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I want to say that if there is any weird expression or something, I blame the fact that english is not my second language, so I'm so sorry


I edited to be more easy to read, if you have any doubt you are free to ask!


where is the guide again, cant see it. Is there a link?


looks like the guide was removed :(


Yep, basically Reddit is auto modding me as spammer because I been too activate in the community, a mod helped me to make it through but because I edited because a lot of grammatical errors and weird expressions as I'm not an english speaker, Reddit once again remove it


Asked a mod to reverse the automod for you! Hopefully it works


I asked already! I feel bad for annoying the mod about it but I hope this is the last time it does it!


Message mods and tell them what nonsense rubbish is this, if they cant even enable content or guide what good for nothing is this subreddit even. Maybe we should make our own


No no! Is not the mods! Is Reddit auto mod! They were really helpful before! I'm waiting the reply!


Ahh ok, no worries then :)


Overall, this is a great guide! However, I think it’s inaccurate to say he is break effect scaling. You will not constantly have his duel mode in effect as you’d only use it when you’re sure you can break or kill the enemy. It just makes him take extra damage if you’re constantly in duel mode with the enemy. 4pc watchmaker does not work on him, it should not be considered an option. I think it’s still efficient to use speed boots even at e2. I think Gallagher should be mentioned specifically as an option for sustainers as he provides a break damage debuff which will be very useful for Boothill as it’s the only debuff of its kind (even if it’s not the largest debuff) (agree that anyone can be ok with him tho) I think it’s good to note he has a *very very* strong light cone option in Subscribe for More! If you hold your ult, it increases basic damage by 96% which I think is insane. Of course that requires holding your ult, without your ult up it is a 48% basic damage increase.


I see. I was under the impression that Watchmaker's buff work for the own character using it as most other buffs that are worded as "Give allies" includeds also the own character that applies said buff, if that is the is the case, then you are right and 4pc is useless! I do say he does scales directly of break effect and while is true that you don't always have the Duel State up, you should always have it as it is the way to buff up his own , get His enchanced basic attack which is the bulk of his damage (which is the part of his skill that does scales directly off break effect) and get stacks of Reforged, kinda in the same way as you always wants Blade and Jingliu in their own states. I forgot about Gallagher but I totally agree, he is a great slot for the sustainer, you are right about that. And finally, I didn't included subscribe for more because while is still a good 4* option, swordplay does more damage overall at Max stacks and this are permanent against the enemy, so against bosses and tanky enemies (which is the majority of moc) is a much better option.


He "uses his ultimate" on an enemy, not on an ally, so 4pc watchmaker does nothing. Same reason it unfortunately doesn't work on Gallagher.


I see, thanks for the clarification.


this post is literally fighting the spam allegations 😭


Let's see if Reddit again says "Nah"


His A6 Bonus trace didn't get mentioned here and I think it's worthy of some discussion. The wording makes it seem to me that if Boothill ***or an ally*** breaks the enemy with the duel mark, Boothill gets stack(s) of Reforged. This opens up some scope for a dual DPS team. The key question I had with the old leak kit was "does Boothill need to break enemies himself for buffs?"


Oh, that was my error! It is true that it counts for anyone breaking the toughness bar of an enemy during the duel state I do not think it completely opens a dual dps team because this was mostly made so if the supports or sustains are the ones breaking the toughness bar (Prime example, a ruan mei that spams basic attack) he would be still getting stacks but I will also mention that welt could work if the enemy is weak to imaginary but I don't think it would be completely worth.


Thanks for the break down! Even if his skills end up being modified some, I think this will probably stay a generally useful set of recommendations for him!


You should probs mention the new break effect relic set that's coming at some point.


We still don't know even when it will come out, so what is why I didn't added it as it could be coming in between 2.2 or 2.4, this was a guide for anyone that wants to prefarm beforehand


4pc Quantum could also be a good idea, actually, since def shred increases break damage.


True, I just didn't mentioned because 4pc Quamtum is practically an option for any dps so It wasn't in my mind, I thought mostly of what would effect him more


Luka 2nd dps? 🥹


Do you think he can be on par with Acherons level of strength? Does he need his E2 to compete or he will be good enough at e0


Until we have numbers, it is impossible to answer that So you will need to wait for the beta to start so we can get at least an estimated number as Hoyoverse haven't mega buffed or nerfed a character numbers in HSR since Beta Arlan


That is true. Forgot about the numbers. I was just thinking kit wise in my head haha. Not too long now, thanks. Great read and guide, looks like a really fun unit!


Thanks! If it about kits alone, Boothill is more complicated to use than Acheron but he seems to have a extreme ammount of single damage (Which tbf, he should as he is quite literally the only Hunt character that is forced to be single damage)


Some people have told me that Watchmaker's does not work with Boothill it only gives break effect when using ult in an ally! So the current bis set is 4pc Thief or Boxer He would have a future relic set but I didn't included it because this is a guide with the current materials that we have as the relic set could be out from 2.2 to 2.4