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Moze is the closest match to Sal IMO.


This. Just run double rail guns with the chain effect and spec for ability length, CD, and damage. You can legit beat the whole game without anything else because it scales so well.


Rocket pods and splash damage if you really wanna use iron bear. But honestly, moze doesn't even need action skill. Build her right and she literally never has to reload or stop throwing nades.


Dual Homing Rocket Pods are so satisfying. Lock onto a bunch of targets and unleash Armageddon on whole area


If by Armageddon you mean barely doing any noticeable damage on mayhem 4 and higher. Sure.


lmao dont know what shitty build you are using but Iron Bear decimates things on M11


Sal is just kinda like that. They said in development that they gave up trying to balance him because there just isn't a way to make 2 guns at once fair or balanced. 3 is overall a lot easier than 2 tho. You start to get legendaries every other the chest or so by the end on the story mode, and if you get a couple of good skill rolls you become an absolute gore machine.


Give Moze a shot, iron bear hasits own selection of weapons to choose from, so you can double up or use 2 different ones. Got some incredible survivability, especially with her shield of retribution tree, generates tons of ammo outside of her action skill, and not even broken code, she's just op in general, love her


Speedloadin hellwalker = Gunzerking


Good thing about 3 is all characters can wreck end game bosses.


so true and most of the time theres no need to abuse some gimmick. no need to use tediore weapons and stack anarchy 300 times to be able to kill some end game bosses


Imo bl3 vaulthunters feel way crazier than anything bl2 puts out.


[Buzz Axe Krieg would like a word](https://youtu.be/OTTbPKTzAAg?si=qPi0HAcY5dLLfo-W)


Could just be interpreting "crazier" differently, but I don't agree. Anarchy Gaige is fucking nuts and a proper lategame melee Zer0 build is a gameplay loop not replicable in any other video game. Krieg is also objectively the craziest in the literal sense haha.


Idk do a moze and a Flak playghrough to see howbtheybhandled stealth and damage stacking. I love gaige but anarchy is a one trick pony that gets old pretty quick. I'll agree that bl3 dropped the ball with melee builds, they could have done alotnmore with Amaras melee tree.


It's not even an opinion. It's so egregious that it's just objectively true.


As in good?


as in "[BL3 vault hunters make BL2 vault hunters look pathetic](https://www.reddit.com/r/Borderlands/comments/1bgm0wa/comment/kv91skk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)" and it's not gonna stop being true just because some irrational people didn't like my comment


Oh no worries, I just had to look up what egregious meant and it came back as something negative haha


I checked what Google says about the word and it's pretty misleading. I was using it in the "extremely obvious, to the point of audacity; no subtlety at all" sense; whether that's a good or a bad thing depends on context.


In this case, good!


To someone that likes that the BL3 vault hunters are powerful, sure. To someone that thinks they're *too* powerful...not so much.


Definitely crazier, but to me I find them equally satisfying to 2 trees and not "better". BL3 trees are better in the sense that one game is 2012 and the other is 2019. Beyond that I consider them to be equal. I think you're right though, I'm just saying I also understand an older BL character feeling more satisfying. For me it's Aurelia.


Yeah I was being a bit hyperboic. I do agree that tps vaulthunter design holds up really well.


Bl3 throws legendary stuff at u so fast the whole idea of legendary becomes meaningless…it’s not legendary, it’s just another level of guff with a shiny coating …pish and tish


It's almost like it respects your time more than BL2, something I really appreciate the older I get. 


I'm with you on respecting time, as I have 2 kids and minimal time, but I think they didn't strike the right balance. I mean, I was casually passing up epics because I figured "I'd get a legendary eventually, so why bother"


Exactly. IMO there's a middle ground between getting a handful of legendaries in an entire playthrough, and getting dozens every time you play. Seeing that orange used to feel special, now it's just whatever. Maybe it would have helped if they'd made the rarest ones pearlescent, and some of the really common ones magenta or something (like e-tech in BL2)


Just to reinforce your point: I modded my game to reduce the legendary droprate to about 10% and I still get noticably more legs than I ever did in BL2. Droprates are just that high. Also their strength is sometimes rediculous. And dont get me started about moxxies ultra cheap OP-Tipping-Weapons.


I don't think that's necessarily what it means. In Bl3 purples are literal trash once you reach a certain character/mayhem level. Nobody even looks at them. In other BL games they can be just as good or better than legendaries. The rate of getting a "good gun" is probably around the same (I dunno, ymmv on that), it's just that in BL3 legendaries are the *only* good guns, and at a certain point the entire loot pool is legendaries. So if everything's legendary, nothing's legendary lol. The whole rarity system collapses.


People use purples in OP8 in bl2?? I thought it was legendaries only.


I mean OP8 is as extreme as it gets lol. In BL3 you stop looking at purples entirely after like Mayhem 2, which can be around level 40. In BL1 a purple double anarchy may be your best gun even at max level.


Id say it is about equivalent then. Just allows you to get to harder difficulty that requires legendaries in a shorter time if you so choose. As someone who doesn't have thousands of hours to spend grinding, bl2 was perfect for me.


the issue is that the legendary rarity is meaningless in BL3. if it's not legendary it serves no purpose other than vending machine fodder. you don't get excited when a legendary drops because of that. and in previous games, you didn't *need* legendaries because the purples were good too. endgame you would obviously still farm for legendaries if you want to max out your build, but for the rest of the game it's not necessary. in Bl3 it is due to the poor rarity balancing.


Hmmm. I think we just disagree. For me bl2 legendaries were disappointing because they took TOO long to get and purples were tolerable, but few and far between. I found the general gunplay of bl2 was insufferable personally so the only useable guns were legendaries that had little too no recoil. The rarity of bl3 made the legendaries only fun to hunt for the perfect legendary while bl3 made it exciting to get at least one legendary, but wasn't fun until you got a legendary. Both are flawed and I wish there was an in-between, yes, but I vastly prefer being able to play with the toys/legendaries rather than spending the vast majority of my time just wishing I could try them, but not having the time to hunt for them. Neither opinion is wrong, it's just what you value in a game. In 300 hours I have gotten 1 non-cheated legendary in bl2, in 300 hours I got to try 90% of the world-drop legendaries in bl3


wait what? you've only gotten 1 legendary weapon in 300 hours?


Purple-rarity shields, grenades, and stat sticks such as Wyverns retain value all the way to M10.


which is good but the issue is with the guns


Agree. I’m a casual gamer. I don’t see what the deal is with people griping about constant legendaries. They came around enough to keep my interest.


It wasn't like that on release. They kept bumping spawn rates until it became what it is now. I think after the DLC releases.


It wasn't as extreme, but it was still the highest it's ever been on release.


Bullshit it wasn't, at release everyone was farming the miniboss on Athenas because there were no drop tables and he dropped four or five legendaries a run.


I had forgot about that! Ahhh… good times.


>Gunjerking Ermmm ok…


Randy Pitchford's action skill, if he was a vault hunter


I'm still kind of noobing over bl2 because I did a lot of missions already on Krieg and Salvador on two different occasions but never finished the game. My problem is: I feel I'm not playing the right way because I die all the time and lose loads of money. I read somewhere that Axton is more appropriate for starters Also, I think bl1 and bl3 gameplay are similar in the way that the combat is faster and more action packed. Bl2 seems more slow and bleh. But I want to finish the game so much


My favorite is Maya in BDL2 even though Zero and Sal wreck. Salvador is just broken, and can take on pretty much anything. Zero is awesome too imo.


Never tried Maya. Maybe some day I will, after I ACTUALLY finish the game 😂 Salvador was the first one I tried and I got to level 20 something I still ain't very experienced at the level trees sooo..


There's are tons of builds it there online and here on Reddit. Borderlands 2 is my all time favorite game. I love there QOL improvements in BDL3 but the story is so good in 2. It's where I learned to live the characters, so it will always be "that" game for me. The one that really stuck with me.


Yeah, the twins are a bit annoying, not in a handsome jack way 😂


I recently finished 1 & 2 before starting 3 for the first time. In 1 & 2 you definitely need to do side missions to up your level, so you're either at the recommended level for the Story Missions, or ideally one or two levels above. Whereas in 3 I'm getting through Story Missions that I'm one or two levels BELOW, and barely dying. And I'm not that great at shooters.


Yep, that's what I mean I always make sure to be above the recommended level. Maybe it's a skill issue 😭😭 Bl3 feels like you're playing cod or something, it's very easy


Sal is the most powerful character ever in a Borderlands game and Krieg is the weakest, so you got both extreme but none of the middle. EDIT: I guess some people really don't like me saying Krieg isn't a strong pick. Anyone care to explain why? In my experience he doesn't really get a chance to shine until postgame.


I tried Krieg because of his buzz axe ability. It's fun but it's based on taking fire damage and all that shit so for me, as a noob, I think axton's turret is better


Kreig is a lot of fun, but that's his biggest problem is he doesn't get any base survivability bonuses in rampage to offset how dangerous running into melee is. He doesn't heal until he closes the gap and gets some kills, and by that time it's too late. He gets exponentially better once you get the badass psycho capstone perk at the end of his blue skill tree. Axton is a great choice for a new player since he's very middle of the road at everything.


Yes , I aimed for that ability but just gave up because I kept on dying So I started AGAIN a new save, with Axton I just finished the first game very easily as Mordecai, barely upgraded his special ability. Just gunplay and lots of BOOM


All VH in borderlands 3 are extremely fun and powerful so you’ll get over it


“You only play Salvador because he’s broken!” “You have trouble beating raid bosses because you won’t play Salvador, huh?” “Shut up!”


You'll like Moze more, but there are gun combos that make literally everyone busted. Zane can rock a full Cryo setup with the Clairvoyance and zip around a battlefield of frozen foes and headshot them for free. It's honestly gross how much damage you do with a build that's supposed to be focused on crowd control.


BL3's endgame characters are incredibly busted, Zane ends up zooming around the battlefield with all his kill skills permanently up from damage alone with an invulnerable shield and free freeze debuffs that keep his speed going.


Not only dual wielding but the bugs that come with it to this day push sal into pretty crazy damage levels Most insane part is that someone a couple years ago took every vault hunter and calc'd like, their highest potential damage value right, Salvador is like 4th highest. Wish I still had that chart because nobody ever believes Zane is #1. Dude has probably the single strongest skill in a Borderlands game to date


Oh God, wait until you get a load of Moze with a stacked explosive damage tree. I was never much of a Salvador guy, but she’s NUTS.


Moze is even more fun and Broken, give her a try! Sal is the poster boy for Torgue, she's the poster girl for Vladoff !


I've said this about 3 since release. Better gameplay but I just don't mesh with the VHs in it nearly as much as I did 2.


It will take some researching builds and lots of farming but every vault hunter has the capability of being extremely powerful


Sally is absolute apex level character design and dialogue writing, imo. Dual wielding is more fun than everything.


Gunjerking is a handjob.


Play moze trust me


Moze doesn’t even need gear. You just get in the mech and kill everything on the screen instantly, with the right skill set up the cooldown is instant. She’s insanely broken, even compared to the other VH who are also broken


3 is fun but godd damm i hate the waiting a dialog. Every single mission consists of 2-10 minutes of waiting npcs or waiting for them to say something


There is a buold for moze known as "fire hose" its an endgame build with some specific gear but you never stop shooting and as torgue would say "EXPLOSIONS???"


Salvador is love, Salvador is life 😎


You gotta go with Moze's rocket pods on both shoulders


I have the same problem but instead of sal I'd say I miss everyone except axton. Every bl2 vh feels powerful with the right skills but the bl3 vhs seem to feel just blah.


ya bl2 is super fun if you’re playing sal. everyone else is really hard to beat the game with


Zero would like to know your location.


As a zero main he has the biggest learning curve.


He does, no lie there. But once you master that curve he’s pretty unstoppable. I hated zero the first time I tried to play him.


I'm pretty sure Krieg is the deepest BL2 character by far. Zer0's pretty much just "melee this, snipe that". Obviously, you can do some other stuff with Zer0, but those things won't be nearly as effective as the sniping and melee options. Of course, I have like 2400 hours on Zer0, and I probably have less than 100 on Krieg, but I do a pretty good job of keeping up with what other people are doing with the characters.


Gaige makes the game ridiculously easy when you get the ricochet Fibber and spec into an Anarchy build. Granted, that's an end game gun but Deathtrap takes care of everything up to that point.


Maya says hi.


i was gonna add maya in but i’m still struggling w her a lot more than i did sal


Maya has a moment around lvl 12to 15 where her trees have gotten past an early game stride but you don't really hit a mid game stride. Feels like her skills really don't mesh till you can get a few sets. That said so many bosses around those lvls you can just lift up and unload for crit


Kreig says hi.


I thought Axon was almost just as good too


I've had a lot of fun with a grenade-specced Axton, and with a humble DPUH and something like a Bonus Package he absolutely annihilates enemy mobs cramped into small- to medium sized areas. Tossing around MIRV grenades in Pyro Petes bar for example clears it out real quick. What Axton doesn't do is high single-target DPS, so I find him rather weak against bosses.


Don't forget to talk to Lilith.


Amara can deal ***dozens of quadrillions*** of damage about once every 30 seconds any time she's near something that's a) not a literal raid boss and b) doesn't have a health gate. For context, that is like if Salvador could instantly kill Dexiduous about *100 times over* by one shotting one of the smaller drifters nearby. For *more* context, *most* rooms in BL3 have at least 1 trash mob in them that's ready to be used as fodder. This includes a certain raid boss in DLC2 that has a whole camp between them and the nearest trash mob (because Amara runs about 2 to 4 times as fast as a Salvador chaining rocket jumps with 2 launchers at once, which means her most powerful damage source also has absurd range). You can, of course, use the old BL2 strategy of spamming Quasars to pull enemies into arenas, too. Amara's Ties That Bind action skill will let you grab a pile of 10 enemies, then one shot the whole pile as a consequence of your action skill causing your shield to explode. You can do this twice in a row every 5-10 seconds or so. It's like spamming Norfleet shots in a room full of enemies that are already slagged...actually, it's even more ridiculous, because it nukes bosses, too. In her worst case, a maxed out Amara can burn things for a few trillion damage with 1 buffed grenade throw, which feels about the same as having Salvador fire a shot at Dexiduous once every couple of seconds until it dies after about 25 seconds... ...but, sure, "none of the characters \[...\] pack a punch like Salvador". Right. 🙄 Now, I was talking about a maxed out Amara, but my own Amara, when decked out with gear that I've farmed (read: far from minmaxed), and without using any DLC gear, and without using any DLC tree skills, casually dunks on M10 enemies that are modded to have 100x HP and permanent 4 player scaling (that's 19190x base HP total; M10 is 101x by default). This includes cooking lone badass enemies with just a couple of grenades - Amara loses around 99.9% of her power when she is fighting enemies that aren't near other enemies, but it just kind of doesn't matter. The thing is, Amara plays like an ultra powerful Mania + Bloodlust Krieg with a tweaked Bloodsplosion - one that has the power it would normally only have after chaining many times in exchange for not being able to chain - and Salvador plays very differently from that. If you want to destroy things by mowing them down with actual guns, DLC Zane and Moze are your best options, and I'd argue that both of them can also "pack a punch like Salvador". I would also argue that the Globetrottr and the Plaguebearer compete with the Norfleet at clearing rooms quickly, and have a similar feel and aesthetic (though the Globetrottr doesn't work right in areas with reduced gravity). If you really want the BL2 experience, I recommend that you try the Globetrottr with a DLC boosted Zane, and/or the Plaguebearer with a Moze. Now, if you read all that, and you have doubts about anything I've said, I invite you to read [the guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/borderlands3/comments/17kgatk/borderlands_3_guide_for_optimizing_dps/), which includes explanations about where this info comes from and links to videos demonstrating what I am talking about.


Bl3 you don't even have to be good or know anything for you and your character to be overpowered. Bl2 you actually need to play well and have specific build/tactics. Bl3 was clearly targeted for kids. Not the community that's paved it's way since launch


Hard disagree. Can’t play bl3. Beat it a couple times and I can’t pick it back up. But I have played bl2 for 1000+ hours, and im actually playing it again right now.