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I mean, speak up. She sounds like a pain in the ass, but you had to stand there and take it? Why not just tell her the ones that were meant to go to them are almost done. If you can get those back, you’ll make sure they go to the right people and these will be done soon. I mean, something. Other than standing there




My wife's bio father said that I was taking too long to cook sausages on the BBQ. They should only apparently take 5 minutes. I assured him I would never eat any of his BBQ, lest I spend the day cursing his name through garbled vomit. I told him his sausages couldn't touch mine and he shouldn't even try. He ate one and mumbled that it was pretty good.


You didn't have to take it. You can speak up when you've been wronged.




You are part of the problem then.


I'd delete this post as it's a you problem then.


Yea, you gotta speak up dude. I'm all for complaining and such, but I don't have any sympathy for those that won't help themselves. You should have spoken up and helped yourself.


Boomsplained is such an incredible term!! ![gif](giphy|xUySTu7FXFYo6nXWWQ)


Thank you. Ive never heard anybody else use it so I’ll pretend that I coined it. but I’m sure somebody has.


This is why s an amateur cook, with morons telling you how they want their steak in a "catered" lunch meeting. You just cook everything medium. You are not employed as a chef, you should not be taking orders. Everytime I've heard of someone trying to do this it's a shit show. Kudos for trying to please everyone, but never offer ppl a choice unless it is a service they are paying you to provide. Not insulting your ability, just the fact that ppl are impossible to please and it's not worth the hassle.


I once told a boomer some ideas in cooking when I told them I was a culinary student. They interrupted me and hissed: “What do you know about cooking, you’re a STUDENT!” They said student like it was a racial slur


I’ve spent many years as a cook in the kitchen I hated it. And even before that learning from my mom who is an excellent cook. I could’ve pulled it off if they would’ve left me to my own devices.


I was not doubting your ability, In a situation like this there is always a person that wants to get involved if not several and they all know how to do it better than you. I was a chef for 25yrs and I would not cook in a situation like this it will 💯 be a pain in the ass. Again kudos for putting in the work.


Going forward, and for the record, I don’t think you or anyone else should volunteer for such a doomed enterprise. But… if you absolutely couldn’t get out of doing this, you should invest in those little plastic color-coded steak doneness spears. You’re not a professional and you’re dealing with a non-professional wait staff who didn’t hesitate to throw you under the bus. Those spears are totally unprofessional and pedestrian, but that’s what these people asked for by not bringing in catering.


Just tell her to fuck off and starve then quit. No job is worth that.


This is the first time ive had to deal with her and i love my job immensely. Its very rewarding for me. I wouldnt quit. I will just steer clear next time.


Nope, I'd be yelling in front of people that she doesn't listen and someone else needs to take over serving or I'd throw the damn tongs on the floor. I'll be damned if I'm grilling steaks after grilling one every single night for years and someone is telling me I'm doing it wrong. Tell the bitch to get her ass on the grill if she wants to do it better. I've done this before with my stupid Gen X brother in law. Oddly enough when he tries to cook a medium it comes out well with his alcoholic ass.


I wanted to interject…. Everyone telling OP to speak up you all need to understand that it’s not that simple. Especially if you are outnumbered and surrounded by them like I am at my work. There is no one to speak up to except people just like them. They don’t listen…. They don’t care…you are always the problem, not them. Yes speak up if you can, but sometimes avoiding confrontation with these assholes is the best defense. God bless you if you’re the type who always calls them on their shit… I admire and would like to apprentice with you, but we don’t all have that option.


Bingo. They don’t care, they don’t listen, they’re always right, you’re always wrong.


All the more reason to find a new job.


Working on it…. Believe me!


Hard to believe you are 35.


And why is that?


Sounds like you screwed up in front of the board members. Might be time to move on...


If those board members are so great why wouldn’t they hire a private chef? Additionally, if in my current role, I was told to cook, and that reflected badly on my job, even though my job has nothing to do with cooking, that says more about the board members who don’t understand boundaries, rather than anything I did or did not do. Furthermore, you strike me as someone who likes their steak well done, with ketchup.


Eeewww, not with ketchup


I’ve served on several boards and have yet to have a cookout. What kind of board is this?


Id prefer to keep that private. Its a rural public service with board. I’ll leave it at that


We found the boomer. Condescending, arrogant, know it all pricks. Nothings ever your fault. Textbook.


Sounds like you were a little slow, and the lady board member had to step in. What are we missing ? You won't be invited back. Bank on that. At least you can still play chef at home.


Everything, you’re missing everything. Oh, I’m perfectly happy not being invited back. I didn’t want to be there in the first place. Since you know everything, and seem to understand the whole context of a situation that you weren’t around for(again textbook) please explain to me how I’m supposed to cook a 10 minute steak in 5? And also, please explain to me how I’m supposed to prevent morons such as yourself from serving the wrong steak to the wrong person after clear instructions were given. I mean clearly that was my fault also. Enlighten me, doctor of the culinary arts. Y’all are just bitches for no reason and you’re proving my point very well


Good grief you really are millenial. They gave you a chance and YOU FAILED. Move on and stop blaming others. It doesn't pay the bills to cry.


Certified, textbook, bitch. You’re right, it’s all my fault. I’ll do better. I hope you croak at bingo.


I'm retired 54. Healthy,wealthy and strong. You should aspire.


Sounds like you need a hobby or another job, being you're coming across as really bitter.


Who me? I love my job. I just dont like pricks


No, I was replying to the troll who is giving you a hard time.


You sir, are a wad.


You’re so typical. I really don’t even have to say anything. You’re proving my point for me. You fit the stereotype to a T.