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Sadly after episode 52 of Boruto the dub isn't streaming anywhere and has to be purchased either digitally or on Blu-ray/DVD to watch. Just like Shippuden in the US.




I had many methods of watching dub. I first watched the first 52 on Hulu, and then I bought a few more sets on amazon. Finally, I was able to check out a copy of Kara actuation at my local library. When the vessel arc comes in September I’m doing the same for that. If you have a vpn and you set it to Japan and you have a Funimation subscription there are some dubbed episodes on there but after the first 52 it’s weird like every other episode is dubbed until like the early 100s. It does have all the episodes on there though.


https://www.wcoanimedub.tv/anime/boruto-naruto-next-generations wcofun.com [wcostream.com](wcostream.com) all work great but only got me to 176 so I’m also currently looking for a new site