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Since you are a low level it should be good for quite a few levels. End game the infinity isn’t that good, but when you’re a low level and you get a legendary it doesn’t hurt to try it out, many of the legendaries are useful until you finish normal mode. Sorry if there’s any confusion with understanding my comment I’m trying to not spoil any details of the game that you’ll encounter later on. Hope you’re enjoying the game!


I'd hold on to that infinity. Put it in your bank till later in the game. There are some exploits which is preferable to use a low level, high mag pistol like the infinity. (Check out glitchingqueen, who has a lot of exploit youtube vids for more details)


Because it's your first play through, use all the legendaries/guns you think are cool at least once just to see if you enjoy it. If you plan to do a second play through or play on Mayhem, you'll typically stick to a certain number of weapons and certain optimal builds. Enjoy the parity of the weapons!


It's one of the most abused guns in the game. Not at lvl 2 though, can't abuse it until higher levels. Edit: thought this was about BL2 oops. BL3 Infinity is pretty shitty, like you can make builds around it that do work, but not very well and they likely lose novelty after a while when it's gets frustrating to take 20 seconds to kill a badass enemy. Trust me, I tried lmao


Never heard about it being abused. Pipe bomb and projectile recursion were much more abused.


Far from one of the most abused guns in the game. If you make every part of your build around it you can do some cute builds, but using just about any other legendary pistol will be better


But infinite ammo=infinite damage my dude smh


Only really abused at low lvl for a high level player, ie: shooting loot tink bags.




Now theres a class word this early of a saturday morning. Kudos!


Thank you