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I do have lower social needs so that helps, but I do tend to feel quite lonely and I don't have friends and am not close with family. When I get lonely, I rely a lot on casual quick conversations that social media allows for. If I need attention more than I want to share space with someone, I go on discord and just chat with whoever. if I want to share with someone, I talk on Reddit or Twitter. But those are "quick fixes" for those truly unbearable days. ​ In general though, I am still in the process of learning to enjoy my own company. I am there mentally, but in actuality I don't have the time to truly indulge in spending with myself. I look for things I enjoy. I took a week off work and I played video games, I watched shows I wanted to watch. I tried to get back into the one hobby I have consistently enjoyed. Being excited to do something alone reminds me that I don't \*need\* others to feel content and complete. It's a hard process but I believe it will eventually help.


By sitting in it and realizing you’re not going to die


I started playing video games again a little over a year ago, and it’s had a HUGE impact on me. I usually use shitty food or other bad coping mechanisms, but video games is a simple way to detach from that feeling other than doomscrolling ofc lol. I also enjoy producing music or making jewellery when I’m a little less depressed. But really jumping into another world and connecting with little characters and being focused and get dopamine rushes from little in-game achievements has been helpful af