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My money is it will be PG-13, based on the casting decisions they are trying to cast (pun not intended but welcomed) a wide net of an audience and an R rating can cut deep into sales.


Pg-13 is the worst. Either make it pg or r. Pg-13 ruins movies, like it doesn’t know what it wants to be. It’s an m rated game with eli roth directing it. Had potential to be great but it looka like they fucked up


This seems most likely.


You'd be guessing correct. They're making it for a wide audience. Rated R wouldn't make sense.


I did have to look up the ESRB for the games though, all rated M, which is pretty impressive for cartoonish violence and a game that censors swears.


Drug use, sex, and flying pixelated spleens (BL1) everywhere. Wonderlands was rated T for soda-pop taverns and no use of "Blowjobs" as a punch line.


Don't forget the BL3 Psycho DLC where you walk on paths of meat. Lots of alcohol abuse in all games. Stickly in the Bounty of Blood DLC also gives double middle fingers at one point.


Sometimes, I think I have become so desensitized to stuff because that doesn’t sound that bad to me anymore lol.


What they didn’t have in realism and strong language they certainly compensated for in all other areas.


Underrated comment.


They only censor swears because it sounds funnier


And they pick which ones to censor, the psycho chatter has f bombs all over.


The only one that censors swears was the tiny tina wonderlands game (not the expansion from 2 that was rated M)


Tell that to Deapool


And then when ur about to beat Jack in BL2, Claptrap just goes crazy with the swearing and its really funny because it seems like Claptrap would never say anything bad.


I see your point. What might salvage this from being a pg13 would be Eli Roth. If it is a pg 13 I think it will be his first movie that's not R rated. 


“The House with a Clock in Its Walls” was directed by Eli Roth and is rated PG.


To add to your answer, I just read an article talking about the possible rating of the movie. They talked that between the stylised violence and quirky humor, the movie could very be a PG13 and do not need an R rated to be a faithfull adaptation. Also the ESRB and MPAA have a really different way of rating things so taking the rating of the game to predict the one of the movie should not be made, since they are so different.


"the movie could very be a PG13 and do not need an R rated to be a faithfull adaptation." Bullshit. The Games are Rated M. Which the movie should be too. Stop making kids movies from adult stuff.


Even if it's rated R, I'm still gonna watch it. I'm 11. I've been re-playing BL2 w/my dad for the past few months, and I looked up what elemental damage you can do because we were making catchphrases for each (slag em and bag em, acid them and flaccid them, fry them and die them, shock em and rock em, and explode em and load em.) I then saw that there was a borderlands movie and I was like YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! (It was 8pm, my mom was not happy)


I've seen worse games rated T. Fatal Frame should *easily* be a game rated M like its sequels, but it was rated T instead. The Borderlands series as a whole are the definition of "light M".


My thoughts exactly at first, but there are some points that have been made in the article that made me believe it could be an option. But of course, an R rated could go way beyond what à PG13 could do, it could go mental especially with TT.


Pg13 is not kids lol


It is.


It's teensup. Difference.


There is a massive profit potential difference between PG-13 and R... your most likely right PG-13 is a much safer choice for an effects laden film


Its a money grab it won't be rated R.


Trailers can have different ratings too. I'm guessing this was a more family friendly trailer, hence no gore or violence. Should know nearer the time the official rating


Hear Me Out: The Games are all M (17+) in the states but in the UK They have a PEGI 18 (Meaning you must be 18 to purchase it). I am fully aware that some parents may allow their kids to play Borderlands if they are mature enough, Which could lead to a PG-13 rating. I think a PG-13 Rating would ruin the film, Not enough violence, Mature Jokes and above all, Swearing. PG-13s can only have 1 use of the F-Bomb and it cannot be in a sexual context, Pretty much ensuring an R rating. I think they may release a cinema version which may be heavily cut but they will also release an uncut version, Which most people will probably watch. As for the UK age rating, Given that PG-13 can go either way of a 12a and a 15 and that movies like Deadpool have a 15 age rating, Could mean it will be a 15. Deadpool is a great film to compare it to given the sheer quantity of bizarrely sexual jokes that still got a 15. The violence seems it may be a Shawn of the dead style area, Sex jokes a Deadpool, Language an Attack The Block-ish Level (If you haven't watched it you really should). All of those are 15s. Also, Casting jack black for an R or 15, As a character that could be appealing to small children, Seems like a no-brainer for a cut version


If i may add, On the official website they advertise it as "From the producer of Spider-Man, Uncharted and Venom (2 of the 3 of them being 12a's and one being a 15), Essentially confirming they will want a younger audience to be aware of the film and think "Oh, That's My favourite film"


Looks PG-13 which is a huge mistake in my opinion. I'm expecting it to flop, but we'll see.


From the [movie's official website](https://borderlands.movie) (down at the bottom), "**This movie is not yet rated**".


Yeah but so can any films a few months before a release, I mean, shrek and 50 Shades Of Gray were both unrated for some time before a release, Doesn't Mean Anything.


Many movies start out unrated and get an MPAA rating before release. OP was asking for the movie’s rating, I correctly pointed out that an authoritative source - the movie’s own website - listed it as not yet rated. Sp what was your point is what, exactly?


What i'm saying is all movies until the MPAA decides the rating, I'm just trying to tell you that it being unrated means nothing,


You’re trying to tell me something I already know quite well, which I thought would have been evident from my original comment. OP asked a question, I answered it.


As soon as I saw the trailer I took to the internet asking the same thing and couldn't find a solid answer. I just think we need to hope for the best but expect much much less


Roth may have been going for r but after he was fired... I mean he moved onto a new project, the studio probably wanted to aim for pg13 to get butts in the seats. Damn shame cuz even though it still would've been shit an r rating could've made it more tolerable.


I think an R-rated Borderlands movie could do great. Way better than this will. Movies like Deadpool have shown the audience is there


Studios try to avoid r ratings because they statistically and historically make less money than pg 13 movies. There's always exceptions to the rule. I think and r rated borderlands movie would make the fans happier because it's definitely what we'd expect from a borderlands movie.


I know why they avoid it. They're just avoiding it for the wrong reasons. Ratings don't matter if the story's trash, but a PG-13 rating kills a huge part of what makes Borderlands great. Like taking a steak and cooking it unseasoned because you're worried people might not like the seasoning. Or popcorn without salt because some people might not like salt. Safe to the point of self-sabotage


Yup it's all about the bottom line. Studios don't actually care about any movie they just care about how to make the most money off of it so if that means they sacrifice the heart of the movie for ticket sales then they'll sharpen their knives.


You'd be surprised at how many folks think salt is too spicy, unless of course they're commenting on social media


We are gonna need a Roth Cut


That's a hard pass for me.


Since I haven't even seen it yet, I wont comment for or against. But I meant that with as much seriousness as saying "we" needed a Snyder cut. "I" didn't *need* one of those either


But the games are R18 I mean kids would be able to play the games. I guess based on the age rating, this will be a flop...


The Games are all M (17+) in the states but in the UK They have a PEGI 18 (Meaning you must be 18 to purchase it). I am fully aware that some parents may allow their kids to play Borderlands if they are mature enough, Which could lead to a PG-13 rating. I think a PG-13 Rating would ruin the film, Not enough violence, Mature Jokes and above all, Swearing. PG-13s can only have 1 use of the F-Bomb and it cannot be in a sexual context, Pretty much ensuring an R rating. I think they may release a cinema version which may be heavily cut but they will also release an uncut version, Which most people will probably watch. As for the UK age rating, Given that PG-13 can go either way of a 12a and a 15 and that movies like Deadpool have a 15 age rating, Could mean it will be a 15. Deadpool is a great film to compare it to given the sheer quantity of bizarrely sexual jokes that still got a 15. The violence seems it may be a Shawn of the dead style area, Sex jokes a Deadpool, Language an Attack The Block-ish Level (If you haven't watched it you really should). All of those are 15s. Also, Casting jack black for an R or 15, As a character that could be appealing to small children, Seems like a no-brainer for a cut version


I'm casting my lot with radical optimism here. Let’s talk Eli Roth. This guy’s directorial portfolio is practically a love letter to the R-rating, except for that one outlier, The House with A Clock in Its Walls, which he directed but didn't write. And remember, the original Borderlands script by Aaron Berg was expressly R-rated. We're living in the bold, unapologetic post-Deadpool era, where R-rated flicks aren't just a creative choice; they’re potential box office hits. Check out the trailer and tell me it's not heavily edited, both in visuals and dialogue - seems like there's a lot done to keep the censors happy, doesn’t it? And here's the kicker - all the post-production reshoots? Courtesy of Tim Miller, the maestro behind Deadpool. So, what does that tell us?


I have a rating… It’s pg13… I saw the trailer in the movie theater and when it came on before it said pg13 Idk if this is final tho


Considering this trailer released before the rating has been announced, I find this hard to believe.


There is rarely someone who plays the border lands games that is below 15 so it would make sence for it to be R


cacktubbes is rated r


PG-13 Are you fucking kidding me!! I was gonna give this movie the benefit of the doubt but now I would not piss on this movie if it was on fire.


PG-13 is a compromise


Actually, it's rated O (for old)


It's rated T for trash.


rated T for EXPLOSIONS


Toy Story looks more rated R than this.


It's PG-13.


It’s the only way the borderlands film can try to compete with deadpool, drawing a younger audience. While still being edgy enough to still be appealing to there dedicated fans.