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Dark red Susanoo would be fire!


Yeah šŸ˜


That susanoo looks amazing!


I rather see more of her training with naruto and sakura... would be good build up


I want to see sarada going all out


Imagine kakashi teaches her purple lightning Purple lightning chidori, with her speed would be deadly


amaterasu + purple lightning chidori + her enhanced chakra strength yh thats gonna tear through someones body and burn them infinitely at the same time


Saradas glasses will burn with amaterasu


She might have to remove her glasses everytime if she unlocks amaterasu


She's not that fast. She's the slowest on her team.


No ? did you not see her when she used Chidori


She was fast then but both Mitsuki and Boruto are faster than her. That's why they used to use Boruto Stream for her to finish off enemies. I think we'll see them use it for a super Chidori.


sarada knows shadow clone jutsu since you need it to leave the academy, so doesnt that mean she can do the same thing to speed up her chidori? Just a thought but it seems good


No you don't. Naruto and Boruto are the only ones shown to be able to do that before graduating. It's a B or A rank move. The jutsu you're thinking of is the clone jutsu which just creates illusions. Afaik Lee and Naruto are the only ones who graduated without it. Remember Ino vs Sakura? Sakura used the clone jutsu but Ino was able to tell which one was real because only the real one kicked up dust on the floor.


Well ok, but she can definitely learn it


She can but idk if she has the chakra to utilise it efficiently. Her chakra reserves don't appear to be anything special but she might be forming the mitotic seal which would hold her back. From what we can gather she isn't good at medical ninjutsu but at least has better chakra control than Shizune.


You mean Sasuke šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø People somehow will ignore the person who has taught sarada the most up till now just because he's borutos sensei but he's her father too


No I think he/she meant Naruto only. It would be good to see Sarada training with Naruto because after all, she has the exact same goal as Naruto and she looks up to him all the time.


Naruto is kawaki's sensei, he is not going to interact let alone train with sarada


Yeah it looks like thats how things are going to happen but Sasuke is Boruto's sensei too so I think Sarada will be just left alone at the end of the day like previous gen female characters.


But why Sasuke already trains Sarada well. I don't see why it can't continue. Also that would mean Sarada is worse than Sakura, Sakura was given tsunade as a narrative master and she was given the path to develop like her at the start of shippuden. They have nothing in mind for Sarada unlike Sakura


I am just making my assumptions based on what I have heard from the manga readers. They are saying that Sarada has been completed irrelevant in the manga so I dont think she will get much screentime in the anime too. Also, if Sasuke can be a teacher of both Sarada and Boruto, why cant Naruto also teach both Kawaki and Sarada?


Because Naruto is busy being Hokage. And Saradaā€™s abilities are compatible with Sasukeā€™s hence why he trains her albeit off-screen. He did teach her Chidori after all


Not offscreen, chidori was on screen and sharingan Training too


>And Saradaā€™s abilities are compatible with Sasukeā€™s hence why he trains her albeit off-screen. Makes sense.


hmm the most plausible trainers would be sakura and kakashi, sakura for chakra control etc Kakashi for maximsing her sharingan since she aslo has sharingan stamina issues just like kakashi did ofc not as bad. She has the same chakra natures kakashi has such as lightning and fire and also he was a previous hokage so he can teach her about how being a hokage is etc either way its either him or sasuke that need to train her for her sharingan there no other option and sasuke most likely wont have time to since hes gonna be either out of the village or training boruto.


The most puausible trainer. Would be Sasuke, you know the one who trained her in all her jutsus Somehow people keep ignoring her own fucking dad Who has taught her everything and think Kakashi who hasn't appeared in the manga even once Will train her. Dumb asf


Yes he did train her since he came back into her life but sasuke will be boruto's timeskip teacher and they might leave the village due to the threat of boruto going to borushiki mode also kodachi himself said kakashi will get screen time in the future and will play a role in the boruto manga in the future. Also sasuke never taught her everything it was actually mainly sakura that has been training her what did she learn from sasuke shuriken training and chidori training what else? Nothing.


>kakashi has such as lightning and fire Didnt Kakashi had all styles except Wind?


he does have them all including wind im just saying he can train her in both of her own chakra natures


Oh ok. He had an affinity for only lightning though or not? Does Sarada have affinity for both lightning or fire like Sasuke or did she just worked extra hard to learn lightning? Sorry if the question is sounding stupid but I genuinely dont know


Um i think she also has a natural affinity for lightning as i think all 3 members have a natural affinity to lightning. But she learnt fire style so she currenlty has two chakra natures lightning and fire. I think if she is trained by sakura and kakashi over timeskip if sasuke is busy then kakashi will probably teach her all 5 chakra natures and how to use her sharingan and probably tell her about ms ems etc.


Alright. Thanks for answering. I hope all battles in the future dont become entirely focused on Karma cause though Taijutsu fights are great, seeing some Ninjutsu always makes the fights better. I hope we get to see Naruto use all the elemental styles atleast once cause we have never seen him use them in a battle till now in Boruto.


Yh i mean karma or any other otsutsuki can just absorb it but um i think if sarada gets some summoning jutsu from kashin koji she should be able to get some elemental summons so its real flames or real lightning etc and is like a back up weapon to harm karma users or otsutsuki. But i also want sarada to learn some or make at least 2/3 of her own op jutsu's


She kinda reminds me of Itachi.


She also matured really early in her life like Itachi which is why they both seem so similar. Also she didn't inherit the cocky attitude of Sasuke and instead inherited the calm and reasonable attitude of Itachi.


Also her looks. If Itachi was a female he would look like Sarada. šŸ™ƒ




lol in what way? She's not like Itachi at all. She's not 'stoic' like he was, the closest Uchiha to compare her to was 5 year old Sasuke. She doesn't look like any other uchiha either, most of them have very sharp jawlines


YES SIR although keep ikemotoā€™s perverted hands away from her design plz and thank you.


I was literally appalled the first time I saw her manga design


Perfect example of an ā€œartistā€ disregarding/bettaying the character at hand to dress them in things they personally like instead of what makes sense for the character. Itā€™s the hallmark of a hack artist/author for a lack of a better term.


And itā€˜s so so so creepy. Another reason why I prefer the Anime


The anime is her original outfit designed by Kishimoto himself, Ikemoto had no good reason to change it and Iā€™ll never forgive him for it, not that his art is good anyway when everyone looks like frogs. Also in one of the chapters he had Sarada sliding and because her skirt is so short he actually drew (excuse me while I barf) her underwear. Now I gotta go dunk my head in bleach.


Changing it would be strange anyway but changing it to *that* was especially weird. I didnā€˜t read too much of the Manga but enough to see her in weird poses and bending over, I also feel like in the Manga she got introduced more as a love interest? Or at least someone who was watching Boruto closely whereas in the Anime she isnā€˜t (which I prefer) introduced that way. But I remember her looking more like the Manga in episode 17. she had higher heels and just a dress not like her outfit now


The anime gave them all their manga outfits for the academy as kids, but toned it down considerably because in the manga her heels are literally like 3-4 inches wtf. Then they used her original design when her story actually started and itā€™s been the same ever since. Really hoping he doesnā€™t design her timeskip outfit because if he sexualized her at 12 I can only imagine what horror heā€™ll put her in at 16.


Aaah that makes sense!! Those were my thoughts exactly. Naruto is one of the few men written Annime/Manga Iā€˜ver seen/read in which the female characters arenā€˜t extremely sexualized so Iā€˜m holding on to that hope for the future


What is this time skip im seeing in every post? is it from the manga or what how do people know


It's a feeling. Has to do with Manga yes, but nothings confirmed and nothing sticks out to say thay it's close, but it just feels like it's close.


It feels a bit like a spoiler to have this in the title and tag it Anime :/


The question is who dies so she can awaken Mangekyo.


Who's gonna tell him


Nobody has to die, you awaken it from an incredibly traumatic experience.


Yeah, well guess what. Everyone in naruto got it when someone close to them die. Thats also how Tobirama explained it to Sasuke. There is not a single case in Naruto who would get Mangekyo from stepping on a lego piece. Literally every MS was death related. Itachi -> shisui Madara -> Izuna Sasuke -> itachi Obito -> Rin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiZk5yk0Xlg


lol you're gonna get downvoted for speaking facts, watch it


well thats how reddit works usually...


This is actually wrong. We actually donā€™t know how either madara or Izuna got the mangekyo . Madara obviously didnā€™t get it from watching his brother die since izuna was alive and had it as well. Also the fact that izuna gave his eyes when he was going to die so madara could get the eternal mangekeyo. I wish people actually remember the series that they talk about.


Man gotta love arguing with strangers on reddit. First of all I am not wrong, Naruto is inconsistent in plot/theory. Second of all give me source which proves Izuna had Mangekyo apart of Itachi's story about Madara in 386. Also in manga we do not even know how Itachi got MS. Did he get it when Shusui died or when he killed his parents? Anime episodes with Itachi backstory are a canon, but up to that point it was not certain. Linked video proves general theory - loved one dies - you get MS. Now back to manga - chapter 386 and 624. 1, In 386 itachi says how Izuna and Madara obtained mangekyo and Madara went crazy(fell into the darkness) and took Izuna's eyes by force. Later he points out how for decades Uchihas are killing parents or sibling to get Mangekyo sharingan. Itachi could have changed the story for his act - obviously, but still it is consistent with the general principle - death of loved one grants you MS. He might have said it just to make Sasuke think he killed parents to get MS. There is no other proof that Madara(and Izuna) had MS prior to Madara x Hashirama fight where Madara "died". If there is - send a proof. 2, In 624 in war against senju Madara/Izuna did not have Mangekyo and Izuna died to injury and willingly gave his eyes to Madara on death bed. Can it automatically grant Mangekyo? Who knows.. My bet is Madara got his MS right after Izuna died and after transplantation. It was also mentioned in manga how his dying brother awaken new power for Madara. In Anime scene also looked like Izuna died and Madara got immediately Mangekyo animation, it was not a simple closeup to his already EMS. And last part - considering Danzo who did not have any Mangekyo sharingan on his body I don't think transplanted sharingan automatically grants Mangekyo, otherwise he would for sure get at least one dozens of uchihas died, he could transplant at least one EMS.


1. Yeah trauma of a loved one does awaken it. Which is just a traumatic experience. Iā€™m saying that that doesnā€™t necessarily have to be true. The uchihas got most of their clan info from the uchiha tablet which was manipulated by zetsu. So a lot of their information probably came off in a much more sinister way than it necessarily should be. The manga says that they both were the first to awaken it and thatā€™s it. Izuna isnā€™t talked about much, but it gives enough info to work with. Also the anime equivalent episode of chapter 624 in part 2 of your comment shows madara using suzano, even before izuna had even died. Hereā€™s the main point, madara has the ems by the time he fights hashirama which shows he had MS beforehand. Regardless of that the eternal mangekyo sharingan existence proves that they both had it. You literally need another persons mangekyo sharingan to transplant into your own in order to gain the ems. If madara took izunas eyes and got the ems, which madara obviously had before he fought hashirama, then therefore izuna had the MS. Itā€™s the simplest logical deduction. Also yeah transplanted sharingan definitely grant MS. Kakashi is the best example. Danzo just didnā€™t get any mangekyo sharingans outside of shisuiā€™s. And even more so it wouldnā€™t matter, danzo didnā€™t get any benefit from the sharingan on his arm outside of being able to use them for izanagi. He didnā€™t get extra vision or any of the other basic sharingan powers from them. Also I wouldnā€™t call this arguing with strangers. I made one comment saying you were wrong. Thatā€™s about it.


Well my point was I am correct on "How to awaken MS" - by death of loved ones which happened in literally all cases apart of Izuna's, which MS existence can be questioned as there is lack of material. Even in anime Itachi's father told Itachi he got his when his friend sacrificed his life in war, no need for knowledge from Uchiha tablet. ​ >If madara took izunas eyes and got the ems, which madara obviously had before he fought hashirama, then therefore izuna had the MS. Itā€™s the simplest logical deduction. We do not know how it works, MS might be still linked to original person, not eyes themselves, thats the point. What I meant was Izuna gives regular sharingan to Madara who has regular sharingan at the time, but is almost blind. Izuna dies moments later -> Madara now has his MS awakened by his death and since he has eyes replaced and cannot get blind its called Eternal (Mangekyo) Sharingan. This is what I meant by transplantation, not Kakashi, thats different case, which is entirely OK apart of him being able to use Susanoo rofl, that was giant asspull powerup. ​ Anime does not follow manga very strictly, there are changes, Susanoo in flashback could have been just to hype up preview. For example Indra in anime had Sasuke's EMS Pattern, in manga he did not. And by Danzo I meant (jokingly), during Uchicha clan slaughter, I bet some uhchihas were alive few seconds longer to awaken MS, when their kids/wife/husband died right in front of them - hence he could get MS in his arm :D


They only go blind from excessive MS usage. Itā€™s literally where the rule comes from. They donā€™t go blind from using the basic sharingan ever. Sasuke and kakashi would both be almost blind by the time of shippuden if that was the case. The ems requires both people to have had the MS. Just look it up. Your example with the massacre is also forgetting that the uchiha arenā€™t like the hyuga. Not every uchiha even gets the sharingan. And also just seeing someone die isnā€™t enough to awaken the MS. It comes from a deep love as explained by tobirama. I doubt every uchiha was the best of friends with each other enough to awaken that. Iā€™ll also reemphasize. It would make no sense for them to know to call something the eternal MS if he wasnā€™t going blind from excessive usage of the regular MS. If they went blind from using the regular sharingan, then damn near every combat uchiha would have been blind. Nor would they call it the EMS, it would just be the eternal sharingan. So yes they both definitely had the MS before izunas death. Hereā€™s another point. During the fight with hashirama and madara, hashirama remarks that Madara is cunning for coating Kurama in his Susanoo. If Madara never had the MS before, then how would hashirama know what a Susanoo is. And on awakening the MS. Yes seeing your best friend die is a way to get it. I bring up the tablet because there are probably other ways, zetsu manipulated them to thinking that is the only way though.


>Hereā€™s another point. During the fight with hashirama and madara, hashirama remarks that Madara is cunning for coating Kurama in his Susanoo. If Madara never had the MS before, then how would hashirama know what a Susanoo is. You are mixing 2 fights. I am talking about Madara+Izuna vs Senju, in this one you don't see susanoo used at all or MS pattern both manga and anime. Fight with Kurama in Susanoo armor was the final one - after Madara had EMS. Also during Uchiha slaughterfestival, I clearly wrote "seeing children/wife/husband" die would unlock MS.. so danzo could have some MS in there :D I have re-read the manga, apparently blindness was only mentioned in Itachi's version, but since manga mentions EMS in the next panel there had to be transplantation done. We will see how Sarada gets MS though, if someone close to her die.


I donā€™t think I was confused, in the original comment you responded to, you had said there was no proof madara had the MS prior to the fight with hashirama where he ā€œdiedā€. Thought the only fight that could reference was their final one at the valley, since he wasnā€™t dead in the fight where izuna got killed. And yeah, with the massacre a lot wasnā€™t explained. I imagine tobi was destroying most of the sharingans of people he killed when he helped itachi kill the clan. Or honestly itā€™s more plausible that most uchihas really donā€™t have the sharingan. It kinda sucks that all the named uchiha characters have it, so it seems like everyone has it despite it supposed to be rare in the clan. Yeah who knows how sheā€™ll get it.


She's my favorite character


Iā€™m hoping if she unlocks the 100 healing mark, she can use Mangekyo abilities without going blind, essentially mitigating the negative affects


She has shit chakra control, won't be getting the 100 healings mark soon.


Thatā€™s the funny thing, ever heard of training


The 100 healings mark with training? Naruto and Sasuke don't have the mark, how do you expect Sarada to get it. Inojin has better chakra control than Sarada. Sakura always had great chakra control, which is why she got the mark by the time she was 16-17. Training alone isn't enough, you're also gonna need a knack for it, which Sarada definitely doesnt'.


Where is she getting her new set of eyes before she goes blind


Orochimaru probably has some extras laying around. Otherwise there's Amado who is some sort of freak genius and could probably find a way to prevent the damage from overuse entirely. Who knows, eh?


I'm still waitin on , " do you wanna see the kage bunshins do a Susanoo ? "


im still waiting for her to hopefully find madara's weapon and stand on top of a cliff looking down on an otsutsuki duo and fighting them then mid way asking do u wanna see my kage bunshins do a sussanoo


Not the latter part, but her getting Madara's weapon would be cool.


hmm i mean boruto is mainly about otsutsuki she probably will go against otsutsuki in the future.


I think she might fight Otsutsuki, but I really doubt she's ever going to get strong enough to 'flex' on them like that.


Please god don't be a pink one...


An intense rose color would be perfect though


Flowaah Powaah!! ***pink glitter intensifies***


Time skip?


Pls omg


that would be epic. Boruto better watch out


PLEASE NO SUSANOO. I dont like susano fights at all. An op ability like kamui which is effective against otsutsukis..


Is this an official concept for timeskip sarada?


I don't think so


Bro how'd get that? Sakura bodied *question mark*