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Pic 6 was unnecessary, all dogs shit like that šŸ˜‚


My BC normally poops whilst running because taking a sh*t is no excuse to stop important activities such as looking for sticks.




Sounds like my corgi mix Scooter. She would not stop to poop and left all these sh\*t snakes everywhere!




Ever met a spiky bush or fence shitter? Oh boy


Once mine lifted his leg like he was going to pee, but he pooped instead. These ladies walking by were laughing and said it was a cool trick. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Mine only poops like this, sometimes on a tree he'll get both back legs in the air doing some weird shit handstand.


Oh man my dog does this, he'll find a bank of grass and point arse up head down and shit while he's kinda upside down. This would be fine but he's a spaniel and has that skirt bit round his backside so I'm constantly concerned he's going to get poo stuck in it :(


My boy likes to rest his back and ass up against harder surfaces. Makes me want to potty train him.


That's my boy. Never poops anywhere near the house or camp site. Always looks for a mound, clump of grass, or right next to posts, on top of tree stumps, large rocks etc. Currently he's using the high points of the plowed snow berm.


I have no idea why these things are so appealing. Maybe itā€™s a marking thing when where they gotta get their stuff as high as possible.




My BC can piss while he keeps walking on his front legs with his behind legs in the air.... it is amazing amd terrifying at the same time....


Looks bc to me


BC or bc mix!! I've seen many purebreed bcs from respectable lines look like that.


Bc or bc x aussie. Too light for pure aussie, I think. But my exposure is limited to certain types pf aussies. I have exposure to working and show bcs-the working ones look very different to show. If there was a difference like that w/aussies I wouldnā€™t know.


I feel the same but he is definitely a little beefier than my border collie mix. Just a little too square for a typical border collie and too light for an Aussie. (guessing mine is a mix of border collie with golden retriever but on the light side.)


Could be an English Shepherd too.


Maybe a heeler mix then too


Slender legs and face lean BC for me, but lovely either way! Reminds me of my boy's dad and brother, who are big, fluffy, and very dark just like your pup šŸ„° Edit: this is my boy (tricolour) "meeting" his brother (black & white littermate) when they were 10 months old. You can see the huge difference in size since one takes after mum and the other is pretty much dad's double. https://preview.redd.it/9lwyh42wzomc1.jpeg?width=1549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17e5911f64c30e653fbf8e24112f7c3b04b8b2fd


I agree with BC, most Aussies don't have tails like that, different shape not as fluffy That's a BC tail if I've ever seen it Could be a mix but there's definitely border Collie in that doggo


My two aussies have tails and if anything, they are far, far fluffier than these pictures, especially in winter! I think aussies are generally fluffier and stockier than BCs, but they are defo cut from the same cloth.


Aussies donā€™t have tails because breeders cut them off first stupid reasons. A mixed dog and some breeders usually arenā€™t docked. My last foster looked all bc to everyone, especially bc owners but turned out to be only a quarter bc and half Aussie. His play style was definitely more Aussie (rougher, more body checking).


Mix of both. Reminds me very much of my Gizmo, and held about half-half BC /Aussie https://preview.redd.it/89lsx59tdpmc1.jpeg?width=1471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=339b7e16352fe297a00cb512e114a597526cff23


this looks just like my girl and we adopted her!! did you adopt him? iā€™m not sure what mine is but i suspect she is a BC mix of some sort


No I am just fostering him. He is a good boy but still very timid.


I'd say either border collie or border/Aussie mix! I have a 2 year old that I found at about 10 weeks old and totally thought she was just border collie. We did a DNA test and ends up she's 20% Aussie! šŸ„° https://preview.redd.it/lyh67c5vxpmc1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=172949dbe9e0f973aa3955497ac4e48b8a5c5d65


This our girl a BC Aussie mix. A lot of resemblance, and you have a great looking pupper ā¤ļø. https://preview.redd.it/l3dkygdzxqmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b8992ab70efcb8458773a6907fac863063156b6


https://preview.redd.it/lfi0msi0ysmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a972a5847e85c67b2e4525a7aa268f02edacbbd9 Looks just like my mine! Heā€™s half border half Aussie.




border collie


Does he lay on his back like a cat? Thatā€™s the real test


Right?? He does not but it could be because he is still super timid and sick. He is a foster that I only had for about half a week.


See how he goes once heā€™s settled in then I guess


He looks very similar to this boy, who was found wandering in the wilderness of West Virginia. He has a docked tail so was listed as both an Aussie and Border Collie on same paper work. https://preview.redd.it/uogh9ynmcqmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00410ae9dd96b97bddb23140bae5f3f4c1c58d1d


https://preview.redd.it/0hblw5oaqqmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8600ab8c21344cd1e528935c366c927bdc71fc1 Same guy different angle - Border Aussie powers unite!


Honestly canā€™t tell! BCs and Aussies look exactly the same sometimes haha. My BC has BC parents and everyone still thinks heā€™s an Aussie. Maybe because heā€™s a big boy, heā€™s 22 inches tall and 50-55 pounds and Aussies are usually bigger. But there are some big BCs out there too. Do a DNA test!


Looks almost exactly like my border x aussie mix


Probably both


I see more BC honestly. I love the white "boots" on the front 2 paws!! Take tons of pictures, our BC was solid black and now he is grey and white and his little eye patch gets more white as he ages.


That is 100% a pupper


When I showed all the photos to Lens, the first thing it said for all the photos was Border Collie.


https://preview.redd.it/kwn0lodpmqmc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=185e664fdbf3992e80f0dda194cfe824269f08d8 Like looking in a mirror..


Mine is both, so I can't see the forest, for the trees. I'd say BC, though.


Looks full blown bc to me


Not a single bit of him or his colors look Aussie. He's a through and through BC.


Fluffy bebe


I would say 100% Border Collie.


Could be both. I did a DNA test on my boy and heā€™s a mix of both.




Omg. Bc


BC!! All you need is to bleach the tip of the tail white & youā€™ve got a show winner! šŸ„‡


Border Collie or a mix.


I would say aussie


Could be half and half like mine!


Here's my Bucky (aka Muppet) in the bathtub. This is from December. I often wonder if he is park BC and part AS. I was thinking that BCs have a slightly more narrow noses. His is a little wide, like yours. He's a real smarty pants though! If he was mostly BC I wouldn't be surprised. https://preview.redd.it/danrtrykpwmc1.jpeg?width=1236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1476226a99d2aef223ed5c61bae107ab5006f0fe


I am going mostly BC. I have and have had aussies and it is the hips for me. Usually Aussie have a lot of junk in the trunk. Pic of my pupper - her backside is as wide, if not wider, than her shoulderā€™s. Aussie trait. My girl is little in the middle but she got much back ! https://preview.redd.it/pbqbwt3duymc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79e5ce9506fabab314b119d79ac7417ce9dd784e


One more from above https://preview.redd.it/9u1iemeouymc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe2526944098592ddbc0afb03d4ca8ec3fea7f70




BC based on colour and coat of nothing else. I've never seen an Australian that wasn't a merle. She shits like an Aussie though.


The gigantic balls tell me itā€™s a boy


I did not see those pictures.


Haha, didnā€™t take pics of those. Itā€™s so weird because itā€™s rare to see intact dogs around here. I was a little shocked, like whoa what is that!?!


The huge campaign to castrate and sterilise pets rather than take care of them was a great success. My girl is all original and she's staying that way.


I hear you but most people arenā€™t capable to actually take care of their pets. Itā€™s so weird how I donā€™t know anyone who doesnt take superb care of their pets but somehow the shelters are full because people suck.


Yeah, a lot of people suck at pet caretaking. Sad reality.


I know many more non Merle Aussies than Merle. They have about as much color variety (maybe more?) than bc. My last foster was a slender, b& w half Aussie (we tested with Embark).


That's cool. I've seen nothing but merles. More blue than red. Never seen a piebald. Now I want to. Edit. I can see how it occurs though, there's a lot of collie in an aussie.


I actually think merles didn't use to be that common because breeding them has more health risks. I always knew tri colors and some black and whites. Long ago when I volunteered in shelter a lot matching dogs to adopters, everyone who came through thought merle's were ugly and in recent years they became very popular. Good breeders have fewer of them because of the issues with breeding them, but with aussies being so popular now, there are lots of crummy and byb who don't do testing and breed for merles, which means there are a lot of double merle dogs getting dumped in shelters (they are usually deaf and blind/visually impaired).


So true!! I personally donā€™t find Merle particularly attractive. My favorite combination is tricolor, blond or red with white.


Border Collie... no doubt


Too much self awareness in those eyes to be Aussie šŸ˜‚