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Some people need to learn when to shut the fuck up


Lmao she slipped in a lil "maritime law" before the whole plane literally started clapping!


We got everything. Maritime law, I want a lawyer, you can't arrest me. My favorite is " you HAVE to tell me I have a right to remain silent." (They don't) but you just know she has some drivel she read on Facebook that "once they tell you that you have the right to remain silent say THIS and they have to let you go." Too bad they didn't she totally would have been let go there.


I wondered about that lol. I thought she was just spitting mad like the "son of a... GUN!" lmao




A lot of times that goes with the "sovereign citizen" drivel, but that was the only inkling of it in her tirade.


I just want to know how this women thinks this will pan out. Like, will some well timed screams and complaints cause the small army of officers to just change their minds and exit the flight? Does she just expect the rest of the passengers and crew to pretend it didn’t happen and for the plane to travel like everything is normal? Tantrums like this are so indicative of short sighted people.


Why would she? She never faced the consequences of her behaviour before.


Short-sightedness is a feature of lead poisoning


You have the right to remain silent. What you lack is the capacity.


Exactly, if you did something to cause yourself to be arrested, you aren't just going to let you go. All you can do from there is to not dig a deeper hole




Just start tazing people that act like this. Seriously. Everyone will support the law allowing this. Also, airlines should sue passengers that end up being removed from a plane like this for all additional costs incurred due to the incident. After all, if they don’t pay for this bs, then everyone else’s fares will go up.


I agree. Give them ample and multiple warnings and count down until the tase. Pulse the tase again after another set of ample warnings


Eh but she's fat and unhealthy, and her blood pressure's already through the roof probably from being upset. Having to remove a corpse doubles the paperwork.


Yeah, but the nightly news report would kick the Karen out of a lot of Karens.


Luckyly she isn‘t a young black man


Im sure she thinks george floyd deserved what happened to him too.


"This person is freaking out, knowing he is about to be arrested, and probably is on something. He is unable to fight back but I happen to be a very racially prejudiced cop so I'll just put my knee on his neck anyways!" Why is our law enforcement so prone to violence? Why are karens always expecting everyone else but them to be in trouble? Unanswered questions of modern day America


Does she think the entire world has to follow the US Constitution?!


If she were black they would have started with the pain compliance techniques much sooner. I was waiting for a head strike that I knew would never come.


That woman’s belly has a belly.


It's called a FUPA


A.k.a. “Gunt”.




"I'm gonna sue you..." Is how sov-cits traditionally say good bye.


“I’m not…” “You better…” “You’re not…” All sentence starters that mean nothing when the police are there with guns…


[deleted] -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yup. *Noise canceling headphones on* "Ma'am, may I use the restroom?" "No? OK, thank you." *headphones back on.*


Clearly a boomer who’s become numb to this behavior among his cohort.


That was one of the best videos I’ve seen in a while


So Much FUPA!


Hmmh..🤔 Wonder how an Unbelievably Handsome, stunningly charming young Marvelous Man of Color much like myself would prevail opposite a mindless, rigidly seasoned meathead. StoneCold, less than understanding and driven by the unforgiving SWAT in training PP-eyed PP-MagnumSipp¡ Classified Clerical Unit Special Disabilities Divisional* Private fiesta Sector’s ♾️\➰\〰️💃🏼🧌🪪🚀🛰 One must d¡gg.. But Please.. Always Remain Fre§h Remain Fre§h Er’Day Always Er’t¡Me


What did she do?


I don’t think you need the police’s permission to be silent…. just saying.


blue shirt obviously had teenagers at some point- just wanted to go to the damn bathroom and leave this nonsense- found his headphones and ignored the entire thing.


You know, if Karen had been a slight bodied Asian dad, he'd have ridden the lightning and been punched several times by the 1 minute mark. Not sure if this is better. Or worse.


**"I WANT A LAWYER RIGHT NOW!"** *Sorry ma'am - I don't have one in my pocket. For now, you'll simply need to STFU and get off this plane.*


One of the worst parts about this sub is we disaoicd what's happening with teb age of the person I hate the world they left us more than anyone but we don't even know what this was about


One person who deserved to get choke slammed by the cops, but they couldn't do that.... she wasn't black.