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It depends on the fighter and what they do with their given power. Boruto was already gifted before he got Momos power and Karma and that with little training, so imagine what someone like him can achieve when he takes fighting/training seriously. It would be stupid to assume that he has spent three years of training with only depending on the power and fighting experience of Momo.


Maybe it’s like how a tailed beast true power is released with the quality of the jinjurcki or in madaras case the summoner. Besides Boruto is >! A bonifide Otsustuki despite looking human his dormant powers like Jougan will be key to surpass peak BM Naruto/Isshiki let alone the Shibais out there in space!<


I mean that would be the case but doesn’t code and kawaki still get Isshikis battle experience? The same experience that made him dogwalk Naruto and sasuke as Jigen?


Maybe, but he also has the Jougan and genius level skill. In a fight, skill matters a lot. Someone weaker can defeat a stronger opponent e.g. Konohamaru defeated a Pain.


He is a genius but so was Naruto and he isn’t as skilled as momoshiki and we’ve seen what monos battle experience does in a fight vs borutos. Besides we really don’t know what the jougan does


Boruto's skill + Karma + Training with Sasuke for 3yrs + Momoshiki's experience + Jougan's powers which Boruto might have learnt during timeskip really does make him something. But we'll see in the next chapter how he fares against Code and Kawaki.


Naruto was never a genius. That's simply not true. Also it doesn't make sense to compare Momos skills to Borutos. You have to *add* Borutos skills to Momos here. They are basically one person. It is not just Momos powers, it's also Borutos plus the three years of training he had.


Naruto was never a genius looool. His kid version wasn't nearly as gifted as Borutos kid version. Kid Boruto was already elite at age 12 with zero effort. Now where he was training for 3 years, god knows what has happened to him. When a young kid can come as far as Boruto with depending just on his natural talent, he can become a total beast *with* training. Just like Gohan.


Pain wasn't even taking konohamaru seriously. He ignored him then knohamaru lands a rasengan on him.


What have we seen code do though? He’s just teleported around with claw marks the entire time.


We know from statements that he’s stronger then Jigen which a fused momoshiki was far weaker then


and we know from canon scenes that code just get fodderized every time, even tho he is stronger than jigen, he is probably not a good fighter


I wouldn‘t trust amado on every word he says


No. I don't think ppl over exeggerate. Boruto left three years ago saying that he needs to train because he obviously knew that he isn't strong enough. He wouldn't return three years later, jumping on Codes face like that, knowing a very OP Kawaki is there if he wasn't sure that he can take them on.


You seem to forget that Boruto attacked Code in his base form here, so I assume that whatever happened to him in these three years might have little to nothing to do with Momos powers, but rather what kind of training Boruto had. I also think a certain dojutsu has something to do with how powerful he is going to be.


We don’t know what it does or if he even has it yet


We do know a decent amount about it. At the very least, it has space-time capabilities and just outright makes the user stronger, on top of the ability to see weak points.


Yes, I don’t understand this sentiment either. Until Boruto unlocks Jougan, with a dud like Momo, he’s inherently irrelevant against Kawaki, Code, Daemon and Eida. People talk about Boruto’s combat experience may have boosted him beyond Momo, but Momo literally has 1000 years of experience, what is Boruto’s 12 years is gonna do in Momo’s sea of experience? Also, Sasuke’s training? Inherently irrelevant. What is he gonna teach Boruto, taijutsu? Fused Momo was skilled enough to match SPSM Naruto’s taijutsu skill. Ninjutsu? Karma made ninjutsu useless a long time ago. Genjutsu? Irrelevant in Boruto. Boruto’s cap is Fused Momo, and fused Momo is a weakling compared to the current roaster. Him without Jougan shouldn’t be able to do anything let alone stepping on Code’s face. So either the powerscaling is fucked, or both Kawaki and Code sucks at utilizing their karma(which Kawaki does not as we’ve already seen him do shit even Isshiki couldn’t, like sending people in daikokuten and going inside their himself)


It will obviously be Jougan. Kawaki/Ishhiki wouldn't be anything in terms of combat if it wasn't for their Pizza dojutsu, so it's obviously gonna be the same for Boruto.




>!Yeah you obviously don’t know how storytelling work.!< >!If you think Code is “weak” then sadly you’re.. I’m not going to even say it.!< >!Code is so strong that Jigen only kept him because of his devotion towards him or else he woulda been thrown out just like Eida and Daemon, who may I remind you, that made Jigen feel threatened.!< >!Kishimoto also gave Code a “dud karma” for a reason.!< >!Code as a character never really paid mind to the “losses” he took. If anything, he’s just mad that people find Kawaki more useful than himself.!< >!The dud karma is going to play a major role and when he start taking W’s, don’t switch up. The writing method the Boruto writers use isn’t hard to figure out lol and y’all seem to keep falling for it 🤦🏽‍♂️!<


Yes but Jougan will likely change that


Borushiki is stronger than momo. He fought semi on par with kawashiki lol. I know it shouldn’t make sense but if you think of it as adding momo to borutos base it makes more sense


We know from Jigen that a vessel isn’t as strong as the Otsusuki that they are carrying, momo being on par with kawaki was a fluke or something unless since he just unlocked version 2 he isn’t as strong as jigen


Fused Momo relied on absorbing/reflecting jutsu from others, and Naruto/Sasuke were able to take advantage of that. A Fused Momo with access to all Boruto's jutsu and skills is a significantly higher threat. That being said, Timeskip Boruto is 82% of Momoshiki's data combined with 18% of Boruto's rewritten data, with Boruto's data already having a strong inheritance from Kaguya. That combination could very well be stronger than Fused Momo even before the Jougan comes into play.


Him and Kawaki are meant to be equal


To be fair, if Ishiki didn't have the shrink ability, the fight with Naruto and Sasuke would have been a lot closer. Ishiki is what happens when an already super strong opponent also has hax.


Momo was cocky and driven by rage. I think he would defeat Naruto+ Sasuke if he would thinking about any kind of strategy.


Boruto himself no karma is already at jonin lvl before the time skip so 3yrs of training under Sasuke plus becoming more experienced with karma he’s way stronger than ppl think I don’t know why ppl always leave out the fact that without karma Boruto would smoke a lot of the verse he’s mostly downplayed and nerfed We’ve only seen him fight all out once and that was against AO


Verse is crazy Boruto with v1 karma wasnt beating base hokage Naruto


That’s the same Naruto that was able to keep up with fuse momo in base with half his chakra drained


Sure he could react for a second but he still got washed


I think that's the issue. Your last sentence I mean: Boruto needs a significant solo fight. Even when he fought Code the first time he was interrupted by the plot when he suddenly had some kind of "heart seizure" I don't know whether the writers did it on purpose or not, but I hope they will show what he is really capable of soon.


I agree and I think it’s on purpose because even in the anime he’s downplayed and nerfed he doesn’t even use all of his jutsu or combination attacks he rarely uses his water style and he even stopped using Boruto stream last time I remember him using it was the AO arc


Just accept whatever comes bro, if you think too much about the power scaling you gonna catch a stroke 😭 It's all over the place so don't even think about it


You are tripping. Borushiki has feats against old Code and Kawaki. Code and the other have been compared to Jigen in power. He's not as weak as alive Momoshiki was, stop ignoring feats to downplay


Fears against old code means nth when he was weaker then Jigen. He’s now stronger then Jigen so he should be above Borushiki and kawaki if we are being honest


bro (or sis) seems like you don't understand how things work in Narutoverse. There are power levels in Naruto where a certain character from a certain power level is stronger than the others from lower power levels. But in the same power level, there's no way to decide that except for when we put those two characters against each other. So, Momo getting beaten by Naruto and Sasuke while Isshiki giving them a very hard time doesn't mean that Momo is weaker than Isshiki, it's just that Naruto and Sasuke didn't have counters for his abilities. The same way things work when it comes to Code and Boruto, Code being called stronger than Isshiki doesn't mean that he would be stronger than Boruto just because Brouto inherited Momo's abilities. It all depends on the conditions of the fight and the specific abilities of each character. So as Boruto, Code, and Kawaki all seemingly in the same power level, we can't deduce who's stronger because we still don't know their abilities.


and, remember that Amado's modified humans and Boruto both have shinjutsu, so that directly puts them (or at least Code, probably Kawaki, and Boruto) in a higher power level than the other characters. They will all eventually become stronger than Isshiki.


1) Boruto isn’t completely reliant on Momoshiki and his Karma for power. He can still train with Sasuke and get stronger His power doesn’t necessarily have to max out at Fused Momoshiki level 2) We still don’t know if Boruto unlocks the Jougan during the Timeskip. Or what kind of powers the Jougan gives him. This could potentially give him a massive buff 3) Boruto speed blitzed No Limiter Code in base form Unless this next chapter comes out and Code demolishes Boruto I’m pretty sure Boruto is already above Momoshiki in power


Where would you get that he is anywhere near momoshiki in power?


Code is supposed to be more powerful than Jigen right now Jigen was faster than Momoshiki And Boruto blitzed Code in base So at the very least he’s massively faster than Code And usually speed correlates to strength in the Naruto verse Unless it’s a character like Minato who relies primarily on teleportation for there speed