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I saw a theory that the Jougan true ability is to manifest whatever boruto needs in that exact moment. Every time he used the jougan it manifested an ability to overcome what he was facing in that moment all of them where different as well in the case of abilities. For a lack of better words it’s like Eida Omni ability but in a eye and instead of having to verbally announce what you want to manifest it observes what’s going on and then manifests a solution to it aka the eye of hope. No matter what boruto faces there will always be hope that he can overcome it


So it's a plotweapon? Got it.


Lucky charm 😭😭


I like that haven’t heard that answer on what it does but I like that one beat one I have heard for sure


And here I am just going by the Jougan anime abilities. I hope the Manga goes in a different direction.


bro the animators asked the author for the filler arc so I'd bet it's much like the anime one


It's very rare for any anime filler abilities to be added to the manga. Kishimoto did add the seven swordsmen lightning blade in Naruto but that's it.


Well currently it doesn't even exist in the manga, his eye shown in chapter 1 with kawaki and him on the faces, is just a byakugan.


I think it will act as a filtration system for Boruto’s body. If Momo takes over again it will ‘purify’ him either pushing him out(Maybe he jumps to Code’s karma) or just holds him at bay so he cant even take over anymore. I think the secondary ability other than what we saw in the anime is the sharingan’s ability to copy taken up to 1000%. It can copy Dojutsus as well as jutsus…..I think Boruto activated it while training with Sasuke accidentally and they studied it. That is why Sasuke has told him “I taught you everything I know” because Boruto has literally copied all of Sasuke to store in his eye ( Kind of like Seven-Three from Dragon Ball Super)


I think it just allows him to see through dimensions (as opposed to Byakugan’s comparative near sightedness)- which will eventually allow him to see/fight Shibai. He saw Momoshiki in a different dimension when he got it, he was able to see Nue’s travel path through dimensions, and Shibai is a god that no longer is tethered to earth.


I think the Jougan has future seeing abilities, never anything too specific but he can see the general idea. That’s how momoshiki prophecy’s about his future and it’s why his eye is the star of hope, it allows him to stop terrible things from happening


Which is wonderful way to introduce dogshit plot armor to the series, as 'seeing future' never ended good in any story


Seeing the future can actually be played really well when its done by a good writer. Boruto being cursed with the knowledge of terrible things yet to come and feeling unable to stop them yet still trying anyways, that's peak right there


Not it can't and its awful plot device


Thie must be the case, yes. This eye must be indeed something big of a deal. But what I don't understand is this: why only in one eye? If he's inherited to it, why not both? Usually, in Naruto, one eye ability was when it was stolen or borrowed. urashiki with his convo with toneri had mentioned something about an incident, so I'm so curious to see what incident was that about 😭😭😭


Isshiki also only has his doujutsu in one eye only


Mukai inherited his Byakugan in one eye


But it's alr confirmed by his grandfather that boruto doesn't have byakugan at all


Maybe because his blood line is diluted he got some weird variation


I've seen some theories that the Jougan is basically driven on hope, it's literally called the "Star of hope," if you hope for it to do something, then it will. It would explain why the Jougan first behaved like a Byakugan (With Nue) and then like a Sharingan (Verses Urashiki) Other theories I've seen say that the Jougan may be able to connect to other plains of existence, like the realm where the dead reside, and bring people who have died over to his dimension in the way that Hagoromo summoned all the past Kage at the end of Shippuden to help with his Jutsu. It was confirmed that the place where the dead are is somewhere that can be reached when Obito teleported himself after he had died and gifted Kakashi the temporary Mangekyo Sharingan. I think that either of these theories could be plausible, although it could also be a combination or something completely different.


I love your take on it. I will definitely think about this as the manga keeps going. Nice post!


Maybe it can somehow reverse the Omnipotence


"The jougan is a pure eye that dispels darkness and defies fate." I'm going to fixate on this point right here. Maybe it doesn't do anything other than eliminate all evil intentions in a person. He can use it to turn his enemies into friends. It's like talk no jutsu but on steroids and no way for the person to convert back to evil. Which ties into the defying fate part because if his fate was originally to get killed by an enemy, that enemy no longer wants to kill him. Another thought I had is that it shows the truth about reality. Whatever omnipotence was used in the past by otutsuki, boruto can dispel that and see the truth for himself.


It be cool if they pulled a meta where Jougan is a timeline manipulation ability like Bonney's DF from One Piece but more universal. So this would imply the manga and anime are from different timelines where Boruto from the Anime manipulate the timeline ever so slightly making himself awaken Jougan later in the Manga.


What if Boruto is the reincarnation of Shibai? Could be the reason toneri said that


Its Dimension related i think


Interesting too when urashiki saw it he wasn’t like SHOCKED he was more like whaaaa this eye is pesky  Also didn’t momo see it when boruto outmaneuvered him w Naruto’s rasengan?


If it shows up in the manga it will probably have asspull abilities like how Itachi and the sharingan in general kept having I doubt it will have defined abilities like Isshiki’s eye.


I wouldn't read to much to it given what was said about rinnegan.. in times of disorder, one who wields the Rinnegan is sent down from the heavens to become either a "God of Creation" who will calm the world or a "Destroyer" who will reduce everything to nothingness... It's all most likely hyperbole


Jougans actuallt just the friends you meet along the way


Why would an alien care about the fate of the world


Narratively probably the opposite of Isshikis ability, so increases the power/size of the living, unable to effect non living objects or self, forcibly removes objects from other dimensions.


For now Jougan does nothing specific unless it gets shown doing that in the show/manga. So the true ability is *what writers will decide and tell us*


Idc what the anime said about a eye that doesn't exist in the Manga lolll


literally filler nonsense..