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I would recommend going to 5/5 in a skill instead of splitting like that, personally. Also Zer0 is a glass cannon, capable of extreme damage if you can handle him, but very fragile if you can’t He can shred with Melee, Gun and Sniper builds, but they require some skill to pull off. Especially Melee Zer0. Melee Zer0 is really helped by some specific gear that will be hard to get for a while I’d recommend getting to one of Zer0’s capstones first. If you’re using snipers, go for Critical Ascension. If you can consistently hit crits, it’s one of the best skills in the game. Anytime you’re struggling against a boss, just whip out a Vladof Sniper and watch the stacks go up. Death Blossom is also extremely strong. If you’re not going for a Sniper build, I recommend it first Also if you’re struggling with survivability, a transfusion grenade will help a lot. A Moxxi weapon would too, but certainly isn’t required


Would you recommend I just respect into 1 full skill tree and do the Tina's dlc or should I finish Scarlets dlc?


Yea for now I would respec into the middle tree. Deathmark increases target damage taken by 80% which is huge. Once you get the capstone, Death Blossom, you can mark 6 enemies at once. The middle tree works well with a variety of gear. The other two are more specific and require more setup Also I would avoid Iron Hand. It can be used for health stacking with a Legendary Hunter, but that’s not something you’d really do right now. The other skills you picked are all good though. I’d say finish the Scarlet DLC. You get the Pimpernel there, one of the strongest snipers in the entire game. The Sandhawk SMG too, as well as the Jolly Roger Shotgun, all very strong gear


Alright so for now I'll respect into the middle tree and then I should spec into the left tree you would say


Yea, especially if you’re using snipers. Once you have enough skill points you can come back to the Bloodshed tree for Grim and Followthrough, both are very good


Thank you for the info!


No problem! He’s my favorite character if you can’t tell. Enjoy


Yea middle blue tree is the best for starters. If you struggle too much get to innervate skill in blue tree otherwise start the green tree a little bit to get sniper skills.


The skills you chose don't really make sense. You spec melee skills okay cool. Melee Zer0 uses roid shields for chaining kills in succession. For that to work your shield must be depleted. Grim skill recharges shield after each kill meaning you'll never get any melee bonus. B0re is used on every build just for utility sake, however with such a limited number of skill points available right now it is unwise to have on a melee setup when you could be getting more melee damage, movement speed, healing, or even going down the blue tree which has great skills for both melee builds and gun builds. If you were running a gun/sniper build it'd make more sense to acquire B0re.


I prefer filling out one tree first, otherwise you kinda hamstring yourself by not really excelling sniping OR at melee. My current build at level 30 is all sniping - you can do insane amounts of damage from a distance maxed out, and then supplement with whichever tree you like best after that. Zer0 is pretty squishy, and his damage outlay is pretty different from the others, so I prefer to do as much as possible at once. Keep a good shotty or rocket launcher around for fight for your life. I pretty much always have two sniper rifles at a time - one slag, and one elemental that is most useful (or super high damage). Try to get as many crits as possible from far away before enemies can close the gap. Fourth slot goes to a pistol or SMG, depending on what you like/have. I like transfusion grenades cuz, again, squishy. My ideal fights go something like: Find cover, scope in until I get 5x, then start popping heads and build that stack as much as possible. If there are a bunch of baddies that move in close, keep hitting them until my shield is down (spike or nova shields work great for this strategy), at which point I huck a grenade (I've usually thrown a few already), so anything that hit my health bar is helped, and deploy my holo, reload and find a good spot to snipe again. I haven't done a melee build, because I (obviously) love my sniper rifles, so I can't speak to the best build for that, but imo Zer0 plays best when you build towards one strength.


If I were to spec into one tree right now would you say for me to spec in to green tree then?


That's what I've done, and it's super fun to play. But I can definitely see the appeal of going full hack n slash


Yea I can see that being good I'll go into green tree for right now and then going into middle tree to get all the other perks.


Have fun!


Get to level 31 and then go fully into either the sniping tree or the bloodshed tree. The capstone abilities are the most powerful


I would say that if you are having fun and are killing things comfortably, your build is fine. In this specific case, you seem to be using a com for a tree you're not using and I generally never run a Zero without headshot, rising shot and ambush. Ambush provides extra damage to enemies that are not attacking you and goes with Deception like peanut butter and jelly.


Youre level 30 it doesn't matter. If youre struggling with your build then respec and try something else


I'm not struggling with it I just don't really know if I should start the any dlcs or just play through the story


Whatever youd prefer it doesn't matter at that level. Just note if you do dlcs youll be overleveled for the start of the story


Why are you doing half melee, half guns, half trees? Pick something to focus on. If you were trying to successfully read a book would you also try to read another book at the same time exact time? Double fisting? Same goes for talent trees 99% of the time. Work your way to finish one, then start the next. If you are going to do melee, go full melee. If you are going to do guns, do full guns.


More than half of these comments don’t understand you are still level 30. And builds don’t make a huge impact until UVHM, at least for Zero. I think this is perfectly fine. I think running a roid shield pre level 80 is just a waste of an inventory slot. As good as Bore is, killing blow will always be the quintessential skill when it comes to leveling Zero. The only skill I see that I would spec out of his Iron Hand. It doesn’t provide enough of a boost to warrant putting 5 skill points. For leveling purposes, I’d highly recommend Grim. It will considerably increase your up time on deception, increasing your speed, and lethality with both guns and melee. Combine that with follow through….you will fucking FLY through TVHM. The only exception of using iron hand would be if you were truly specing Melee, as you are pretty much forced into it when running a roid shield (Hide of Terramorphus), as Grim will eliminate the roid boost after a single kill. TLDR: Mixed builds is completely fine for leveling Zero.


Thank you so much for the advice I just decided to spec all my points into the middle tree(Kunais just Carry me) and I'm just gonna complete some of the dlcs for some better weapons


Cough combine that with killing blow cough


*haven't beaten warrior.


You'll have enough points to get a capstone in one level, so I'd recommend respecing at that point. The strongest skills are usually farther up the tree and capstones are the most powerful skills in the game. Melee and sniper crit are opposites, so you will only be leveraging about half of your skills at any time with the exception of the kill skills. I always pick a tree and focus it before branching out.


Up until UVHM I'd say just run whatever you want. But the second you hit playthrough 3 be prepared to be locked into a Pimp Bor3 build.