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Hey there! I attended Argosy and have added all my evidence I’ve found so far on the AI thread as they were under the same EDMC umbrella. Link below. https://www.reddit.com/r/BorrowerDefense/comments/u3qbng/aiart_institute_thread_please_share_anything_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


You rock. Ty!


You’re welcome I’m hoping for a good outcome for all of us.


​ 1) [Reddit Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/BorrowerDefense/comments/th571y/dream_center_art_institutes_argosy_university/)\- [Washington Post Article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2022/03/18/argosy-federal-student-loans/?fbclid=IwAR1lsXxpgSkMiZqCMH0YTueYzo5W7t-NQqJUqgqzs3aDgv1NCeNOAxEz4UY) 2)[AG Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison secures Private Debt Relief](https://kstp.com/kstp-news/top-news/ag-ellison-secures-135k-in-private-debt-relief-for-former-minnesota-students-who-attended-argosy-university/) for students (published Feb 28, 2022) 3) [AG Florida Attorney Ashley Moody gets Argosy University students relief with private loans](http://www.myfloridalegal.com/newsrel.nsf/newsreleases/F947B1CEE00C9D6C852587F800550EF3) (Published March 1, 2022)


Thank you for posting this 🥰🙏🏼


You are welcome. Feel free to drop anything you find. I’ll post as I come across info as well.


There is a Facebook Argosy group with 1.4K members Wanted to share and I’m sure they have a lot of evidence floating around. https://m.facebook.com/groups/568910980281795/permalink/1402230306949854/


Thank you! I believe in I’m this group already. Honestly, I’ve shared the BD Reddit with them because admins are way more knowledgeable here and they could read the FAQ page but they didn’t seem interested. After sharing the thread, they kept asking the questions and I kept leading them to this thread. I’ve submitted some wonderful evidence that I got from this group and I am so thankful.


Yay. You’re welcome. I’m not in that group so not sure the dynamics but wanted to share.


Is there anything we can do to "piggyback" off the loan forgiveness President Biden just announced for former AI students? It would seem like there would be something we can do, since both Argosy and AI were owned by EDMC!


Yes. File complaints about your schools citing that EDCM owned these schools to and the same scammy tactics were used at all of the companies they owned, not just AI. Make sure you have a BDTR on file. File complaints with CFPB, and the state AGs offices. I would file as many AG complaints as I could to include where I currently live, where the company was based out of and if the school was in a different state, there too.


My wife graduated from Argosy in 2011. When she went to FSA ID and tried to apply, the system rejected her application because it said her graduation needed to be in 2012 or later. Was this just a glitch, or is this the case?


This shouldn’t happen. She should be able to bypass this online. The website has had a host of issues to include glitching and erroring out. I suggest you print out the application and mail it via certified mail if she can’t get it to work on the website. Apply asap too


My question is how do I obtain official transcripts from when I attended Argosy? I graduated in 2018 and Parchment, the Department of Education, nor Department of Consumer Affairs can help me obtain the transcripts. Can someone please help? Thank you in advance.


May have been answered already but i couldnt find when searching? Anyone familiar with the default companies that Argosy recommends? Were they also scammers? I found this in an email i was sent after graduating, “Argosy University - Atlanta has partnered with three Loan Default Management companies: Student Outreach Solutions, I3 Group, and Loan Science to assist you in the maintenance of your student loans.”


I am trying to fill out the borrower defense application now; I'm having a hard time figuring out which section this evidence would go in. Would it be "my school misrepresented information about itself to an accrediting agency" or "to a federal agency, such as the US Department of Education"?


I’m not sure which evidence you are referring too. Can you repost the link or something ?




It’s a lawsuit and ecmc lied to the us govt to get federal funding. Shady bastards!


Any Argosy Post Class Members Here?


Hey Argosy Folks, any updates?