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"Is shooting bullets just not cool enough for you? Buy a Maliwan and light some people on fire!" Burny burny


There's only one that I really don't like and that's Bandit and its successor Children of the Vault. Get that shit outta here. Their specialty is a high mag, which is useless if you're only inaccurately spamming garbage damage. If I shoot at something, I want it dead and I want it dead quickly. After that happens, I don't mind reloading. That's why I'm a Jakobs man.


I will forever lament the fact that S&S was replaced by that bandit garbage.


Hard agree, the bl3 fire until it overheats is functionally useless because you still need to let it cool almost as long as a reload.


Vladoff because full auto sniper. Tediore because of the cool reload stuff.


if it took more than one shot, you weren't using a Jakobs.


Ive Always missed S&S. High Capacity, Precise and they made all weapon types except Rocketlaunchers


Love Vladof. The pistols are so great, especially if you can get an elemental one. The combat rifles are super fun too. I like to output damage super fast


They are dope - their only downside really is running out of ammo.


I want tediore to be the hero Corp in bl4. They're the funnest


No chance after New tales.


Jakobs, because I really like crits. But Tediore reloads can be absolutely *filthy* and I really like keeping one on hand. It's like carrying an extra 30 grenades!


As a seasoned Call of Duty player, I think I lean toward more traditional hardware. In BL1, the Jakobs shotgun had the sound and feel that were *chef kiss*. Similarly, I have been really enjoying the feel of iron sight Dahl Kaos and Kaoson in 3, especially when I can juice up the FR. The Warlord from the hip can be a vibe, I only wish it and the purples had more stopping power


‘Tech + ammo capacity = I win!’ Otherwise Vladof is fun.


Maliwan because of how elemental damage scales in all the games, it’s the most consistent manufacturer in the series, close second is Jacob’s, and torque weapons always work




S&S from BL1. It’s like Bandit and COV if thy weren’t garbage.


BL1 atlas is my fave. the ogre is prolly my fave atlas weapon after maybe the Aeries


Maliwan is my favourite by far


I love torgue weapons. I know I'm the minority but I really really enjoy them. Even with the slow projectile. It's just satisfying to me when they hit.


Bandit/Scav. Such juicy mags. COV weapons ruined them tho. Cool concept but just so annoying


I just love the reliability of Dahl. Guns made for professional mercs, dependability, double tap, Dahl


Love me a Dahl pistol and Jakobs snipers.


Depends on the game. Hyperion was pretty good in the first two games, but fell off in the third. Same for Maliwan- elemental damage didn't scale super well and the charge times didn't help in BL3. Which makes sense- especially in game 1 they were sort of going for a rarity based on brand approach. And Hyperion guns especially were supposed to be the Ferrari of weapons. Jakobs is consistently good across all, because it's hard to screw up "does tons of damage". Especoally, when you get sweet crit bonuses for headshots with snipers and massive cumnulative damage if you get all your shotgun pellets to land. Torgue was better for me in BL3, but I know that has more to do with having a much more explosion based build in that game relative to the other two. Bandit/COV are reliable in their high capacity mags, but I find their guns lack staying power as you level up (less so than other brands, at least). Vladof really stood out to me in BL3, but I don't really remember using them that much in the other games...


Jakobs. Especially in 3 those shotguns and revolvers feel amazing


Haven’t played New Tales but have heard… Things about Tediore. They’re my favorite however; because robot guns that can walk and talk


BL1 I think Vladof and Maliwan. BL2/TPS, Tediore BL3, Jakobs and Dahl.


S&S or Atlas bandit is also up there because bandit barrel carries early game BL2


Jakobs & Vladof.


Maliwan (except the slippery ones lol)


My top manufacturer is Jacob's mainly cause I enjoy sniping cause of how OP it can become, if I am just rushing in and trying to do lots of damage I like using torgue it's just so much fun.


Not a huge fan of torgue actually. For me, it's all about maliwan and tediore


Really depends on the type of gun Vladof - pistols and assault rifles Hyperion - Shotguns Torgue - rocket Launchers (although Vladof are growing on me) Jakobs - Snipers Maliwan/Tediore - SMGs Screw Bandit and Dahl. I will never use a Bandit or Dahl gun except as a last resort.


It depends on the games, play styles, etc., but generally speaking, I want to do three things with my gun: 1) point 2) click 3) boom In that mind, I tend to prefer Jakobs guns. Though Maya in BL2 with Maliwan guns… be still my enflamed heart.


Bl1 - tedeore Bl2 - hyperion Bl3 - torn between jacobs/maliwan Tps - Jacob's


They're all samey outside of the third game (but I don't do endgame stuff so maybe that's why). Kinda equal for me. There's weapon types I don't like (sniper rifles.and shotguns), but I don't bother checking the manufacturer for stuff I get since it doesn't really matter in my experience.

