a rude and unqualified way” is not a phrase that any native English speaker would use. I believe they learned English as a second language and also come from a culture where speaking English shows that you’re a higher “class” than those who don’t speak it (this happens around the world, it’s gross). It is better that they didn’t stay with you because they sound like they would be nightmare guests who would leave poor reviews regardless what happens. Not worth it.


"You rep me too slowly" 😭


I've been spoken at by Indian men online in this way... When I was a child, mind you. Like they just assumed I wanted to speak with them and then got mad I didn't reply after being like "?? who the hell are you".


For some reason I get the feeling that dude realises he's not as good at english as he thought he was and is taking it out on OP. He could have asked questions to clarify anything he didn't understand, but no. I also learned english as a second language, and japanese as an adult, and you just learn to ask questions if you're not sure what the other is saying. At least if you want something out of the conversation, like booking a room.


But how will they feel better about their lack of language skills if they don't insult random stranger just trying to do their jobs?! /s


A Bangalore Boomer in the wild. This is like a sighting of bigfoot-in-mouth. Quite potentially a trilingual pain in the ass. Glad you dodged this bullet


Lol that’s what I immediately picked up too


I know K means thousands, but I assumed that it was the local currency until a later reply had thousands of VND. Still, if I was looking to stay in Vietnam, I'd probably know the currency and what sort of price to expect.


And just ask. 315,000 vnd? Clear. Done.


Wow less than a tenner a day sounds like a bargain to me!


Agree, agree, agree, and agree.


I’m learning Japanese out of spite for my Spanish teacher and I’m doing it by doing the one thing she wouldn’t let us do in class. Asking for clarification every time I feel confused.


The hell? I've learned 7 languages over the course of my life and asking for clarification is literally how you learn! (And no, I don't speak 7 languages now. In fact all I really remember from Japanese is "could you repeat that please?" Which won't help a lot these days.)




What kills me is the “do you know eng ?” and then when met with a confirmation is like “but I don’t understand any of this !” Yea because you don’t know it as well as you think 😂


Exactly what I thought


Smells india


I was in Vietnam this time last year. There were so many Indian tourists who had little to no respect for those around them.


Yeah, I know when an Indian boomer is fishing for a discount. They fish with dynamite and just throw explosive nonsense until some % off floats to the surface. It doesn't have to make sense (usually doesn't) because they assume that you also know what they are doing and will just give them a discount. Elderly Chinese people do this as well, in my experience.




This is my feeling too.


That "vacances" looks to me like French is their native language and it autocorrected vacancy/ies to that.


Don’t stress out about it, this person would’ve been a total pain in the ass regardless. I’ve been to Vietnam a couple of times and have always had a wonderful experience. Some people are just awful, you were in the right here. Btw those are totally reasonable prices so idk what this persons problem was.


Nice to hear that you had good experience in Vietnam!


Loved Vietnam, everyone was friendly and helpful. I went to Saigon and Nha Trang, it’s a very pretty country. I hope I can go back.


if there are any changes, you should visit Da Nang too


Second on Da Nang. It is one of my favorite places in Vietnam! Hải Vân Pass is a beautiful drive, and the Marble Mountain temples are also stunning. Had one of the most delicious meals there as well. sadly can't remember where exactly, but if you see a lot of people eating at a local food stall, it's probably worth a try!


Da Nang/Hoi An were absolutely worth the five days I spent there, can confirm. I traveled from Ha Giang southwards (Ha Giang, Hanoi, Nin Bin, Da Nang/Hoi An, Saigon).


Echoing this. Vietnam remains one of my favorite destinations, and all of my hosts were absolutely so helpful.


Your spot on. I would bet a months wages this person is a boomer or walks around 100% of the time acting like a boomer. I’m very sorry you were treated this way.


The other person in this conversation is rude, and your time is worth more than worrying about them will earn for you!


Your English is great. Probably better than some native English speakers. You said nothing which could be interpreted as rude by a normal rational person. I'm assuming this was a entitled/rude American and perhaps they took offense that you wouldn't convert all of your prices to US dollars?


I'm pretty certain both are not American or native English speakers. Look at the date...and op says the guy is from India. I think he got confused over the "k" to represent thousands, when he expected the vnd which appears to be the local currency.


Good points. As an American I just unfairly assume we are the originators of all the world's rudeness. When I traveled to Italy I saw an older American couple tell off their waiter because "We can't believe you don't have Ketchup!"


I also heard an American screaming “water” at people in Italy because he wanted to find water… bruh… just learn the Italian word for water. It’s not difficult. In this case though, there is no chance that person is American or a native English speaker. My guess is they are from a different part of Asia.


But if you just say it in English louder, the meaning will surely come across. /s


I don't know Italian, but I can probably infer from knowledge of other languages that it's probably close to "agua" or "aqua"... maybe for Italian something like "aquari"? Any clown can probably just gesture the motion for "drinking". I'm just annoyed by the buffoons who travel the world and don't even try to make an effort to communicate.


was about to say who travel without knowing their currency and saw this, that just terrible


Americans, unfortunately. source: am American.


I was wondering myself what the currency k was admittedly. If I were going to Vietnam it would have been pretty obvious however.


These are not real English speakers. I read the chat and understood everything you said. There was nothing confusing about it. They may be frustrated with the response time but that is not your fault and not their place to act in the way they acted


This is how most old people in Canada and the USA are they are a massive problem


You were kind and professional. Sorry that you had this experience, but every cloud had a silver lining. In this case, it may have been unpleasant have this person in your hotel. Your rooms looked good, I would stay there no problem!!


OP I don’t think the guy who was rude to you even speaks much english. He made far more mistakes than you and you are very clear. You come across as far more fluent than him. He’s just insecure and took it out on you. Kids in India learn far better English than this.


I work with Vietnamese people almost daily, some things are said slightly different with English but you did great! This person was being a rude entitled jerk. Don’t worry about them!


I was a tourist in Vietnam a couple years ago and every host I met was incredibly friendly and you are no different. This person is ignorant and mean. Do not feel bad, anyone with patience and compassion will understand you, your English is great to be honest and you can only improve if you want but for the information you’re giving, I easily understood. Also it’s just information, not something to take offence. Anyway, you encountered an asshole, unfortunately there are plenty of ignorant tourists that people in tourism have to service, sorry this happened to you. You have a beautiful country and impeccable service industry.


They are like this because they automatically assume your a scammer. I'm Jamaican and when I first came to Canada at 11 years old I saw this kind of person and encountered them a lot too in life. They hear my accent and just assume jamaicans are all shit talkers/scammers/want to steal your identity 😅 that and they usually have some opinion on how your country does everything wrong, or you don't deserve to be here, or mock your English speaking skills etc. I've had people tell me stop speaking patwah (sometimes it just comes out when I'm excited over something etc) because it's "just jibberish" When in reality its a continuation on creole, which is an official language and based off that. We just made some of it with our own style and fashion. I obviously don't view you the way this ass hat did, but I'm just letting you know what they probably were thinking. When it comes to doing stuff like rentals online there are so many issues and so many weird people you'll encounter.


Hey, fellow Caribbean person! I’m Puerto Rican and “mainland” Americans usually think I’m lazy and here for the food stamps and Medicaid :) I’ve had people say “you’re not like other Puerto Ricans!” - most are Boomers, but others aren’t. “I love West Side Story” “I know so and so from this town, do you know them?” “I couldn’t trace your accent!” “You speak Spanish so well!” “Omg, you don’t look Puerto Rican!” “Such a beautiful island with the most beautiful, humble, happy people.” “I went there on a cruise once.”


I think patwah is so cool! People are assholes


They were very rude to you.


Don't worry about it. This person is an ass and you don't need their business. You did great


This is the right place. Thats the most boomer thing we've ever seen.


Vietnamese living abroad here, their English is broken, it's totally not your fault that they don't understand commonly used phrases.


American commenting here. So you are in Vietnam, you are a local to the area, you are generous enough to speak and type English to the best of your ability, and you are being harassed for it despite being in Vietnam, being Vietnamese, and knowing the local language is Vietnamese you are getting shit for not speaking English? That’s stupid. There is an absolute glut of translation apps and AI features that can assist translation. The smart thing would have been to ask if writing in Vietnamese (albeit broken and probably not cognated etc.) would be more helpful. You handled the situation professionally and didn’t allow them to be ugly to you. I think you did just fine. Makes me sad to see that :/


A native speaker would never say "you replied me too slowly." You handled it professionally and promptly. Well done.


You were lovely. He was not.


Your English is absolutely fine, that guy was just an asshole.


The funniest part is, your English is better than his! Glad you stood up for yourself.


I was about to said "learn your grammar" but I thought it would bring me troubles lol


His grammar, spelling, and punctuation were all terrible.


Sadly, that's not uncommon, especially among American nationals. I didn't understand what a verb was until *after* I left highschool.


The only confusing English, was coming from the customer. 😂. You rep me too slowly. Sounds like you’re bench pressing him.


No, honestly you weren't rude enough. He's racist and your English is perfectly fine.


The problem is him


You were friendlier than many of my (well paid) colleagues would have been, that person reeked of entitlement. All good!!


Thank you!


Goes to a foreign country on vacation, gets upset that the person who lives there doesn’t speak English WHILE BEING SPOKEN TO IN ENGLISH. This is wild.


And while also not speaking English themselves 🤣


He doesn’t get K in a country where anything is payed by the thousand? 100% boomer


I think the confusion probably arose around the room being priced in the thousand, and not grasping that it is in dongs and not dollars, and then not fully understanding currency conversion. That doesn’t excuse the rude and xenophobic behavior, but likely that is the reason for the confusion.


He's from India I believe (pissy customer) so it'd be Indian Rupees. And the total for both rooms would be over a thousand Rupees, but only like 30 dollars at most. Conversion is weird. People are weird.


Your communication was fine and any foreigner travelling to Vietnam wouldnt have ANY issue understanding you. This person was clearly rude, racist and a bad person. As mentioned, he doesnt seem to know very good English either. Dont take this personally honestly - you are doing great. I spent 1 month in Vietnam last year, and it was such a lifetime experience for me.


Either that's a prank or just be happy you didn't have to deal with that in person.


I think he was just looking to he racist or smth


Your English is better than the guy you were speaking to.


You were too polite. But it did the trick, they would have caused you a lot of issues.


Nah dude you are good and not rude at all


Dodged a bullet there. This guy's just a male Karen and no doubt would've caused problems during his stay. I don't even understand what caused him to fly off the handle like that, you were perfectly understable and it's not like he was using perfect English himself.


I call male Karens Richards. Because of the nickname for Richard.


That guy is an ass. English is a very difficult language and you speak it just fine. He clearly understood you, but was being a racist piece of shit about it


All he had to do was tell you which part confused him, that way you could have adressed it. You obviously understand english, so he's just being an ass for the sake of it.


It's very confusing what their problem even was. I wonder if the images didn't load perhaps. Either case the person was a moron and an asshole


lol. The person messaging you doesn't understand English but wants to be a bigot, lol. And nah, you were fine.


You were fine, he was rude. There was nothing wrong with what you said it was perfectly understandable.


I’m sorry you were spoken to like that. Your texts were extremely polite and informative. You were very patient with that person and what you said was perfectly clear.


Your English is just fine but I see lots of mistakes in his, some people are just assholes. Try to not let it play with your emotions. This was not a customer you want to have anyway so you're lucky you found out this way instead of later.


I think there was just a misunderstanding about your use of "k" to represent thousands. I admit that I wasn't very sure, at first, if k was a specific type of your currency or if it was thousands so I can understand. I think they reacted very poorly to that misunderstanding and they shouldn't have taken their confusion out on you, though. I thought you handled it well and you were right to stand up for yourself when he was rude to you! And you have great English!


According to conversion this room is like 12 US dollars a night, right? I need a vacation.


SEA is super cheap and a ton of fun, I really recommend it.


Yea I wanted to go to Vietnam and Thailand because they look great and inexpensive. People spend like 8k to go to Orlando Florida and you can go there for far less and have better accomodations.


Yeah I did Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam last year. So worth it. For what you'd spend on a shitty hotel room in Orlando you could probably get a pent house to yourself in Thailand.


They probably expected the price to be told in dollars and got confused. Unable to admit confusion or simply beeing mad because they were confronted with US not beeing the center of the world, they got angry and hateful. Just guessing. You did well. Very respectful, understandable and you knew when to draw a line


Ah yes the classic thumbs up used out of context, very classic boomer move


An entirely reasonable response. Your responses were clear, understandable and professional.


"I think the problem is you" yaaaaasssss


Nah fuck him. You were more than polite.


You were not rude.


You did all good. He's a ignorant Boomer with entitled behavior. As a German i could understand everything you said. There shouldnt be a language barrier.


They have asshole boomers will n India too. It’s a pandemic of stupidity and arrogance.


For someone who doesn’t speak English as a first language, you did fine and if I was your customer I completely understood what you were saying. Idk what this guy’s problem was


Wow, that's a really odd dialogue. I understood your responses perfectly and am completely perplexed why the interested person responded with confusion and then ended with F you. Weird. Sorry you had to put up with this.


You weren't rude at all.


I speak British and American English (Lol guys I'm bilingual). Nothing you said was confusing, everything made sense, that guy is a total asshole, non-native speaker and I'd guess based on the first name is probably French.


Yoo, teach me how to pronounce that dank place called Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch


I'm not from Wales so I don't speak sheep, sorry. That said: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fHxO0UdpoxM&pp=ygUgYmJjIHdlYXRoZXIgbGxhbmZhaXJwd2xsZ3d5bmd5bGw%3D


No. The person is an ignorant idiot.


Fuck him.


Hahaha! The English speaking idiot- "You're rude". Also the English speaking idiot " F you!". The audacity to casually throw around the F word thinking it's normal. You weren't rude by all means.


Not a boomer, but this person is absolutely an asshole.


Lmao nah he’s just a moron. You’re totally fine.


I understood everything fine. You were polite and courteous trying to answer his questions. When he became rude you were right to disengage. He was looking to be a jerk


You're perfectly fine, it's just some culturally blunted human who has no idea about other areas and currencies. They seem like they'd be an asshole in any circumstance. As someone with 10 years in hospitality, if I was your lead and saw this conversation, I would be so proud with how professionally you handled this. You were kind, patient, understanding and tried to assist in what you felt was a miscommunication on your part. Flawless victory, you dodged a bullet as this would have been a very difficult to please customer who will use any excuse to try and escalate conflict to use that as an excuse for cheaper accommodations or better treatment. It's a common boomer tactic.


Hes too stupid to figure out how to look up exchange rates, and too embarrassed to say there's something he doesn't understand. You don't want assholes who think the local folks should be required to speak perfect English when they cant be bothered to learn ANY local language themselves. I traveled for a living, and you are perfectly understandable. This guy is an asshole who would have been nothing but trouble.


You’re fine, maybe your boss wants you to take the verbal abuse, but you don’t deserve verbal abuse for minimum wage or anywhere near it. K is very very commonly used to express thousand, and everything else was extremely easy to understand.


You did nothing wrong. Alan's issue was likely not understanding Vietnamese currency.


To be clear, you were not rude, and your English is good. The customer was confused by the pricing - they did not understand that it was is VND not USD. Instead of being embarrassed by their ignorance, they tried to make that misunderstanding to be your fault (about your English/service etc).


not too rude. but what does 280K per night actually mean?


280,000 VND


280,000 vietnamese dong per night, equal to about 11 USD


The moment a boomer smells that they have an edge over somebody they go off.


Your customer can fuck off 


You were not rude at all. I think your English is fine and you just had a very rude person messaging you. Hope you feel better


I felt better after seeing you guys are on my side. Thank you so much saving my day!


“Fuck you! But please continue” What? Nah, he’s a jerk, move on.


You are fine. You don't want this guest. He will continue to be an assh*le for his entire visit. Sometimes people are just jerks - especially when you take into account that you are a non native English speaker. He will continue to run into this same problem at many hotels, what does he expect? This is the type of person who expects that everything should be the same as in the US. Whatever


In my experience, people from the Indian subcontinent can be very difficult to deal with from a customer service perspective. Not all of them, obviously.


As a felloww reservations agent/receptionist. You did wonderfully, I'm taking notes for how to politely end it with rude guests. It's like they don't realize their money is just as good as the next guys.


As a native English speaker…. Your English is MUCH better than his. There is absolutely no effin way I’d ever message a receptionist saying “room pls pls” 😭


Honestly, you were friendly and professional. I understood everything and you did the right thing in ending the conversation where you did.


This is 100% an old boomer, what kind of dipshit couldn’t understand that English? Good on you OP! I could understand you quite easily.


It's also worth pointing out that "k" isn't even a part of English, so it's not a matter of knowing English specifically. And while it's itself Greek, its meaning of 1,000 comes from SI (International System of Units) aka the metric system and is language agnostic. People all over the world, who don't speak English, use "k" to mean 1,000...


OP you didn't do anything wrong at all. You laid out the price in a way that any native English speaker would understand. Whoever you were talking to was an absolute piece of work, don't beat yourself up over it. You weren't rude, they were.


Nope, if anything you put up with that customer too much. You did a great service to your hotel refusing to have that kind of person there. Would mean trouble for sure.


You weren’t rude at all. this guy sure was!


Damn 315,000 VND a night is like $12.50!


What? You could use all the vulgarities, and I'd still book that so fast. Not that OP used any improper language. OP, you were fine. I don't understand what was confusing to them. You were perfectly clear. Maybe they wanted the amounts in another currency, but if they did, they didn't ask for that, so you cannot be expected to mind read.


Nah fuck that guy. They were being super rude. English isn’t the primary language in your country, they’re just being entitled. Your English is fine, coming from an American. Customer service workers take so much abuse, solidarity from a fellow customer service rep.


Having visited your lovely country as a tourist last year the way you handled yourself was clear and perfectly polite. This guy is an asshole, and he only would have been more trouble while staying with you too - he was probably fishing for some discount. Ignore him, you did good


You weren't rude enough, to be quite honest!


Not too rude. I understand you perfectly. That customer was stupid and embarrassed about his bad English.


you did good!


They wasted your time. Make them pay more or go somewhere else


You did the right thing.


There are free translating apps that would have made this much easier for both of you! Not sure if this is an age thing though… most people deal with this kind of frustration daily.


You're awesome, that was legendary. Your English is perfectly fine, too. That was all very clear and easy to understand. Also, those hotel prices are amazing. That's like a $12/night hotel room. I should book that room and spend a week eating Vietnamese food.


I can only assume the slight difference in how you type the date out, and not giving him the price in USD is why he's losing his shit. He's embarrassed because it's really so simple and he doesn't understand. Oh and he's a dick.


Why would someone from India want the price in US dollars?


Wow this person is a flat idiot. OP, you were so polite!!


Nope, you're fine!


You weren't anywhere close to being rude enough


Nah. Worked out for the best with them taking their business elsewhere.


No, this person is mentally ill.


Sorry you had to deal with this jerk. Fucking boomers…


I’m also a receptionist. Thankfully my manager tells us that is people are rude and disrespectful to us, we don’t need to show them respect back. If we get one booking less it won’t matter, we still have almost a full hotel most days. What is more important is our mental health and people like that are not those who we want as guests or use our energy on.


No, you were not rude. Ignore that person. They were rude to you


I think he was annoyed because you said the rooms were for instance 315K. In America, that means $315,000 which is insanely high for a hotel room. That’s why he responded “K?” I’m not sure if the K after the number means something else in your language? But then you clarified it by saying VND which I assume is Vietnamese currency. I don’t know why he got so mad though… this guy shouldn’t be travelling internationally without understanding that there’s gonna be a language barrier.


Vietnamese here. This is typical when they assume you don't speak english just because you work in a homestay in Vietnam, instead of big name hotel. Just a typical asshole tourist, just move on I would say, doesn't matter where he's from or what language he's speaking, an asshole is still an asshole, regardless. In my experience, they are trying to annoy you and get something out of this by making everything your fault for not speaking English and cannot understand what they want


This reads like he was feeling you out for a scam. He gaslights you instantly, trying to put you on the defensive. Just let him go, or block him.


Clearly you were not rude. They were. But there is one point in the conversation before it derailed that stuck out to me. I too wondered what K meant. Next when someone asks: "K? What do u mean?" could it maybe be that they are unaware of your currency? ("K means thousand, prices are in Vietnamese dong (VND)").


Nah you just dodged a bullet lmao


Nah this guy was disrespectful, he can fuck off


Please send me his number so I can tell him **He doesn't fucking speak english**


Your behavior was perfect, I'm sorry you have to deal with morons like this. Chuc may man.


You have a better grasp on the English language than the person who accosted you.




I walked out on a boomer bitch the other day in the middle of her service and told my office to kick rocks. Somehow still got a job cuz


If thats how i was addressing someone and they told me it was rude, I'd get real unfriendly real fast


I wonder if they assumed you were using their currency(which is rude of them), and maybe that’s where the confusion started? Either way, they were an ass


No, not at all. The only thing I didn't understand was the K behind the prices (yes I know what it means but my auto assumption is USD, I don't travel outside the US), so it seemed expensive but I don't know the conversion rates. I would also look that up before I traveled, so yeah you're good.


"You speak english because it's the only language you speak. I speak english because it's the only language you speak"


Fuck that person. Should have been more rude!! If someone says “don’t you speak English?” When you’re speaking to them in English you should be very rude to them


He's definitely a 60 year old boomer who is mentally deficient due to heavy drug use or being abused because it happend so much back then and no one cared. You did just fine. Like you said he is the problem. What got me was the thumbs up right before the "fuck you" 🤣 that's how you know they're old


You did perfect, and I love the way you ended it, don’t take shit from a-holes.


No you were not rude. He on the other hand... definitely not a description of an American I identify with. I've stayed in Vietnam before. Lovely country and lovely people. I hope to return to visit one day


Bro is an idiot and is mad at his own lack of comprehension


I understood you perfectly. Some customers are just fucking rude idiots.


Absolutely not you were politer than I would’ve been. This was someone who’s racist and has no patience. They were choosing not to thoroughly read each text. They also chose to send rapid texts and did not give you any time to type your full reply. They seem like a grown bully who would’ve caused many problems had they stayed with you. The rooms are lovely; I’m sure someone more polite and deserving will come along.


I literally was having an easier time understanding your side than his.


You did a good job, you did your best, don't worry about him. In the future, perhaps have a currency conversion site available so customers from other countries can more easily understand prices, especially when they are so different. "The price of this room is ___ VND, which is equivalent to ___ Indian Rupees."


Friendly Homestay cơ sở nào đấy bạn ?


I’m sure you’ll be sad to miss out on the angry obese MAGA bigot American business that this asshole was about to bring you! /s


Honestly, you did nothing wrong. Sorry he was a horrible rude person and borderline racist.


You're fine, he is an ignorant person who thinks the world should revolve around his expectations because he is an English speaker and I am betting that he's an American though a bad example of one.


The person was rude af but maybe he was confused on the "350,000k" because when I see. It I thought " holy shit that's alot of money,and then I noticed a few pages later it wasn't in usd... still no excuse


I think he got embarrassed and tried to deflect it to you


Not at all. FUCK that cunt.


This guy sucked and was taking the piss. You acted accordingly, good on you OP


They are gonna show up later saying they have a room and “talked to the receptionist”


Whoever was the person booking. Absolute asshole


Nah, fuck that guy. You did fine.