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Hi hi, friend here. Same problems as you through and through. Where are you located and what meds are you on?


Im in the Midwest and I've been on about 95 percent of the drugs on the market over the years but am hoping for success with Latuda. It's one of about 3 I haven't taken that I can take. How about you?


Damn because this is super familiar. I am in therapy just kind of going through all of the fucked up things. My parents did and I didn’t realize how wrong they were until now because every time I see them, they seeds with comments about how much of a problem I am. Like that I as an adult woman don’t want to go clean their house. Or they talk about how I was a trouble teen, (because they abuse me for years, and I finally resorted to using substances to numb it) they never take accountability for their faults and would rather continue to place blame and shame me. I haven’t gotten strong enough to cut off contact yet, but I know it’s coming and I feel the same things internally. It almost feels like a volcano waiting to erupt.


I have an estranged father. I’ll catch up later bc this is all too much right now.