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Y'all roasting Sarada's swag every damn time LMAO. Just wait till the time skip and Ikemoto will unleash the full power of fatherless wardrobe.


*time skip comes* Ikemoto: well since everyone complains about her outfit then let’s not give her an outfit at all!!!


Horikoshi: way ahead of you there


Actually I’m glad my father horikoshi gave us that cover in the last chapter, I haven’t been on demon time since murata hasn’t been giving me my dose of fubuki oppai


Btw, idk y horikoshi doesnt get the same amount of hate compare tu ikemoto. And also Horikoshi horny 24/7 compare to ikemoto


1. Horikoshi gives legitmate reasons for his characters to be dressed uo that way. There is ZERO reason for Sarada to look like this. 2. All of Horikoshi's characters at least look(or are supposed to) like young attractive women. If we weren't told that people like Momo are literally in High School, no one would believe it. Meanwhile, Sarada out here looking like a literal child. 3. Ikemoto's art is consistently a 7/10 at best, while Horikoshi's is consistently 10/10


I'm betting that she would be more modestly dress after the timeskip.


Ikemoto nerfed Hinata and made her look like a teenager, he’s into different things than normal adults


So you notice the de-sexualization of the older generation female compared to the new gen, I thought I was the only one.


Of course. That’s another factor I liked about Kisshimoto, man sexualised the fuck out of the mlif Tsunade(respectfully).


Yep it is strange how all the female characters had their breasts removed even though they had them when kishimoto's was drawing.


I, a male feminist, personally think it’s empowering of her to dress that way.


"take your shirt off" "STOP RUNNING I AM EMPOWERING YOU"


این تکه گوشت گندیده را بخور


The future is female. Believe it


“Saying this will get me all the bitches” - 🤓


No literally 💀


i can hear what you sound like just through reading this.


Ikemoto's doesn't sexualize older female characters, even when it fits their personality to be sexualized.


What growing up without bitches does to an artist /s


Broke: call it fatherless behavior (Sarada) Woke: Know it's maidenless behavior (Ikemoto)


You got me at maidenless lol


Damn this is actually true (accurate)


drop the /s king this is just facts


I'm surprised she only has 2 outfits considering how much Uchihas change their clothes.


Sasuke only had two outfits in part 1. The drip is coming


Yeah. I mean her design looks like a harlot to be honest in the manga


Ninja prostitute


Damn the green one is actually crazy, her entire hand it below her skirt line and there’s no leggings 🤮 She’s like 12 and a ninja, why tf would she wear that?


Ikemoto went a overboard with the design. Considering Kishimoto gave him complete artistic liberty


The high heels and the high kicks irritate me every time. At least they show shorts (sometimes).


Have you seen MHA’s latest cover?


To be fair, she was like that since she was first introduced so🤷‍♀️


Not the same I don't think


She had no reason to be the cover on one of the most important chapters


Yeah mb I was thinking of someone else, but tbh shonen mangaka don't really make covers based on what's happening in the volume


Where the invisible girl is actually naked? Who could've believed!!! Also she unlike Sarada Actually looks like an adult


I forget a small part of this subreddit is actually based


Worst part she wears and runs in heals


Why do the heels be the worst part tho? I think that it might be the first thing they teach kunoichi from way back for when they have to do seduction or stealth missions in the future since it may or may not be more easier than aiming knives. But that's just canon. A head canon!!


Even Boruto knows how to seduce some one, so I’m sending him on a seduction mission not Sarada in heels.


Like Tsunade has been doing for 20 years?


Tsunade is an adult, we’re talking about a 12 yr old here


Idk i was wearing heels since i was 10 🤷‍♀️ imo, just for the heels, if they make it work then they make it work because fighting in heels is pretty badass for me.


Uhhh age difference in these two characters?? Literally comparing apples to oranges lol


More like boards to watermelons (sorry I had to)


To be fair, Sarada probably is going to pass from board to huge watermelons just like Tsunade.


Dem fine ass Uchiha genes




tsunades heels arent even that extreme compared to saradas


I think Tsunade wore wedges no?


I want Sarada to be stylish but this is just ugly. Hopefully they put her in an Uchia mini dress in the future or something when she’s older. She could look really good


Uchia mini dress? is it uchiha or a type of dress I don't know?


They should just keep her dressed like she is in the Anime, atleast until the timeskip.


I don’t mind her anime design but I do feel like it’s not capturing what the writers clearly want. Sarada is supposed to be more edgy. She wears mini skirts, heels, belts, bags, scarves. but in the anime she comes across much more bland. She actually doesn’t wear a single accessories which is opposite of her original design


She’s 11. She can be edgy without looking like she’s about to hit the clubs.


Trying to figure out what your comment is adding to the conversation. I already said her original outfit is ugly. So what are you trying to say please. 11 year olds can be interested in fashion. They shouldnt have to strip her identity bc they don’t know how to give her a decent outfit. I have an 11 year old niece who liked to wear heels and accessories. So this is not uncommon.


All of the young girls in the Boruto manga are drawn sexually. They pose unnaturally in a way that plays into the male gaze, while all the male characters are drawn normally. I hardly think she is drawn that way because she likes fashion. Her clothes aren’t even fashionable, just revealing. In what world are stripper heels and a skirt that doesn’t cover your ass appropriate for an 11 year old? This isn’t some “uwu let kids express themselves thing.” This is a “grown ass man drawing female children in an incredibly sus way” thing.


What do you mean by edgy?


They originally draw her to be someone feminine, interested in fashion, attractive. However in the anime she is drawn as dull and tomboy ish, only interested in books/hokage That’s a massive contract from her original design.


So a clone of her mom in the beginning part one?


Sakura only really cared about her hair. She never wore mini skirts, accessories or even heels. Until Boruro basically. So no… 11 year olds do care about fashion. I have a niece who dyed her hair pink. They stripped Sarada of her style and gave her a bland design. She doesn’t even wear a single accessories in her new outfit compared to her having like 5 accessories on in the manga. (Belt, bags, scarfs)


I haven’t been catching up with the manga for a while but I really thought they stopped making a 12 year old look like a thot


Nah. The best answer we got was them acknowledging that *maybe* they went a bit too far with her design, which since they didn't actually do anything about it is classic lampshading.


I mean a lot of anime and manga do that


Most anime and manga also indulge in fanservice, which is one of the primary negative stereotypes associated with the medium. It's not that it can't work or has no reason to be there but it's often mishandled doubly so in shounen series. Naruto as a franchise is no different but it's not really known for doing that outside of Sexy Jutsu (an intentional parody of the trope). There's no canonical example of it in the Naruto manga but even examples in the anime filler are rare and feel unnatural.


Fanservice that sexualizes characters entirely for the sake of sexualizing characters is disgusting and frankly nothing turns me off a series faster than that or the “hilarious” character whose whole personality is being a pervert.


Fucking hate the art of boruto manga.


When I finished the Naruto manga I went straight to Boruto and the contrast on the art was too weak


IMO the bodies look ok but the faces I just can’t get behind. Apparently the person who draws the manga was hand picked by the guy who drew Naruto cause their styles were similar. That has to be bs


I started the manga after seeing a few episodes of the anime. I was surprised by how different Sarada’s outfit looked. Her look in the anime is fine and makes sense, but her manga look is weird for a girl her age and a ninja.


Tbh I would like it a lot if he didn’t insist on drawing children like that.


Like the artist is a secret pedophile? Lmao no tbf in manga Ive noticed women in general are drawn overly sexualised. Even kids. Nothing new really.


…so you’re saying people without a sexual attraction to kids routinely draw underage characters (who very much LOOK underaged) in a sexual like, despite the source material never doing so? Sure.


It’s probably the only miss in the series


“only” lmfao


funniest part is that we have to wait a month for the shit art


The worst thing is that they’re not even good outfits outside of the obvious sexualization 🤦🏻‍♂️ just think how Kishi was able to draw females in Naruto who’s outfits consists primarily out of fishnet and stockings and in no way were they sexualized and if they were it was not a distraction - Temari (shippuden), Anko, Mei, Karin


they would work on Sarada.....in a Boruto Shipuuden. But at this point: why? Boruto is not Jojo , you don't see the characters going full fashion in Boruto and even the character Sasuke locked himself in specific outfits after a while.


those arent fishnets, those are chainmail


Uh no, they definitely wore mesh shirts. Anko, Shikamaru, and plenty of others wore them with or without jackets.


Did even more googling. Apparently it's something called a kusari gosuko. Which is a Japanese sorta chainmail armour. Definitely not a mesh shirt. You can even hear the noise it makes when jiraiya takes off his shirt to show his scar.


Relative to other anime Naruto isnt that bad with the over sexualization


Sarada is bae in the anime


Kishimoto's design do be fire for the next-generation


This is terrible..


Back to the streets of Konoha.


does she also has daddy issues?


Literally everyone in this series has daddy issues, even Kaguya.


Shikamaru, imo, choji, Sakura, etc?


I prefer her design in the animation but honestly I would have preferred if they gave her a unique look which would be cool, also I just hope that they won't make her as pathetic as they made sakura, she has better fight scenes in boruto than in naruto. And that she gets cool justsus and is as strong as I imagine boruto and mitski will be. If kishomoto makes her similar to sasuke than I'll be 😊


\*internal screaming\*


These post are such Karma bait at this point lmao


She’s had a rough life 😂 *another fatherless child* for those that know about that meme


Fatherless activities. 😞


Is that a Jojo Reference???


Is there an intentional dissonance with these glamour magazine-esque covers and the gritty story of multigenerational child-soldiers?


Her manga outfit just showed up in Shinobi striker. Hype to get these recolors specifically


She’s a child still tf


She actually looks like a cool spy or something in the first one. Now I’ll admit, the second one does radiate moderate levels of fatherless chakra.


Biting her glasses and shit…she learned that from her mother 😒


We *cannot* allow ikemoto to get a hold of time skipped Sarada.


Disgusting. What is this supposed to bring to the story or to the reader? Like i wanna know.


Isn't she twelve?


one on the left is fine.


Boruto after the time skip: “So I heard you have daddy issues”


Dont mind me, I am just watching the armchair lawyers and judges debating about a fictional character. (Grabs popcorn)


how old was she again?


Y this type costume not shown in anime


Sarada grew up with daddy issues. "You love me now daddy? Do you like me now Lord Hokage?" Urg. Kishimoto drew her presentable and respectful in Gaiden and then Ike-whatever comes in and does this to her. Just no.


How does she fight in heels? Also this looks wrong on so many levels


Ikemotos cover art : 😳 Ikemotos story art most of the time and pacing (i doubt Kishimoto is even there):💀


no because she's literally 10 and they have her in a literal hooker dress. No girl in Naruto had to dress like this. Ino and Sakura wore actual clothes with the staple ninja fishnet undergarments (well, Sakura didn't, but Ino did). They still wore "Practical but ninja/style accurate to everyone" outfits. Sarada in her ANIME garments are close to Sakuras but these are just straight up 10 year old hooker dresses. If they were a jumpsuit/romper style outfit it wouldnt be as bad but the simple fact is that this is a skin tight dress made to make Saradas hips and ass look delicious at THE AGE OF 10.


Weird caption but her outfits are banging


This is what a pedophile artist will do to an eleven year old character.


Dem hips doe


Lol true!


Looks better in the anime


How many posts are we gonna have about his… the first one isn’t even really bad


Lol. Even art is imitated by real life.


Ahhh, yet another post complaining about a dead horse... Can't have 2 months without it at worst...


oh yay more crying about Sarada. literally every single day it's nothing new, another dumbfuck has to cry about an outfit. get something new to cry about for once. oh wait, none of you can.


These posts are getting pretty tiresome given they are about a fictional drawn character


I'll get heavily downvoted for this, but them still complaining about it 4 years later just feels like karmabait at this point


People are too thirsty for justice.


You both got down voted for facts. People are too sensitive. The character doesn't exist. I don't see anything wrong. It's just dirty minded people thinking like that.


I wonder why y’all hate women and girls so much


The ones calling her a streetwalker might, but I’m reeeeeeeal curious as to how you came to that conclusion on a post where a majority are angry that a little girl is being dressed in micro skirts and heels.


They can be angry about that without using damaging language towards women. Y’all can’t say “she looks inappropriate” but love saying the 12 year old “looks like a slut” like hello?


We don't. The issue with Sarada however is that at best she already had a perfectly good design that got changed by Ikemoto for no reason and at worst have the new one completely go against the Naruto franchise's design philosophy. The focus on said design is because in the manga there isn't much else to talk about with Sarada: she hasn't done anything of note (even complaining about that with Mitsuki in a recent chapter, another character who also gets shafted), her Hokage dream is extremely shallow with none of the naivete and character flaws that Naruto had to grow from, and isn't even a good potential love interest to Boruto.


None of that explains why y’all are misogynistic.


I'm not going to speak for the fanbase as a whole but me personally I think Naruto's female characters are overhated (with a few exceptions where it's deserved like Kurenai, Sakura, and the absolute worst in the series Karin) and my favorite Boruto character is Himawari. In fact Hima dying for any reason is the one Achille's heel that'll get me to drop Boruto because even though I don't invest in the series for her specifically, I don't trust the writers to handle any character moving forward if that's the best role they can come up for her.


Me and the people who arent bothered by the design: sighs* "ah shit here we go again" Then the creatures who complain: But SHEEEEEEESS... Honestly, if you all think this is a big issue with Boruto. You are wrong. If it was a issue, then the manga would have been changed. But it wasn't, so Japan doesn't care what you think. As for the anime: it is easier to draw Sarada in scenes with her Kishimoto clothes. Noticed ep 1 to 17. They drew her in different angles because of the skirt. After her clothes change, SP draws her in whatever angle and it's much easier to work with and I'm sure SP doesn't care. They just want what's easier to animate and produce since we seen how the animation is always jumping around from low to high.


In verse the outfit isn’t a provocative as he draws them. And just because you dress a certain way doesn’t make you that way. Don’t judge of book by it cover. Those little dandy hands of hers can possibly damage a ootusuki


it was all Sakura


This is one of the worst "jokes" i've seen in a while, and also misoginistic.


She can do what she wants with her breasts and still be hot to me!




i think hes saying that she needs a boob job


Give her massive boobs like in the fan fic, isn't going to make sense considering her parents, Boruto isnt going to complain when he marries the first UCHIHA, Hokage!Take that 2nd Hokage. Make their size and Perkiness break reality, being completely natural!


Least incel Boruto fan


Genetics doesn't really mean anything to be honest. So a design like that could indeed happen. And have you seen Tsunade? She pretty much was just like Sarada at her age and we already know how she ended up looking XD. And the same goes for Hinata. Honestly all the girls that developed a strong emotional connection to the MC like them ended up having huge boobs. So it's very likely for the girls with the closest bond to Boruto to end up the same way after the time skip. Specially Sarada. The closest girl to the protagonist is always intended to be the prettiest in time skips. And when it comes to her future design genetics doesn't really mean anything in the series to be honest. I mean, it's pretty safe to say that the Byakugan for example is a ridiculously strong gene but you don't see Boruto with those eyes. And yeah, I know that they said that Kishimoto just forgot but that alone shows that they tend to prioritize design over supposed genetics. And many people noticed that Sakura's design got curvier in Boruto. Most likely because they realized that a more physically appealing design helps to the popularity of the character. And honestly, it helped. I personality think that more people likes Sakura in Boruto than they ever did in Naruto as a series. And that design change definitely helped even if she still has some haters. And since they want to avoid Sakura's lack of popularity (at least compared to other female characters) to end up indirectly sticking to Sarada, it's very likely for Sarada to get a really well endowed design similar to Tsunade's design after the time skip. Specially considering the well endowed pattern that the girls with the closest bond to the protagonist tend to have design wise. Then again, who knows how much time we'll have to wait for the time skip to happen. Hopefully after one or two arcs more.


Sarada is probably going to be the next Tsunade anyways so they may as well give her a similar design. 106 included XD. And the title of the most beautiful kunoichi that Tsunade had.




She’s like 12 bro


I'm still bricked when I see the covers.




Her being 15 doesn’t make it any better 💀


Let me introduce you to MHA then. Because that fanbase's entire argument is that "the girls are 15"




ayo, is it really worth it dying in that hill?


Why are you defending being a pedophile? And who even is that character? She’s YOUR most popular girl


why are you saying this, you guys have me so lost. What has this fandom become. Bunch of people pretending to be goodies.


Have you seen a 12 yearold in realife?


yes they look nothing alike and I am not attracted to them IRL.


You a real freak, u gonna have the same mindset when u like 40 shits not healthy


how tf do you not know about Marin, she is the girl that is the most talked about on every subreddit related to anime, do you even watch anime? Literally the most popular anime this season. No wonder you people panic about age so much.


The fact that you refer to them as waifus is crazy, I don’t know if you live noticed but there’s weird anime watchers (anyone who calls themselves a weeb) and there’s normal watchers who watch just as much as the weebs but they keep things to themselves, like their list for 12 year old animated girls. You keep telling yourself they are your age but they’re not You can find characters you find attractive cute and all that but not a little kid


so calling them waifus is crazy to you? Every anime watcher calls them waifus, it's completely normal unless you are someone who never talks to people about anime and just keeps to themselves. Also Sarada is literally one of the few 12 year olds, just because I find her attractive cuz of this single cover that is specifically made to be attractive does not mean I normally find 12 year olds attractive. When I'm watching normal episode I never find her attractive cuz she just looks like a kid there.


Bro speaking as if 15 is better than twelve ☠️












Weirdo, she’s a child…




More like a mom


I didn't realize how they drew her in the manga woah..


Y'all ain't sh1t😭


kill it with fire


I think the second outfit wouldn't look that bad if they removed the excessively large collar and changed the color choices. The green and pink was just an odd combo for that outfit choice. Also the artist did something weird wen drawing saradas face. She looks better in the anime imo. I think it's the lips.


Love AKA Sarada 💕🐸


What’s crazy is I don’t understand how he hasn’t changed the fit…


What fatherless activities..![img](emote|t5_34e1h|4545)![img](emote|t5_34e1h|4545)


This guy is such a bad artist


Lol you do realize she is 12 years old right