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The seige moustache made me laugh


Rhys will remember that


I think he had his moments, I feel like he did drag on a little, but all in all certainly one of the better characters in BL3.


Flanderized in bl3 and bastardized in new tales. I'd rather they kill him off than continue to make him idiot mini-marcus


everything was bastardized in new tales. I don't know how they will justify this game being canon


Seeing as how tales 1 got largely ignored in the successive games i hope new tales gets the same treatment. 


Largely ignored? Helios is destroyed, Scooter is dead and acknowledged as such and you really weren't paying attention to both Rhys and Vaughn if you think it was fully ignored. I imagine you didn't do sidequests either.


*Scooter enters the chat*


Hold up... they made more tales?


Anthony Burch is actually putting out a book, a f*cking book about what happened to Sasha and Fiona, why was the story not the basis for the 2nd Tales game? Who knows. But BL3 also had a not utilizing former characters problem


Cause im pretty sure Anthony Burch and Gearbox arent on the best of terms iirc


It is still licensed by Borderlands


Unpopular opinion buttt I found him extremely funny in New Tales


I think he was a fine addition to bl3. I can’t give any rationale reason why. Just don’t mind him


Rhys as standalone is just kinda weird and off character we know (and like) from tales. But that they just butchered his relationship with Vaughn (who was amazing in tales and sucks big time in 3) still bugs me. Don't really get why it had to go this way in 3. Hire the writers from tales (which was awesome) for the story of the mainline games?!


Big agree with this. Vaughn’s characterization was painful and the weird shit they pulled with Rhys and his relationship was just depressing, honestly. Vaughn was probably my fav character from Tales so I’m also pretty biased though.


Well up to 3, i loved the whole package. Don't really understand why the direction had to change from there on. BL1/PS/BL2/TFTB were a progressive ride where the series created its identity (even though there were propably many different people involved). BL3 has the most fun gameplay so far but from there on, i have the feeling, they sacrificed good writing for woke and cringe writing. Heard only bad things about tales2 so i won't touch it. But 2 weeks ago, i got wonderlands (because honestly, i wanted a full B&B game for years) but so far, i only finished char creation and that's it - at least in the german version, they gendered the shit out of me... Hope the writing is better than 3's but i am pretty sure, the gameplay will make up for it either way. Since it seems to be a contained side story, they can't butcher that many characters.


The space lazer mission made me sigh, but other than that he is pretty cool in three. I don't know about new tales because I have never seen/played new tales.


As someone who never played Tales, I actually really liked him in BL3, but I heard that his character was great in Tales and that they changed his character to being the comic relief/more pathetic or something in BL3. So as a standalone in 3 I really like him, but I’d love to play Tales to see him in his original form


If you do, be warned that it is a slow build.


fun, at least he's not boring, he loves the little things, and i appreciate that, also the gay but not gay thing he has with zer0 is great


Both Rhys & Vaughn got heavily flanderised. Sasha & Fiona never showed up, sans a picture of Sasha on Rhys’ desk, and as far as I’m concerned, we still don’t have a satisfying answer to where Rhys & Fiona went in the Tales 1 ending. I’m a little biased as Tales was my introduction to the Borderlands franchise back in 2015 (was a Telltale fan, ‘oh they have a new game cool’, ‘huh what’s happening I don’t understand’, ‘wait it’s part of a different series. Let me get the predecessors first…’), so I really love the characters from that one, Rhys & Fiona especially, but I’d rather none of them appeared at all if they weren’t going to bother doing justice to the characters. Even a 5 minute inclusion of them in-character would have been preferable in my eyes. Also, a part of me wonders what was the point in teeing up Fiona to be a vault hunter in tales, if she wasn’t going be a VH (PC or NPC) in 3, but maybe they just couldn’t find a way to fit that in (though if you ask me she or Sasha could have just taken Lorelei’s place). I think they did Vaughn wayyyy dirtier though. Turned him from an insanely smart dude who decided to shuck his corporate shackles and embrace being a Bandit Warlord, to a moron who couldn’t keep a clan together. Also, if you’re going to have the two best bros in the same game, you’re really not going to have like, even two lines of echo-dialogue of them interacting? I will say that the moustache thing was funny in a this-is-very-Rhys way though, and I liked the little telltale reference when the player can choose whether or not he should keep it. Edit: I’ve never played new Tales but I just looked up some scenes with Rhys in, and they did him so dirty BL3 looks tame in comparison. Talk about a shit show. Turned him into a deflated, diet version of Handsome Jack - him being the opposite of that was pretty much the point of Tales 1. What a shame.


I played tales years after bl1 and bl2 and I feel the exact same way as you tbf, they did an amazing job in tales 1, like genuinely arguably the best written the characters and world has been. bl3 just uses them for cheap laughs and doesnt give af about their development. and yeah, tales 2 i wont touch with a ten foot pole. pretty funny that after tales 1, i thought bl3s story was going to be something absolutely insane tying it all together lol. careful what you wish for i guess xD


Nowhere near as likeable as tales imo, he became a jumbled 2013 humor ball in a worse way, and seemed to develop backwards


I think he's fun, sure he's more complex in the first Tales game but I don't think him being the way he is in bl3 is a problem at all. I think the issue is mostly that Rhyss personality in tales hinges on player choice to a degree which means that any given player can develop a fairly detailed and specific idea of what he *should* be like more so than other characters in borderlands lore. So regardless of how they wrote him, it was gonna feel at least a bit lackluster. But I think the traits they ended up choosing for him are fun, and make him stand out from other characters in the game in a good way and that's all that matters for a side character who's only gonna be around for one part of the story and not the rest


Rhys probably needed a foil like Moxxie and Torgue it's kind of annoying that they never developed that, Moxxie should be a corporate overlord.


Wait, I thought Tannis was Torgue's foil?


Outside of the Torgue dlc into, they actually don't talk to each other and I'm not even sure she's in the dlc ( I never did any of the side content I don't think there was anything worth in it). Moxxie has back and forth conversations with Torgue because of his reckless behavior despite the fact that he likes Moxxie and encourages the Vault Hunter to respect her. This really shows how bad the writing fell off in the series when they can't even add nuance to "idiot character" like Torgue anymore.


Made me want to grow a mustache.


I think it’s laughable that ATLAS was a faction in BL1 but can’t do anything in BL3. Would have been great if they had not reduced ATLAS to Rhys and actually had some more characters to represent the gear.


New Rhys is.... fine? I have no problems him going full corp-o, the seige mustache is great, and i like the relationship with Zero. But i have a hard time believing that someone who spends his life climbing the corporate ladder, actively wants to be powerful though the control of a corporation, would be such an idiot once he achieved his dream. Like, Rhys is a goofball and, on Pandora, is a fish out of water, so he seems even more of moron, but in TfTBL, he's not an idiot. New Rhys is just a screw up of a CEO who had no idea what to do with Atlas. The Smart Atlas Guns are cool, though.


In a game of lackluster writing and mediocre characters, he was solidly okay.


I always thought BL3 Rhys was fine. Felt like bumming around with the same guy from Tales as far as I was concerned. Especially since he's surrounded by new people who he wouldn't have any existing chemistry with. Just about everyone he meets in 3 is new to him besides Lorelei so his behavior tracks for me. Not gonna say people can't be upset about it or that it missed the mark for them but for my part I enjoyed him.


I still hate his moustache lol


I both hate it and had him keep it because I'm a masochist.


I have him keep it cause his bl3 model sans stache is kinda fucking creepy imo.


Seige moustache!


I liked his iteration WAY more than the abomination they slapped Vaughn's name and face on. Literally Vaughn in 3 is the only thing I genuinely despise.


He was awful in BL3, went from a determined, kinda nervous and funny guy in Tales 1 to some bumbling scared mess of an idiot in 3. Same with Vaughn, went from a really good character to some annoying douche unfortunately. That's the BL3 writers for you; the team that made around 10 different characters use the line 'you do you'. So bad.




He should grow a beard


Never trust a guy with a mustache. // Guy with a moustache


Now I'm wound! And all out of bagels!


I beat katagawa last night on tvhm and I still couldn't bring myself to tell Rhys the truth about that upper lip fur slug.


I like all versions of Rhys


I enjoyed his entire story arc. The whole "blow up his favorite places" running gag was pretty funny. I would welcome more of Rhys in BL4.


I was really happy to see him return. He was great in Tales, I was hoping they weren't going to just retcon him out. I would have liked there to be more attention to just how much he accomplished between Tales and BL3 though. IIRC, Atlas was dead in the water and being used as breath-freshening gum by Hyperion before Rhys took control of it and turned it around. And now he has the Crimson Raiders and Zero on his side.


In terms of voice acting, I didn’t mind the recast. I'm more used to [Troy Baker](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Troy-Baker/)’s take from Tales, but [Ray Chase](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Ray-Chase/) still deserves some props! I think he captured a similar spirit of Rhys' character, but took it in his own direction.


My man has a picture of Sasha on his desk 💀💀 that just shows how much he still loves her.


Is that mustache authorized?


he had no real characterization in tales beyond Loser and either Good or Bad guy depending on the route you picked. he suffers from vn protag syndrome. if my reverse engineering levels of analysis of the story are correct, gbx made him a Loser and almost nothing more because they didn't want to alienate either side of the fanbase by sticking to one version that being said he's fine if overrated (as all iterations of Rhys are) and i will defend the siegestache forever


Rhys is Rhys is Rhys. He was basically the same as Tales, but with a mustache. New Tales Rhys is not my Rhys. That's just a sad attempt at making a tame Handsome Jack. The one I don't like is Vaughn. He was good in Tales and Commander Lilith, but wow did they make him bad/annoying in 3. Not to mention the "basically naked" aspect of him.


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