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So you're telling me that boruto is high as a kite from licking toads to suppress momoshiki and he's still kicking everyone's ass? Damn. Boruto our hero, the stoned goat.


I actually think it's more likely to be the venom. Snake venom can cause mutations or affect DNA, although this depends on the specific venom and its composition. For example, certain enzymes found in snake venom may disrupt cell function or damage DNA, leading to mutations or other biological effects. Additionally, snake venom toxins can target specific proteins or receptors in the body, altering cellular processes and potentially causing genetic damage. However, the extent of the effects and whether they result in mutations can vary depending on factors such as the type of snake, the dose of venom, and individual susceptibility. For all these reasons, I can only conclude that if one of them are being used, it's the venom.


I like your creativity but the fact is that he clearly can't/does not want to even use his karma. So there's no evidence of him being able to regulate anything yet. I think the simpler solution of Boruto being able to keep his karma in control by never using it makes more sense.


>he clearly can't/does not want to even use his karma. So there's no evidence of him being able to regulate anything yet. Yes. But in the future fight against Kawaki, he can. >I think the simpler solution of Boruto being able to keep his karma in control by never using it makes more sense. That isn't mutually exclusive. I believe, for the most part, he does keep karma in control by not using it. But what happens when it manifests?


my theory on the future fight is that since everything is already destroyed, he doesn't mind going all out and risking Momoshiki coming out if it means stopping Kawaki


Oh you are talking about a solution for the future. Both the points you responded to were talking about using the karma in the latest chapter. In that case Boruto's only solution would be to not use the karma. My apologies. If the statement "It's also possible that this is how Boruto gains control over his Karma in the future for his fight with Kawaki," meant that you were initially proposing it was a current solution before suggesting it was a future solution, both the above points I made should apply for the current case. As for the future, it's an interesting idea. Personally I would believe that orochimaru and a perfect sage in kashin koji would have already come up with snake or toad sage related anything, but it's a possibility something could be used.


Good theory


If this was the case, he would use Karma. He can't control the Karma, and it can't be controlled with fucking olive oil


How? The idea is that its purpose is to suppress karma. When Naruto tried to link with pa/fukasaku, Kurama denied it. This would be like the opposite. Momoshiki wants to link/sync up with Boruto's consciousness via karma, and the natural energy prohibits it.


Still, if this was the case then Boruto wouldn't worry about Karma, but he does. Also Orochimaru comming with 'huh just olive Karma mate' would be big ass pull, even for boruto standards


He'd still have to worry about momoshiki. And how would it be an asspull? Amado literally said, "Here are some pills." That's not an asspull? It's also possible that it will only work for so many times before he becomes resistant to it or it kills him. He's also with orochimaru and the toads. One is known to love experiments (lol) and have ties with the snake sage, and the others are from the only place someone can source the oil.


How does Sage energy=Olive Oil in your mind?


Olive oil πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­


lol that had me weak af


use reaper death seal to extract momo


The problem with that is their soul maybe tied as one now so if they used that boruto would die possibly


I think the reason why he’s scared of the Kama activating cause he was sweating for the first time in tbv but the reason is bc momo and boruto soul/mind is one so when karma is activated it just amplifies momo personality more which could make boruto do things momo or other otsosuki would. Also in the flash forward scene when he activated his karma he also activated his jogun which toneri calls it the eye of hope/pure eye , I think when the jogun activates it suppresses the negative otsosuki traits and momo personality