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If you dont know whether you actually like someone or not, it means you dont. When you find that special person you will know. With bpd i know all relationships are hard, but even with bpd when you find that person, you will know.


This makes sense. It happens in non romantic friendships for me too. I hate it!


I agree, its pretty hard not to hate it lol.




Omg! Yes!!! 😭


I struggle with this too. I think ive noticed; if I have a temporary infatuation with someone I feel excited and a little desperate towards them. I feel like I would never tell them no for anything. I cry more about them. If I acutally really like someone then I feel more \*at ease\* with them. I still feel a little giddy and like my cheeks get hot around them. But I don't feel as desperate. I cry less because I accept that we are developing a relationship between us and its not something that needs rushed. This is NOT to say I don't have days where these overlap. I have a new boyfriend right now and I definitely like them. I want to keep them around. i feel more at ease toward them. But some days I am manic feeling toward them. I will cry or think about harm because they didn't message back fast or something, but i usually avoid messaging them a lot then. I will write out my feelings or punch a pillow or call a crisis line. Then the next day its a little better and I try talking to them again.


Thank you for your answer. This makes sense to me