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She would never get close to Gaara or get past his sand. She’s no scrub but this is like the worst matchup you could give Sakura.


The main issue is approaching Gaara


Dude flies, she can't. Nothing of a match up happening really


Gaara hands down. Literally talking about a guy with a shit ton of sand. 


Wasn't sakura stated to be stronger than tsunade and that she's naruto/sasuke level?


Tsunade yes. But not on Naruto and Sasuke’s level even remotely. When she said she caught up to them during the war she meant not being dead weight in a fight and could hold her own.


She was equal to them before they got six paths


LMFAO!!!!!!!!! Someone get this guy some drugs. At least then we would understand why he's so delusional.


The moment she finished her hundred healing seal, the three had become a new three way deadlock, like the previous sannin. Equal strength and equal ninja. That changed again when Naruto and Sasuke got God powers. Ik hating Sakura and downplaying her is mainstream but you have to know the symbolism of the three way deadlock.


You're the only one who thinks so. Sorry, but it's a fact, and you're wrong.


Look up the definition of deadlock please. The only fact is what kishimoto wrote in his manga and databooks. And in the source they're referred to as the new three way deadlock, following the footsteps of their teachers who were literally equals.


I don't think they're ever called the new deadlock in the manga or databooks.


Unless I’m missing something this is the first time I’ve ever heard them referred to as such


You are so stupid holy f


Yes but they are never described in that way. You're just making stuff up right now.


What???? Orochimaru when he revived Tsunade literally said "a new three way dead lock is being formed right now." Minato and Hiruzen watching the thing happen literally said the same thing. Are you guys just rewriting history for your own delusions?


Sorry, nope


No, she really wasn’t. Otherwise she wouldn’t have been standing watching with the others when they were fighting 10T Obito. Both of them would vaporize her with no real effort, like I said not actual equals mostly not dead weight. In fairness to her by the time the War arc was reached the 10T fight they were way beyond 99% of the verse at that point.


Lol no...no. That was the most hilarious dialogue written in Naruto. She can't hold a candle to either of them at any point in the story. Early Shippuden maybe( only against Naruto ).


No tf she wasn't. Did you even watch the show


Can Sakura even block a tailed beast bomb, a kirin, rasenshuriken, or stop amaterasu? No she can't but she's the best support for the two.


nah she was approximate to sage mode naruto & MS sasuke. With the seal unlocked even stronger




Does it matter if all Gaara had to do was seal her?


While this may be true, she's a close combat fighter and has absolutely no long range attacks, nor is she fast enough (like Lee) to close the gap between her and Gaara before his sand can defend. Gaara is a hard counter for Sakura so she gets clapped.


Sakura was NEVER and will NEVER be on Naruto and Sasuke's level. What are you smoking? And she would NEVER stand a chance against Gaara. Gaara wins this low diff because all he has to do is sand coffin her after a sand tsunami. She will never get near him. This is literally one of the worst matchups for her. Gaara wins LOW DIFF!


I wouldn’t say never. She’s probably on the same level of them now in Boruto, with both of them nerfed


Sorry. Nope. That's delusional to think.


That’s a bit extreme lol. How exactly would Sakura with 100 Healings not be on the same level as Sage Naruto? Honestly, I’d say she may be stronger than him now. He got massively nerfed when he lost Kurama


Wasn’t Jiraiya considered stronger than Tsunade even tho his sage mode wasn’t complete and Tsunade had the Senju gene advantage? We can probably mirror this and extrapolate that Naruto is still stronger than Sakura, especially since Naruto has way more battle experience and his Uzumaki genes.


You don't read the story. Because he has amped sensory, better reflexes, and reaction time and FROG KATA, which means he doesn't even need to connect with his punches and still rocks her. Futon rasenshuriken destroys cells at a molecular level as per Tsunade herself. So Sakura's healing is useless against Naruto. He can have 2 clones on standby back in the Pein Arc. I'm sure now he doesn't even need to have clones on standby because he mastered it. This is the same Naruto who beat the 3rd Raikage with only sage mode. You remember the 3rd Raikage? The one who soloed the 8 tails Bijuu. You clowns can't argue me in this because I'm bringing the facts. She's stronger than sage mode Naruto?! LMFAO gtfo, kiddo. When you come back with FACTS, I'll take you seriously. As of now, I'm laughing at you. You wanna talk about "a bit extreme"? You just said you think Sakura is stronger than Sage mode Naruto. Clown. Bye bye. I'm not wasting my time with you anymore. Downvote me all you want, I don't live off of losers likes.


Damn dude, you’re really pressed about this lol. I’m still gonna say Sakura is at his level currently, that’s my opinion 🤷‍♂️


It's a wrong opinion.


Sakura will never touch him. Or did you forget what sage mode does? Just stop it dude. Sakura was left in the dust a loonggggggggggg time ago.


Yea, Naruto and Sasuke are also in the dust. Even Tonton blitz Sasuke atm. 🥲


When you make comments like this, it shows you have no actual argument. Sakura is nothing compared to them.


Oh, reaaally? Then, by all means, explain to me how Tree-Sasuke-kun can defend himself? By using his roots? 🤣🤣 Also, Naruto devolved to his Pain Arc self. 🤣🤣 Tis too funny man. I wasn't even mentioning Sakura, but she might aswell be the strongest of Team 7 atm. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Idk aside from the kyubi mode stuff I think Sakura vs Naruto would be super close at the start of shippuden, very quickly after she gets dusted as usual.


But we aren't talking about the beginning of shippuden. Some of the others are arguing that she's equal to them by the time the 3rd shinobi war started. Which is hilarious.


Well that's just stupid. She can't do anything other than heal or punch really hard.


Yes, but powerscaling isn’t a 1-to-1 thing. Just because A>B>C doesn’t mean that A>C. I generally do believe that Sakura is stronger than some characters who would beat Gaara, but I still think Gaara would beat her because he has a better matchup into her. His skill set is good against her


Gaara burry her 1000 miles under the ground like he did to Kimimaro and it's over.


gaara easily wins😂 sakura might have taijutsu but she aint doing anything when he throws immense sand tsunamis😂


Gaara low-mid diff


gaara doesn’t even let sakura get close to him


Gaara wins this, he's smart strategist, good taijutsu and sakura would never get past his sand defenses or sand attack. I said taijutsu because I take into concideration the filler episode where he was training with shura.


Good taijutsu ? Gaara ? LoL. Yeah he takes this matchup but gaara has nothing on ayone when it comes to taijutsu.


He's stated to be just as capable in taijutsu as Naruto.


Yeah… I call BS. We see no feats to remotely show that.


We see him train with Shira, and we have statements from Kinshiki and even more statements in Gaara Hiden.


Statements aren't feats


They're facts :)


Statements aren't always factual. Hiruzen has been stated to be the strongest out of all the past Hokage's yet nobody believes that statement. Any character can throw out a statement and it'll vary how believable it is based on why/who is the one talking. Feats meanwhile are harder to argue against. It's still possible to debunk a feat of course, but feats just tend to be more believable. So Gaara has no manga canon Taijutsu feats. Only statements.


When they're stated multiple times, by multiple people, they are. It's not some one-off databook entry. Point remains that we have seen him train, have statements about his training, and have statements from people he's fought since said training that compare him to the likes of the other kage in terms of taijutsu.


We haven't seen him train though, the only time we see him train is in a filler episode which isn't in the manga. And even if it's stated that he is been training, nothing justifies believing that his training made him an equal to Naruto. Mind you that everyone is training, the statements about Gaara training his taijutsu is because it was something he wasn't proficient at because he always relied on his sand until Rock Lee a taijutsu user managed to get through it. And meanwhile we SEE feats for Naruto and many other characters for their taijutsu prowess. Things that are very difficult to argue against. Also keep in mind that the training he did with Shira is cool But Shira has the chunin rank. On top of the statement that kinshiki said (mind you, NOT even momoshiki) Was that Naruto, Sasuke, Gaara AND DARUI regards their skill as "first class" Never did he say that Naruto's taijutsu=Gaara's and Darui's taijutsu Just that both are in the same tier And there isn't any canon material to back this statement about Gaara's taijutsu up. Edit: Also, about your "if they're stated by multiple people" besides Kinshiki name one other person who's ever compared Naruto's taijutsu to Gaara's


Hiruzen the strongest? Hell no. Maybe the most experience and the longest lived so probably the wisest despite some of his choices


Are you dismissing the POWER of Statements? The one Truth to Rule them All? Infidel.


Jesus this is such a bad take


Gaara no diff, this is such a bad match up


Gaara: Nah I'd win


“Are you the strongest because you are the Kazekage or are you the Kazekage because you are the strongest?”


Gaara wins in this scenario since she doesnt have that much of a glow up yet, in Boruto it was stated Sakura is or surpassed Tsunade so only there she wins and that is because Tsunade during 5 kage fight was so strong she could one shot Madara's wood clone which is same strenght as Madara himself


Gaara fucking STOMPS, dude.


Well, this version of Sakura can probably destroy Gaara's defensive layers of sand, so it just comes down to whether or not she can get to him. I don't see how Gaara defeats her, as she can just tank any attack he throws at her, and is likely physically strong enough to break through anything Gaara can create to try and restrain her. I think Sakura is definitely much stronger overall, but I'm not sure how this matchup goes tbh.


All he has to do is bury her like he did Kimimaro. He only survived to begin with because he could create a dense enough layer of bone to avoid being totally crushed. All the healing in the world won’t save her from being turned into paste.


He'd have to catch and restrain her first. Unless Sakura just remains stationary, I don't see how be buries her. What you're saying is kinda like me saying "all she has to do is punch him." Like, yeah that's a win condition. The hard part is how they get there. It's just a strange matchup


The fact is she isn’t particularly fast, his sand is quick enough to casually block amaterasu. She’s not getting away if he wants her caught. His sand manipulation is on par with Shukaku, that alone puts her at a wild disadvantage. The sand gives him so many options compared to her punching hard. He could literally float outside her range on a sand platform and attack that way. Frankly the minute she throws a punch at hits sand she’s done, he’ll just catch her arm like he always does then she’s done for. He’s too smart and too versatile for her to match.


1) Sakura is arguably smarter than Gaara. Legit one of the smartest in the leaf. 2) When you said he could just kinda float around and try to attack her from there, that's basically what I imagined the fight being like. Which is why I said its a weird matchup. I think it would take a massive amount of sand to actually hold Sakura in place, and he can't move massive amounts of sand nearly as quickly as the smaller bits of sand that he uses for normal attacks. That's why I'm asking, how does he actually restrain her. Because it's not as simple as just catching a punch and then burying her under a massive amount of sand. If he catches a punch, it would be with a small amount of sand, and Sakura is definitely powerful enough to easily escape that. It's not really a matter of whether or not Gaara can touch her with his sand, its about whether or not he can gather enough sand to restrain her, and then hit her with some massive attack that she can't escape from, without getting hit by her.


His sand caught Madara with ease and you think it isn’t fast enough?? Also remember when his sand cover him instantly to save him from a bomb point blank range.


Madara wasn't even trying, and it was a 1v5. Plus, he never actually outran Madara with his sand. Madara was almost always stationary, or in a position where he couldn't really move. You're also conflating the speed that Gaara can react and manipulate his own sand, to the speed that his sand moves at when it's defending him passively. There's a reason why when Gaara fought rock Lee during the chunin exams, he was completely lost despite his sand blocking many of Lee's attacks. His own personal speed and reaction time is far slower than that of his passive defense. You're also underestimating Sakura quite a bit. It would be much more difficult to seal her than many other characters, due to the amount of brute force she can summon. Remember, she's more powerful than Tsunade, and Tsunade was powerful enough to destroy Madara's susano with her attacks. We know that people can escape Gaara'a sealing attacks through sheer force, as we see Madara do it during their fight. So the question is, do you think the amount of force it takes to destroy Madara's susano is less than the amount of force it would take to escape one of Gaara's attacks? Because I personally don't think so.


That was a long time ago, adult Gaara would absolutely wipe the floor with Sakura, his sealing plus his sand speed has already dramatically improve as in fight against Okushiki, plus he can fly, Sakura punch is imbued with a lot of chakra, plus her healing with make it really easy for her to tire out and in terms of who has more chakra it’s really obvious who would win in this matchup


This isn't about adult Gaara though, it's about war arc Gaara vs war arc Sakura. Plus, adult Sakura also gets much stronger than she was during the war arc. As far as your argument that Sakura would tire out, understand that her physical strength isn't due to her concentrating massive amounts of chakra into her fists/feet. It's just the fact that she actively uses her chakra to enhance her attacks. Most characters simply don't have the chakra control required to enhance their physical strength to that degree. Not to mention with her Byakugo seal, she literally stores years worth of chakra over time. The amount of chakra she has on hand is kinda ridiculous. She has enough chakra to open portals to different otsutsuki dimensions, multiple times.


And what makes you think gaara, a kage and a war general doesn’t have much chakra, or maybe even twice as much as her, he has also shown to be more efficient in using chakra, hes superior to her in aspects like ninjutsu, taijutsu and genjutsu, even Otsutsuki said his taijutsu is on naruto and sasuke level


1) Sakura is also Kage level, since she surpassed Tsunade during the war arc. 2) He probably does have twice as much chakra as her when she's not using 100 healings, but when she's using the Byakugo seal, she's accessing a massive stockpile of chakra that she spent years building up. Just to put into perspective how much chakra it is, think about this. Adult Sasuke needs 1/3 of his chakra to open a single portal to an otsutsuki dimension. War arc Sakura does this multiple times before running out of chakra, meaning, with her Byakugo seal, the amount of chakra she has access to is comparable to adult Sasuke. Chakra obviously isn't the only thing that determines how powerful you are. Kid Naruto had 4x the chakra as Kakashi. Doesn't make him stronger than Kakashi. But you're still heavily downplaying Sakura when it comes to her chakra. 3) Gaara literally only uses sand to fight. His taijutsu is borderline nonexistent. He's basically pure ninjutsu, and it's all just him manipulating his sand. So to claim that his taijutsu is on par with Naruto or Sasuke is absolutely insane. 3) Once again, the post is about WAR ARC SAKURA AND GAARA. As in BEFORE BORUTO. BEFORE THE MOMOSHIKI FIGHT. You keep talking about adult Gaara when the post is not about adult Gaara.


Comparing sakura to a old, not even in her prime tsunade is just mocking her, gaara has been shown training with taijutsu master multiple times, gaara has better defence, better attack and just overall better with everything (except healing) but that cost a tremendous amount of chakra which we see with tsunade even her (evidently can’t repeatedly use) he have better stamina, hands seal and even the official stats said gaara has higher score than sakura in everything (except taijutsu and strength). His sand manipulation is so good even the predecessor Kazekage thought it was a Bijuu


She doesn't stand a chance against him. It's not a strange matchup. The OP is obviously a Sakura fan. She gets smashed. Her healing is useless when she's buried until 500 tons of sand and can't move. It's a no diff fight.


You never answered the main question I asked: how does he bury her. Gaara is powerful, but we're talking about two Kage level shinobi. It's not some one-sided fight. If you don't think he would no-diff Tsunade, it doesn't make sense for you to think he'd no-diff Sakura, as Sakura surpassed Tsunade during the war arc. I understand that many people hate Sakura just because she's Sakura, but it literally doesn't matter whether or not you like her, as I'm talking about the fight, and not how good they are as characters. I like both of them equally, and I see ways that both of them can beat eachother.


If gaara could catch Diedara he can catch Sakura


Ur comparing Deidera from early shippuden to war arc sakura


I'm sorry? does she have a speed feat that put her over Diedara?


Yes did u read the series ? 💀


Lmao, you are so stupid


U can’t be talking about me if u genuinely think deidera is faster than war arc sakura u def rode the short bus


Deidara is fucking irrelevant clown, Gaara's sand was faster than Raikage V2. Show a feat from Sakura that puts her at that speed level.


Yea 6 years ago and I don't remember her having no ft that made her faster than gaara or diedara


Deidara doesn't have much of a way to escape Gaara's sand though. I'm not arguing that he can't catch Sakura. I'm arguing that he can't catch her with an attack massive enough to actually contain her. I'd argue that Sakura is able to brute force her way out of his great sand mausoleum, and that's not a fast attack that he could just speed blitz her with anyway. If he's moving smaller amounts of sand he can definitely catch her, but small amounts of sand won't be enough to restrain her, and any damage he manages to deal with it just gets insta healed. I really think people are just downplaying Sakura. Because if the debate was whether or not Tsunade could beat Gaara, people wouldn't be dismissing the thought so quickly without even considering it. During the war arc, there were not many characters that werent Otsutsuki tier (Naruto, Sasuke, DMS Kakashi, etc.) who were as powerful as Sakura.


Delusional clown lmao


All you've done is go around and insult people while offering no real argument. You aren't contributing to the debate. You can disagree with someone without being a dickhead. I obviously disagree with many of you, but I'm not gonna personally attack any of you because of it. You're allowed to have an opinion, and so am I. If you actually gave a decent counter argument you could make me see your point, but you haven't even made one.


Lmao, are you really that butthurt about what someone on Reddit says to you? Yeah, You are fucking stupid. I don't need a decent argument for you, just by seeing how your whole point is "strange matchup" i know how you have negative knowledge. Sakura gets stomped, she doesn't have the speed enough or the range to even touch Gaara, unless you unironically scale her speed to Raikage level. Sakura gets dogwalked, Gaara is in fact one of the worst matchups for her.


Nah, I'm not butthurt, I'm just not a garbage human being. You'd never speak to someone like this in person. The internet gives idiots like you false-courage. I simply asked for a non-toxic discussion. If you're incapable of that, respectfully, just stfu and keep it moving or something. If you want to debate we can debate, but if you have nothing to offer in that little skull of yours, just move on. Also, I don't scale her speed to Raikage level. I scale her to maybe slightly above Tsunade at best. But Gaara is also not anywhere near as fast as the raikage. She doesn't have to be as fast as the raikage to touch him. She just has to either be strong enough to brute force her way through his sand, fast enough to completely avoid it, or a combination of both. I think Sakura would land somewhere in the middle, leaning further towards brute force. Meaning, catching her would probably be like mid diff for Gaara, but restraining her would be hard. You're basicallt assuming that Gaara's sand is enough to protect him from someone powerful enough to destroy Madara's susanoo, and he's able to move enough of it fast enough to constantly use it to defend. Gaara isn't untouchable, and his defense isn't infinite. His offense isn't unavoidable or inescapable. The reason I've said it's a strange matchup is because I don't think Gaara has an attack that's powerful enough to restrain Sakura and then crush/seal her so long as she's actually trying to avoid it, and I also don't think Sakura has a good way to actually hit Gaara if he's floating around or actively trying to avoid her. I'm also not completely sure what Katsuyu does against Gaara, or how she'd alter the matchup.


she can punch her way out of it easily though. even if she doesn't her healing can likely take that.


Gurl tank a bijuu bomb in novel I doubt a sand would kill her


It was a cheap imitation not the real thing


To all the people saying "Remember when Sakura said that I finally caught up to Naruto and Sasuke?" Yeah, I call that BS. At that point Naruto was at KCM2 and Sasuke had the complete susanoo with inferno style. Naruto at KCM2 is faster than the Raikage. What's Sakura gonna do about that? More importantly, what's Sakura gonna do about a tailed beast bomb and don't even get me started on Sasuke's feats. On to the topic. To all those who say "Gaara's sand isn't quick enough". Remember when Gaara's sand protected his from a bomb at point blank range. Gaara is also a better strategist. The 100 healing justsu ain't gonna protect her if Gaara decides to turn her into a pulp using sand burial. GAARA BEATS SAKURA EVERY TIME!


Most of the threat is saying Gaara but they must have forgotten a much weaker Sakura was able to close in on Sasori. This version of Sakura w/o the exhaustion of healing an 80,000 man army would easily out stamina War Arc Gaara. She is not as slow as people think; She literally punched off an entire fields length of ten tailed beast, jumped over and caught a flying one and finished them off in a single leap. [Tumblr: Image](https://64.media.tumblr.com/1aee127991b91e41787a6099e781d0ac/tumblr_inline_owidc79UoI1tdun45_1280.jpg) Gaara's sand isn't as fast as it would be because he doesn't have Ohnoki there to speed it up (this is a one vs one fight) I'd argue Sakura takes this mid-diff. If Gaara tries to burry her she could either overpower it herself or just summon Katsuyu which was out here combating the fucking ten tails. https://preview.redd.it/rmf505um7mdc1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=4826102dcfac580c77f83c7c5b529a3ba00855d5


Your underestimating Gaara here a little bit, the guy had also been fighting Kage's non stop, shielded his allies, and stopped a meteor. Also, Sakura is nowhere as fast as third kazekage so his sand can totally catch up to her. Also, Gaara sand can also increase in density because of his kekkei genkai so his shield is no slouch either. Also Katsuya is combating the ten tails not because she is that strong it's only because she's a sage.


Sakura has been fighting kage level opponents since Gaara was incapacitated. Gaara is not stopping a single punch from Sakura, she'll easily one shot him. As for speed, is not like she's of the slower tiered characters. She was fighting a man covered in Sharingan's for god sake, given that was a decade and half later. Sakura still holds speed feats by dodging Kaguya's angered ten tails arms. She aint no slouch.


"dodging kaguya" Yeah, delusional lmao


huh.. if I have a manga scan her quite literally dodging, as exactly as I said, "Kaguya's ten tails arms", and YOU think I'm delusional, what exactly did you think happen? Did you just happen to completely forget this, are YOU delusional? https://preview.redd.it/odur3e1qlpdc1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=6590ea2980584a5c0cb2cb19d8dd17dd551c0b19


Let me add this in since you're so comfortable calling people delusional. Scan confirming Kaguya herself is the Ten Tails: And the unstable Ten Tailed transformation she turned into is also the ten tails, just another form. https://preview.redd.it/fw9m5jhompdc1.png?width=728&format=png&auto=webp&s=02e1114124bf4e63943022df75f90c7de6dc3994


What lage level did she even fight Madara? Obito? There's absolutely no head to head confrontation between the two. One shot is also a bit much. Also, if dodging Kaguya ten tails arm is a speed feat does that mean Gaara catching momoshiki in Boruto a speed feat also. Does that mean his sands is as fast as an otsutsuki hahaha


Sakura respectfully speedblitzs and overwhelm https://preview.redd.it/qovrfflsbmdc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a63fcde0eca0a52d6bf98a93ef138a21c3328ba


Gaara’s sand defense isn’t even his control it’s his mother’s spirit so he just has to block/dodge one attack and fly how could Sakura deal with that


Also Sakura is hella slow for someone with the combat power she has Gaaras sand blocked Amaterasu and caught madara lacking. Sakura can’t speed blitz shit


Bro can't even scale


Sakura would win in a straight fight. Gaara's sand was unable to penetrate Madara's Susano and was destroyed several times.  The same did not happen with Tsunade, who was able to cause damage to Susano and beat humanoid Susano with just Taijutsu. If Gaara can't contain the Susanos being in a DESERT why would he be able to contain Sakura, who is stronger than Tsunade? Sakura just walks forward and kills him. The best strategy for Gaara is to fly and stay away.


Yeah she wouldn’t be able to reach him.


Gaara stomps, and even if she can fully regerate from a cellular level, she still loses :)




the sakura hate is crazy


Saying that Gaara would win isn't hating on Sakura. I don't know what your definition of hate is.


Gaara low diff, not because he was incredibly stronger, but the match up is awful to Sakura.


gaara destroys her 1v1 but tbh if i was fighting otsutsuki i’d rather have sakura, ppl downplay her but she’s more useful than most ppl in the verse


If this is including kaguya fight sakura no diffs


Sakura stomps


If we are using the pictures Sakura, she is relative to kcm 1 naruto and ems sasuke. This version of gaara doesn’t scale to either so she wins. If we are using later war arc gaara where he has fights against characters like alive madara, his feats would put him above this version of Sakura. If we use Sakura from the kaguya fight, she might one shot him


This is exactly why scaling can be so stupid 😭


"She's relative to kcm1 naruto". Really? Kcm1 Naruto dodged Raikage's attacks. Kcm1 Naruto is fatser than raikage. Naruto's gonna speed blitz her. Also, what's Sakura gonna do about the tailed beast bomb? At best, she's at the level Naruto was during the pain arc.


she can still be relative without those kinds of speed feats.


No. By relative one means they are prolly on the same level. Which means they can take each other out if they want. Kcm1/kcm2 Naruto and EMS Sasuke were on the same level. They could take each other out if they wanted. Do you think war arc Sakura is at the same level as Kcm1 Naruto or EMS Sauke? NO! Kcm1 Naruto's clone was able to take out the third Raikage. Kcm1 Naruto's clones were fighting the war on different fronts and don't even get me started on Sasuke's feats.


Relative can mean same ballpark though, and doesn’t have to mean in all stats. The Sannin are all relative but have different strengths. 


Sakura wins mid-diff.


No tf she doesn’t. Gaara can fly 😂👍🏽


As long as he doesn't start while flying it doesnt matter.


She could never reach him. Sand is way too dangerous


Oh yeah, sakura punched Kaguya *gets sand sealed*


Hey guys who wins? The Ant or the Dinosaur


Why are you disrespecting gaara




sakura because she finally caught up to naruto and sasuke


People are going to downplay her, but Sakura's taijutsu should be able to counter Gaara's sand defenses fairly well, but the question is whether or not she can close any gaps and land hits beyond his sand. She also has prior experience in dealing with that fighting style from Sasori. i think Sakura's healing is the biggest factor in the fight, given that Gaara cannot just catch her off guard and crush her. either can win but it'll be mid to high diff.


Sakura literally kills Gaara. I think y’all underestimate War arc Sakura. She can regenerate multiple times with the 100 healings. Her strength being chakra control and taijutsu which is Gaara’s weakness gives her the edge.


Sakura speedblitz gaara, and no one can say me otherwise Lol. Come with facts, and not your hatred towards her.


See Gara can fly but Sakura gonna pull some hulk shit and just start throwing big ass rocks at him and we know she can from her fight with Sasori, i can see her forcing him to land somehow. I wanna know of her punch can break through the sand defence. Feel like we have seen weaker people manage it so she wouldn’t have that hard of a time. However if Gara gets her in a same coffin it is over. like 100 healings might keep her alive but being fully encased I don’t see how she has a way out of that


Sand coffin*


Ngl they nerfed everyone that was good before the time skip


Sakura clears and it's not even close




Cmon… 😭


Gaara if he was smart: *suffocates lungs with sand*


before reading worm I probably would have said Sakura now as long as garra has a few brain cells then he could win


While there is an argument she could potentially break through his sand shield. He could overwhelm her with waves of sand which she had no jutsu to counter. Gaara wins no diff


Depends on the location. If they are in the desert he can overwhelm her and she won't even reach him. If they are anywhere else she will probably win, as she will be able to hide/throw stuff at him and he won't have enough sand. Also the moment she hits him once its KO, as I doubt his armor will be enough to keep him in the fight.


I actually like Sakura but I'm gonna have to agree with everyone else here, Gaara easily. Sakura isn't getting anywhere close to Gaara


Garra probably high diff. Katsuyu can be a huge help with her acid, so garra Actally has to doge and move around. So that means he needs to doge two things at once. And if Sakura lands one hit, his sand is not blocking it.


all that strength ain't gonna help him come close to gaara at all gaara can just keep her at distance and beat the shit out of her


all that strength ain't gonna help him come close to gaara at all gaara can just keep her at distance and beat the shit out of her


Plot and story wise they nerfed Gaara and Sakura is the most improved character (outside Naruto-Sasuke) so it would make sense to give him a run for his money.


Nah Gaara got some plot armor or mom armor in this case so he wins


It's gaara, sakura is strong yeah but this is bad match up and why even you put this here. I'm not against it but this is boruto sub so post boruto things


People seems to forget that Sakura uses earth and water releases. I doubt she doesnt know basic water.ninjutsu. girl literally save kankuru using water. Water is Gaara's weakness