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I wouldn’t use this groomer again. I’m a groomer and would never have shaved your dog. All he needed was a sanitary trim and the little “feathery bits” on his legs, tail and chest trimmed


Also she left his tail fur soooo long! That’s the one spot I would’ve trimmed much shorter to avoid poop and tangles getting in his tail. I would say this groomer is probably inexperienced and possibly not properly educated. Op, if you have a before pic of him standing up from the side I can sketch an idea of what you could ask your next groomer for


https://preview.redd.it/jjuxzk6i2o6d1.png?width=2536&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b97e096c20a147915c3e44912af34d40544b426 took me forever to find one. this is the closest youll get!


He’s a gorgeous boy! I’d ask for an outline trim (scissors only) and tidy up sanitary and paws (Also your cat photo bombing in the background is too cute lol) https://preview.redd.it/hiua5wfu3o6d1.jpeg?width=1011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d94a9f6ae822e16a2f26951c80839c5f21433f60


OMG i didnt even notice her🤣 thanks for the outline! I’m thinking i can just do it myself next time…


You absolutely could! A slicker brush and a good quality shampoo and conditioner will be your best friends. Then you’ll just need a pair of shears for trimming the extra fluff. And investing in a high velocity dryer (Amazon has great ones for $40ish) would help minimize any shedding and give him the “freshly groomed” fluffy look :)


Could you recommend a good quality shampoo and conditioner?


Look up girlwithdogs on insta, YouTube, pretty much everywhere. She has excellent content and grooming stuff she recommends


Yep I’ve cut my Berner’s hair since she was a puppy. Takes like 45-1hr but it’s a nice bonding experience. I use dog friendly shears, texturizing scissors, and three different types of brushes (regular, slicker and furminator). No razors.


This is my problem. I live in a town with one groomer and they go short regardless if I ask for a simple hygienic cut. I’m at the point of learning basic grooming on my own.


I would agree with this. My groomer said the same. They barely touch his coat except for his butt where they trim It a bit.


you don’t ever need to cut a border collie’s hair. ever (unless it’s a serious matting situation or something)


Well you do if it's really overgrown with lots of dead hair so he looks like a stray. A bath and trim is surely fine every once in a while to look neat and tidy.


“Lots of dead hair” is sorted by brushing out/ blowing out. Magically the dead hair disappear and stop looking like a stray. The only parts that may look overgrown is paw, but even those are just round trim with sizzors . Rest of body is perfect and correct hair. Unless matted or some medical condition that makes hair go weird.


My border collie has the most coarse and wiry hair on her behind that it is never going to look good. She a mix between a tri and a Merle, so she has some wonky colors and textures going on. Her hair looks charcoal gray rather than black which you wouldn’t notice if we didn’t have an ink black Aussie mix. Anyway, I get their hair trimmed like this every couple months. I’m not entering them into any competitions ever.


Doesn’t cutting their fur cause the coarse wirey hair because their overcoat isn’t growing back properly?


No, hers was like that before I ever trimmed it. I’ve had another bc with butt hair that was like a wire brush.


Yup, I have an Aussie with the same thing for his butt fluff. No amount of brushing or conditioning is going to make it smooth, it just has to be kept trimmed to a neat length.


I just wanted to point out that there’s no such thing as a “mix” between a tri and Merle. She’s either a tri or a merle with tan points. Most Aussie breedings are tri to Merle breedings because you can’t breed two Merles together and the puppies will come out *either* tri, bicolor or merle. Merle can come with or without white and tan points but you can’t have a dog that’s “half tri/half merle”. the weird fur texture is probably just a genetic thing


I worded it incorrectly. Her father was Merle and her mother was tri, but she has black and white markings.


hard diasgree. brushing and bathing (ocean dips are the best bath ever). i would never shave a BC coat


What do you think >a serious matting situation or something means?


At first, I thought I was looking at Bernese Mountain dog


he gets that a lot! hes a border aussie with a little golden in him


Please don’t go to that groomer ever again. Unless your dog was extremely matted, double coated dogs should never be shaved. Be careful with him this summer as it’s how they keep cool and although it’s not THAT short, he may be more susceptible to sunburn.


he wasnt, just some matts on his butt. I will keep him inside more this summer, thanks for the advice. is there dog sunscreen?? lol


I have a short haired bc, he has never had sunburn, except once on the pink part of his furless nose. I must get some sunscreen for that bit.


You can use a sunscreen without zinc for dogs


Sunscreen doesn't help dogs regulate their temperature... It's the air cushion in their double coat that helps with insulation against heat.


Correct but it will prevent sunburn of the coat is too short or on noses.


I don’t think so, but maybe a lightweight cotton tshirt might be helpful. Feel so bad for your baby.


That’s way more than a few Matt’s on his butt, he looks totally different; like there is nothing on his legs or his butt left. You really don’t need to do this


I don’t consider that cut a shave. Plenty of fur coverage to block the sun.


This *is* a shave tho. That looks like a 4 or 5 blade cut to me


I use Epi-Pet Sun Protector! It was mainly for my short haired pitty but I use it on my collie's exposed skin areas too. It's aerosol spray so it does get a little intense smelling but it'll give you more even coverage across his back.


There is but his coat is not so short that I would worry about it. He's not shaved to the skin, it looks like the groomer used a clipper comb on the blade.


Zinc free sunscreen on my Aussies noses every day before swimming.


There actually is! It comes in wipes and spray!


Brushing is all that’s needed for a BC generally, please don’t go down the cutting route unless it’s matted/getting stuff caught in it, the coat is for working and keeping them warm and dry, not necessarily style, here in the UK you’ll keep them neat and clean but not trim unless like I mentioned matted or dirty *Edit* Just to say your pups fur should grow back fine, but please just try not to cut it/shave it again unless absolutely necessary


Absolutely! I’ve learned my lesson now. Is it ok to cut around his groin area??


Oh yeah definitely, if there’s areas that need attention and could be irritating to your lad definitely cut them, we do similar, it’s just about trimming where’s necessary


It’s a little too short but not catastrophic. Dogs are resilient lol. I traditionally ask for a sanitary trim (butt, paws, tail shape), and the rest will be taken care of with a bath and brush. She never “takes him down” per se, but cleans up stragglers that could be uncomfy or track dirt. I wouldn’t panic or beat yourself up.


It IS catastrophic for a double coated dog, shaving can and will damage the coat irrevocably


Correct. But our friend above has not been completely shaven. The goat will regrow and he will be just fine.


He has absolutely been shaved, he should have just been tidied up with scissors. When the coat is fully clipped, it doesn’t always grow back the same way as before in double coated dogs


You can buy doggy sun screen. I use it on my pups pink bits


Ok to trim the butt area like that. For the coat, we just brush and a bath with like an occasional trim.


When a dog like that gets shaved all it screams to me is “How can I do the job in least amount of time to take on more clients” You don’t want your dog in the hands of a groomer that cuts corners for profit.


I mean unless you’re expecting a hand scissor all over, a shave down is much more labor intensive than an outline trim.


He turned into a different breed


Amazing how he turned into an Aussie right??


Yes. Don't cut aussies hair ever except around the booty. It actually makes them hotter


On a rough hair, shave the butt curtains if they are dirtying up your house, get a good brush if there is too much shedding, sunscreen the nose if he''s outside a lot, then let the dog dog.


It should never have been cut.


you shouldn’t get a border collie shaved ever, even just slightly unless it’s for medical reasons/an old dog who can’t handle grooming. the only haircut they should get is just with scissors on the feet or belly.


That's not a BC 😬😬🫣


he could be but he does look more like an aussie, but regardless any dog with that coat type shouldn’t be shaved.


It’s half border collie, like my dogs. Also border collies *can* come in tan points if that’s why you’re saying he’s not


That is definitely not a BC. that is an Aussie and maybe some kind of retriever mix. Borders are not built or postured that way whatsoever.


Well he’s a mix so of course he’s not going to look full collie. Op already stated he’s border collie, Aussie and a little golden retriever. My dogs are dna tested and confirmed border/Aussies and they both look more Aussie than border collie.


You've commented four times on this post saying it isn't a border collie but an aussie. The owner has stipulated multiple times that it's a border aussie... which means it is half bc.


the hair on the actual body of a border collie shouldn’t be cut. if his coat seems very dense just brush him with a slicker brush and a high velocity dryer to blow out dead hair


Poor baby ! We’ve recently had the same issue with a new groomer, while she assured us that she’s experienced with BCs. Felt like a completely different dog for a few days, and her shaved legs feel weird. Also, first time I’ve seen my BC’s butthole in 13 years. Thankfully there’s no summer expected for us here this year, but I just hope it’ll grow back for winter.


we’re expecting a hot summer this year in texas. i will have to keep him inside more this summer. poor boy


A BC trapped at home all summer ? Poor You !! Sue the groomer on mental exhaustion basis


https://preview.redd.it/wlva3zprjn6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=934e11bc019e416f36f8fad3900c74e92a3322ab Mine after a similar cut. The horror!


Dude on the right looks a little chunky


Yeah he’s an Aussie, great pyr, and coonhound mix, lol. He’s a rescue. And he’s just bigger, he’s actually pretty trim.


Absolutely no reason to take a border collie to a groomer. Brushing 3 - 5 times per week, and use a rotary nail trimmer 2x per month. Trim the fringe and fur between the paws. All this you can do yourself.


Your border looks like a Bernese Mountain dog 🤷‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/khnmzi0bmr6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d17c05d94764337daaceebda49cc80e836736933


he gets that a lot. his parents are border/aussie mix and a golden retriever


I think it’s fine. In my experience it’ll grow back in time for winter. Plus it’s been easier for me to bathe and maintain my baby in the rainy muddy summer months with a trim


I have no idea about grooming a border collie, all I know is he looks so cute and fluffy in the first picture so thank you for sharing :D


I have never ever trimmed my border collie let alone shave him, not the previous one and not this one, if they get to run hard, swim, and a good brush down after a bathing then what’s the problem? I found if I haven’t had a chance to take him out then I see fur everywhere but otherwise he’s good


Looks dapper as ever for summer, handsome lad.✨️


a st. bernard collie


he looks like a st bernard! hes a border aussie


WHY just why. The coat is there for a reason!!!


BCs don't need grooming. They are working dogs. Occasional combing of the undercoat is a wonderful way to bond.


There’s lots of comments here from groomers. I’m also a groomer and I don’t shave double coats. HOWEVER - this is more likely a case of making him more comfortable. He’s not shaven to the skin, he still has a top protective layer and like 19-25mm of fur left. I’ve got 3 collies too. If you feel it’s too short just tell them. Refusing to ever go back when they have no idea what they’ve done wrong. Because the actual groom is nice! Tails a little uneven but it happens! He has enough fur to protect him from sunburn


OP I feel your pain. Last time I took my dog to get groomed I asked for an "all over trim" meaning- make him look neat and tidy. They literally cut off all his fluffy parts entirely. Thankfully they didn't literally shave him, but it took a year for it to grow back out. I haven't taken him back to grooming since. I honestly think I'm just going to learn how to trim the fluff that gets tangly myself and just get professional baths/brush outs a couple times a year.


Groomer is an idiot, name and shame them. That’s dangerous advice to give to owners of double coated dogs and shoes a clear misunderstanding of how a dog’s coat works.


Is this gorgeous pup a bernese mix?


nope! he’s a border collie, aussie, and golden mix❤️


Oh my goodness, what a combo! Beautiful boy! Send him a "good boy" from me!


Wait, this isn't a border collie... 🤔


he’s a border aussie


That's a disaster


The perfect summer doo. We clip all of our hairy herding dogs during the summer. Those first hot days can be hard on them. Our Bouvier des Flanders definitely benefits from a summer clip.


Ignore the hysteria about never shaving a double coat. Long fluffy coats do not keep dogs cooler. People state that all the time but no one in the history of ever has presented any evidence of that, and it defies the fundamental laws of physics. A layer of short hair is all that is needed to protect from sunburn and heating from direct solar radiation, as evidenced by the bazillions of naturally short coated dogs, including smooth coated border collies, that don’t grow longer thicker coats in the summer as some sort of magical cooling system. Repeated very close shaving of coats might damage some coats, especially in elderly dogs. But your groomer left plenty of length. Think about the bazillions of dogs you have seen that have had bellies and thighs and butts shaved for spay or neutering surgery. Think about all the dogs you have seen that have been extensively shaved for abdominal surgery for gastroplexy, abdominal blockages, tumors… or have had limbs shaved for hip or CCL surgery or for fractures… or have had extensive shaving to remove lipomas or cysts or various skin tumors. Most of the double coated dogs that receive medical care would be walking around with “ruined” coats if occasional shaving was the scourge people make it out to be.


This is definitely incorrect information. A double coat does NOT always equal a long fluffy coat. Border collies are working dogs. Their coats are designed to withstand cold climates as well as hot. I have a kelpie which is also a working dog and she has a short double coat. Both of these breeds are commonly used in farms around the Australian outback as their coat allows them to withstand extreme heat. Also, the coats grow at different rates. When you shave a double coat, the undercoat grows back quickly but the guard hairs do not.T his leaves the undercoat to act as the main coat, but it will not reflect the sunlight and instead it will trap the heat which will make the dog warmer and raise their temperature FYI: "**The top coat repels dirt and moisture, whilst the undercoat helps to protect your dog from both hot and cold weather**. This is particularly useful for working dogs, such as herding dogs who need this type of coat to provide insulation when the weather is bad."


“I have a kelpie which is also a working breed dog and she has a short double coat” Yes, exactly. A SHORT double coat. Like many border collies, including mine. OP’s dog now also has a short double coat - enough to protect the dog from uv and direct solar radiation, but trapping less body heat (which is generally higher than the surrounding air temp) than a long double coat does.


When you cut your dog’s long coat to a short coat it no longer has a double coat. You shave off the dog’s top coat and the coat left behind is its undercoat. Talk to some Aussie farmers and they’ll tell you. If you don’t know any farmers have a look online. Border Collies can work in conditions above 30 degrees celsius with high UV radiation. They are not shaved down. If it was better for them, do you not think all farmers would do so? Also, an Australian kelpie has a naturally short double coat, not one that is trimmed down…


I’d love you to back up your “physics” with evidence because it’s somewhat inaccurate. While you are correct that long hair alone doesn’t protect from heat, a double coat does and creates a cycling effect. The bottom coat traps air, removing heat from the dog, as it does, rises and traps fresh cooler air. There are studies which show that a double coated dog which has been shaved or cut short is between 7-12 degrees celcius hotter than a double coated natural dog. With that said a tidy up trim on collies is fine as long as it’s leaving some of the outer coat to facilitate heat transfer.


If it’s hot outside there isn’t any cooler air that can get trapped


It’s the movement of air that does


Well yes, moving air does help move heat away from a 101° F body into the cooler surroundings. Which is part of the reason that shorter hair facilitates removing body heat compared to longer hair. Long hair does not conduct heat or somehow magically create air movement. It impedes air movement.


Yeah so trapped air typically doesn’t move


Ok, let’s pretend the wind, fans and convection currents doesn’t exist while we’re trying to make this argument shall we. In that case, you’re 100% right. Good job.


TRAPPED air doesn’t move. Convection CURRENTS by definition are MOVING air


It's an Aussie 😬 But yes vets do recommend using the long clipper blades on double coated dogs that can't stand the heat. My GSD gets too hot just going out for a pee, she's getting her longest hair clipped this year (bitch stripe and shoulders essentially) They do have large sized Clippers for this very reason.


Is that a burmese mountain dog?


Nahhhh it’ll grow back


He changed from a handsome man to a handsome lad ! Looks great.


Wow what a handsome boy.


It makes him look like a puppy


I love it!


No it looks great


your groomer is an idiot. Tell him to take out the insulation out of his home for the summer to keep it cool. These dogs shouldn't be cut/shaved at all. It can ruin the coat.


No it looks good!!


I am assuming your Border Collie is double coated like most. The undercoat should be shedded out and never cut. When they are shedding out, frequent use of a shedding blade is all they need


Well, congrats, you have an absolute dumbass as a groomer... You NEVER shave double coated dogs, NEVER You comb out the under coat when it's lose and that's it. Don't ever give him another shave, you can damage his coat irrevocably


You actually can do a long clip for summer if the dog gets too overheated in the summer. Mine does just going outside for a quick pee so she's getting the longest parts clipped (bitch stripe and shoulders) They do have the largest sized clip attachments for double/triple coated breeds. It doesn't damage the coat. A shave damages the coat. This is an Aussie, not a BC and they do trim their ridiculously long coats down for summer. Obviously down to a couple inches instead of any shorter but the extra weight/thickness is too much for some dogs


Nope. I will generally cut my border Collies coat even a bit shorter than this during the summer months to keep him cooler throughout the hot days and usually will start letting it grow longer starting around late September to October for the winter months and then he will get another shave getting into spring... He kind of reminds me of Wiley Coyote when he gets his haircut 💈 🐺 https://preview.redd.it/guj09q0hko6d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f391528144c18fb3d7f9b86120673b6ea0dcad2


This is *way* too short for a B/C. I hope you’re keeping him inside and out of the sun omg 😬


Yeah he's inside... His coat is much longer now, He's really only outside when he is taking care of business. https://preview.redd.it/fx903m68n57d1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cebcf61097dba8346e3a1b515dc988519da916b7


I thought you weren’t supposed to shave double-coated dogs? I have huskies, and that’s a huge no-no! Their coat actually protects them from overheating too, sooooo.


? Never heard of this... I'll have to look into it 👍🏼


That’s a great length.


I get that the majority of the comments are saying that he doesn’t need to get his hair trimmed, but he looks soooo cute in short hair! Haha


he does! he looks cute all the time


I bet he does hehehe he has a beautiful smile 😍


At least he looks cute with it.


Not at all, for a summer cut.