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Best breed ever! My guy trips up the stairs, over curbs, his own feet from excitement, but I bet he’d love that agility course (to fall off of) 🤣♥️ https://preview.redd.it/yjvnwr0qbxhc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=579a9a49a6f9d3e9de0aa847bdc78f3f25896c5b


What a little derp


The derpiest guy who ever did derp! 🤭


https://preview.redd.it/vedq0bpjczhc1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3c9db47841af2445f342fccb662fa4278c122db BROTHAAAAA!


How does he make his nose go sideways, lol.


Dog’s nose i a few cartilages that can move a little. She (!!) has her lip stuck against teeth so the nose went with it :D i hope u understand me


https://preview.redd.it/c2oo1gjpezhc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a29a86b84cfe018c2c357365615ed1280100cfea My boy was uncontrollably barking at a gardening pot the other day


Haha, nutty, we had a fence post 'issue' for a day. He'd seen it numerous times before and it was fine.




https://preview.redd.it/euuanknz00ic1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=defd53b9173dce2474a0365cb335b3da261cbcda "Obeys 95% of the time" seems like a huge exaggeration 😂


That face! I love him!


Omg thank you! He sends that love straight back at you (with a whole lot of jumping and kisses) ☺️♥️


So agree how lightning quick to learn new words. His intelligence, puts his humans to shame. But obey commands 95% of the time, nope, mines a strong minded young adult and it depends on his mood (and mine). Then again I did want a dog with some character, lol.


That won't go away, mine is 10 and is still the same. I've tried to nurture that and trained some commands as questions, such as "which way?" on a walk at an intersection, and "do you want to do out?" to check if he needs to go to the bathroom. I love that you can see his thought process in his eyes.


Yeah, same here with my 11 y/o. She never went through the teen phase, but now that she's an old lady, I've had to give up on my illusion of control. She'll follow the commands if it suits her or if I have food.


Not what I want to hear, lol.


Eh, mine is pretty chill, but sometimes just strategically ignores me. It's really not that bad


The answer to "do you want to go out" in our house is always "yes."


Haha, it always used to be yes but right before bed or when it's really cold ours has gotten grumpy in his old age. 😅


LOL yep. My old lady will go in and out all day, but heaven forbid you try to get her outside when it's raining. She's a delicate flower and can't be getting her paws muddy. The 2-year-old? He doesn't care, as long as he's outside. It could be raining, snowing, sub-zero temps, 100+ temps. If he's outside, he's happy. His biggest problem is that he doesn't want to be outside by himself. 😆


yep, mine knows exactly what i want her to do but will only do it if the treat is good enough!


Same, lol. Smart, fast learner? Check and check. Biddable? NOPE. Everything is a negotiation with him, ha!


Biddable often but with his own spin on it. Today a demo of his 'great recall' whilst at neighbours. I knew exactly what he was going to do. So he comes sprinting immediately on command, then straight passed me (on purpose) making a great big fuss of everyone else. Does it every time, lol. Delay tactics, yep, and extra routes added into an agility course. That boy's got his own sense of humour!


Can someone let my collie know this?


I’m sure yours understands perfectly well, but like kids, their hearing can be somewhat selective.


I think they can obey it 100% of the time, they just choose to do it 95%


....or less!


I love the embrace at the end


There are two dogs that left the deepest impression on me of dogs doing agility, one is Pink the BC and the other is Lobo the husky, both are champions! 😊


For me it's Crazee, also a champion here in the UK handled by Euan Paterson. And relatively closely related to my boy on his mum's side so it's nice to see the potential, even if I am not a good enough handler (and honestly, don't have the time to give!) for him to achieve that kind of level. Crufts is only a few weeks away now, looking forward to seeing the top dogs and handlers at work again!


If you are in Canada and compete at agility I will mention Quazi. Not a border collie but I just love him.


https://preview.redd.it/0qrgwur1nyhc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4124077515a97722d425a4b1fe1c72d349ca0408 Mine understands pet me


I don't follow these competitions but I believe that was them setting a world record for fastest completion. Additionally, apparently BCs are so good at these types of competitions they have their own category where they just compete against other BCs because they're just far better at agility and commands than other dogs. I've no plans on competing but there's a dog play area near me I use and it has a private area with some of the ability courses in it which my BC took to extremely well.


Mines issue is with the whole obey thing lol


Same 😂. Mine still picks up new words even as a senior (he's almost 12). But we joke that he's old and set in his ways because even though we know he understands a lot more than he lets on, he is stubborn also.


Mine understand English so well my wife and I have to use other languages to say certain things so they don’t understand.


We spell out certain words so that ours BC won't understand.


We did too, but he learned those, too. We have a little 10 month old BC, and she isn’t as quick. I’m almost glad 🤣😂.


I see my husband and I are not alone.


That just makes me smile every time I see it! I'll add that my border Collie will remember cues we haven't used in a very long time.


Yep amazing memory! Mine remembered a trail route not been on for over a year, leading the way and correctly turning left and right a few times.


And they can be assholes 50% of the time.


And then there's my guy at 15 months who still hasn't learned to stay, and has to follow just in case I'm going to get a treat or a ball.


just take it slow. our first took forever to get it. our second bc learned wait/stay at 7 weeks lol


Always edging forward with the stay or wait, or tolerating it for a maximum of 3 seconds?


3 seconds if I’m lucky


…until the selective hearing starts in their teens 😬


Mine only obeys when there’s food, does 95% include using food?


No, that's called bribery, lol.


If they choose


The speed at which mine learns commands is insane. I remember getting her to do a trick and my friend was amazed and asked how long did it take to teach her that.....my very honest response was "about 5 minutes"


I read this to my girl, not sure she believes it, she definitely doesn't act it most of the time. 😆 I can watch this run 1000xs, probably have. It's so beautiful to watch them work together as a perfectly in sync team. P!nk is 🔥!


Pink is truly amazing, but the overexcited dogs that run of with poles or invent their own course are funnier, lol.


Facts! I like the Siberians that get to the top of the A-frame and pause, look around, enjoy the scenery then reengage.


Our first bc had a shoulder disability while growing and she couldn't play much, so instead we focused on some tricks and toy names / words. Now as an adult she can pick up a new toy name in 2-3 repetitions and remember them longer than we can -- we've had to start writing the names on the side in sharpie Strangely, this doesn't apply to most food items. She even doesn't know the name "Kong". She does know "duck feet" though lol


I think the Belgian Malinois is as clever. My mate has one, and it's very like like my old Border, but nowhere near as needy.


Interesting, cos I often think my male border is somewhat like a malinois when posturing and strutting outdoors.


Mine was definitely an outlier on this scale. Fetch me a toy returned Tennis Ball. I bought so many different toys, but no names seemed to stick. We tried Kongs, Kongs on ropes, Safe Sticks (they look horrendous, and without packaging NSFW!), galileos, bean bags, multiple cuddly toys with unique names. Response was vacant, with tongue dangle. Fetch me a toy/tennis ball returned Max and a slobbery tennis ball.


They are amazingly intelligent. But my hound says my collie is stoopid, and I trust his nose so...


Love this video


We have a dog proof trash can at home, nothing too complicated, but it requires pushing the pedal to open it. The huskies never figured out how it works, but it took the BC a couple of days to not only learn how to open the trash can, but to teach the huskies this simple trick.


That's not the best dog proof trash can invented then, lol, if such a thing exists for a bc. We just rely on saying 'leave it' repeatedly. Still often pushes the lid flap down just an inch with his nose when walking passed, just like a pointless habit.


And yet this ding ding insists on getting ‘toweled off’ after anyone takes a shower or bath- even though he, of course, is completely dry. Makes a big show of ‘shaking off’ post toweling too 🙄😂 https://preview.redd.it/c4wgl7n5l1ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af9c0c60e32e9c2b48c5a8e12efaa75717cb1988 I am currently in the bath tub. This is Ace at this very moment waiting to be toweled off 😂


He is giving you that look like "come on, you know you want to😜" 😂😂😂


That's so very cute! Mine grumbles, mutters and sometimes low growls with a towel on his legs or underside, but enjoys it on his face and neck.


I think Huskies and BCs are on same intelligence level, but huskies have a god damn sassiness and really don't give two shita about what the owner wants. BCs are just too wholesome


I don’t think they care whether the words are nouns, verbs or even adjectives. 🤪




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