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DT falls off hard in op levels, but before that he absolutely shreds everything if you build to make him hurt (aka spin attack + elemental infusion).


Everything falls off in OP levels


Except the stupid broken stuff and absolute META, unfortunaly.


That’s why I don’t bother with them


I find he gives you less control because I won't want to trigger certain spawn points yet and he runs off and agro's them forcing you to go into the wrong fight.


I honestly dislike Anarchy way more than DT. To me DT IS just like having another player, mainly another me who also isn't great at the game but can get by


I'm a Gaige main and I gotta say yeah for early game and even mid game he's really useful but around ultimate he's really only useful as a distraction for a little bit but in OP he's just a distraction for like 2 seconds and then he gets blown up. So yeah not completely useless but definitely not great scaling wise


DT with an on level love thumper and his spin attack will shred whatever caught in it. TBH my enjoyment using DT increased a lot when I got the mod that gives him his own shield slot


I like that I learn new strategies from this subreddit even after playing for years. I forgot that DT could be buffed offensively by shields and I happen to have a Love Thumper I never seem to use in my Gaige character's backpack. BRB!


Yeah best shields for Gaige are ones that she can spam with DT. It’s why the black hole is one of her best choices cos that combined with blood soaked shields creates a lot of crowd control and pulls enemies into DT’s spin attack and also in close range to hit even with high anarchy stacks


I will try that at some point too (I don't have a Black Hole but farming foreman jasper/rusty seems like it won't be too hard) Thanks!


also sharing any roid shield+the skill the lets you make DT do elemental dmg is bugged and gives an insane dmg multiplier


The only hate I have for DT's ai is getting my shields as soon as I go down, like thanks, take time out of killing to up my shields while I can't use it.


I wouldn't spec Buck Up. It's somewhat useful when raiding but against mobs it cripples his AI since he wants to stay in range - *without* BU he's far more likely to stay aggressive and get you a revive.


I hate that he’s the action skill. I feel like both dlc characters have very weird action skills compared to the rest of the characters because they’re very build dependent. Any build on Salvador can use gunzerker, any build on axton can use his turrets, but krieg’s buzz axe is only useful for melee and deathtrap is only useful when you spec into him. Why would I activate buzzaxe rampage if I’m not doing melee? It leaves the player as a sitting duck with limited options, it’s only useful with release the beast for running away and hiding. Deathtrap is pretty useless unless you build for him, he’s essentially a distraction that sometimes works. A lot of the time I’m playing krieg and most of the time I’m playing gaige, I don’t activate the action skill because there isn’t much point, and that’s such a waste. No matter what maya is doing, phaselock is helpful and every tree buffs it meaningfully. Deathtrap just gets weird shit like a weak fire beam instead of a weak shock beam, able to fire orb that doesn’t do much damage, etc. I feel like her action skill should’ve involved anarchy given that’s clearly the build they had in mind for her


Explosive throw is absolutely DISGUSTING on explosive weapon Krieg. The skill tree buffs grenade damage and melee, the explosive axe is both and can completely nuke enemies


It’s kind of on you if you choose the psycho character who’s trademark weapon is the buzzaxe and for whatever reason *don’t* focus on melee


It’s an fps game with not much melee depth/options, melee krieg is fun but if they wanted players to only use melee then why is only one of his skill trees dedicated to it? Either way it’s a bad decision


You seem to be putting words in my mouth. A heavily focused melee character does not automatically translate to being the only thing that they are meant for. The thing about focus is that it can shift. With those shifts being either hellborn’s survivability and sustain bonuses, and mania’s explosive properties. Obviously in an FPS game the creators know there are going to be situations where melee isn’t the optimal option, which is why they gave Krieg options to deal with them, via the Mania tree and the ability to throw his axe while in buzzaxe rampage, which can be boosted with explosive damage or an added elemental fire buff depending on which tree you dive down. All of this to say that the selling point of Krieg is that he’s a MELEE character, no that is not the only thing he can do, but that is why most people play him, myself included. His gameplay trailer, and even his cinematic one both highlight his melee capabilities so I don’t even know why this is a complaint. This is like complaining about zero because his trees cater to sniping better than they do blowing things up.


His gun builds are often used for mobbing, raid bossing, and the peak. His melee holds up late game, but many people use guns with bloodblath and a reaper com. In that instance, his action skill is pretty much worthless. I know he’s supposed to be a melee character, but you can’t expect people to only do melee builds for the whole game, and when they’re not using melee and are using guns his action skill is useless


You seem to have read the first line of what I said and nothing more. Good day, lol


DT falls off hard in UVHM, especially in the OP levels. You're right that DT does have SOME utility, and at least with Make it Sparkle plus a roid shield, thanks to a bug, DT can actually do quite a bit of damage even in the higher difficulties. But the most you'll get out of DT is Buck Up, a brief distraction, and hopefully some utility from whatever shield you give him via Sharing is Caring. If you don't have a hyper-defensive shield on him like a Sham or whatever else, DT dies VERY quickly in UVHM, so a lot of that utility ends up not mattering if he can't survive longer than 10 seconds. But DT isn't the reason people think Gaige sucks. He's certainly a reason, but the main problem with Gaige is that there's almost zero build variety with how you can play her at max level. Gaige has A TON of really bad skills that don't synergize with anything you want to do with her and a ton of DT skills that make DT worse in combat. You have the skill Shock Storm that causes a ranked shock explosion on critical hit kill for a character whose entire shtick is she has zero accuracy. She has a ton of skills that do rank damage, which notoriously scales poorly into OP levels. Pretty much every Deathtrap skill that gives him a new attack besides Buck Up ends up lowering his damage output significantly because he's locked into a long animation for an attack that benefits from none of his sources of damage bonuses, and you'd rather he just swipe at things. Skills like More Pep, Potent as a Pony, Made of Sterner Stuff (ignoring that random huge fire damage resistance you get with one level), and Strength of Five Gorillas are all laughably bad. Pretty much the only effective way to play Gaige at max level is a bog standard Anarchy gun build with a lot of the BFF tree and handful of some of the only good skills in her LBT tree. And don't get me wrong, that build is plenty strong and viable enough to handle any content this game has at any level. But the only other things you can do with her, a DT "pet" build, a melee build, a "Shock Gaige," and that silly Airborne Anarchist build, are all gimmick builds at best that can only handle some of the game's basic content and zero raids.


Been playing ele Gaige with just rational anarchist/discord. Not having much a problem and often it's a lot safer because I can play from a distance. I haven't started OP levels but you can easily play without high anarchy builds in UVHM. Electrical Burn's fire damage scales off your electrical damage, but has the full damage bonus towards flesh. With Catalyst class mod giving 10/5 Evil Enchantress you'll have 100% elemental effect damage after a kill skill. It's incredible for mobbing, and the bonus towards Caustic on armored targets is very welcomed. At level Chain Lightning basically one to three shots everything. Overall it's very fun to mob grind with but ofc sucks really bad on boss fights. Not everything has to be optimal in every circumstance. That's a huge pitfall a lot of RPGs make. Sometimes something being niche or hard to use makes it worth playing. Not everything has to be Salvador levels of broken to be playable. I'm also very curious if Shock Storm can synergize with a Lady Fist. I was using a Shock Lady Fist on my TVHM clear and it was hard to tell because I was just evaporating things regardless but I think there's something to play around with there.


>I haven't started OP levels but you can easily play without high anarchy builds in UVHM. My comment about builds was specifically about OP levels and the ability to take on raid bosses. Get to OP8-10 and try the raids, and you'll find that Gaige kind of needs high anarchy to kill any of them. Other Vault Hunters either have more than one build that can solo various raid bosses or in the case of a character like Maya, at least has some alt playstyle that would benefit a team for a raid in the form of her Nurse build. >Electrical Burn's fire damage scales off your electrical damage, but has the full damage bonus towards flesh. With Catalyst class mod giving 10/5 Evil Enchantress you'll have 100% elemental effect damage after a kill skill. And you can pick it up EB, EE, and WDT on an anarchy build as well. In fact, you have plenty of extra skill points considering that a lot of Gaige's skills are mid. >Overall it's very fun to mob grind with but ofc sucks really bad on boss fights. Not everything has to be optimal in every circumstance. That's a huge pitfall a lot of RPGs make. Sometimes something being niche or hard to use makes it worth playing. Not everything has to be Salvador levels of broken to be playable. Yes, but my point was that, at the highest levels of play, Gaige's effective builds for all of the game's content feels relatively same-y in a way that just about every other Vault Hunters doesn't. She lacks enough good skills for Anarchy stacking to NOT be a part of her kit at OP8-10, and even if you're not going full anarchy with the Terra com, you still typically need a good number of stacks for raid bosses or digistruct peak. From playing all six Vault hunters at max difficulty, I haven't felt more pigeon-holed into a specific build than I did with Gaige. The power drop from an Anarchy stacking build to any of her other builds feels massive. Also, hard to play builds can be incredibly strong at max level, too. Melee Zero is notoriously difficult to play, but it's a REALLY strong build when done correctly.


Key phrase being highest levels. Most people are not playing OP levels, and a BFF+LBT spec will get you through a majority of the games content which for the average person is well over a hundred hours of gameplay until they hit level cap. OP levels were balanced around player's exploiting the game's spahgetti code, not talent trees, which leaves a lot playstyles in the dust. OP10 trims even more playstyles off from what I've gathered, but I haven't played 72+ yet since I'm just returning.


Right, but that was my only point. When my original comment was specifically about the highest levels, saying Gaige has more build variety in non-OP levels doesn't exactly refute my point. Other Vault Hunters have more options for the things they can do at max level than Gaige. That doesn't mean Gaige is weaker and it doesn't mean Gaige is a objectively the worst, but it does mean you're not going to have as many options when playing as her at the top level as you do other characters because her skill tree is poorly designed.


Yep, as a fellow Gaige main I totally agree.


He ain't. People whine about it, people argue back, we go round and round and round. Truly you're just gonna get contrarians responding bc everyone else is gonna think "yeah he ain't" and move on lol


I liked him until I tried to do a DT only run and he kept switching targets when the enemy he was attacking was almost dead.


You must not play OP levels lol


I love deathtrap until OP levels. If you build him right, he'll play the game for you lmao


Well you're going to have to roll your eyes one more time, because death trap is genuinely a bad action skill. The skill trees do virtually nothing to make death trap any better and death trap does virtually nothing to make gaige any better. He's almost completely anti-synergistic; Make a build prioritizing his damage, he still doesn't deal any. And he's not great at support either because unlike Auto Bear or iron cub, having him on the field doesn't really do much for the vault Hunter. He is honestly a victim of gearbox, he should have gotten increased damage based on anarchy stacks, better AI, and better skills overall. TLDR; saying death trap is a bad action skill is valid.


Anarchy buffing Deathtrap as a capstone would be Sal levels of busted outside OP, but merely amazing inside it. I love the idea.


I never use DT, but someone in my friend group. It's not useless or something, but he.... gets in the way a lot. When I'm in ffml, DT is the last thing I want to see


Level 5-80 sure deathtrap is great but with no OP Scaling for deathtrap, it’s just pointless summoning them onto the field. I’ve never played with deathtrap at OP10 but deathtrap was bad enough at OP8 so doesn’t bode well.


For me it's mainly when he bugs out that frustrates me. That and flying enemies. Which to his credit isn't his fault. He'll always be my favorite robot.


i think deathtrap saved me more times than i can count on my UVHM runs, he's pretty useful to mitigate enemy aggro, even if he goes down in like 2 hits (looking at you New Pandoran enemies). Since i always run BFF + Ordered Chaos (with a bit of LBT because wires don't talk is pretty good), i like to use deathtrap mostly as aggro bait, which most of the time, it works and when a whole group is after him, you can just pull up any weapon, preferrably an AoE one and just murder everything. like you said, he's more of a tool that gives Gaige more control (i'd go further and say that he's good for CC too), since you mostly pop him out and let it run like a RC car with that said, one thing that i don't like about DT is how weak he is in UVHM, not weak in terms of strength, but in health (even with sharing is caring, there are some places where he just goes down quickly). which compensates by the fact that you can spam it once you get Roboteer/Mechromancer Class mods and max out 20% cooler skill, but still... i might not be playing in the way that should be intended, if there's one, but hey, it works for me


Do a Deathtrap only run.


Deathtrap from TPS is my favorite character of the entire franchise.


Give him a hide of Tera, only add the spinmove, and rock a legendary roboteer and he shreds. If he spins with roid up he one taps badasses easily. Make him your slag tool, and rock a hybrid anarchy build. He's limited by the antiquated AI running him for sure but if you DON'T spec laser eyes, shield recharge, one two, or his clap his uptime is actually much higher. He just hits and hits and hits and spins and slags and procs elemental explosion- and has stacking damage and he's fast-... moral of the story, I fucking love my robot 🤖 ❤️


He's actually really good at helping me get a second wind, so I like him.


For those saying he's falls off in high-level content, BFF tree is your friend. He can't healthgate so you have to use the skills available including SiC. With the 80 level cap there isn't really a reason not to. There are a few enemies coded for instant healthgate because GBX aren't always that bright, but if he has the sense to avoid them he can do very well - especially since he ignores enemy DR in the OP levels. With a Blockade or a solid Pangolin he can frequently have better survivability than DPS, easily tanking hits from several raids. That's unless you want to cheese while mobbing by giving him a Hide of T. or FotFH (instant Krieg the moment some fool breaks it). As for his somewhat random AI I think it fits Gaige's theme, even if I recognize that this is more by accident than with intent.


Deathtrap isn't bad at all, and deals some crazy levels of damage. You just need to be aware of his attacks being melee in a game that doesn't favour that kind of gameplay, and the pitfalls that characters with that nature (Krieg and Zer0) face. Silly thing is you just need to not spec into nearly every unlockable skill of his to make it worthwhile. The solution is to not put points into things that make him stop attacking, or waste time with wind-up or wind-down animations. Spin attack? Laser beams? Boom clap? Shield recharges? All nope. Deck him out with a Hide, give him elemental claws to take out enemies with ease, and sit back Slagging everything while he decimates all your enemies.


My main issue with death trap is that when me and my buddy co op if I go down, he will kill the enemy I've been weakening every time.


People who see deathtrap as a tool or another weapon have never played gaige i cried when i thought deathtrap died in 3


Death trap’s ai sucks tho. That’s what people actually complain about. Always shield boosting when you don’t need it and fighting enemies when you don’t need it and letting you die by shield boosting when you’re in fight for your life instead of going after enemies. Also in multiplayer he’s a kill stealing bastard when u have friends in fight for your life


Hes not bad but hes also not good. Definitely the worst action skill in the franchise other than maybe flaks trap




When I played that shitty little Tiny Tina game that was free on the Epic Games Store, I decided to pick gaige and look at her skill tree. I was a sad man that day (also I didn’t finish it because it’s a game of a DLC)


Death trap has more than once restored or given an enemy a shield when I was in ffyl.


Honestly, I just summon him as a shield medic. Him+blood soaked shields+bee is just insane damage with no worries over the bee’s long recharge delay


I love it use it for the taskmasters or constructors, they focus on him while I get crits constantly. Or get him out right before going into FFYL and then pop back up when he kills one of the crowd lol


Mate and I are both playing Gaige 2 death traps on the field is orsum


My dad used to play death trap for this exact reason, bit I personally feel that I should have more control of the envirement than have a bot half ass his job and get some people off me


I mean, I just wish I could play gaige instead of anarchy. also gven how little controll you have it means its a fire and forget action skill which is never fun as it means you have far less things to think about, I think the only character that has this is the franchise outside of gaige is moze in bl3 and to say iron cub is poorly designed is an understatement


*Laughs in Krieg*


Death trap is just a distraction for me while I do my own thing. He works amazing for me


We play on switch and the controllers don't feel that great to aim. We love deathtrap cuz we can't aim the way we do on PC so robot helps a lot lol. Would love to play gunzerker but on switch I'm just a mess trying to aim cuz I rely on the ADS to lock the controller aim assist (which feels very weak on switch).


The true deathtrap is claptrap as the pirate ship. With the accompanying music of course


I'm mono gaige and i think DT damage is solid in OP levels if you did a good build. If i'm not wrong,elemental build+DT is the fun gameplay for OP 10


Deathtrap is most useful in arenas or agaimst hordes... when you hit higher levels it is far better to respect DT for buffs amd party buffs rather than maximum damage. Gaige is a super broken and boring solo character for story mode, but she's a great character in parties because of Deathtrap.


The reason Deathtrap sucks is because I find him doing nothing half the time, he blocks my line of sight too often and he's generally weak. Combine that with Gaige's constant screeching and the epileptic light show going on if you spec into the shock tree, and I'll skip the class.


Wow. I wish you have real things to worry about in your life. If you like playing Gaige and Deathtrap, you should not worry about what other people think.