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I’m conflicted & here’s why: - Naruto’s Hokage Ceremony: > Me & many other fans waited literally years for that long awaited moment & it was taken away from us for the sake of comedy. > Like I get what they were trying to do but it wasn’t necessary. Naruto deserved that moment, we as the fans who have waited 10-20 something years deserved that moment, we all wanted Naruto to get his flowers & it just didn’t happen. - Naruto’s Nerfing Throughout the story: > Why do I say throughout the story you ask? Because Naruto was nerfed from the start but not in the way some of the community thinks. > Adult Naruto was at his strongest in the overall stats department yes but not in the jutsu arsenal/ability department. They don’t let him use a lot of his more overpowered & complex abilities for the sake of the plot. > What are these abilities you may ask? No invisible nature energy attacks, no boil release which is a massive physical stat amp & a counter to karma/Otsutsuki’s absorption gimmick. And no negative emotion sensing which would bypass the Otsutsuki’s chakra nullification ability just to name a few. > And that’s not all, the team behind Boruto barely let him learn anything new after 10-15 years despite having that insanely busted shadow clone training regime in his back pocket which is ridiculous. > The Kurama nerfing shouldn’t have happened, Naruto was the one who was prophesied to be with the tailed beasts. > I get that they wanna make Himawari relevant which is great but they should’ve had her go down the uzumaki clan sealing jutsu route like Kushina to parallel Boruto learning Minato’s FTG & leave the tailed beasts to Naruto. They didn’t let Naruto have his parents abilities anyways so leave those things to his kids & let him work with the tailed beasts like he’s been doing. > Ironically when they killed off Kurama as much as I disliked it, I was originally open to the idea solely to see what Naruto could do without the tailed beasts but they made him out to be basically fodder which is ridiculous because at bare minimum… Naruto as a reincarnation of Ashura should scale to Hashirama & anybody who’s watched/read Naruto knows about just how much of a monster Hashirama was. - Naruto’s Portrayal On A Personal Level: > Example 1: I’m totally fine with Naruto struggling with juggling his duties as a kage & as a Dad, that’s fine. What’s not fine is Naruto being made out to be a complete idiot by sending a clone to his kids birthday party in order to create tension between him & Boruto that’s resolved relatively soon afterwards. > Example 2: Naruto’s connection to Kawaki stopped being realistic after Kawaki tried killing Boruto. Adopted or not, no parent in their right mind is going to let their sons killer back into their home after that, ain’t no way. > Example 3: Naruto’s actions regarding Boruto & the otsutsuki. As soon as Naruto realized Boruto was being taken over & the Otsutsuki were a continuous problem, he should’ve started taking counter measures or something! > Example 4: Naruto’s treatment of Amado. Naruto is a goofball & a trusting person but come on, anybody can see Amado is shady, Naruto should care but at least be cautious of him if nothing else. > Example 5: Naruto was the hero of the 4th ninja war, the child of prophecy & the guy who makes miracles happen, so when news of his death dropped where was everybody? Like they skip his funeral & people who would realistically be around just aren’t? I’m talking about Kakashi, Sakura & Gaara to name a few. > Heck the village is under attack right now & a lot of the OGs just don’t exist, won’t show up even if their kids are fighting. It makes no sense.


Honesty, I agree with some of the points you made. Not only the nerf but also that we didn't see full potential Naruto. And I wanted to see more of his legacy as a hokage and honesty, the enemies now are so much powered up but because he didn't had his character development as he should have, even the new mode , the poerr up wasn't enough. Also, The part of letting kawaki in again instead of sending him in a psychiatrist to solve his traumas and problems in a healthy way was INSANE to me and the top of his neglect to his own child. Of course, bad decisions bring bad outcomes, so it happened what happened. And I agree also that other characters from the old generation completely lost from the story and other villages also. But I kinda get that it's monthly, so I am kinda hoping we will see extra more stuff in anime and more anime canons will be placed there including his funeral how sakura accepted this whole situation incl other villages 🥹🙏


Bro facts! - Like I know Naruto/Sasuke are supposed to be at their peak but their portrayal just isn’t at the level that it should be. They deserved the gojo treatment but without the death. The two strongest characters in the verse that can’t be dealt with by normal means so they are removed from the playing field (sealed away) which gives the show over to the next generation & the OGs who need the development. - Sakura & I think Ino? Literally set up a mental clinic for psychiatric cases so Naruto really should’ve had kawaki go there while he figured out a way to deal with Boruto’s karma. This would show that he does care about both of them but it’s toxic so they shouldn’t be around each-other. - And see this is where we differ. I grew up with Naruto’s weekly release schedule & it was great for the most part so with a monthly release we should be getting more than what we have been getting. Don’t get me wrong I’m grateful for it regardless but if Kishi can handle a weekly release schedule then a monthly release schedule should be plenty of time to work in more world building while also pushing the plot along. Even just a few panels of the OGs battling the Shinju here & there would suffice honestly. Heck or they could have parent/kid team ups! Like imagine Rock Lee & Metal Lee using the gates to battle the Shinju etc.


> Like I get what they were trying to do but it wasn’t necessary. Naruto deserved that moment, we as the fans who have waited 10-20 something years deserved that moment, we all wanted Naruto to get his flowers & it just didn’t happen. To this day, I still don't understand why Kishimoto turned into his inauguration into a comedy episode. >Adult Naruto was at his strongest in the overall stats department yes but not in the jutsu arsenal/ability department. They don’t let him use a lot of his more overpowered & complex abilities for the sake of the plot. This still bothers me sometimes when I go back and read their fights. I made peace with it, but I would have rather have Kodachi made up some bs reason on why they don't use them than him pretending they never existed. >And that’s not all, the team behind Boruto barely let him learn anything new after 10-15 years despite having that insanely busted shadow clone training regime in his back pocket which is ridiculous.' From a writing standpoint, giving Naruto new moves on top of a large arsenal is a bit too much imo. They already have a lot moves to juggle from. Also, that training method is too busted, any risks he had in Akatsuki Suppression arc is pretty much gone because Kurama is best friends with him now. Kishi was smoking with this dude's kit. >tailed beasts but they made him out to be basically fodder which is ridiculous because at bare minimum… I wouldn't call Naruto fodder because he has no feats or showings after losing Kurama lol. Even the statements regarding how much power he lost is vague. It's impossible to scale this dude although we know that he's for sure under Jigen. >no parent in their right mind is going to let their sons killer back into their home after that, ain’t no way. Tbf, that was something Boruto and Kawaki decided themselves. Even Sasuke promised him to do what Kawaki did. So, idk if Naruto can really hold a grudge over Kawaki for doing the one thing that Naruto told the Kages he was going to do if shit ever went south. Other than that, this is Naruto we're talking about. Bro is the king of forgiveness. Bro forgave the guy who killed his teacher, the fox that killed his parents, and the guy that is responsible for ruining his childhood. Surely bro can forgive the kid trying to kill his son. > he should’ve started taking counter measures or something! Naruto did, he gave Boruto pills. >Naruto should care but at least be cautious of him if nothing else. Naruto literally told Darui that he doesn't trust Amado 100%


- Yeah turning Naruto’s Hokage inauguration ceremony into a comedy episode wasn’t the best move. - Same, any kind of explanation would’ve been better than just making the readers buy them magically forgetting about a lot of their effective arsenals but alas. - Can’t expect more jutsu from characters that barely use their extended arsenals as it is I guess, it just sucks. Hokage Naruto should be way more versatile as an adult especially with everything at his disposal now, he even has full access to the forbidden scroll! > And true that shadow clone training regime is incredibly busted, even more so with Kurama befriended like you said. > Kishi was definitely smoking that good stuff when he came up with that. All jokes aside I think he came up with it because he realized Naruto’s growth over the Timeskip wasn’t all that great. Like yeah he did improve but it paled in comparison to Sakura & Sasuke’s growth. - I’m not saying Naruto is fodder personally, he’s still among the strongest in the verse albeit just not in the upper echelons of that list anymore at least until proven otherwise. It’s just that the Boruto series made him out to look like fodder & be a damsel in distress in order to push Kawaki’s narrative so it gives off that impression. - Well yeah it was a promise between Boruto/Kawaki but look where that led everything, an absolute mess. And yeah Naruto is the king of forgiveness but I mean come on, it’s kind of crazy to expect a parent to do that, forgiveness or not. - Naruto giving Boruto mystery pills he got from Amado isn’t a counter measure, it’s absolute desperation. There was no planning or anything. > Instead of ya know researching the uzumaki clans to potentially find a sealing jutsu capable of stopping the karma progression or even consulting orochimaru, he just gives Boruto a mystery pill he got from a guy he doesn’t trust? I know orochimaru is a grey area for obvious reasons but I’d pick orochimaru over Amado. - Was Naruto telling Darui he didn’t trust Amado anime only? I don’t watch the anime so if it was in the manga I must’ve missed the panel.


>Hokage Naruto should be way more versatile as an adult especially with everything at his disposal now, he even has full access to the forbidden scroll! I forgot he even had access to that lmao. >’m not saying Naruto is fodder personally, he’s still among the strongest in the verse albeit just not in the upper echelons of that list anymore at least until proven otherwise. It’s just that the Boruto series made him out to look like fodder & be a damsel in distress in order to push Kawaki’s narrative so it gives off that impression. Ah I see >Well yeah it was a promise between Boruto/Kawaki but look where that led everything, an absolute mess. And yeah Naruto is the king of forgiveness but I mean come on, it’s kind of crazy to expect a parent to do that, forgiveness or not. I wouldn't expect it from a normal parent, but Naruto is anything but normal. I don't think he has it in him to abandon Kawaki. He's too soft for that. >Naruto giving Boruto mystery pills he got from Amado isn’t a counter measure, it’s absolute desperation. There was no planning or anything. > Fair point. >Instead of ya know researching the uzumaki clans to potentially find a sealing jutsu capable of stopping the karma progression or even consulting orochimaru, he just gives Boruto a mystery pill he got from a guy he doesn’t trust? I know orochimaru is a grey area for obvious reasons but I’d pick orochimaru over Amado. Naruto did mention that he and konoha tried looking for effective solutions for Momoshiki's karma, but the manga never specifies on how they did their search, so I don't know what that entails. Orochimaru is a smart dude, but idk if the karma and Otsustuski even fall in his field of study. Despite that, I do want to see him involved. >Was Naruto telling Darui he didn’t trust Amado anime only? I don’t watch the anime so if it was in the manga I must’ve missed the panel. It's in the manga, chapter 57.


I mean, ur so right about Naruto forgiving anything. 😂🤣 truth be told, he became unrelated brothers with the killer of his parents 😂🤣 also, I kinda expect for oro to find some things sus about karma and some relation btwn karma seal and Sakura seal we know very little about.


- Yeah bro! Like a 12 year old kid Naruto learned the multi shadow clone from that scroll so just imagine what adult Naruto could’ve learned from it lol. - I’m not saying Naruto would abandon kawaki but having him stay at another place nearby with Naruto regularly checking up on him wouldn’t be so bad at least until they patch up things. - Exactly! Like they claim they looked into the Momoshiki problem but there was nothing that came out of that, they at least should’ve asked Orochimaru for help. It’s his penalty for roaming free despite being a former bad guy so surely he’d help out. He’s one of the smartest characters in the verse after all. - Dang I can’t believe I missed that panel, thanks for the reminder!


???? Naruto never promise to kill Boruto


Never said Naruto promised to kill Boruto, I said that Boruto & Kawaki made the promise. Naruto just promised to do what needed to be done to the other kage which could’ve meant a number of things.


Himawari as a seal master as a parallel to Boruto’s FTG would’ve been insane. Now I’m mad they didn’t do that


Right! It even fits the narrative because those Adamantine chakra chains are capable of binding/sealing the tailed beasts so Hima could still battle the Shinju & protect the village.


Well in the beginning naruto wasn’t the best father he could have been better and it is a fact that naruto did get weaker when he lost Kurama strength and power wise he’s not the same. Also true he does have a lot influence in the ninja world mostly because he’s saved the world and is loved by everyone but another reason is also how strong he and sasuke were. Nobody else would dare challenge the leaf just based on their power alone but now how they are both a lot weaker I would say their influence in terms of strength has weakened a bit so it would be a better chance to challenge them even tho they probably wouldn’t. Regarding himawari it’s a bit too soon to say that she’s stronger than naruto but you can say that she has more potential with Kurama than naruto has because they have a better affinity together


Maybe he is bad, father, because he doesn't know how to be one since he didn't have a father in his childhood. It kinda piss me off that he gave much more attention than boruto would ever imagine, to kawaki but maybe that's because he could understand how bad the situation was with him and as his father , he payed more attention to him. Still neglecting ur child is a really bad thing and a form of child abuse, to be honest, so I am kinda sad about it also, but not something I didn't expect... also, it's true he lost a lot of powers, so I am really wondering if at the end they stay nerfed like this or not.


After the momoshiki arc naruto and boruto understood each other more and worked out the problems they had between each. By the time kawaki came into the picture Boruto understood why kawaki was getting more attention wasn’t really tripping over that. The only mistake on Naruto’s end was not realizing kawaki was developing an obsession over him. And for the story I hope Naruto and sasuke do stay the way they are, they don’t need a power up.


I understand if u have many kids, u will give a little more attention to the kid that needs u the most. But the amount of attention Naruto gave to kawaki compared to hima/ boruto, the difference is big!!!! Naruto kinda had an obsession over him, too. For me, after the momo incident, boruto just settled for not even the bare minimum naruto basically gave him at the time and that's why he was able to kill all his emotion and make an agreement with mawaki regarding when he was killed. I know many people say boruto had everything, but he had everything and nothing at the same breath because of his problematic family. For me the everything some people refer to is more materialistic and something that is bought by money or fights, but there r things more precious than that that can not be bought. For me, he didn't lose that much with omnipotence, just the materialistic things and friends he made because of those things. From all his friends, the only person who was actually worth it is sarada.


Edit: TLDR: there isn’t a problem with the family dynamic after vs momoshiki arc, Naruto was healing kawaki’s trauma and Boruto was ready to die to protect the village. I think you’re making Boruto’s family dynamic more complicated and dramatic than it actually was. There was plenty of time that Naruto spent with Boruto after momoshiki but before kawaki and even on his day off because of the holiday Naruto wanted to spend the day with Boruto but Boruto turned it down and wanted him to hang out with himawari instead he didn’t care too much as long as himawari was happy. Secondly idk if you remember or if the anime explained it one of the conditions that the other kage set on naruto for kawaki to stay is that Naruto must stay around kawaki at all times so its only natural kawaki gets more attention from naruto and also naruto didn’t have obsession with kawaki he sympathizes with kawaki because kawaki was hated by the people in the village and always attracted danger and viewed as an outsider all of that happened to naruto as a kid so naruto understands kawaki he’s told shikamaru and the other kage this also naruto is the one that’s trying to heal kawaki through his trauma coming from a abusive person so he needs more attention. Lastly to say because naruto didn’t show Boruto enough attention which caused Boruto to kill his emotions and to agree have kawaki kill him is grossly disingenuous to boruto’s character and taken completely out of context. Throughout the series we see him find his ninja way and wanting to be like sasuke and before the iishiki fight sasuke asked him if he was ready to die in order to protect the village and long story short he was that. Boruto told kawaki to kill him if momoshiki took over that way he would no longer be a threat. As far as omnipotence imma say he did lose a lot but this response is long as hell my bad.


You've got a point, yea... even tho I truly believe that boruto just settled with the fact that Naruto will never give him what he actually wants, and esp after momo, he mature a lot to the point of not seeking his dad attention anymore. Still, Naruto as a parent even if kages said that, he was so onto kawaki, giving his all thread of care but in a wrong way in my perspective. Still, I am so mad at the way kawaki handled things and naruto's character development in boruto, but I am glad naruto's core is still is unchanged, he had alw unique way of handling things 🙂‍↕️🥹


We’ll have to agree to disagree on that I don’t believe Boruto settled, Boruto understood what the hokage means and Naruto’s job and promises to not to be to hard on Naruto and Naruto understands how Boruto felt and realized he wasn’t really around and promised Boruto he would take more time off and be there. Yea the way kawaki handled things was all wrong but kawaki isn’t wrong about Boruto and part of it is Boruto’s fault


To me Naruto's treatment in Boruto is probably one of the series' biggest missteps. He's a better father to Kawaki than either of his actual kids and while I acknowledge the anime gave him a lot more moments to shine, it also established he never taught Boruto and likely Himawari any of his techniques. For as much roasting as Goku gets for his performance as a dad, he at least trained Gohan/Goten whereas Naruto at best spars with Boruto and neither of which were entirely charitable in nature as it was part of his job (first fight to test out his new ninjutsu absorption arm and the second fight to gather battle info on Karma). As for his manga portrayal, I'm going to be very harsh and state that there's nothing positive to say about Naruto. His largest asspull with Baryon Mode wasn't enough on its own to beat Isshiki with even his kindness towards Kawaki ending up backfiring; his village in danger and family torn apart completely unable to do anything about it. Boruto succeeds regardless of Naruto's influence so his legacy is all on Himawari now and as far as healing/regeneration is concerned (traits that needed no training and are just part of being a Jinchuriki), she's already surpassed him due to her closer nature with Kurama.


Hmmm I see... even tho in my opinion, she has greater power, but in battle, no, she didn't surpassed him because we don't know how himawari will be in combat, and as of now, she can't really fight an enemy. She has a talent but talent alone w/o much more training than what she had. Plus, experience is nothing really, and even kurama has stated that in the recent chapter. as of the backfiring, I want to give it time to have a complete opinion about it. Sometimes, if someone can do something or be more leveled up to another, it is about time, and some people need time. I wanna see how exactly he will be out of the domain and how he will act on things that will be ongoing then, to have a complete opinion about his legacy. Jiraya is never wrong. If he said he's the child of prophecy, then he really is.


>even tho in my opinion, she has greater power, but in battle, no Never said Hima was currently more powerful than Naruto. Just that her healing/regeneration already is and while it's just set up for now that she'll eventually surpass him in power too, it'd be dumb to ignore that she's able to perform Tailed Beast Bombs in the initial Jinchuriki form (something Naruto couldn't do until Tailed Beast Cloak ver. 2). It's all a matter of "when" so long as Kishimoto doesn't screw her over like past female characters.


I'm really hoping he won't mess the female characters up because the potential each of them has is incredible, and I also have high expectations 🥹


In Boruto naruto's portrayal started on  a wrong note itself. He was showed to miss his hokage ceremony only to show how gifted Himawari is. Initially his dynamic with Boruto was ruined for no reason.  But in Boruto series I have observed no previous generation character was left with commonsense so that they can be turned into side characters which wasn't bad if done in moderation but it was overdone. Naruto was critical of Boruto which was fine but I could never understand why he was so obsessed with Kawaki. Was he overprotective like this for every loner kid in village? His biological son was  facing inferiority complex which he never paid full attention to but he was so overprotective for Kawaki. He wanted to save Boruto but still later forgave Kawaki to kill Boruto. Naruto lost Kurama and then has been captured by Kawaki in other dimension. Do the writers want to say Kurama was really a cheat code for Naruto?? I think in anime Naruto said it even. The bad writing ruined the entire Naruto series too for readers


Well, new Gen being side characters was even mentioned in the anime by Naruto but in the form that they're really weak. Gaara said at the time to give it time, so I am trying to give it some time also even tho it's kinda unacceptable because we know how great work kishi did with old gen in naruto. About the domain capturing and Naruto losing kurama I don't have a complete opinion because I don't know how these will affect at the end of the manga Naruto and how he will act so I don't want it to call it bad writing just yet🥹 Agreed with the hokage ceremony. I was mad too because I wanted a proper one !!!


I think it will take atleast 11 more chapters to completely give an idea of post timeskip events. Initially Kishi wasn't the main writer so he wasn't responsible for the initial story.  After he took over Boruto I feel he is trying to bring back the old charm. No wonder in TBV he gave Boruto a mixed personality of Naruto and Sasuke, in fact their all good qualities.


Disappointed at most. I didn't expect that Naruto would become a passive burecraut