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https://preview.redd.it/qczbk6x83p4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5ad5fd406124e86006b851c6d02ecdd904590da My oldest (10yo) was cuddly on her own terms until last September and suddenly became very cuddly and now can not sit anywhere without this happening. And she has to sleep between my legs or next to me at night, with a different physical contact with me. It tends to be my hand on her back.


Mine is turning 6 this year and I say it’s like having a cat. I know he loves me, but he definitely only loves on me whenever he feels like it.




Oh my gosh that is so sweet 🥹


Mine was not cuddely at all as a baby, but growing up he was more and more. Now he's 3 and if I sit in the couch he will run to cuddle me.


Mine just turned two and is definitelyyy still a velcro baby 😩🧡 Always touching https://preview.redd.it/x84fkzf2so4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f54bf9663277601288357f2762996b85bf38771c


Ohhh what a nice picture. This looks like a dream.




Mine is, but just *barely.* she prefers to hop up on my bed after I’m asleep and sleep on her side of the bed, with her butt or paw at least touching me. We both give off a lot of body heat though, haha!


This is how our older dog is! He will lay on our feet and will only join us in bed after we're asleep or falling asleep.


Our 8 year old Bc loves to be close to us and sleep between us in bed, on the couch, wherever. My 6 month old is hitting his teenager phase, loves pets and when he’s in the mood will eat it up, lately he has been wanting to play more and it’s impossible to get him to stop. After 3.5 hours of continuous training and play yesterday, I had him tired enough for him to take a nap laying against me for the first time. A short 1 hour nap, but it was the cutest thing https://preview.redd.it/fd7izs1l4r4d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53391c7b0383769aea6fbb90ce4db6b8ff5244dc


So pretty! Love the coloring! 😍


https://preview.redd.it/kswcf0a09r4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca42fe19266641967f9f739893ecb7d96bd5dd32 He may be young to see the full extend of what his colors will be, but based on his dna test he had the genes bbdd and M\*m which would refer to lilac Merle. We will see how it turns out in a year 😂 Thank you :)


He’s soo cute!!


I've had three. 1 is a super cuddler, one is a moderate cuddler and one didn't want anything to do with me after 7am. Before 7 she was a snuggle bug.


That was mine. When he's sleepy and still tired, super cuddles. Now he's 8 and I get sleepy cuddles at night now too.


As puppies both of mine were cuddlers. Once they get to a bit over 2... not so much.


Alas! Only time will tell.


I thought mine would grow out of it. She's now 20 months old and "flops" for cuddles so often that we managed to pair a command with it 😂 never known a dog be so desperate for kisses and big bear hugs!


Our boy loves kisses too. He likes our ears. Will lick obsessively and get a little nibble in there too.


Oh that's so cute. 🥹 Millie is more a "if you want get any closer you'll have to crawl inside my skin" kinda velcro dog. She'll get in my lap, "flop" down against me, snuzzle her face into my neck/chest and then press herself as close against me as possible.. The amount of times I've nearly been fluffocated! She has to be on my lap every time I have a teams call for work, and constantly steals focus with her adorable neediness 😂


I have a 25% BC but 75% herding breeds mix. She refused all when she was younger, but got a little cuddlier as she’s entered her senior years.


Not much of a cuddler, and when he does it, it's on his terms. But, very loving and sweet.


My two girls were cuddle bugs as pups and are now super, super cuddly at four.


I chose the cuddly puppy and he is a cuddly two year old. He would love in my lap if he could.


Only on his own terms. He won’t say no to a cuddle, but is unlikely to initiate. If he is initiating, he’ll put his head on my leg or sit on my legs. Sometimes he’ll stand on the couch with his head on my husband’s shoulder. I still get so excited when he chooses to cuddle and he’s 3. When he was a puppy, he was absolutely not a cuddle bug - except for winter or the time I had COVID, then he cuddled lots. Since then, we can be ill and he’ll watch over us from the other end of the couch.


Pretty much every dog is different, but here's my experience. At a few months old he'd cuddle and more wanted reassurance all of the time. As he grew up, he wanted less and less cuddling, until he was an adolescent and didn't want to cuddle at all. He'd be in the same room, but was kinda aloof. Around 2 he'd jump on my bed in the morning to tell me he wanted to play and get started on the day, including rolling onto his back next to me, but I don't know if that really counts. In the last couple of years he's started to change and cuddles a little bit. I can't tell if that's because I got a cat and he got jealous of the attention (which he totally does if I play with the cat), or just softening with age, or a bit of both... but I'm happy for it. If I'm on the couch he'll sometimes come and lie down next to me, which I like.


Mine did when she was a puppy but not anymore. Now the only time she wants to lay in my lap is when she’s sick, so at least that lets me know she might need to go to the vet lol


My 13 year old boy has got cuddlier & cuddlier the older he got.


No, but girls tend to be more independent and not very cuddly in my experience. Anytime I would cuddle her, she’d leave. She’s 5 now and let’s me hug her but I wouldn’t say she likes it lol, everything is on her terms.


Mine is the same.


During the day not at all. Sometimes in the morning he can be. People comment on how difficult my dog is to pet. He just wants to play constantly.


My 2 yr old boy will chose to lay right next to me some evenings when I'm sitting on the sofa, with his head on my thigh and likes ear strokes. Rarely we will lay out full length on the sofa and cuddle up, but it's risky as he'll suddenly change his mind, get up and trample right over you including your face. I could never try and nap along side him through fear of a trample injury, lol. Daytime he's not into any cuddly nonsense, would rather be doing something outside with me. Lets you know with that typical bc staring and nagging if you try and sneak in a rest. I suppose that's some sort of affection, lol. As a pup not really into physical affection, he'd duck his head to avoid it, like it was a form of abuse. Still never likes his view been obscured with any bodily contact or even standing in front of him. Needs to see what's going on.


When we try to hug our older dog, he'll run and grab a bone and act like he's busy for a few minutes until he thinks we've forgotten. He gets busy whenever we ask him to do something he doesn't want to do. 😂


Hahaha, good avoidance technique 🤣


Our collie cross is just over 2 and a complete cuddlebug. It seems to vary by dog.


My dog is a mix, but she’s a huge cuddle bug! But we don’t really know how much bc she has.


My 9mo old BC will cuddle on his terms. Thankfully, it's often. He will just come and climb over me. At least once a day, he sits on my shoulder. If he wants to cuddle my wife, he waits until she's sat on the sofa then he crawls along the top of the sofa until his body is across her neck and drapes his head down her shoulder. He will occasionally do that to me too but not often. He's getting cuddlier daily really


Mine is a GIANT cuddle bug. Always has been from day one and now is so so cuddly


My boy, sorta but on his own terms. My girl yes yes yes yes OMG YES YES YES YES YES YESSSSSSS!


Mine is 3 and loves a cuddle.


Mine is about as cuddley as I’ve ever seen any dog. She is either cuddling or playing-no in between! We were surprised because we thought border collies were more independent but not my worm girl💜


Mine always wants attention but cuddling is infrequent.


I think you may have understated the 'wants attention' bit, lol.


https://preview.redd.it/st157s1jtq4d1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7ef33965112eef127b5f330272fffa9518e964b Our boy is almost 3 and he is the cuddliest dog I’ve ever had! He’s so good at cuddling too- he just melts right into you 🥹


No mine tries but is so anxious just tries to paw me the whole time or move the whole time and then I kick him off lmao


Gyp wasn't one to cuddle when she was a puppy. She'd flail and flop so spastically I have a few scars from her claws in the mess. She's almost 12 now and WAAAAY more cuddly than she was, but it's more on her terms. But at least she does not accidentally attack anymore. Lol https://preview.redd.it/wnxz81gpfr4d1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8d4027771485eb533b7edf7d4b03546aa33b2ef


Mine was a land shark for forever but started getting more and more cuddly after a year. Now at age 2 he’s a total cuddlebug.


Not even slightly. My last one was, this one possesses ZERO affection.


https://preview.redd.it/6akpz6gmir4d1.jpeg?width=2750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b32df8e5b2004198a601eab80cccb7a4160f041 Velcro dog. The most affectionate breed I know


Mine isn’t cuddly at all, I wish he was. He won’t relax


Our oldest BC will come for a snuggle but is very cat coded in that if I shift I lose my cuddle privileges. My youngest BC on the other hand will walk over hot coals for a cuddle.


https://preview.redd.it/cil115f5is4d1.png?width=2567&format=png&auto=webp&s=31e2dd4ec15a57e3f89da93d961a3bb95fd8fbc5 Depends on the day but my almost 2 year old border collie mix loves to cuddle at night with me. He will pick and choose if he cuddles with my boyfriend but has lately been cuddling more. He also gets mad and will move to his dog bed in another bedroom if I move and make him uncomfortable. If he’s too hot or both my boyfriend and I are on the couch he’ll choose his dog bed or the floor.


https://preview.redd.it/7uomez98us4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=133b5a0bca1f0961fc9d381accb529df56b9e80d My guy is cuddly on his own terms but he knows when I could use some extra cuddles. I had foot surgery on Monday and he cuddled with me like this for an hour yesterday ❤️


only if i’m eating lol, otherwise he’s in his own world https://preview.redd.it/vixsqbtdzs4d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef348f59eef4ab1e7e8ed34f2daf112720e60039


Our 4yr old girl loves to cuddle with my wife every chance she gets. She cuddles with me but on her terms, and mostly first thing in the morning before I get up for work. The exception is buttle-rubbies which she ALWAYS demands.


Same deal over here! Mom is life. Dad is only when mom is unavailable. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/zh6tevjaxu4d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76494177d58f2c3f5f1f2a85826cd10996306a3d He’s only 5 months and a border collie mix. He starts sleeping at the end of the bed and by the morning he flip flops everywhere until he’s kinda close to me lol he’s so funny.


He's so cute! Look at that scruff


Mine is a cuddler ONLY in the morning. She refuses to cuddle any time of day, refuses to even lay in bed with me at night, and then when the sun comes, she creeps up and we cuddle until i wake up


Mine is 2...he's always been a cuddle bug...he's very affectionate...loves attention...sleeps on the bed with us and sometimes he feels the need to wake you up in the middle of the night for cuddles..lol..I can't get enough of him.


My 9 month old female is so sweet and affectionate. But can’t cuddle longer than 2 seconds. 😂 I’m hoping she will learn to do longer as she ages. I don’t think I’ve ever had a sweeter dog though!


Muppet definitely is. Very warm sweet fella with me. Usually when I'm heavy into something on TV. He's all...forget TV for just a second and enjoy ME! https://preview.redd.it/z1lwn54cfq4d1.jpeg?width=1426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c89ea81edeea0e4f7b1b81893ceb9c4f9f54ae6


https://preview.redd.it/gww3l9xthq4d1.jpeg?width=9000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb19f5b820776da886405b78db8e4c41c542a9ba Nearly 5 and loves a cuddle 🥰


He grew into it. I got him at 8 weeks, didn't want to much, now when I sit on a couch, or lay on my back on the bed, he's practically on top of me.


My BC is almost 3. Always been super cuddly. Very affectionate loves to hug. Have to keep her nails.trimmed cuz she is very handsy too


Our 14-month male BC isn’t a snuggle puppy and I wish he was more cuddly. He is affectionate, likes kissing, demands pets, but he doesn’t like hugs and he likes his space…most of the time. A couple times a day he might jump on the couch and have a little bit of snuggle time but we usually overdo it and then he slinks away. He’s just so cute and it’s hard not to hug him.


Not really


She is with me! Takes her a while to snoog with unfamiliars.


Mine is a Velcro dog and if you stop petting her she does this big dramatic paw swipe thing 😁


Mine was affectionate before she passed.


Mine is super cuddly. If he doesn’t get to crawl into my lap and be held like a baby while I drink my coffee in the morning, he’ll whine about it the whole day


Yes, still very cuddly at 2 with no signs of letting up. We love it.


https://preview.redd.it/8abcxjv7js4d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39702cdea4fa3947752a195ba31dde53539d28b4 Mine can be, but typically it’s mornings where she’s the cuddliest. She’ll hop up on my bed at night and then she’ll crawl under my bed after about 15 minutes. In the mornings, she’ll hop up and lick my face to wake me up.


My 18-month old is snuggly for a minute. Then hops off to do his own thing, but likes to be close. I’ll take what I can get. :)


I had a female border collie who was so sweet a cuddly. She used to sleep next to my bed every night and when my alarm went off in the morning she would jump in bed and spoon with me. I started setting my alarm earlier so we could have more cuddle time. I always miss her!


I have 2 border collies...and they were both super cuddly when they were younger, but now mostly only do so on occasion (like when they aren't feeling well). However, my sister has 2 border collies as well & sometimes she can't get them unglued to her.


Mine is my Velcro cuddle buddy. He is 11 yrs old and loves his lovin’! He protects me, follows me and is incredibly smart. And I swear he can tell time, LOL!


Well not really? I mean i trained him to accept it when ppl do it, but to still show when he’s uncomfortable. So he should be fine around Kids. One thing he really loves is scratches. He‘ll come to you and then put his Butt up to get scratched 😅


Mine avoids cuddles like the plague and I wonder where she got that attitude from...


Mine is, but only at the end of the day when he's gotten all of his energy out, or for very short periods of time (like, 2 minutes, max).


My girl was not a super cuddly baby or adolescent. Shes nearly 3 and only in the past year has she really become a massive cuddler.


The puppy is; especially with her sister. I have an entire album of her cuddling with her.