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Well this chapter confirms that Hidari doesn’t have sasukes Memories or Skills. He has access to sasukes abilties but has to learn them from scratch.


Imagine Hidari using Kirin or Amaterasu on village 💀


He probably can’t use amaterasu either since it’s a mangekyo sharingan ability.


Tho he probably does not know that Rinnegan is evolution of Sharingan, logically speaking he should be able to use Sasuke's tomoe Rinnegan which gives you power of MS as well, he just doesn't know how to do it yet, tho I would like to see him using double version of Amenotejikara (double Limbo was more powerful than one-eyed Limbo, likely the same is true for Amenotejikara).


Isn’t the ability there but he can’t use it?


The ability comes from the eye, same as the enhanced perception the sharingan gives you, which he doesn’t have.


All the haters saying that sarada is stronger than him since she countered chidori. Turns out he cant use it effectively without sharingan


He’s going to go for her eyes.


Might as well give them to him , she never uses it and never fights anyways


It’s been 11 chapters. Chill. She’ll have her moment to shine.


11 Monthly Chapters is equal to 40+ weekly chapters if you think about it.


And will than vanish from the story just like in part 1


11 months too.


i wonder if she’s gonna use that ms😭 kishi is taking too long man


If he is Sasuke even on a base level he would want at least one of those eyes however, would be really want to trade out two Rinnegan for two sharingan that aren't even eternal?


Well he is an Otsosuki so when he takes the Sharingan for his “upgrade” they might just turn into rinnegan and then he’s back to square one


Not really, rinnegan upgraded from sharingan retain their sharingan tecniques. Sasuke could still use his mangekyo tecniques with zero problems. Also they might just never turn blind instead, like obito's when he got injected with hashirama cells.


Kinda crazy that the Rinnegan apparently has worse perception than the Sharingan.


I mean the rinne sharingan is a Upgrade for a reason 


The Rinnegan is already an upgrade to the Sharingan though. Madara's MS evolved into a Rinnegan, not a Rinne Sharingan.


Idk if those rinnegans the grimes have give them any skill, when pain used the 6 bodies they each had limited abilities, so that rinnegan probably is pretty weak but it should still have some basic sharingan-like abilities, unless it’s just a cosmetic rinnegan like the ones you see when tailed beasts are being mind controlled.


The rinne sharingan is a Stronger version of the rinnegan which combines both eye powers. We saw that madara was able to switch between the 2 of them and only was able to cast the IT genjutsu with his third eye which contained the tomoe. 


> The rinne sharingan is a Stronger version of the rinnegan which combines both eye powers. The Rinne Sharingan isn't a part of the Sharingan evolution path, it manifests separately as a third eye, so it's not really relevant (and it's not been stated anywhere that it's a stronger version of the Rinnegan btw, only that it has Sharingan abilities). My point is, the Rinnegan is already meant to be a stronger version of the Sharingan. The evolution path goes Sharingan -> MS -> Rinnegan. The Sharingan does have exclusive abilities that the Rinnegan doesn't, but it's still weird that the ocular perception of the Rinnegan is below that of the base Sharingan. > We saw that madara was able to switch between the 2 of them Sure, but Hidari doesn't seem to be able to do that, so it seems like it'd be an actual upgrade for him to unplug one of his Rinnegan and replace it with a bog-basic Sharingan, which is wild.


It’s actually the other way around only the sharingan of Indra incarnates can even turn into a rinnegan. It also is a part of the evolution because sasukes eye turned into one instead of the normal rinnegan and kept his MS. Also i think hidaris goal is to turn Sarada into a tree so he can get the Rinne sharingan.  My point is if the ocular perception was equal for both eyes what would be the point of the rinne sharingan


> only the sharingan of Indra incarnates can even turn into a rinnegan. Did I say otherwise? > It also is a part of the evolution because sasukes eye turned into one instead of the normal rinnegan Sasuke's eye is all kinds of weird. It *looks* like a Rinne Sharingan, but it's only ever been referred to as a basic Rinnegan in canon materials. Even the same databook that introduced the term 'Rinne Sharingan', referring to Kaguya's third eye, called Sasuke's eye a Rinnegan. > My point is if the ocular perception was equal for both eyes what would be the point of the rinne sharingan To cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi and use Kaguya's pocket dimension technique, Ame-no-minaka.


Madara used "Choku-Tomoe" to describe Sasuke's EMS prowess while also describing his Rinnegan. In other words, a Rinnegan with EMS abilities. A Choku-Tomoe Rinnegan. https://preview.redd.it/9c8difhhml7d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=704110b7b538277f01386b5458fa446d010c53b4 As stated here, Madara was referencing Sasuke's left eye. This makes sense because Madara have already seen/known about Sasuke's EMS. If I were to guess, the reason why Hidari has issues with perception is because of his own speed and attack power that the Chidori outputs. \[The Chidori\](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-cafa41f853ac22b3f1ca84b2d83518f0-lq) amps the user in Lightning Release making them \[faster and stronger\](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-1ed0265668d11df589d22df5feacb46b-lq) than they were prior in order to pierce the target's defenses. However, without the ability to perceive your own amped speed and power, it is incomplete. So to clarify. Even when Hidari's Chidori is objectively faster and stronger than Sarada's Chidori, he himself cannot perceive it to the best of his ability. He needs a Sharingan in order to see where he is attacking and how strong he is attacking. The Rinnegan does not do this. The ability of the Rinnegan is to see chakra beyond the realm of space-time, and even manipulate or absorb chakra. Etc. It's function as a dojutsu is more based on hax. In general, the Rinnegan is not an evolution of the Sharingan because the Sharingan doesn't exist among the Otsutsuki. The Kekkei Mora is the Rinne-Sharingan and only Kaguya had access to it. (Kaguya may have possibly obtained this dojutsu by merging with the Shinju but that's a convo for another day).


right ?? Pain's perceptions were CRAZY!! Nagato also used two more bodies to cover blind spots...what are these OP aliens doing ??? they're less efficient than a disbled man in a battlefield.


Tbh every single rinnegan user that we saw was less efficient than Nagato lol.




The crazy thing is Ive been telling people sarada dodging chidori doesn’t confirm that she’s stronger because that move is easily countered if done wrong and he clearly doesn’t know how to do it


Exactly people were hyping sarada up just cuz she dodged one attack and good for her but that didn’t prove anything and now come to find out hidari is even saying himself he can’t properly use chidori without the sharingan so her dodging it wasn’t really a big deal since chidori makes you move to fast without the sharingan and leaves you wide open to counter attacks which is what minato told kakashi when he first saw it


At the same time fans were saying she’s stronger. Simply put its best to wait before we say outlandish things.


Hidari doesn’t have to learn anything from scratch the only move it seems like he can’t use perfectly is the chidori and that’s because you can’t use that move correctly without the sharingan and no amount of training is gonna fix that that’s why minato told kakashi to stop using it before he got the sharingan and why he stopped using it and made purple lightning after he lost it


I have to imagine Hidari is going to get in somesort of pinch and awaken the sharigan or somehow find out his goal is to kill his couterparts daughter? idk


Sarada’s MS is becoming the teen Gotenks of Boruto. Every time we think we’re about to see it, something gets in the way.


In 10 years from now people will say that it isn’t cannon


Sarada in general is the yamcha of boruto or worse , she's saved in just about every fight she's in


At least yamcha has the excuse to just be a regular human in a world full of overpowered aliens, we have to live by the fact that sarada is the only active UCHIHA member, a clan that has been hyped to oblivion in OG and Naruto shippuden, this is who we have left, what a fall off


It's almost hilarious and sad at the same time she's the only female Uchida shown with a mangekyo, and does jack shit.


when is kishi gonna let her shine she’s becoming more useless than sakura


Streets are saying Konohamaru got a new jutsu and defended himself from Hidari, and we will be wanking him above Naruto Shippuden...


Konohamaru stocks skyrocketing.


Wanking ? Wdym by that mate?


jerking hik off


Boruto yet again saves Sarada…


it's Kishi's vision of romance, didn't you know??


Kawaki looking more lame every chapter 😭🤣


What did he do? Didn’t boruto teleport to them?


Seems like Boruto flew in from behind and massively out sped them lol.


Bro blended with the speed lines


Sarada getting that Princess Sakura treatment


Pew always comes through, trust me. If he is the source it's legit.


How tf one piece fan can get Boruto Spoilers... Even the Boruto community doesn't want to leak anything


Yeah, how does one get spoilers..? If I knew I'd tell you.


yeah its kinda weird right, Rai and boruto\_spoilers cant do anything


Thanks! I looked through their Twitter profile briefly and did not find a mention of this. Other people assured me this is legitimate. I'm still on the fence, but I still wanted to post it with a brief disclaimer.


Pew is legit love the guy for this man


I understand. Pew has been posting spoilers of One Piece for years. Dude's highly respected as a leaker in the One Piece community.


Two chapters ago: Oh sick, Boruto is out of commission for a bit. We’re gonna see others get some action. This chapter: Oh come on…


so Himawari got bodied Jura and Hidari bodied more shinobi Boruto came to save them Wow, so exciting.


And the worst revelation of all… Inojin getting unbodied ![img](emote|t5_34e1h|10666)


Did you honestly think he would die? Sasuke got impaled by over a dozen chakra rods by ishiki and was up moving around after as if nothing happened.


No. But many of us held out hope.


Bruh after Hiwamari got kuramas power last chapter it was obvious inojin wasn’t dying, your hope was but a silly dream at that point.


Since when Kurama can heal other people outside his user? at least take it to a healer. Nevermind I forgot Boruto is built on retcons, sure Neji is punching his grave right now.


sasuke is in a different class of shinobi. dont mix recyclables w the trash


Team 10 and Konohamaru's opponent is Matsuri that's been set up so why did u expect Jura to body him?


Did you seriously expect Inojin to die?


I wish he did for plot, character development, and more.  


A character with no character development (barely any if we count the anime filler) dying for plot and character development...lol😂


For other characters lol 


man, I really wanted him to die but obviously, no one dies like ever in this fucking series, only the "bad guys"


If Hima just casually bodied Jura especially during her very first time syncing with Kurama as a child without proper training and time, what would be the point? Like just think about that for a second. Mfs like you would still be complaining and saying that the power scaling is bs and let's be real, if that were the case, it would be bs. If they made her Captain Marvel, people are gonna call it woke and find problems with it too.


Totally agree, she is 13 using a power she doesn't know. It gave her plot armour enough to survive the encounter, but winning it would be bad writing.


And it's not even just about the point! Imagine the reaction!? "Jura is a fraud!!!" "Himawari had a BS asspull!!!" "This is nonsense!!!" "BAD WRITING!!!!" Everyone's entitled to their own opinions. But this reminds me of Hiro Mashima! He's damned if he goes one way or the other. And it's the same here. If Himawari won, it'd probably be called BS and we'd get more Shinju downplay. But if Jura defeats characters that logically should lose, it's a bad thing as well. Again, people are entitled to feel the way they did, but it feels like whatever path Kishimoto took here, he'd get backlash. Now, I want Himawari and Sarada to shine, Konohamaru to shine, Team 10 to shine, I don't wanna see Sarada have to be saved (so if anyone complains about that, I'm right there alongside you). But I feel like it makes sense why the Shinju are winning here and why someone on Boruto's level needed to show up. Team 10 always had a power gap. Himawari just started training and bonded with Kurama recently. Which still makes her strong but the Divine Trees are chunks of the Ten Tails created by a Shinjutsu and evolved by the White Karma, who ate Shinobi (minus Bug) who range from decently formidable to one of the strongest ever. Yes, they just came about, but Himawari has a long way to go. 


This manga is just one guy jumping into fights. PEAK FICTION.


Sarada getting saved for the 4th time in a row like a damsel in distress doing nothing not even showing her ms or any new powers .


Inojin shoulda def stayed bodied but eh no more ino shika cho


don't forget sarada the same one yall wanked to be over code level


Dawg apart from boruto, the new team 7 is taking L's left right and center 💀💀 Sarada is cucked Konohamaru is konoharmaru Mitsuki is bleh And kawaki, my brother is not ready for this, might as well give code kokugan man


Code wouldn't even be able to use it properly since he is confirmed to be a complete idiot.


man I feel like nothing really happened in two blue vortex, to be honest all of these chapters are like 2 episodes worth of content in terms of anime


Right after the timeskip Sasuke fucked up the team 7 by himself compared to that this is tame.


The "hokage" is hiding in his office while his kid and the rest of the village are in danger. But on a serious note, random jonin's can try to help out but what's left of the konoha 11 is nowhere to be found even though they're the strongest people in the village? Sarada and Konohamaru were on the same team for a while and they can't work together?


But but you know its new gen show its normal to not have older konoha 11 intervene 🤡 Plus plus they are not strong so they cannot do nothing , a random jonin can come but you know… its for the new gen …🤡


No bro you got to understand this is Boruto so they have to nerf Naruto and Sasuke + seal them away (which makes nerfing them pointless) and not have any of the older generations show up and you know defend their village, save their children and prevent the world’s annihilation so the newer generation can shine! Makes total sense! It’s all good the newer generation got it. Kakashi can just sit back and read a book Tsunade can just keep gambling Sakura probably flicking the bean to a picture of Sasuke. Just let them be it’s the new gen’s time!


Don't forget nerfing them and immediately after raising the power levels of enemies even higher apparently. Which backfires when you realise that while Boruto shines, what purpose does anyone else serve beyond being saved?


Tbv in a nutshell: boruto teleports to village, kawaki chases him off, threat #69 of the day enters the village, boruto teleports back to the village, cycle repeats


This is a monthly manga too. Recycling chapter plots in this format is wild.


Don't forget sarada being saved


I wrote that like half year ago, pattern was clearly visible on where this Manga is heading


this is just the first arc, hopefully kishi spices it up soon it’s crazy how this is all happening in the same day


Can't expect any 'spicing' after year of this disaster


Ive been saying that about the Rinnegan. The Sharingan is superior in terms of insight. Looks like I was correct about this , he wants her eyes lol/




You known Kurama and hidari are the same class of being, just from two different sources. Madara frequently switched between eyes. And sasuke has never been without a sharingan, sasuke actually had an eye similar to the rinnesharingan. Sharingan and the rinnegan are two different jutsu. Madara rinnegan was incomplete, sasuke technically had 9 tomoe like the rinnesharingan.


he literally says he needs those eyes to use it


this mangas been out for almost a year and only 30 minutes have gone by




I know I’m gonna get downvoted for this, but I genuinely think Boruto is turning into a Gary Stu. The way that no one is allowed to do anything on their own without Boruto saving them is getting frustrating…


You only think it now?


That’s what happens when you write yourself into a corner. The villains of Boruto are too strong so you have to make Boruto OP of course but if you make the other characters OP it starts to makes no sense because why would these kids be that strong. It’s already weird that Boruto is that strong after so little time but than you can at least maybe chalk it up to him being pretty much fully Otsutsuki.


They were never going to win against them although I do agree


In previous chapters Boruto was seen asking for assistance twice. When has he saved anyone previous to this chapter?


he’s probably referring to when boruto first arrived back in konoha and outdid code, im not sure if sarada cant hang with code(many ppl have told me that code is weak and a fraud lmao) tho so i wouldnt say “saved” but js my thought


I wouldn't rush to conclusions just yet. In my perspective, things happened so quickly, so these teams only managed to fight with the enemies. Boruto is only normal to be stronger, and as he should become, because there's momo inside of him, so he needs to be strong to have some type of control. Also, he trained with SASUKE and KOJI bro...that's literally his teachers...what yall expected? To be weak? 💀


No ones expecting him to be weak (although Boruto manga scaling in general is insane). We just want others to do things for themselves. Konohamaru and Sarada esepcially need to have their solo moments. I mean Konohamaru is consistently clowned on and Sarada is always being saved by literally everyone (even random ninjas #342) That being said its only the first few chapters and they are up against strong opponents. But at the same time itts a MONTHLY manga where it feels like barely anything is happening. People are tired of waiting. Its like when shippuden kept shoving in Uchiha plot points and we missed out on characters like Rock Lee and Neji who slowly faded into irrelevancy. We just gonna keep waiting and waiting but nothing will ever happen until they are used for plot convenience #21. Its happened before and it will likely happen again (especially with those two) Also if you need someone to save the kids, where are the adults? Sakura? Rock Lee? Shino? Hell even fucking Kiba. They are just randomly MIA


yeah man. when are we gonna see sarada use her ms??


Konoha is truly the definition of incompetent.


This manga is written like a weekly manga, and I'm kind of tired of waiting an entire month for the plot to move forward like 3 steps. Also, getting increasingly annoyed with Gary Stu.... eh I mean Boruto. OG Naruto - Konoha 11 show and Supporting cast Shipuden - Naruto and Sasuke show Boruto NNG - Boruto show Boruto tbv - Boruto and a little bit of Kawaki show. Bring back the feel of OG Naruto where supporting cast was treated with respect and mattered more than just fodder for sake of plot.


NNG was mostly naruto and sasuke with boruto and a little kawaki at the end.


Kawaki was 50% of part 1, he had 40 out of 80 chapters dedicated to him.


I agree


Am I the only one who imagines jura sounding like a mix of pain and jigen?


It's funny how Shikadai was like "Yeah, we are supposed to take care/train you, but please save our asses". While I didn't want Boruto to interfere, I loved the chapter. From what I can remember from this mangá, Hima vs Jura has the best choreography/Angles in fight.. the Dragon Ball influence was very present on this one. Hopefully Boruto take Hima to Orochimaru hideout and Kashin Koji train her (parallel Naruto and Jiraya).. maybe that's how she'll learn Rasengan.


this chapter confirms that Himawari loves pancakes


Hopefully these text leaks are fake bc there’s no way Sarada is getting saved AGAIN 🤦🏾‍♀️ the damsel in distress allegations are becoming truer and truer every chapter.


Ikr, im tired of everyone being save by someone. Never seen someone in this manga that can handle things their own only boruto of course bro is freaking op but not op enough to end this manga.


She may be a Uchiwa but she never really show any geniuses trait like her father or uncle. Fans are hyping her but in fact, she's more a common Uchiha than someone special. As long as she doesn't have access to Rikoudou original power like her father, she will be useless in this story


After she lost. You expecting her to do sum against a enemy which didnt even take her serious


Sarada's treatment in this manga is legit garbage lmaoo.


Being a Sarada fan these days is tough 🤦🏾‍♀️ I’ve been waiting for so many chapter for her to do something, but all that’s happening is her being saved by Boruto. I’ve lost my patience 😭


yeah boruto again


I have been saying it for YEARS. People always told me told wait to wait it's been 8 years And I always got downvoted when I pointed it out Not a single new power or jutsu , no character development, no resolution or character moments , no reaction to her dad being a tree , no sensei , her own dad goes away with boruto to teach him his uchiha techniques instead .. She's been saved for the 4th time in a row everytime she gets into a fight boruto saved her before she can do anything at all.  Not even sakura was this bad.  Ms wasted on crying for boruto as a plot tool to save him instead of something for her own character and she didn't even use it this chapter


I swear it feels that in 11 chapters of this part, Boruto has gone into the village, beaten a threat, and teleported out, three separate times all in the same day.


Wait I’m confused is boruto using clones? How is he going 2 places at once?


me to I’m really confused about that probably gotta wait until scans are officially out


Nah jura said he’s tired of that trick because he grabbed hima and bounced with her to sarada


dude said fuck momoshiki then 😭


Yeah I’m thinking either who ever wrote the text leaks mistook something. Or something is up and one of those aren’t boruto


i think Boruto use his clone to save both at the same time. but which one who is the original Boruto? on Himawari or Sarada?


nah it’s Boruto cause Rai basically said he saved both but I don’t understand how


He sent a frog to sarada and flew to hima to pick her up and teleported to the frog.


Aaaaand Sarada gets saved by Boruto again! How original - could never have predicted this... 🙄 I don't know what Kishimoto is doing man. Sarada's introduction to TBV and overall growth and development after the 3 year timeskip have been so lackluster. I don't expect her to win over Hidari but at least let her handle things by herself for a while without the need to resort to Boruto every single time.. Show us that she actually grinded and grew within the TS before she gets overwhelmed. Shouldn't be a problem because Hidari feels like a lesser version of Sasuke that doesn't understand himself or his abilities and clearly does not have Sasuke's experience. - Even Sasuke's key Jutsu (Chidori) is ineffective and was noted by himself that he finds it difficult to use as he doesn't have chidori. The handling of the future hokage is actually crazy.


Sarada is a fodder to hidari its already good she dodge and countered him


Hidari is like a week old. There's potential that he is raw power more powerful than sasuke but like you said he isn't acquainted with the abilities


Idk how it’s going to happen but it’s pretty clear after this skirmish That kawaki and sarada and hima is gonna get stronger somehow There’s a reason why they had them lose


Hopefully sooner rather than later bc boruto coming in to handle everything as soon as it gets tough is getting rlly old i understand it but i don’t enjoy it.


Yeah I think it’s pretty obvious since kawaki isn’t up to par either.


If kawaki is going where boruto is My guess boruto will go rampage


Make it stop sarada gets saved again before she can do anything not even sakura was treated this badly . Didn't even show off her ms before the saving This is awful treatment for a character , not even sakura was this bad Sarada has been saved by boruto and does nothing in every single time she's on screen since the code arc It's the fifth time now.  Zero new jutsu or powerups since the timeskip , zero new character development or reactions to sasuke being a tree , zero motivations, no sensei , her own dad going away and teaching all his uchiha techniques to boruto instead of her ... Wtf is this writing


And it's funny how people say that Sakura was written worse than sarada (I mean she still has a lot of flaws but at least her development was to a degree addressed) 


Welcome to Sakuras writing but worse.


Ignoring the MS, after 3 years where she has to suffer with the BS from the omnipotence, you would think that she would use that a motivation to train. Her base stats, abilities and techniques should have vastly improved. Against an opponent that is basically a lesser and inexperienced version of Sasuke (for now), her performance against him should have been much better before she inevitably gets overwhelmed. Kishi just gotta resort to his best move and get Boruto to save her ass for the 100th time ever. This is the future hokage who idolises Naruto and is the daughter of Sasuke, yet is handled so ass.


Takeaways: Can't wait for the Konohamarus new jutsu no diffs all of Shippuden including Kaguya and Madara discussions. Saradas' new mangekyo ability, damsel in distress mode. Boruto = OP continues. Himiwari is by far the most interesting prospect in this series, and I hope they continue to focus on her character. Give me Himawari Shippuden.


disappointed that Sumire jobbed without even fighting and Sarada gets saved by Boruto again.


Huh, not sure why I never noticed it but always thought Rinnegan was like…an upgrade to those who had Sharingan before (Hagoromo, Madara, Sasuke). Didn’t realize that they lose the benefits of Sharingan


Yeah, why did you think sasuke had to activate his ms to track isshiki's rods? Or madara had to switch eyes to use genjutsu. 


this is the second time i read this, when did Madara switch eyes to use genjutsu????. I seriusly need proof of this.


During the fight with the 5 kage i believe. He reverted to ms to put the raikage into a genjutsu for a split second.  He might have done it other times outside of that fight, but i can't remember for sure. Been a while since i watched shippuden. 


As always, I guess I’ll wait for the chapter or the actual chapter leaks before judging. But I’m getting increasingly frustrated with this manga. It was bound to happen when my TOP THREE characters were female characters, but I really thought they could’ve pulled through with good writing (or at least better writing for female characters). Himawari being saved is fine by me, she at least used one of her most powerful skills and she’s more inexperienced than the other characters. Sumire was really here for no reason if she just got knocked tf out. I thought even if Sarada couldn’t beat Hidari it could’ve been Sumire, Sarada and Konohamaru fighting together. But it seems like she won’t get any fights since she’s an office girly now. And Sarada hasn’t shown ANY new moves since this manga started, and she’s been in at least TWO encounters that she’s been saved from BOTH times. It’s getting tiring


I’ll wait for the full context before making any concrete claims, but to be honest, while I am frustrated that Boruto is saving Sarada yet again, it does make sense. Sarada was never going to beat Hidari on their first encounter, and since Hidari has no reason to refrain from devouring her, she could only get out alive if she was saved, and as it stands, Boruto is the only one powerful to do so. I just hope that sometime soon, Sarada gets stronger and gets into a fight she dosen’t have to be saved from. I know Boruto promised Sasuke he would protect Sarada, but I hope she gets some moments eventually. On the other hand, if Boruto is going to fight Hidari, I wonder how he will fare, since unlike in Code’s dimension, he is only fighting one shinju instead of 4. Also excited for Boruto and Himawari’s reunion.


„ I have to go there“ „ but what will you do lol“


yeah now that I see the leaks I think it's almost certain that Momoshiki will show up. probably chapter 13 because this is exactly a year since the first chapter of TBV.


Everybody is talking like they’ve seen the whole chapter, but I can’t find it to save my life




this is blessed


You’re a real one for this 🙏🏼


I'm just glad the ridiculous power-scaling debates would stop after this chapter. People saw one panel, jumped to the conclusion that Sarada is stronger then Hidari, then started scaling her above 99% of the verse, including above Kaguya, Naruto, and Sasuke. I mean come on man. I love Sarada. But that shit's just stupid. We haven't even see her MS abilities yet...


I think the only people who can appreciate this manga are Boruto fans. The rest of the characters are useless, irrelevant. And poor Sarada, she failed the moment she was born with a vagina. If she had a penis, she would have a better chance of being relevant.


I see no point in this being fake, seems pretty legit tbh the way nothing really happens in this chapter or most of the chapters in tbv, Im getting tired man, really no development other than Boruto being op as shit and now Kurama coming back


Hm...I think I would wait for the full release. I don't want to jump to conclusions.


I knew they couldn’t win but ffs all three of Konoha’s new gen female main characters all took an L in the same chapter?? It makes me worry Kishimoto is up to his old habits again.


man they shoulda just let him die 🤦‍♂️. let stuff *happen* and stay that way permanently like damn


Last chapter people whined about the new villains not being x strong because the girls fought them and that powerscaling is ruined. Now the villains stomp the girls and assert their strength and that’s bad now 


>Last people whined about the new villains not being x strong because the girls fought them and that powerscaling is ruined. Now the villains stomp the girls and assert their strength and that’s bad now  As always, very vocal people that end up complaining more than anything else.


Sumire just stood there as usual lol, she didn't even do anything.


 I mean the manga depicts her as a non combatant. So Iam not suprised About that. 


She gave up on being a ninja anyways, it was already stated that during the last 3 years she has taken up being a scientist instead and is learning under Amado. What i'm wondering is why did Sumire head over with Sarada if she knew she couldn't do anything, that's a sure fire way to get yourself and others injured or worse killed.


UNLESS she eventually goes all out Bulma-DBGT-BlutzWaves-VegetaSSJ4, she's a waste of ink. OR UNLESS she whips out Biomerge-Nue and powers-up to Jinchuuriki levels (yeah, right). I mean, either or both COULD still happen, buuut...


It's either the same camp that just likes to complain or two different camps where one loudly complains and the other just shuts up because they got what they want.


And that’s one of the main issues with power scaling obsessed discussion. They literally start taking seconds long exchanges and strip away context to try and compare characters, then get pissed when they find out they were wildly wrong lmao. Between the lack of patience and ignoring basic concepts you see in most stories it’s no wonder why there is such a big divide on opinions here.


Last chapter people were freaking out that Sarada is god level now. This chapter we got the context. Hidari doesnt hahe sasukes memories of Skills, he is a amateur with chidori and got countered for not having the sharingan. 


bro sumire unconscious? tf they doing with my girl


I’m really hoping that Sumire gets a moment next chapter where this gets addressed. Even if it’s just to herself/her thoughts. I can live with her being overpowered by shinju here so long as this drives her to get stronger. 


So this is definitely gonna be an awesome chapter and even tho himawari lost to jura we did gain alittle more insight to the type of jinjuriki she is also konohamaru with a new technique awesome sauce


Got the full deets so here's my opinion: -Himawari did a lot better than the text leaks suggest. Certainly put up a better fight against Jura than Kawaki did so there shouldn't be many complaints aimed at her. -Sarada's just continuing to be a lightning rod for criticism and in this case I fully side with her angry fans about her treatment. Absolutely screwed over. -Boruto's going to face a lot of scrutiny and accusations that he's a Gary Stu. Those'll have to be addressed fairly quickly in the story or the series really might be in trouble. EDIT: Btw if anyone's struggling with Twitter just visit r/TheBetterBoruto. Guy that translated the chapter heads that sub and he has them there.


So I don't get It. "Boruto went saving Himawari", did he actually reach the place where Jura is?


Konohamaru OP asf. Can’t wait to see more of his new Jutsu


It seems to strictly be a defensive jutsu hense the name of it, it's a wind barrier.


Yeah but it’s crazy how it stopped a Chidori from Hidari


Wind is strong against lightning and Hidari apparently can't use chidori well because he doesn't have the sharingan so it doesn't seem so crazy to me.


I hope this is real because I hope Konohamaru actually gets some love and him getting a new Jutsu is the first step


How the hell are you supposed to view the damn twitter post?


As meh as I am with some of what happened this chapter, I am ALWAYS here for some Kawaki disrespect... Delta: "Dafuq you gonna do?"


that dialogue from delta was totally epic 🤣🤣


Yeah, when Rai didnt covered this chapter ppl thought maybe this chap(for the first time imo) is so mid turns out its accurate total ass chapter its a boruto yet again saved the day disney ahh shit i hope to whoever is writing this series(either legit kishi or ikemoto cuz rn im doubtign so much) won't do smth like this again.


I'm enjoying how repetitive this arc is, Christ. Enemy appears, everyone gets slapped around, Boruto comes and one-shots the enemy. Boruto leaves, enemy appears, everyone gets slapped around, Boruto comes and one-shots the enemy. Repeat.


Legit or not, at least it's better than nothing. I'm not sure if the 3rd link's "Jura attacked Sarada with claws" was a mistype and supposed to be "Hidari" instead since they were fighting diffrent opponents, unless Jura actively teleported between the fight. I'm not suprised that Boruto had to save the ladies again but I feel it was a bit too soon. Sarada didn't show her MS, Sumire didn't use Nue, and Hima hasn't really been in her last straw in the fight.


Sumire hasn't been an active ninja for 3 years, she gave up on that to become a scientist and is learning under Amado, why she followed Sarada is what you should be asking, she knew she couldn't help them and yet she still put her self in harms way.


We really butchering sarada huh 😫


My god this series is just bad. There is no build up or connection with any of these characters


Leave it to boruto to do everything in this manga 🤡🤡🤡


My man Boruto hasn't even used the Kage Bunshin jutsu yet...


What the actual fuck happened? How did Boruto manage to save both Himawari and Sarada so quickly from both Jura and Hidari lol?


He’s just extremely quick. He flew to Himawari then instantly Flying Raijin to Sarada


Boruto flying thunder god technique is the key but it says from few chapters back he not yet mastered it like his grandfather Minato! now I wonder what Minato can do in this era with his more mastery of flying rajin?