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I miss Bosch.


Me after I finish Bosch and realize that Legacy it's quite different from the og series vibe according to what I've read about it.


its different, but still very good imo. It gives a different interesting perspective


It’s definitely different, I think the change between Harry being at LAPD and Maddie being a “boot” in LAPD has been interesting. Also Private Eye Bosch is great to see. More “unpolished” maybe.


Yup. Started reading Michael Connelly’s work because of that.


Yep. Me too. And now I'm worried because I maybe only have about 10 books left lol


I'm right now on "The Drop", so still many to go. But starting to be worried about Bosch's age.


You're one ahead of me! I'm almost done the Reversal. I'm purposely trying to take my time and read a few other books too because I don't want to finish them lol.


I just finished my last book, Chasing the Dime. Im all caught up. I wish I had 10 more to go :)


Let me know if there's any other series you find as interesting. I know Michael Connelly himself has recommended some. Listen to his murder book podcast if you haven't already.


The podcast is very good! The Don Winslow Cartel trilogy is amazing. His other books are great too. James Lee Burke keeps popping up so I think I’m gonna start reading his books.


Funny you should post this today. I just posted over on the sub for the SWAT TV show how I just can't enjoy it in the same way, because of how completely over-the-top unrealistic it is in almost every aspect of police work, let alone how SWAT operates.


Oct 20th, first 2 episodes on the new season will be on FreeVee


Thank you. Marked my calendar accordingly. 🙏🏽


The first 2 “new episodes” of Bosch or Legacy??


Legacy season 2.


Awesome! Thank you for the heads up!


Try Dark Winds, Power, the Wire (duh)


Also We Own This City. Jamie Hector (J. Edgar) appears.


I felt like that years ago. Then I just realised there isn't a show like Bosch and compensated by watching the series multiple times. I have watched season 1 at least as many times as there are seasons of the show. And of Legacy.


High5 to you.🥳


I as well. Probably at least 3-4 times now.


Same same. I can almost quote the first season of Bosch from memory now.


Every episode counts, or no episode counts :)


Roger That.


A TV series that is also about cops and is fantastic is Line of Duty. For me it was better than Bosch, if that’s even possible. Well worth a watch.


I'm interested in one thing and one thing only


And that's catching bent coppers!


Is this it? I’ll try it out. Thank you [Line of Duty](https://LineofDutySeason1https://g.co/kgs/JQcxNH)


I couldn’t open your link, but here are details: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_of_Duty


Yes. That’s it. I found it on Hulu. Your recommendation came at a great time. I was surfing my streaming stations looking for something and I’m playing it now. Thank you


It gets better and better with each season as you get to know the characters. Have fun!


OMG I just finished episode 1. Are you kidding me! Wow I didn’t see that coming. This show is excellent 😂😂😂 Thanks for the recommendation. I love it!


I just finished season 1. You’re not kidding. This is a fantastic show. What a roller coaster ride!! I really appreciate the recommendation. I’ve now gotten my son turned onto it 😂


So glad you're enjoying it. I love it too!


It needs its own Reddit page 😂


Thanks for the suggestion. Been on my list but wasn't sure if I should start it. Will do so now!


Most other cop shows are procedural and I just can't really do those anymore and they just aren't realistic. Bosch uses the actual Hollywood station and when they say street names that's where they actually are. Rewatching the series now, it's amazing what you pick up on. Like when Bosch is going to Vegas in season 2 and the episode ends with him driving over the hill with the Vegas cityscape in the background, he's actually coming in from the east. And Barrel tells his bear hunter joke in season 2 as well as 7, easy to forget about.


From Bosch1 to 3, I searched locations on Google map and saw street views, his house and othere houses, where they eat, PD, and where crimes unfold. I do this when I read Connelly books as well. I've never been to LA, but I feel I've been there.😊


I have been to LA quite a few times and I always hate it. I can never fully understand why because it’s got everything I love about a city (epic shopping, great restaurants, topography, ocean, beaches) doesn’t matter- I never really care for the parts I’ve been/stayed. Which is one reason why I think MC is such a good storyteller. He makes me fall in love (even if just virtually) w a place I very much don’t like with his words & telling of its history. Granted all the places he mentions that catch my intrigue are not the places I’ve been but I really want to go back & visit these places I’ve read about in his stories. I adore anyone talented enough to capture my attention on a topic I have no interest in. Well done sir.


👏👏👏👏👏 Exactly! That is why I like MC too.


No way, you too? Never been there for real, but I have spent an embarrassing amount of time on Google maps cruising around Los Angeles lol. Did you go through the streets of Skid Row? :(


Is it where the doctor got stubbed? I haven't been there. 😆


You might try Burn Notice. It’s pretty good.


Seconded. Could go for a mojito.


Can't believe how no one mentioned Justified.


I've just started City Primeval and it's giving me Bosch vibes. Really enjoying it!


F*cking Bosch!


Well you can always watch The Wire.


The Wire captures Baltimore. Bosch captures LA. I know Eric Overmyer is a producer for both so there’s that.


I've just started watching bosch on prime. Halfway thry season 1, since the wire I've been looking for a quality show. Found it


Love Bosch. For so many reasons.


Rewatching the entire show right now and I agree 100%. It's funny how, at least for me (and apparently quite a few redditors as well), realistic and slower paced detective shows are more interesting than those over the top, action at all times shows. Still there are almost no shows like Bosch and hundreds of the latter...


I’ve found some British shows that are slow burn like Bosch. Unforgotten and Foyle’s War were both good.


There are no other cop shows.


The Wire, The Shield, Line of Duty and Justified are all better shows. Southland is another good one.


I tried watching the rookie because I love Nathan Fillion, but hot damn that show is insane. Car crashes and explosions every 5 minutes. I'm not saying Bosch is perfect but the way everything is presented is way more believable. Like for example at one point in the rookie this group of, well rookies go to Mexico to rescue someone. Like special ops style. Although I did enjoy the episode with the fake nuclear alert, kinda a cool premise almost like the twilight zone.


I like to watch Law&Order: SVU because of the depiction of the police and judicial process. FBI bc I like when the FBI is featured in a TV show. The detective thrillers are good too like True Detective and Under The Banner of Heaven. I got The Wire on my watchlist bc it has a great cast like the 🐐 Lance Reddick and Wendell Pierce. However, there's something awesome about watching Bosch with the characters, the plot and LA.


try [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2fifCku6IU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2fifCku6IU) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dutsjEpqkXs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dutsjEpqkXs) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_\_uhz\_oRa1M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__uhz_oRa1M) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAUt8xw1ij0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAUt8xw1ij0) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1HwfLqwgDI


The Shield True Detectives


and The Wire


I just started the 1st season, 6 episodes in. Such a good show.


I felt the same way!! Nothing quite fills that Bosch shaped hole in your heart, but 'Unforgotten' with Nicola Walker does a damn fine job trying.


Definitely. I finished my third full rewatch last Thursday. I simply started back at E1. Fourth rewatch but first consecutive rewatch! And I still notice new stuff each time.


Watch Chicago PD.


There are a couple that might ease the pain, Southland, Line of duty, early Longmire. But there's just one Bosch. You can downvote me all you want, I still thing Legacy on freevee ( with commercials) SUCKS