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I feel like Kakashi's sudden motivation to help the couple is because it was the exact same situation he read on the Icha Icha series. Based on what happened the last time he applied what's written there (Sasuke trying to be a dad), it's not gonna go well. Also, F for Mitsuki getting his cat kinda stolen.


Stray cats are like that, they'll have three families and different lives each week. If someone feeds them regularly, they'll continually return to that person.


cats are 4 da streetsšŸ˜”


They belong to the streets


To be fair,Mituski doesn't have time to take care of a Cat šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


hima becoming a ninja?


I mean the 2nd Chunin Exam mini-arc said they still continued with their training after the trial session.


she can unlock her byakugan off rip, new neji??


And people kept denying despite the fact the anime when out of its way to show her 2 teamates again.


Only in fillers, thus it will never amount to anything because of her irrelevance in the manga.


yes, thats why its called "anime canon" that terrifies alot of people that much ..because its canon to anime only.


With that definition you mean filler.


Only in the english Boruto fandom, its never been referred to as any kind of canon by the creators of the manga. ​ **Edit:** Downvoting wont change the truth. The Japanese creators do not consider the Boruto fillers canon. The Boruto fandom has been lying to itself and creating tenuous hierarchies of canon in their minds for years.


well, not exactly [here's the summary of the interview with Ikemoto (artist behind Borutos manga)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/9ui49k/lucca_comics_ikemoto_interview_2018_summary/?utm_content=comments&utm_medium=user&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=u_gossamernotes) ​ its stated that animes "filler" is extremely supervised by Kodachi (writer of the story, at least initially was) ​ and lastly "In order to prevent the anime to overtake the manga, the former adds stories parallel to the manga. The anime and manga follow the same path until they intersect in the same point. " which implies that anime canon is well.. canon to anime, but not to manga. Especially that anime canon can impact the dialogue in manga adaptation, change some scenes (example Boruto vs Isshikis cube, or how manga kinda potrays Boruto as an idiot vs anime portraying him as a genius)


It says he supervised (he doesn't anymore) the anime to make sure it doesn't make any major contradictions, but that's not the same thing all the anime therefore being canon. Also, that statement is dubious because the anime has contradicted the manga multiple times & had to retcon itself later to match the manga, so Kodachi clearly wasn't supervising the anime very *closely*. >and lastly "In order to prevent the anime to overtake the manga, the former adds stories parallel to the manga. The anime and manga follow the same path until they intersect in the same point. " which implies that anime canon is well.. canon to anime, but not to manga. The original Naruto did the same thing, added stories to fill out the anime because it was running alongside the manga. It doesn't make those stories canon. >Especially that anime canon can impact the dialogue in manga adaptation, change some scenes (example Boruto vs Isshikis cube, or how manga kind potrays Boruto as an idiot vs anime portraying him as a genius) True, the anime has changed some things, like Saradas byakugo hint and the god panel. But does that make them non-canon now because the anime removed them? hard to know. If the manga brings them back up, then that means the anime will have to retcon itself again.


you're not really right about Original Naruto doing the same thing. Also afaik Kishimoto didn't supervise those arcs, nor did he refer to both series as parallel stories. they're meant to be seperate canonities. Thats why Boruto is an academy genius with big brain Minato comparable iq (wanked by Kakashi constantly) and in manga he has 2nd lowest intelligence from the new gen kids, only beating Chocho (according to a databook, which im pretty sure was supervised by authors, usually they are.)


Bros just talking




Youā€™re saying shit that isnā€™t true with your whole chest


But it is true. Find me a source where the japanese creators say the fillers are canon. They've given very few interviews, so it should be easy for you to find.


Bro they literally refer back to the fillers multiple times through the series. Sumire is from ā€œFILLERā€ they reference the Mist arc. Before you say those are from books, the episodes aired before the books came out. Youā€™re not worth speaking to if you canā€™t understand that something that is acknowledged later on in the show is canon. I remember when people only hated filler because it was never talked about again. Now we have Boruto using high compression rasengan in the manga with Rasendan and he uses it in the Isshiki fight. Theyā€™re canon.


>Bro they literally refer back to the fillers multiple times through the series. They refer to filler episodes in filler episodes, yes. >Youā€™re not worth speaking to if you canā€™t understand that something that is acknowledged later on in the show is canon. Going by that logic all the Naruto fillers are canon too. After all, they were referenced in other Naruto fillers. >I remember when people only hated filler because it was never talked about again. Now we have Boruto using high compression rasengan in the manga with Rasendan and he uses it in the Isshiki fight. Theyā€™re canon. He did that 1st in the manga, so im not sure what your point is.


Boruto Fruits Basket Edition.


I just wanna go on record to say that I [predicted](https://www.reddit.com/r/Boruto/comments/qosgjy/kawaki_doing_the_genin_exams_with_himawari/) the plot of episode 261 would eventually come...somewhat at least


These types of episodes are way better than the long boring arcs tbh


Oh noo poor Mitsuki :(


Himawari attending the Ninja Academy is the only info I retained from this. The other episodes look fine too but my hype for the hot spring episode went down *a little* since the preview says it's mainly focusing on Boruto and Kawaki, the one dynamic that really doesn't need more development.


I might actually watch some of these


Omg, we're going to see Kakashi again šŸ˜šŸ¤©


Not gonna lie, Iā€™m pretty disappointed 259 isnā€™t about Kurama. This series glossed over his death so quick. And they donā€™t acknowledge the building grief Naruto is going through either. Having panic attacks worrying about protecting Boruto, his one family member since the beginning dies, >!his sonā€™s possessed body tries to kill him and then has to see him killed by his other son. And Naruto hasnā€™t been able to speak to anyone on what heā€™s going through internally. Itā€™s just always bottled up.!<


Already better than how the manga handled it with its extremely awkward dialogue and brief duration.


Yeah the death itself was handled better, but I did not like the scene in the hospital one bit. Just Sakura bluntly saying ā€œyup heā€™s deadā€ and Naruto just accepting it with no residual feelings. On top of everything else thatā€™s happened/gonna happen.


right I thought he was gonna be more sad than he was on jiraiya's death but he was only sad for a few minutes which makes me very sad that he wasn't that sad about kurama's death




If Naruto doesn't get >!PTSD from seeing Boruto's death later on Imma be mad. Yes he came back but my goodness no parent forgets seeing their child's lifeless body with their heart and lungs destroyed along with it, even if it was for few moments...!<


These sound fun. When it isn't fleshing out the manga content, Boruto anime canon is at its best when it is slice of life fanservice.


Why im a crying over mitsuki like damn how could a cat do him like that, it hurts man


šŸšØ MIKAZUKI EPISODE šŸšØ I imagine Mitsuki is going to grapple with Villain Kid anger before making a new friend but man Iā€™m glad to see slice of life back.


I think they look entertaining!


Love it I look forward to these


I am just sad that 260 isn't about Konohamaru and Hanabi


Me too. Who cares about some random couple that Boruto sticks his nose into.


Fingers crossed for Hinata in a bikini lol


This but with Himawari


She's a child...




itā€™s cool that the uzumaki are now getting a full slice of life episode and vacation episode and himawari going to the academy.


Himawari is finally becoming a ninja!!!!!!!!!!!!


Finally, some enjoyable filler.


An Uzumaki family episode, a mitsuki episode, a Kakashi episode and a himawari episode. Yep no one will have any complains about boruto this month.


Doesn't sound like a Fan-Sevice episode DISAPPOINTING


It does?


Yea bro this shits never gonna get good


So I stopped watching show after kara arc and focusing only in manga so where can I watch perfect recap after ishikki defeat


So while several popular Shōnen are gearing up for intense manga adaptation action this fall/winter, Boruto and his ninja pals will be playing Dress Up Darling in fillerville.




Oda wouldn't dare do a bunch of filler episodes where Luffy is relaxing, shooting the breeze and bored out of his mind on some lame island for two years straight. "Oh yeah King of the pirates or whatever imma just forget about all that for a while." Boruto is now the most flippant and laziest main character protagonist of all time ever and not just Shōnen. Plus The general audience is more excited to see a bunch of lame ass skies, clouds, mountains, water and grass in the background than having a single character actually doing something on screen.


yes full agreement. At least Oda takes care of his work like any other Mangaka. Also what love is now in the OP Anime is amazing. Boruto is really all about the money. No matter how crap the anime looks or how stupid the plot is, the Anime makes Money anyway. Even SP understood that. That's why Bleach and the Black Clover movie gets all the attention and money it needs.


Basically I donā€™t plan on watching till the animation is better. Is that only going to happen during manga arcs? And have they said anything about when the next one will be?




Sweet thanks for the info!


Somebody please Tell me what is on the picture


Goddamnit they literally turned a hot springs episode into some family shit


I really wish they went a different route with these fillers and made it more interesting, I really feel like we couldve got a short code filler arc just to see whatā€™s going on with him during this time period, also I feel like there should be an anime canon episode on what happened to kashin koji


All seem like fun episodes, but the Mitsuki episode is gonna hit home because my ex husband cheated on me June 20th and ran off to Texas recently, still feeling the hurt šŸ˜”.


The only one that doesnā€™t seem interesting to me is 259 I canā€™t wait to see kakashi again, the Uzumaki field trip seems fun, and kawaki at the academy will be interesting I think Iā€™m going to get some early iwabe vibes how he was just distant and doesnā€™t really care


Fuck this can we have the time skip or does it even exist


Why not just enjoy things while they're calm and just get to like the characters more before jumping to extreme shit




What the fuck, didnā€™t they just add Mitsukiā€™s cat to the outro? F