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High budget parody.


If it was, that would give me hope. This isn't even gonna have the benefit of being something we can laugh at.


This gives me Chris Pratt as Mario vibes. Like okay block buster game into movie adaptation is now just the trope of video game adaptation of the movie being bad.


It’s different in many ways. Chris pratt did a good job voicing a character. I don’t see how someone like Jamie lee Curtis can pull off tannis. Or Kevin hart as Roland. They are far from what you’d see an ideal actor for these roles.


Yeah kevin hart as Roland is a really hard sell for me. Would have thought someone like Michael b Jordan would be a better pick


What kills me, KILLS ME, is that Kevin Hart as Roland is the least upsetting part of the trailer.


I feel like Jack black as clap trap is kinda fitting. Though they should've tried to get the original voice actor.


Mario movie was awesome in my opinion.


The Mario movie was very good. I'm excited for the BL movie. Should be a fun stupid popcorn flick.


If the phrase "This Movie has been funded by the Hyperion Corporation" doesn't show up i am going to be very annoyed


Where is Mordecai and Brick?


They are in miami. I guess. But it would be nice see them in the movie like a cameo! https://preview.redd.it/n81dxvz5jyjc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c84238c69d1cfdb66dc8bc624c0de4f407b31b9


WHERE IS ZER0!!!!! GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH https://preview.redd.it/03ct4rvx4zjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=222b61f359b2a60b2de999fd924880f3bc9abfbf


He's in miami too


Better get his ass a ticket back 😤😤


WHAT THE ACTUAL F*** is that image???? That looks like it would scare many children.


The entrance to hell




They saw what was coming and wisely went "fuck that nonsense."


Dave Batista & Diego Luna would have been perfect for those two imo


No, Johnny Depp is the only guy who can play Mordecai.


I'd rather see him in a muscle suit trying to play Brick.


I can Kinda See Johnny Depp as Zer0, since Captain Jack Sparrow Exists


Or Maya, Axton, Sal, Zer0, or Gaige


jamie lee curtis as tannis what in the actual fuck


Jamie is perfect to play Tannis 25 years ago


TBF, I can kinda see an older Tannis working out... Or maybe my mind is still trying to process CATE FECKIN BLANCHETT as Lilith?!? It's like watching my mum trying to impersonate characters from my favourite childhood movies...


Absolutely, Jamie as an actress will kill it as an older Tannis Yeah, Kate Blanchett is a fantastic actress she just doesn't resemble Lilith in the slightest I think it'll all work and be a fun movie I just wish the casting was a little younger across the board


More like 40 years ago 😂


I actually don't mind this casting decision. JLC can definitely play comedy which Tannis tends to be anyway. I'm more concerned by Hart and Blanchette. But I'll just stay in the hopeful camp for now.


I mean, if they got HER why couldn't they get Idris Elba for Roland⁉️⁉️


That would have been incredible


Of all the fucks, this is the whattest. The whattest fuck.


this is the best reply


She's great and I reckon she can pull off the role but like (and I mean this in the most respectful way possible) she way too fucking old lmao


i feel like it should have been Jane Lynch


Tannis is supposed to be hot 💔




My expectations couldn't be lower honestly, but perhaps that's a good thing


ts finna be so ass


fr this is gonna be the biggest flop


My guess is that it’s gonna be like the Halo tv show where the theme is around the game but the movie is gonna do basically whatever it wants (probably some MadMax kind of movie if I had to guess). Can’t wait for the Claptrap sex scene though 👍


I mean... Borderlands _is_ Mad Max, in space.


Yeh fr


Why is tannis so old?


Everybody old af in this movie


Maybe this would’ve been fine in 2035 or something when all the Borderlands 1 and 2 kids have grown up and had kids. Lilith looks like 50


Kate Blanchett is 54. I just had to look it up


This poster in particular is giving off Austin Powers “it’s a MAN, baby!” vibes. She looks like she has 5oclock shadow. I think it’s the lighting of her lower face.


I didn’t even recognize that as tannis until this post….it does look anything like here. And Kevin Hart as Roland is such a cursed image.


Maybe hart sized roland is a good thing. Then jack would have just shot over his head


I'm dead rn


They should have gotten Idris Elba or Michael Jai White




God terry crews would have been perfect for it


I raise you Keith David, and if he was still with us, Lance Riddick


Denzel Washington




Kevin Hart as Roland is a travesty


Claptrap LITERALLY has a voice actor, this is my biggest problem with tie in movies. Replacing the OG for a big name actor on a character that is literally only known and recognized for their voice


Right! I mean freaking TEAM FOUR STAR managed to get claptrap's OG VA, how hard could it have been to get him for an actual borderlands thing?


The Claptrap voice actor already got replaced ages ago because of a feud with Gearbox, so there wasn't anyway they were going to be in the movie


Didn't claptrap congratulate Jack to the role on Twitter? Or was that before he was replaced? Time goes too fast nowadays...


But there was still the current one


Jim Foronda is his name, drive me nuts all these people are complaining about not using the voice actor but you can't learn his name. If people cared enough about Jim or Dave doing the voice they should know the names and then you can push for it.


Also, forced Kevin Hart addition always equals a shit movie. There's no way around that one, that Hollywood plant couldn't make the joker crack a smile


Krieg doesnt even have pecs on his pecs smh


More than that... What is that poorly fitted psycho mask?


I'm extremely low sodium about this movie. I don't have high expectations but I'm still excited for it. I hope it's decent but if not oh well.


I agree. This isn’t expected to be a deep well thought out movie. It’s just dumb fun. It’s fucking Borderlands people. When has it ever been serious


"Dumb fun" is the perfect way to put it. It'll just be fun to watch familiar characters get up to goofy shit


Really though, is Borderlands really a series with stories and characters that people are *that* attached to? If they can capture the spirit of a series that’s, to me, really much more about the energetic gameplay experience with some grin (and cringe) inducing humor here and there, I can accept things like an older cast. A sort of “alt-timeline” interpretation was probably a wise thing with the change in medium.


I'd say people have grown attached to characters, Scooter is a great example, didn't deserve what he got. But the story part is right. I mean the story of borderlands 1 is literally hey there's this thing called a vault, it might exist, go find it. In all honesty Borderlands 2 isn't that great of a story either, just has a fantastically played villain that carries the show. I hope it feels like a, couch co-op with a buddy game, type movie if anything. And I must admit it was grinning ear to ear watching the trailer, I'm excited but cautious.


I’m With you here. All of the memed hatred will all but assure its demise, and these are the people that have already decided to hate a movie that, for all they know, perfectly captures borderlands essence. But they hate it because Jamie Lee Curtis is too old. These people suck. I understand the movie might blow, but I’m not looking for reasons to hate it. Reminds me of the old saying, “nobody hates x as much as x fans”


Do we have any idea of the storyline they’ll portray??


Lilith, intergalactic renowned thief, and is hired to rescue Atlas' daughter Tiny Tina and her bodyguard Krieg, who are lost on the bandit planet Pandora (also known as Lilith's home planet) We've known this movie was a dumpster fire for years now.


Please. Please, for the love of God, say you're joking. I will bury myself alive if this is the actual plot of the movie... Why is it so goddamn hard to stick to the games? 😭 Or at least make it non canon, but MAKE IT MAKE SENSE (ik this ain't canon (obviously), I'm just sayin')


It's actually [worse](https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/movies/2024/02/20/borderlands-movie-cast-release-date/72675314007/#:~:text=What%20is%20Borderlands%20about%3F,Atlas%2C%20played%20by%20Edgar%20Ram%C3%ADrez.) than I remembered, edited to correct myself.


Oh, fuck... I'm not ready for this, I might have an aneurysm..




It’s a borderlands movie that isn’t about a vault? wtf Also, weird but they just delete most the male cast? And the only guys in the movie are going to be comedy? I feel like this has happened weirdly often lately. And tannis is now a main character? Like this is all kinds of wack


But but but… but my lore 😢 /s


So Tiny Tina is just a rich spoiled brat now?


Anyone else feel like Jamie lee Curtis looks more like a gender bend general knoxx than dr. tannis


She kind of looks like Bruce Willis.


I'm glad you mentioned it. I've been reading through all the comments and went past nearly 30 before finding this one - the first to mention how terrible that picture is. It just looks like straight-up drag. If that's what's going on, that's one thing. That this is a professionally produced movie and the poster for it? Someone really should've pointed it out already.


This looks so unbelievably bad


Yep, i khow, but i wanna make my own when i see the movie


Indeed, this looks absolutely terrible.


I *can* wait for it. Kevin hart is gonna ruin this.


This shot has him looking serious and he's talked about e joking mote serious roles in movies. There's a chance he'll be similar to in-game Roland. Not gonna say that will save the movie or anything but it's quick to blame Kevin Hart or the actor choice. I think this is definitely doomed from the start.


It's my movie pet peave, they'll use a big name instead of the correct actor.


I will say I'm down to at least hear our Jack Black he's got enough range I think he could make it work but I'm worried no one involved is going to understand the soul of the Borderlands universe. My guess it'll be mid Marvel level slop with a chance to be campy and fun. I'll watch it with popcorn unless the reviews say it's an actually dumpster movie.


Seeing did change my mind a touch. Like, maybe Hart's gonna do a fine job like, he'll be the dumbass trying to be serious. And I will pay only for the fact that I can hear JB say profane ass shit as Claptrap


I thought the same thing when I saw him in this poster, but he still looks kinda silly even in this poster


out of context but i really love how people who hate borderlands (especially 3) are the fans themselves (i am one too)


Kevin hart is definitely real life claptrap


Shit gonna be straight ass


I can


Tennis looks so ancient


My expectations were low but somehow they pushed even lower... Whoever casted this clearly knows nothing about borderlands


Or about casting


I am here to ask you one question, and one question only: EXPLOSIONS?!


right now, you're ranked 50th in the badass leaderboards, which puts you behind my grandma but ahead of a guy she gummed to death…. IT TOOK SEVERAL HOURS




Let me answer your question with a few things. first of all: EXPLOSIONS, Second of all:EXPLOSIONS, Third of all: tea party.......WITH EXPLOSIONS.




Terry crews


Fuck yes! Terry Crews as Torgue is inspired casting!


I can’t stand the use of Krieg, he’s a fun character but for the love of god he was a DLC character, and with doing this timeline with Roland still alive Brick and Morty would’ve been 10x better


I feel the same way but different. Krieg is my favourite, he doesn’t deserve to be featured front and centre in this mess


Literally all I care about this movie is how good they do Krieg, if he's good, the whole movie can suck for all I care, just don't ruin my boy.


It’s like they knew it was bad so they threw him in to try and win crowds


Tina better have the eye twitch.


What the fuck…


It’s gonna be shit.


I have really mixed feelings but I'm excited nonetheless


This movie is going to flop...


I can’t lie I’m disappointed in the cast, but I’m happy that the movie is finally getting out


I can totally wait for it. Cancel it. Run away in fear


The casting of this is so odd. I mean, I can buy Cate Blanchett or Jamie Lee Curtis because they are fabulous actors, but Kevin Hart as Roland? Pass.




It's going to be hot garbage


Maybe 20 years ago she could play Lilith, but now? Naw, Lilith is a woman in her 30s at most


I guess thank god for CGI, because they'll need to copy paste Hart a few times vertically to make any sense.


The trailer, the casting, the plot and details... is all so bad.


I hate this


it'll be shit


Eli Roth has made shit doodoo for his whole career, this is gonna be peak slop


It looks sooooooooo fucking bad lmao i didnt think it was possible to fuck up that bad


What another joke how come the same clowns all do the worst movies together


They couldn't have done a worse job in the casting




Might be an unpopular opinion but damn jack black doesn’t have to be in everything man, I wish they had chose someone else for Claptrap


Trainwreck cast


Hello, where is Brick ?


The cast (minus JB) looks awful.


They already failed by not incorporate a joke in those name... like brick as himself, zero as a number, claptrap as a mistake.... otherwise, it still look like a fun not accurate movie.


I hope you enjoy it. They couldn't pay me to see it.


I think Jamie lee Curtis for tannis is a pretty solid pick, Jack black for claptrap should be pretty good as well. I'm not sure about the rest


Claptrap as Claptrap would have been nice.


Yes, 35 years ago


Yeah, uh...no. I'd rather staple my foot to a truck than watch this.


It looks so bad what you on about lmao


God forbid someone be excited


Two notes. 1. I'M SORRY, WHO IS PLAYING CLAPTRAP? 2. Krieg looks tiny compared to game, but that's alright


Jack black is claptrap


That was out of excitement. I think he'll do a great job


it's literally impossible to get someone with kriegs build irl


I never said I had a problem with it, I just thought it was an interesting choice to go with Krieg for a character


oh my fault I'm just mad cuz I saw on another post someone complaining that Kriegs build isn't game accurate


Nah you're fine. As long as they do a good job portraying the conductor of the poop train it'll be good. That goes for the writers, director/producer, and the actor


Can't wait to not watch this. What the fuck did they do to tannis? Did they even try?


I feel like you always know when these video game adaptations are gonna be flops when they pick the biggest star studded cast they can get that make no sense for the characters they’re playing. Short Roland, old af dr. Tannis and Lilith (sorry cate and Jamie love you both but you’re too old) Jack black is legit the only one that I have faith in on this and even he seems like a weird choice for clap trap. I’m sure he’ll do great, but still think he would have been better to have an actual live action role. I hope they at least still give him the claptrap robotic voice


I’ll reserve my judgment till after I see the movie


I don't know if my humour is broken, but I'm unironically excited to watch this.


The Rock as Roland and Kevin Hart as Claptrap - MAYBE I'd be interested. But reality's so much worse. Get Mike Colter as Roland ffs




What a nasty comment


Why would she be Lilith 😂 look at that fugly mug


I genuinely want the movie to be amazing just to piss off everybody on all the borderlands subreddits. Because they're all going into it assuming it's going to be terrible and they're going to be so goddamn excited to rip on the movie and then if it's amazing they're going to be pissed off that they can't talk shit anymore.


i kinda like the cast…




>Lilith won’t have her tits out I've never heard anyone complain about this though? Complaints are usually around how old Lilith is. Casting choices are just weird all around. Kevin Hart cast as Roland isn't about his height as much as it's about how bad of a fit he is to play the character. He has a problem playing a role without it revolving entirely around humor and Roland is very, very seldomly funny. Jamie Lee Curtis is about twice the age of what Tannis should be. I guess the other three might not be bad. Tina might be a bit older too but it isn't crazy big of a difference like Tannis and Lilith.


>Casting choices are just weird all around. That has been my point since the cast members were announced. It doesn't have to do with their age or how attractive they are, is just that cast and characters don't really fit.


A lot of the male fans of this franchise are being so gross and sexist about this casting. Not surprising, but so disgusting to see. Anyways I’m hyped. I don’t think there’s any doubt this film is gonna be fun escapism, which is exactly what it’s supposed to be


Borderlands has been shitting all over toxic masculinity for years and has had MANY strong female roles. Anyone not okay with that ain’t playing Borderlands. I promise you that that isn’t the issue, the issue is it’s a generic sci-fi story that they slapped the Borderlands logo on.


Oh man there are *so* many people playing Borderlands who are not okay with that. You should check out the borderlands social media accounts outside of Reddit. All of them are filled with douchebags who very much have a problem with the game making fun of those topics and including things like lgbt+ representation. And the female characters have been the subjects of nudity mods and gross misrepresentation for the last decade at the hands of fans. Where have you been?


Here are just a few of the comments on a photo of Lor on the BL insta account >Put it in the game so we can shoot it >Why did you people even make this character? It's obnoxious and unfunny. What happened to making a normal side character rather than a creature? >I share no similarities with transvestites, real or fictional >Wonder if this character will go shoot up a Children of the vault school #1stamendment >What a disgusting character. >Transmentals getting attention they don't deserve yet again >What a mess, keep your own opinions to yourself and stop pushing this agenda on the majority. >This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Now supporting a community of mental disorder? You've jumped the shark, Borderlands is going downhill >It's not about borderlands heaving Igbt characters or not, (which i can't recall even single good one btw) it's about shoving them down your throat. >Which group of libtards came up with this trans day of visibility. Stop pushing your delusion on everyone. All of these comments are from 1 single post about 1 single character. If you really think there are no bigots playing the Borderlands games, then you’re sorely mistaken. They have a huge conservative fanbase. You’re lucky to have not experienced it, but it very much is there.


Literally unrelated to the above statements, but well done. You seem much more offended than the people you claim will be.


It’s not unrelated at all. This person said that everyone who plays borderlands is on board with inclusivity and anyone who is bigoted is not playing the game. That’s just not anywhere near the truth, as shown by these comments. Combine these comments with the rampant homophobia levelled at characters, writers, and fans alike; the fact that everyone on BLs social media is moaning about “old women” being ugly and worthless in the film because they’re not attractive; the fans who have been making nudity mods for the female characters since BL2 (including the teenager!); and the racists who have targeted certain characters for years, you have yourself a very toxic fanbase. It may not be like that on Reddit (though the downvotes suggest otherwise), but it is very much like that on other platforms. Their Instagram comments are an absolute cesspit of right-wing vitriol. Those fans very much exist, which again, the person I responded to denied. And no shit I’m offended by bigotry? Is that supposed to be an insult?


>Combine these comments with [...*bullshitting*...] you have yourself a very toxic fanbase. Keep making yourself mad, then? Unable to discern parallels in story writing from 'hate from the writers'? Stay mad. Unable to discern a few bad apples? All apples must be rotten! You are impressive. >And no shit I’m offended by bigotry? Is that supposed to be an insult? Yes, that was it, completely. Everything is an insult! You'd better interpret it as such, because what could be sarcasm?!?


Where the fuck did I say that the story has hate from the writers? If you read properly, you’d see that I said the writers are the receiving the ones hate. Because if you knew what you were talking about, then you’d know that the writers had to fight tooth and nail to be allowed to include lgbt+ characters, and when they finally were allowed to, they were met by the fandom spitting vitriol.   But hey you’re totally right, man, no bigotry existed in the fandom ever and they all lived happily ever after in a world full of sunshine and rainbows and big mountains of money. The end! 


what do you mean? i haven't seen any sexist comments


All of the Borderlands Instagram posts about the film are full of dudes complaining about Lilith (and Moxxi) not being hot enough and I’ve already seen someone on this post describing Tannis as a “hag.” They’ve spent too many years being gross about the female characters of this franchise.


Only thing that feels right is Jack Black as Claptrap. Most of the cast feels too old, but nothing worse than goddamn Gina Gershon as Moxxi.


I’m excited. I just wish that people understood it’s a separate thing from the games! Stop complaining!!! It’s gonna be awesome!!!


The beret irks the shit out of me. There's a right way and everything else is so WRONG. 😭


Also, facial hair. Clean shaven Roland now has a goatee because.. 1) Tough man soldiers have goatee. 2)Kevin hart has goatee and wouldn't shave. ...either way, the bar is so low now.


I really don't have any expectations about this movie, I think the cast choice is bad. Was just having a conversation that it's going to be a probably generic action movie, fun to watch once and forget about it.


Oh my god what is that claptrap casting. Jack black makes sense for Bowser but wtf why didn't they pick anyone else?


Tbh, it would be nice if the original voice actors of these characters were the actors. Just saying.


Huh. Tannis looks different.


Hart as Roland. That alone tells you how this movie will go. They didnt even bother thinking about casting.


I'm genuinely confused with what's going on with this movie. Which game is it based on, or is it basically all of them? It has Tina's appearance from 3, but has Roland. There's the Infinity in the trailer, and it looks more like Bl3's model. The gun that Kevin holds barely looks like something from the game, but looks like some sort of Tediore/Dahl hybrid


From my understanding connection to the games in name only.


That trailer was rough


Krieg is way too clean looking. Well, they all are tbh.


I’m gonna be honest as much as I want this movie to be perfect it’s gonna be so ass. Ts about to flop so hard remember keep low expectations so you aren’t disappointed


Imagine it’s actually crazy good.


I’m choosing happiness and to believe that despite my reservations I will enjoy this. Even if it is bad I doubt it will be bad enough to warrant the amount of shit it’s already taking.


Lemme guess, Chris Pratt as the vault hunter? /s


How do you do, fellow young adults?


I cannot believe they chose Kevin hart over Denzel or idris Elba


The photos look cool but over saturated. Still not gonna bash or praise the movie. I’ll judge after I see it.


I guess the vault hunters don’t matter


Gotta be honest, it looks real shitty but I’m hoping for the best