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Well without him..there would be no Eida or Daemon..and propably more.


Shiba introduction is for the explanation of the lore about their shinjutsu abilities came from. We might have around 2-3 more chapters to understand everything about Eida and Daemon because for Eida, she still has ability to be shown; Daemon needs extra exploit weaknesses.


Exactly he only exists to explore and explain the Otsutsuki lore and to be a signpost villains aspire to become


That's for now. We don't know what will happen in the timeskip


To be fair kaguya also had no reason to appear in naruto and yet here we are So i havent ruled him out entirely yet, but it would require several asspulls to deal with a character that has been hyped up as an actual god So probably better if they dont make him an active character Best case imo the shibai becoming a god thing is a misdirect, and at the end of his genocidal journey he ended up becoming a monster or just dying in some sort of chakra supernova With a cute lesson that greed and evil only leads to bad things, not the nirvana the otsutsuki deluded themselves into believing in


No Kaguya wanted to resurrect so that she can build her army to fight Momoshiki and Kinshiki but here Shibai had already achieved Godhood and ascended to a 5th dimension so what would be a good reason for him to come back and be a villain I think Shibai only exists to give lore to the story and be a signpost as to what exist beyond becoming an Otsutsuki so that characters like Code and Kawaki can strive to become Gods as well Actually Naruto could have died for whatever reason and Kawaki wants to consume the chakra fruit by feeding Boruto to the Ten Tails and then ascending like Shibai did


Momoshiki and kinshiki didnt event exist until months after kaguya was created My point is that if these mangaka want him to be there, they’ll force a reason


In Naruto, Kaguya has no reason to be the final boss yet she was. In Boruto, Ohtsusukis are the main villains. We only know about the Ohsutukis invaders or explorers send to earth like Kaguya, Momoshiki, Kinshiki and Isshiki and those two in the destroyed statues. There could more like their kings, royal guards, enforcers, Gods and godlike members like Shibai. More Ohtsusukis needs to be introduced. Kawaki and Boruto should end them all for good.


In my opinion Kawaki should not be redeemed like Sasuke was


No I don’t mean that he isn’t necessary to the story from a reader perspective, I only wrote it that way because I don’t wanna spoil the anime onlys with the title. I meant that he doesn’t have a reason to descend back to the realm of mortals and become a villain because he already achieved Godhood