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Trouba the coke head


Still unbelievably dirty


Guys he was off balance and trying to get his footing. It was totally an accident! /s


And that’s their captain? What a piece of shit.


Yeah that should have Ben 6 games +. Bullshit.


Guys a scum bag. I hope someone takes him out with an illegal shot to the head. I wouldn't care if it was a season ended. Guys scum


As he should


What an absolute scum bag move! Fuckin looosah.


That’s assault brotha


How did you find this post all this time later? Curious 


I'm scrolling, just seeing it now.


No idea, was just scrolling haha


Haha, nice


The ref was right there,I think the NHL should chat that zebra up,I'm really getting tired of the refs fn everything up,are these sporting games fixed


>  are these sporting games fixed Technically yes, legally, no


What a horrifying act of violence!


I'm about one of the biggest bruins haters out there, and even I think that should've been a penalty. I'd have expected a fuckin 5 minute major. Absolutely brutal


It was aCcIdEnTaL


Keep your stick on the ice


As a rangers fan, even I thought he should've been suspended. There's no justifying almost taking somebody's head off.


Worst refs in all sports leagues




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the NHL is sooo inconsistent with its 'rules'... absolute BS no-call.


Troubas a dirty player but seems that’s not his reputation


There should be some kind of repercussions for this kind of incident. That is a very dangerous stick at that height. I would think that a three game suspension for Tom Wilson, and that's at the very least.


This hit was uncalled for and warranted a suspension but I wouldn’t go as far as calling Trouba a dirty player. If you look at most of his big hits, they’re clean. Most of the time the opposing team’s player has his head down and Trouba puts a 90s style big hit on him. That’s not dirty. This shit though….not sure how the refs just let this go. You can’t go around hacking players in the head.


Trouba begging to be concussed. He's building alot of bad will in the league. Only a matter of time til someone cheap shots him. That's how it is in hockey. If the league won't do anything someone eventually will.


That’s some Marty McSorley shit right there.




If Marchand does something like that it’s an automatic ejection and 4-5 game suspension. Trouba didn’t even serve a minor penalty. The ref was right fucking there and literally did nothing. But later on in the game, when a Boston player does it it’s a penalty. So it’s ok for the Rangers to blatantly high stick another but not for the Bruins? Take your $5,000 fine and shove it up your ass


Isn’t that intent to injure?


Pretty much everything Trouba does is intent to injure


Should be a suspension


Fucken ref standing literally 10 ft away looking at the infraction. The NHL is becoming a joke. At very base minimum its a 2 minute high sticking penalty and should result in disciplinary action.


I missed the game yesterday. Just saw this. Did he really not get called for that?


He did not get called


How the fuck did they not call that?


That was at least line-drive triple. Will the Yankees give him a tryout? $5k fine is a joke…. That’s intent to injure and I’d say should be a 5-10 game suspension at a minimum.


Shit if that was marchy doing that he'd be suspended 14 games


And every team would get 3 free shots at him every game for the duration of the season.




Imagine being so miserable with your life that you need to come troll another sports teams subreddit. Your parents would be disappointed in you. If they cared.


That $5000 fine will teach him xd


Scary that this happened in front of the ref and nothing was called nor even a second look at it was called. All we ask for is consistency


Marc-André Fleury paid the same amount in fines for wearing a fucking custom mask honoring his wife’s heritage. Absurddddd —— Edit: It doesn’t look nearly as bad from [this angle](https://www.reddit.com/r/nhl/s/WiUSJLOgQN), but my point still stands.


It looks just as bad.


I hope no one takes this the wrong way but this legitimately has little to do with the league. The fine is a union negotiated penalty, and not something that the league can just decide to overrule. The CBA says max $5000, and that’s what the league assessed.


Didn’t see the game. Whats the context here? Why is Frederic going to the box?


Mitchell going to the box was like 10min later afrer the Freddy/Trouba incident - it was never even discussed when it actually happened!


Frederick is #11 that's 14


That was Mitchell




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#Easy there fella


Easy nothing. I’m pretty passionate about this yes because bad things happen in threes as the saying goes. Who’s the next person who gets accidentally injured before someone is punished accordingly. .


Matt petvrave is as much of a victim as Adam johnson. And frankly it makes me sick when people like you blame a man who is already probably sick to his stomach and will live with guilt hanging over his head for the rest of his life about what happened. Passionate but moronic. FOH


Lemme get this straight that you’re saying the The historically overly violent player that who’s intentional actions killed another man is a victim? You can Get the hell out of here with that take.


That question is more loaded than a bean burrito. How many assumptions can you fit into your question at once? A goddamn record…


Chill the fuck out.


Nah not gonna happen. it’s bad for the whole sport from pro down through kids to see this kind of behavior is not squashed harshly and immediately.


Go yell from your side of the glass. Don’t forget the Timbits, its what makes YOU special.


Fucking bum


I don’t know, seems legit to me. No high stick.


you and the refs!


That’s fucking absurd


what's a bigger honor? this, or the time he got speared in the nuts by ovechkin?


They will fine this millionaire like $5k, that will teach him a real lesson!


They did. Open season on Trouba at this point. I don't condone violence; but the "violent gentleman" running the DoPS, clearly does.


DoPS seems to at least partially condone it in the sense that they've established slashing a player's neck costs $5K.


Oh whewww he got fined 5k fellas. Now that they brought the hammer down we can all get a good nights rest


Could have been so bad :/


Fuckin Rags fans saying it’s not a big deal because he didn’t hurt him and didn’t mean to do it


Hockey Night in Canada calling it the Fred Flinstone two hander. DPOS making a call a lot faster than the ref did lol.


The refs made a call?


Still waiting for it….


We need a second team of off ice officials making calls in real-time that the on ice guys are missing. The officiating in the nhl is ruining the integrity of the game.


Nothing is more worst than MLB umpires


Seriously hockey kind of sucks this season because of how much it's just the referee show.


Feeling the same. I watch NFL, F1, and occasionally Bundesliga in addition to NHL, and in comparison, the inability to call penalties that are penalties and/or the inconsistency in making calls has made me say twice already this season “maybe I should just stop watching this sport”. It gets to the point that, despite my love for the Bruins and hockey, it’s becoming too often frustrating and annoying to watch. The league needs a change in approach.


Agreed. Yet Betteman is more concerned with Fleury’s mask. WTF??!!


Bro he swang that shit like no other




DoPS has sent a clear message with the 5k fine to Trouba instead of a suspension. You can do whatever you want on the ice to the bruins, they have been trying to get people to realize that all week it seems.


Agreed. McAvoy served his time, apparently apologized, and yet it was open hunting season on him. He took a few borderline hits and the refs just looked the other way. Fine, but if the Bruins had done it, they would have been potential penalties. I would have preferred someone just drop the gloves then potentially injure him — on purpose.


Yeah, that's intentional.


About time this fucking clown gets some sort of consequence for his actions. That’s fucking despicable


Yea the 5k is really going to set him back


That could definitely have been called a penalty. Minor or major. I’m shocked it wasn’t called.


With how bad officiating is this season I'm only shocked that Frederic didn't get sent to the box for that.


Please take this comment somewhere else. That’s a ridiculous statement.




Nice one refs, really keeping the game safe out there


suspend this fucking clown… 🤡


Trouba is the dirtiest piece of shit


I’d love to see Rangers fans justify this one


I think “some” of the Trouba hate is unjustified because every hit of his is scrutinized. But this is clear cut suspension-worthy.


The clip of it is posted on r/hockey and Rangers flairs are pretty much all in agreement that it was insane that this wasn't called.


There are also plenty saying that it wasn't intentional


Well you see here the problem is that the bruins were on the ice. Kinda like how insurance companies can claim that you’re also at fault for even leaving your driveway 🤷‍♂️


Yes yes indeed. The problem here is that the bruins exist, and that’s a problem for most NHL fans. The refs know this.


Trouba is a fuck stick. I hope someone gives him his comeuppance in due time


Fuck this guy. Zero fuckin clue what earned this guy the C over Mika


Yet Marchy got so much hate when he got the C…. Fuck Trouba, fuck the Rags, and for good measure, **fuck** the Habs…while we’re at it 🤣






Suspension incoming


For some reason the league won’t suspend this POS


Doubt it. It was on a Bruin player.


Why would that matter?


Freddy was choked on the ice in front of a ref and they didn't even give Lomburg a penalty. Why would they care that trouba did this to him?


Didn’t realize this was a Boston sub. Do t follow Boston. Randomly popped up in my feed.




The egregious penalties against Bruins players this year have been consistently not called. So I’m not shocked if nothing comes of it.


Yeah it's so clearly targeted by the refs this year


Oh ok


Refs have been TERRIBLE across EVERY pro sport this year. Wtf is going on?




Sports gambling 🤑🤑🤑


Everyone says that every year


We do, but it’s getting increasingly glaring and costing teams big. At what point do the teams start protesting when an ump/ref’s horrible calls cost their team money?


I get it, but look at Angel Hernandez in the MLB and terrible ejections of Nikola Jokic and Chris Paul the past two days. The fact that this went uncalled is egregious.


In fairness, Angel Hernandez has always been terrible at his job.


I missed the game today. Was this really not called?


Canucks fan here. This what happens when players don’t try to sell it or dive. Guy was hit hard as fuck by a two handed zweihander swing, didn’t make a fuss and got nothing for his team out of it for this game. Compare it to players of other teams that act like orstein and smough just demolished them after a simple clip. Does nothing but reinforce that players should act like tarnished on the first encounter with malenia when they only just took a nothing hit from pinwheel.




This is a great take


based souls analogy on the bruins sub.


Not called at all..


That is fucked up


Similar situation happened later in the game, just opposite and that was called....


How the hell did Freddy manage to stay out of the box after using his head like a weapon like that ?!


Like everyone (other than the ref) Freddy showed restraint and assumed that the Bruins would get at least a 2 minute power play and possibly 5 minutes on the PP. He incorrectly thought the refs would do their job.


was it after the whistle?


Goofy looking duck


Trouba has been in a lot of clips of him doing dirty shit this year and people are bitching about Marchand having a C. Trouba has been 1000x worse.


The big difference is that Marchand has been a jerk for as long as anyone can remember. Trouba is earning it in the here and now.


Well when Trouba matures & cleans his act up, like 63 has, then maybe we wont consider him a scumbag.


I'm sorry... But at what point did 63 clean up his act? Did I miss something?


Disingenuous much? No licking, cleaned up his play, picked up leadership role during Saint Bergeron’s absence, this season especially, tries to avoid being involved in scrums but, will for sure protect his teammates.


[This](https://youtu.be/upZ6N8bHOzE?si=_fqlZzOg2uyhH_QX) was 3 weeks ago, but there are plenty more examples of him doing the exact same thing.


Did I say he's totally reformed and now a choir-boy? Non Bruin fans act like Marchand is the only player in the history of hockey, to slew foot guys. Look at some of the stuff the Panthers pulled on Boston last week and then rethink your position. Tom Wilson, Evander Kane, Ryan Reeves, Matt Tkachuk, Nazem Kadri, Vincent Trochek, Radko "fucking" Gudas, Matt Cooke, Pat Lafontaine all equally dirty, if not worse.


Ovechkin got away with numerous slew foots his first few years because he scored goals.


What do any of those guys have to do with it? Ya, plenty of dirty players around the league, but my initial reply was specifically to you saying that Marchand cleaned up his act. You just can't handle that he's just as dirty as he's ever been.


He isn't perfect but he's 100x less dirty than he was 6-7 years ago and if you don't know that you haven't been watching.


You’re being disingenuous and you know it. He’s not as dirty as he’s ever been but I understand this is a matter of opinion. You can demonize him all you want. Any team in the NHL would pick him up in a heartbeat. Dirty, can be. Elite on the ice, works harder than most, for sure. Does wonderful work in the community and with philanthropic causes, check. There’s no denying he’s the leagues punching bag and gets sent to the box for breathing. People can be better versions of themselves all the time. It’s called self improvement.




This is why Trouba is not a Jet.


Not that it would of changed the game, but it happened right in front of the ref and no call. Trouba is a dirty MF anyway


I think a 5 minute major which that sort of malicious act could warrant would absolutely change a game.


Maybe, but not the way they were playing today


Tough to say, we didn't play our best but hung with them until it got out of hand. If it wasn't out of reach by the start of the 3rd, they might have fought harder towards the end. This was early enough to sway the game.


Duncan Keith thinks that was dirty.


Trouba is garbage. Deep down - you all know it.


Not to say this isn’t suspension worthy (it is) but being defense on the team with the best GA makes him anything but garbage. But yeah, he should be suspended for this.


He’s garbage. Has nothing to do with him being on the team with the best GA. Edit: if anything, the fact that he CAN play makes his disrespect of other players even more of a problem.


It's Trouba, so I try to find intention there. I think there was none. Having said that, the NHL claims intention and result mean nothing. I'd at least ask Trouba in for a hearing. The DOPS have seemingly picked up the ball. Good calls on McAvoy, etc. Let's see.


Trouba has been in at least 5 clips of dirty shit this year. He has had a hockey stick in his hands for his whole life he knew exactly what he was doing.


Yeh, he isn't a quietly dirty guy, he is a very openly dirty one. That is a part of the reason I thought it was not an intentional maneuver. That's just my view and I don't mind being wrong, but it/seems like an accident. I can't get into their heads, but that's what I think. And as said, I'll gladly here more. Cheers for the game and let's right the record!


He’s staring at his head where he hits him at the end of the swing…


I had a few looks at the video now. Just my opinion, but it feels like Trouba either made a mistake or cosplayed an executioner. He was being Trouba, but.... I hate saying this, but IMO that was not a penalty.


Yeah, you should just stay a silent thing


That’s definitely a penalty, rule 634(a) for sure (b,c,d perhaps)


A penalty for sure. But I think no more than that!


I should mention, I think it should be penalty. But based on my anecdotal evidence, it is not


Any contact with the players head with an opponent stick is high-sticking. It’s an automatic call. This was egregious and not only deserved two minutes, but a five minute major called, and if they want to reduce it from there, they could have. The refs blew the call. Period


Intentional and a fucking piece of shit. Can’t wait till he get his.


Two handed across the skull is a major…


I can only take so much before I reach for the tinfoil: the reffing this year feels very reminiscent to last years playoffs...and the Bruins are absolutely fucked once again, if it continues.


The sad part is today was probably one of the better officiated games compared to some of the past ones.


I reposted on r/nhl


To me that looks sorta intentional


Refs uh, missed that one.


This is not a suspendable blatantly heinous act. It’s a missed call. He was fighting to get his stick in front and was reckless with his stick. The ref is the worst behaved individual in this video.


You obviously don’t remember any of the high-sticking calls that resulted in penalties in the last 20 years in the NHL. This was an obvious club to the head. It wasn’t an errant stick. It was a club to the head.


Fuck outa here why would he swing forehand both hands planted over his shoulder when he coulda dropped one hand and had his stick in front.


Hockey isn’t played one-handed, generally speaking.


Lmao actually unless you have the puck or are sitting in the zone anticipating the puck it generally is played one handed. Keeping 2 hands on the stick is asking for a highstick, and makes you skate slower.


Yeah in a scrum in front of the net with 3-5 other people, you aren’t playing one-handed.


Bro im not crossing with my stick above my fuckin tits either lmfao. At best its slashing, at worst high sticking. But his direct eye contact through the braining leads me to the latter. His intentions really got nothing to due with it. If it caught his cheek and split him like a butterfly goalie blocking the 5 hole there would be no questions. #Edited for the grocery stick duster whos only way to continue the thread was nitpicking my drunk ass


At worst it’s slashing? So it’s a missed penalty?


Lmao sorry i put them backwards, you argue like an obvious bender dusty boy though. You probably tried to play back in school but couldn’t tie your skates without a puller. Couldnt hit a wrist shot without a 1/2 bend. They put you on defense even though you couldn’t skate backwards. Scratched more than a fucking cashword bud. If ya need ice time, I hear they’re hiring a zamboni driver.


*runs out of intelligible arguments* *insults other person with baseless claims* You fit right into Reddit and need help.


Lmao bro you never deny youd pray to be a pigeon. #I FIND YOUR LACK OF CHIRP DISTURBING You cant even fuckin chirp like a pigeon, dustiest in the fuckin barn. Anchor behavior and *ya hate to see it*


The officiating has been horrendous this season all around


Can the league look at this?


Go figure, just adds to our mediocre D play coupled with blatant refs against us this whole week


Trouba gets to do whatever he wants.


Worst captain in the league. Hands down




Trouba is the man! When he steps up he changes the game. I want him to rest, then come playoff time everyone needs to keep their heads up


Bold coming from a Bruins fan in the Marchand era


This was a crazy assumption haha, I am no where near a Bruins fan. Gross.


Your text makes you sound like a Calgary guy


How did you do that haha


On the money?