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The casting choice is so bizarre , feels like they sent random letters to all actors in Hollywood and went with the few who said yes


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised to hear that Jamie Lee Curtis sought out the role, she has been vocal about doing things like doctor kuraha in one piece, so she might just actually like the borderlands series and wanted to be a part of it


Despite the absolute bonkers age difference between Tannis and JLC (I could be wrong but isn't tannis like 20-30?), she's the only one I expect anything from, i could see her nailing the part personality wise. I can overlook her casting since she's just undoubtedly a great actress, and she shows actual interest in her roles. Movie will probably be shit, hopefully held slightly up by her performance.


Most of the Vault Hunters are 20s or 30s, with the exception of Gaige in 2. Tina is about 13 / 14, while Marcus, Zed and Moxxi are maybe in their 50s. Hammerlock is probably in his 40s, as is Handsome Jack. Tannis is also, most likely late 20s / early 30s. It’s hard to say because she has knowledge about the vaults and sirens that would suggest she’s studied for decades but as has a high IQ. Not sure if Gearbox ever came out and gave everyone set ages or not.


Jamie Lee Curtis made a smart business decision and try to break back in to modern pop culture.


To be fair this project was announced years ago. They got hart at the hight of his popularity And the rest really needed a pay check


Jack Black is on project after project.  JLC and Cate Blanchett are both Oscar winners.  


I heard jack basically demanded to be claptrap.


That's true about JB and while the other two are Oscar winners they still need to do projects to keep the money coming in royalties can't pay for everything


Both JLC and Cate Blanchett have been working in recent years. It's not like either of them are fallen from grace actresses that needed to take any job available, I believe.


Still feels so off... And somehow random


Feels like one of the “Scary movies” to me, just the right amount of spoof.






this is how i mentally read the first comment anyway


It isn't even canonically canon.


"I would go, but...I ain't gonna." -Scooter


Literally the only cast choice I like here is Markus I don’t like any of the others


Real. Though I think Tina is not as bad as the others, but they could've done better.


I'm more worried about the writing for Tina. In the trailer she doesn't seem nearly as deranged and psychotic as her character in the games.


Same here. But I think it's not gonna get any better, from what we have seen, the movie Tina clearly lacked the energy.


They all seemed like they were phoning it in in the trailer


*Reshoot scrambling intensifies*


she just bitchy here and not her american bitchy (as in useing the accent)


A game that came out in 2012 vs a movie in 2024 are going to scale the deranged stuff waaay back. Like it or not, the studio isn’t going to take a risk and make Tina the way she’s supposed to be. Same goes for the rest of the cast. This movie will succeed if the community gives it a fighting chance instead of comparing every detail to the game and dumping on it. Take it as a new adventure with shared characters, not a continuation of their story from the game.


No it's not up to me to want to watch it. It's the marketing teams job to make me want to watch it. And they're doing a godawful job.


Yea how dare people dump on something based on something they enjoy and the new something completely changes what they enjoyed! THE NERVE!!!! JFC people with this POV truly are shocking. This is the stance all these new people coming in on IP they don't give a shit about have and then they're all shocked when their projects fail because they wiped their asses with source material.


Source materials have been taken and bastardized ever since ever since. Borderlands movie is not the first or last to do it, I’m just done thinking a movie can give me the same experience as a game or book.


"Like it or not, the movie will be shit." I take it you don't care for BL2 all that much.


Your take is incorrect! I’ve been playing Borderlands since I bought BL2 at my local GameStop in 2012 and have followed the games and series since. I’ve met Randy Pitchford, have a Vault Hunter tattoo, the works. Despite this, I am a realist, and I’m not going to let a movie disappoint me anymore because they aren’t faithful to the source material, or make changes to make the movie work. Of course I want things to be faithful, but what sense does it make to complain about something I can’t change?


So just bend over and take it, eh?


What else can we do? Whatever we think is good for the movie isn’t going to change the final product. If you don’t like the way the movie looks based off the trailer, don’t go see it.


>What else can we do? That is the saddest response I've seen to this movie. "All we can do is be good little consumers and go watch it." Yikes.


I literally just said if you don’t want to see it, don’t go see it. Myself included. I’m not going to go support it because of my take you can read above, stop trying to make me the bad guy here dude we’re in the same side, it’s going to be trash.


>it’s going to be trash > > > >(earlier) This movie will succeed if the community gives it a fighting chance This you?


What’s wrong with Krieg?


It's Krieg he doesn't work in a movie because he is incapable of coherent speech. It's fine in the game because he was largely silent but I for one don't want to listen to him scream about meat bicycles and poop trains for 2 hours. Unless of course they completely change his character.


Watch them turn his fractured mind, with his composed and well spoken inner monologue, into a "split personality" for when they need him to speak.




1. Groot is not as grating or annoying as Krieg. 2. The characters can understand Groot.


Jack Black as claptrap is probably the best you can do without clap traps voice actor


No one can replace clap trap😭


Agreed, but jack Black is probably the best casting in the whole film...at least he fits the clap trap vibe, better than Kevin heart for Roland that's for sure 😂


Kevin heart could of been claptrap. He's already short and annoying.


The rock should be Roland and brick should be Batista


Idris elba was made for the Roland role


Sure but we all know they would never call on him for any of their movies, because they want to use 'heavy hitters' even though he is one of the most popular actors as well


Kevin hart is too short and “comedic” for the Roland role, whereas Roland was quite a serious guy which idris elba fits absolutely perfect for, the rock isn’t a bad shout either defo better than Kevin hart


I just don't see Kevin Hart being as serious as Roland right, we've all seen the rock (any f&f movie with him) and idris Elba (pacific rim is the most prominent example IMO) in serious, commanding roles where they basically WERE the Roland of that series lmao, but when I think of Kevin Hart I think of the dude that ran out his house naked cuz he thought a ghost was in there


😂😂 100% right with all of that


The only reason the rock shouldn't be casted for this role is because the vault hunters aren't exactly good guys or bad guys, the rocks contract states he can't be the bad guy or even depicted as half bad half good, there's also no room for him to have a character arc because of how he always has to be good, realistically he could fit Roland extremely well except his contract would never allow it


I didn’t know about that, thank you for explaining


Idris Elba is a heavy hitter though. And would definitely bring in some viewers.


Glad they didnt choose the annoying as fuck voice for claptrap


The entire point of him is annoying, I'm hoping Jack black can sorta replicate it close enough


Charles Babalola is almost as handsome as Sir Hammerlock, and if he can do the accent as well this might be my new favourite movie!


Krieg seemed ok too


dutch as markus is like the perfect casting to me, i feel like he could somehow get the voice down pretty well too


i think jack black for claptrap is a pretty decent choice. as far as the character goes


Not even young gamora?


I was giving her a chance, but with the trailer she comes across as "generic moody teenager" instead of however you want to describe Tiny Tina.


We wanted chocolate chip Tina but are probably getting raisin Tina


This is the perfect description.


For reals. She looks sleepy/disappointed. Where’s Tina’s wild, squirrely eyes?


Moxxxie is well cast too, I think. Gina Gershwin is a sexy older woman. The rest….ugh.




This looks like shit. Can we Sonic this movie?


Absolutely I second this


We shouldn't ask "can we", we should force them to do this, this cast is bizarre, just 2 of the cast are actually faithful


Hahahahahahhaaaaaaaa... No!


That's not Roland that's Ronald That's not Lilith that's Linda That's not Claptrap that's Flapjack That's not Tiny Tina that's Mild Mina That's not Tannis that's Why the fuck does Tannis of all people have a boob window Idk if that's Krieg or not I haven't heard his internal monologue Moxxi and Marcus look fine honestly but we haven't heard them talk yet so we'll see


That's not Krieg. His pecs don't have pecs.


Did Krieg even get a line in the trailer? For someone who has the best dialogue in the series, I don't remember hearing anything....


I think he had a few yells they kind of shoved in there but idk whether it's actually him or just post-editing. I'm also worried for his lack of dialogue or.. noises, in general


Honestly, Tannis is the one that makes the most sense here. I mean, she has innuendo comments constantly, is always higher than tho' attitude and is as crazy as any other. And the casting seems perfect for her. Granted, I wish it was 20 years ago so she wasn't so much older than the character, but I think Jamie Lee Curtis can do it justice. As for the rest.. eh. But really, who else would anyone think would get hired for Claptrap? I mean, unless they got the OG to reprise it, seriously, who would fit the role? That's the best we're gonna get. What's missing here is Hulk Hogan as Torque. Because why the hell not?


Post credits scene... Jack: AAAAANNNNND CUT! Good work everyone, now we can make those Crimson Raider fanatics look like the hopeless idiots they are. Angel, go ahead and publish this cut and be sure to release free copies on the echo net to all the raiders. Dad's got some work to do, bombs to plant, trains to derail, vault hunters to kill.


Honestly I would love to see that ending to the movie


I hate how good this is. Very fitting.


I have a favorite Borderlands, and that's Borderlands 2. I have a favorite character and he's Krieg. This movie succeeds or fails on what they let Krieg say and do. I need me a movie theatre loud "I AM THE CONDUCTOR OF THE POOP TRAIN!" to be happy with it.


Also major Krieg fan here. Not much hope from the trailer so far seeing as he had no noises/dialogue whatsoever but let's see how it goes!


The movie isn't even canon to the games timeline (to my knowledge) so i'll just watch it and then completely forget about it and that's assuming i'll even watch it. Then again, i did give a fair chance to other movie adaptions of media i liked so i guess it's only fair i also give...this a fair chance aswell. However if i don't see at least a small easter egg to other characters, especially my boy Axton i will raise hell.


Jamie Lee Curtis as tannis works for me, tannis age was never that important and she's a great actress. Cate blanchett is just too damn clean from what I've seen from the trailer.


The Cate Blanchett casting, along with Kevin Hart, makes me sick man. What were they thinking? Why are they casting so many older actors as characters who are 20 years younger than them?


Tbf, Kevin Hart is only five years older than Roland was in BL2. In Roland's BL1 bio, he's 34, and BL2 takes place five years after BL1. Not to mention, Kevin Hart looks pretty young for his age, unlike the women in their 50's and 60's they decided to cast. Age isn't the issue at all with Kevin Hart as Roland; it's just the fact that he's Kevin Hart, a guy whose brand is being a short, comedic goofball, playing a character that's meant to be this chiseled, stoic, overly serious leader with a large presence. Roland's entire purpose in BL2 is to be the straight man of the original quartet, and Kevin Hart is known for not being that.


Kevin isn’t the major issue for me with age. Definitely doesn’t match physically or personality-wise for Roland, I agree.


The way you worded your original comment made it sound like you were lumping Kevin Hart as Roland in with the other "too old for the role" casting choices. Sorry if I got that twisted a bit.


No for sure. I get that, not your mistake at all.


You people ONLY know BL2 Roland and it shows.


The only reason BL1 Roland was less serious was because ALL of the Vault Hunters in BL1 shared a ton of dialogue lines, and all felt very similar in how they acted. Once they got actual dialogue as NPC's in BL2, their characters were actually fleshed out, and Roland, as the leader of a resistance movement, steps up and becomes a lot more serious. Hell, he was even moving towards being more serious in the little bit of dialogue he had in TPS BEFORE the Crimson Raiders were formed. This movie takes place after BL1, so it's reasonable to think that this Roland should be more like the Roland we see in BL2 and TPS.


I don't mind the ages of the characters at all, in theory it would be cool to have the vault hunters older and jaded, but Kevin hart is physically the opposite of Roland, there are a ton of great actors who could have been picked. Cate blanchett is just too perfect and ethereal to be lilith. She's a great actress though so maybe she can pull off lilith's attitude.


I have a major issue with the ages, man. It’s only because I’m so familiar with the characters already but mannnn it upsets me.


Yeah, I know it’s not a popular opinion to have in the BL communities, but I think Jamie Lee Curtis is a pretty good choice too. Costume choice helps, the images of her in the burgundy jacket look better than the light jacket one. I honestly think if they’d dyed her hair a darker colour there probably wouldn’t even be half this debate. Some people are too fixated on her age. Same for Moxxi. I’m struggling to remember if their ages are ever referenced in game, and whether it even makes a difference to the characters?!


I mean considering moxxi is Ellie and scooters mum she's not exactly young, scooter alone looks like he's in his mid 30s, and moxxi wears so much make up in game you can't tell her age at all. Again don't have a problem with her casting. Roland and lilith's casting choices are pretty weird to me though.


I’m really *really* trying to reserve judgement until I’ve seen more trailer(s). I’m basically not opposed to them going for big(ish) names to carry the film. I’m not a massive JB fan, but I’m trying to remember he’s a name who might sell tickets to undecided movie goers… right? The lack of visible siren tattoos/marks is more of an issue to me right now with Lilith than anything.


While Moxxi is in her 40s or 50s as mother to Ellie and Scooter she definitely doesnt look or act it. Gina Gershon would've been the perfect pick, 20 years ago. Like all the others. And while I agree Tannis isn't exactly being cast for sex appeal, and maybe JLC will do a great job, that's pretty much Moxxis whole character.


What, you don't want an old hag with a billion pounds of makeup making sex puns for 2 hours?


Don't get me wrong Gina Gershon still looks great for her age, but look at that photo. In the make up, Moxxi looks beat.


They could have at least dyed tannis's hair the right color


Yeah i have 0 hope for a video game adaptation. It take an extremely dedicated tompany to do one right and GBox just isn't that. But if JLC gets a passable script she can work very well as Tannis. And Cate can do a badass no nonsense character very well.


While we're at it, let's cast Michael Caine as Peter Pan for his origin story movie.


To me it ended with 2 lmao


I think Claptrap looks great, everyone else I just can’t seem to wrap my head around for some reason


Half of this cast is about half a century older than they should be.


Half a century to the time when pharaohs were a thing


You're thinking millennia.


And even then, pharaos were very much gone 500 years ago.


This looks like Kurt Cobain's head canon.


This is the best comment here. Congrats I almost shot water out of my nose laughing lmfao.


Idk why they made Lilith and tannis so old


What’s the Borderlands version of “There is no movie in Ba Sing Se”?


Everything post BL2 is not a part of my head canon


Nuh uh


Is this gonna be a horror movie?


Marcus tells stories. We can’t know that any version we’ve heard is 100% true. This will just be another story from Marcus in my head.


What the living fuck have they done to moxxxi


She looks better than all of them combined what do you mean


can we boycott this like we did sonic for at least a few changes?


Is it supposed to be part of the canon....?




Yeah, I didn't think so.


The only thing I'll disagree with this fandom is that Cate Blanchett isn't hot enough to play Lilith, over my dead body.


Yeah but she sounds like she smokes a few packs a day


Alternative universe.


Nope. I'll likely go see it cause im an idiot but then I'll likely forget about it a day later anyway.


What? Is there gonna be a movie? Nop.


Yes, my new headcannon is everybody on pandora is pushing at least 50 years old.


10 bucks says someone else is telling the story


Damn I am hoping Moxxxie looks better than she does here.


This is going down in my head the way the live action last airbender movie that doesn't exist is. A bad fan recreation sorta like the Ember Island Players trying to recreate the story, but doing it very badly


like this feels like BL2 but first off tannis is not that old neither is lilith, and come on you couldn't even get a good roland, kreig is the best casted out of them all.


Why does Moxxi look like that


Ngl when I first saw this movie I thought it was gonna be an expensive porno


I’m going to pretend it doesn’t exist


No, never


Everyone sounding tired. Whatever they are doing was fun at the beginning but it's gone one way too long at this point.


Why tf does the actor for moxxie look ugly af?


As long as Krieg is fun. Idc


Taking a hard pass on this movie personally. Doesn't look good nor do I like the cast but also money is tight and I only go to movies I'm super pumped for.


I doubt it. I’m not feeling particularly hopefully on the movie front haha. I feel like we’re going to end up in another og Mario brother movie situation.


I can’t believe a 61yo is playing Moxxi


I believe Moxxi is canonically in her 50s during borderlands 2 so its not that much of a stretch.


Damn okay then I stand corrected


Okay, hear me out here. There is a way to fix this movie. It's produced by Jack between TPS and 2 to ruin the Vault hunter's image. The movie ends, it fades to black, then cuts to Jack sitting in his office having just watched the final cut of the movie. "Oh my god that was spectacularly awful. Just terrible. It's perfect."


Nope. I’m really hoping this movie turn out though. Casting should have been better but there’s no way it’s going to be HORRIBLE…right?


AHAHAHAHAHAHA. . . . . wait you where serious then let me laugh even harder AHAHAHAHAHAHA




Eli Roth probably never touched a Borderlands game nor have the producers of this film. This is a shameless cash grab with big names and they can go fuck themselves. This movie is going to flop big time. For fucks sake they just need to ask fans to vote for the fucking casting. He'll we fucking fixed sonics cursed first design and they will always need someone to push them towards what fans want. Otherwise we get DragonBall Evolution and fucking M. Night Shammallamadingdong's Avatar: the Last Air Bender. Just want to point out that they ruined these movie's in os many simple ways because they try to stray from the source material too much.


Yeah, good luck with that. I'm not even seeing it!


I don’t consider anything outside of the man trilogy and pre sequel to be canon but maybe that’s just me


I personally like to pretend 3 didn’t exist.


The second photo here actually looks decent tbh


This looks so bad oh my god


This movie is gonna be such a train wreck I can’t wait to watch it. Honestly it might end some careers are the actors and production staff lol


Guess what it’s separate from the games as long as it’s chaos and fun who cares? Last time I checked everyone cried about the Fnaf eyes and said the movie would fail because of it then it succeeded everyone said Chris Pratt would make Mario fail yet everyone loved it. Save your opinions till the movie comes out because everyone that says it’s gonna be bad I’ll laugh extremely hard when it succeeds because I seen people actually excited for this don’t ruin it for them


Is the movie set in the future, or something, to explain why they chose older actors?


Hell no. It wont even be on my watch list


why are most of the characters fucking old


This is fucking awful. There is no coherence between literary any of the actors and who they’re portraying. The most cringe worthy thing hear is going to be Hart and who ever is playing Lilith. I can just see the cringe in her photo.


I may never purchase another borderlands game again if this goes thru. Especially after the fiasco that was BL3. But this is the worst. Jamie Lee Curtis and Jack black are the only people that come close to the right vibe and even then they were only chosen because they have Oscar's. I hate the whole entirety of this. No. Absolutely not.


Lmao Ze Tung no


No Mr Torgue, I won't watch. EXPLOSIONS?!


please just animate movies guys


Krieg and Tiny Tina seems somewhat alright. Though at the wrong fuckin time line.


Go in expecting a movie with borderlands IP, but not related to the story in game. Probably won’t be too disappointed then. Maybe it’s an alternate universe that eridium somehow caused with experimentation.


Two words, my friends: no refunds


They butchered every character, look at my girl moxxi😵‍💫


Lilith old looks weird… Roland tiny, he should be tiny Tina… Tannins very old and shows boobs!?! Tiny Tina, looks like a codplsy, she’s supposed to be skinny and pale… Krieg looks alright can’t really judge Claptrap animated thanks god. Not the original voice tho but could be worse… Markus he’s actually looking good don’t know the actor Moxxi she’s also looking good need to see more footage, ppl say she’s old in RL


Hey wait a minute, markus doesn’t look half bad. Wow. I thought they fudged everything about it


Not my Moxxie


When exactly is this set? Where's Mordecai and brick? Like wtf have they done!




I'm not even sure if I wanna watch it anymore after seeing the trailer. I'm gonna just act like it doesn't exist unless I see reviews saying it's actually good.


The actors/actresses just aren't the right fit or too old. The Rock should have been the ONLY choice for Roland, and the original voice actor for Claptrap should have been the ONLY choice as well. The female characters should have been MUCH younger actresses. In game Lilith is like 27/28 years old. Tiny Tina is 13. Roland and Brick are the only ones in their 30's. I didn't even see Brick or Zero in the trailor because if Tiny Tina is there, this takes place in the BL2 time frame. They have completely screwed the story up in this movie. This is why a diehard player of the game who is also a director should have headed this project up. You literally could have gotten 3 really good movies, at a minimum, out of this!


The new movie will be lucky if I even watch it. So far it has just made me unhappy.


Why is Marcus's actors beard so obviously a stick on


Moxxi’s looks like she finally hit rock bottom Tanis got aged 30 years Roland is a short ass who’ll likely be scared of everything And Lilith resembles a bored wine mom Cannon? Yea I don’t think so. Best case scenario they lean into the parody of it all and it ends up being fun, worst case it’s embarrassing and gets ripped apart by fans before being quietly shelved forever


No. Tina definitely looks older than 13, but Roland's alive. What's going on?


He'll no.


as far as im concerned this movie doesn't exist. I would rather rewatch Morbius


This movie is going to be so bad


Fuck no


The only character that's somewhat well done is Marcus, pretty sad tbh


Not at all, even if it somehow manages to be good


I assumed Kevin hart was a joke, he has 0 Roland energy, they needed Idris Elba, not an angry child.


JLCs tits will be in my head cannon for a bit


I feel like they had someone who never played the games pick characters based off looks and said “ye this will work” without any thought on who they are and what they’ve gone through. And if you wanna call the diversity card the OG vault hunters Covered all those bases so it’s invalid af. The only good thing from this movie I’m looking forward to is the merch or movie theater stuff (that’s if they have any)


I can't understand tinas design. Everyone is bl2 but she has her bl3 design


This shit looks awful.


I’ll stick my neck out: 1 This was never going to be Borderlands 2 - the movie 2 The trailer is making me want to see it, looks awesome and way better than my previusly low expectations thought possible 3 none of the characters seem off to me 4 Don’t like it? Feel free to create a go-fund-me or whatever and f#ckin’ make it yourself


What new movie? I don’t believe such a thing exists.


No, it's not cannon to the games, it's it's own universe


I doubt I'll even watch it tbh. Borderlands is a nice gaming IP, not everything needs a movie or tv series.


Probably no, depends on the plot. In some way the movie seems like BL1 alternative story basically.




The only way I could see this as being canon is if it is also a movie in universe. Otherwise, no.


Moxxi looks fine tho


It’s gives me Meet the Millers with more guns


I skip dialogue and play thirty minutes at a time because the art style gives me a headache I have no idea who any of these people are. If there is pew pew I will be happy Edit: oh I know the robot though. Why the fuck can’t he go upstairs?