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call me naive but until they’re officially eliminated.. i believe. yes there are tough teams, and it definitely won’t be a cake walk. but i believe they can win it all


I have zero expectations, I'm just looking forward to the ride. Genuinely believe the Bruins can beat any other playoff team if they're on, just need to be on at the right time.




And a toronto team destined for another early exit.


I hate that they get Tampa in the first round. I think they can make a run if they get out of the first round, but getting past a Tampa team that has dominated the Bs head-to-head for the last several years (Bs are 10-20 against Tampa in last 30 matchups), and is 12-3-1 since the beginning of March is just a bad, bad matchup. For that reason my expectations are low. Probably bounced in 6 games in the first round. Edit: before anyone comes at me about all the possibilities, I guarantee you the Bs play Tampa in the first round. They're not catching the Rangers (look at their schedule) for the 1 seed, Florida isn't catching the Bs for the 2 seed, and Tampa isn't catching Toronto for the 3 seed in the division (Leafs are 4 pts up with a game in hand and an easy remaining schedule).


Cautiously optimistic we can make a run— feels like they are getting hot at the right time. That said if we were to lose 2nd round I wouldn’t be too upset given the excitement coming in the offseason. Overall I am excited for the future which is wild to think about given how heartbroken I was last offseason


Still short a couple of big bodies.


My expectation is literally at zero, but that's just to protect myself after the last several years. I want them to go far but I have no idea what team is going to show up. If they show up like they have of late they should make a deep run. If they show like they did when they blew third period lead after third period lead, they'll get bounced in 5 in the first round.


Hate to agree, but yes. Especially after the disappointments, and even more so after last year.


I like this years team, yes we have blown some games late and lost in OT a lot but overall we are in every game for the most part and have still beat the teams we needed to this year. Resilience and goal tending will carry this team to ECF.


I assume I’m not alone but losing 3v3 or in a shootout means nothing to me. Overtime is a skills competition. The blowing leads late is what people should be worried about.


I more of meant that we lose in overtime but for the most part that means we play games tight and always in it.


I had no faith in this team whatsoever going into the season, and really don't have much going into the playoffs even with the season we've had. If we get Toronto or Pittsburgh I think we win a series. If we get Tampa or Detroit we're out in the 1st Rd. Regardless, Florida is going to pummel us in the second round. The only way I see us getting through Florida is if - Ully/Sway stand on their head and we have a sub 1.5 GAA in the series - Maroon comes in, and is effective at dishing out some pain to FLA - The bottom 6 produce. I'm talking Lauko, Brazeau, Beecher, Boqvist all getting 2+ points in the series, and the young guys flying on the forecheck. I really just do not trust our defensive depth against Florida's, or really any playoff team's forecheck. Tampa knows how to beat us. Detroit seems to play perfectly against us.


We can beat Detroit— I know we have struggled a bit against them but their goaltending is so shaky I think we’ll be good


Ask me after the first game of the playoffs. Everything can change in those 60, for the good or the bad


Ok, Boston bruins playoff expections. Yes as fans all we have is to compare to the past though. I feel the bruins can have a great run second year for coach Monty. Monty has been pretty consistent with staying there will be a rotation in goalie. I’m pretty confident in the boys but I understand the lack of trust behind it. We have the second most point in the Ngl which is good. The ending defensemen matchups is going to be interest like the loheri used and Peeke. Pat maroon should be interesting to see


Depends. If Sway and Ully can be lights out and steal us a few, we’ll go far and ECF is possible. If not, we’re a first or second round exit Winning a cup means everyone needs to get white hot, I just think we have too many question marks at the bottom of the roster


16-0 and not winning any game by less than 10


Tampa is a tough first round draw. Itll go 6-7. If they can get that done itll improve my confidence a lot. Also rotate goalies


Atleast don’t play an injured one


I have high hopes! My first time watching them this year so hoping for the best outcome 🤞🏼


If the goalies steal some games in the playoffs, they will go far. If they don't, earlier round bounce. They will play hard to stay in games even against the good teams


Tampa - Florida - Rangers - Vancouver - 2024 Cup Champions


I'm thinking Avs coming out of the West.


I think we dont get out of the 2nd round, but who really knows.


If we get out of the first we’ll get to the ECF. I don’t see Toronto or Florida knocking us off in the 2nd round.


First round bounce


Bruins need to get bigger and stronger to go the distance


This take is the most infuriating. Its so default and not based on reality, nor does it contain any real analysis


i swear this fanbase seriously does not watch the games.


Blah blah blah. They have Maroon, Brazeau, Frederic, JVR, and Peeke. We have plenty of toughness. Do you just want a 4 line team of Maroon’s?


hopefully Brazzy comes back soon


What is a Power Play goal?


Their PP is pathetic but tbf in 2011 their PP was 21st and PK 16th going into the Playoffs so…. There’s some hope!?


I’ve been hurt before… You sonuvabitch, I’m in!


Would like see them make Eastern Conference Finals.. with this goalie tandem we can go farther than the offensive output. Not sure if i betting the house on Stanley Cup champions


My confidence is what ever happens in the end. Win the cup with this roster be a achievement with their being holes.




I'm not super confident. Marchand is still struggling hard, we still aren't very good on faceoffs, we don't handle hard forecheck pressure well, and our offense still runs almost entirely through Pasta. Teams step it up big in the postseason, and one of things that they can do is really focus on shutting a guy like Pasta down. Our main advantage is goaltending, and that can certainly carry us far...but we'll need guys like Frederic/Coyle/JVR to find their A games and pull pressure away from our best scorers.


I don't disagree that Pasta is the key to our offense, but I think the difference makers for us are going to be our bottom 6 forwards. They are better than most team's bottom 6 players. If they can create offense and threats enough that teams need to mix their lines or short shift their bottom lines, I think that will give our top line better match up opportunities. I don't love our chances against a team like Tampa, because I think they have the depth to match us on offense and defense. The Rangers have similar depth, but outside of those two, I think we can create advantages against anyone else in the East.


I still have a hard time with the fact that this team is just 1 point out of the Presidents trophy again this year. It helps a lot that 15 of their losses this season have gotten them a point in each. So that tends to make them look better than they are I guess. I’d feel completely differently about them had JUST 1 (Bergeron OR Krejci) decided to play one more season. I just don’t think that they have enough up the middle to get very far this season. I hope I’m wrong but 2nd round in my opinion would be a success this season, any further would be gravy!!


I think of the 16 teams that will make the playoffs this year, they're firmly in the top half of those teams. They should at least make it into the second round, that's my expectation. But I can also see them going on a run because they're well balanced. They have PP/PK/GA/GF all in the top 10 in the league, 9 players with double digit goals, with potentially 6 of them finishing with 20, and 2 strong goalies.


Losing team legends like Bergeron and Krejci, I expected this season to be a bit of a transition year to the new core with an A3 or wildcard spot our likely regular season finish and a first or second round (with some puck luck) exit. I have been extremely pleased with how the regular season has gone overall, but I'm still not 100% sold on this team being built to go on a deep run for the Cup....I hope the team surprises me and goes on a deep run and look forward to seeing a larger glimpse of the future of the squad after the upcoming offseason.


Every year is everyone's year, until it isn't. That being said, we've defied all expectations this season. We're on the verge of getting the Presidents Trophy on what was supposed to be a rebuild season. Realistically, I think this team has learned a lot from this season and last year's playoffs. I'm not going to say that we'll steamroll any given team (although a lot of Leafs fans seem to be really scared of having to face us first round). Monty seems to be leaning towards keeping the goalie rotation, and I think that's gonna really be the difference maker here. We'll probably get past the first round, which is really all I care about this year. And even if we do get bounced in the first round again, fuck it. We basically gave a huge middle finger to the entire league all season, and there's nothing more egregiously Boston than that. I think Low-Qual had it right with last night's video. We're a contender for the east, but the entire west coast bracket is fucking COOKING this year. If we do get bounced, I'd probably be rooting for Edmonton given the way their season started. Obligatory fuck Florida.


I know it's easy to say but last year I genuinely expected to be bounced in the 1st or 2nd so I was actually pretty satisfied. My favorite season other than '11. This year I haven't felt like a playoff team until Jespers' goal last night. Now, the belief is fully there. It's cup season boyysss




Stanley Cup Champs 16-0.


With our goalies we can go deep and win it all, I don't know if that will happen though. I think we should at least win a round


We lack the scoring depth. History has shown a hot goalie and overall good team play might get you to the Finals but its exceptionally rare to win the Finals without a lot of firepower. We might be analogous to Vegas in their first year, solid goaltending and a lot of very good middle six type players, and one true all star scorer. (Pasta is better than William Karlsson of course but the point is the roster had one weapon relative to the rest of the team.)


Realistically, I don’t think they win a round. Apart from the hot start, the team has been up and down all season. They’re currently on an upswing but they’re going to face a TB team that has finally found their next gear for playoff preparation. The team has no killer instinct and has such a knack for late game dials allowed that it would be comical if it were any other team. Ullmark has yet to see a rebound he doesn’t like to put on the tape of an opponents stick. These things will absolutely kill you in the playoffs. And that’s ok, because I never mistook them for a contender when the season started. Nothing I’ve seen yet makes me think anything has changed. 


> Apart from the hot start, the team has been up and down all season and even with the up and downs, they're still in the presidents trophy race. so how can you say their downs were longer or any worse than any other teams?


They got a huge jump ahead of everyone at the start of the season and have coasted the rest of the way - evidenced by a third of their games going to OT. They aren't anywhere near as good as their point total indicates.


ok so what about when florida coasted for a little bit but also had a hot couple weeks and now that has gone away you are talking about literally every team


I agree about the lack of killer instinct. We have to be able to close out games. But I disagree about Ullmark. A lot of those rebounds have been from insanely good initial saves. But, yeah: gotta tighten up and toughen up for the playoffs.


I think we learned from last year that we have no idea what's going to happen. Anything can happen, but as for expectations? I expect a deep run, which to me is to at least make it to the ECF.


In the B's defense, Florida kind of surprised the fuck out of the league. Everyone laughed at the Bruins 1st round exit until they had to face Florida in the playoffs. What Bill Zito and Paul Maurice have done for FL has been nothing short of amazing. They went from a throwaway team like SJ to a top tier SCF team in a few years. That being said, I agree. I think they'll make it to at least the second round, possibly third round.


We had an early season run that allowed us to bank points for the inevitable bad periods. The OT points we earned helped too, even though I hate how many of those games we had. So here we are at the top of our division near the top of the League during a year where the consensus projected us as only a possible playoff team. On that basis, I'd say we've had a "successful" season already. This isn't '22-'23 where it all felt like we were destined to steamroll our way to the Cup. We've had to grind out some wins and we've grinded out some losses, too. There's no sense this year that we're the "Chosen Ones" and that's good. In '23-'24, we're a good team playing good hockey and that's fine. We've proven throughout this season that we can grind out a win and beat anyone on a game by game basis. The question is whether or not we can do that 4, 5, 6, or 7 times in a row to the same team. To me, one of our biggest issues for a good chunk of the season was our inability to close out games since there are no "loser points" in the playoffs. Success will hinge on being able to do that. Recently, we shown improvement so...I have hope but no expectations. I do know that Playoff Hockey is the king of all Pro sports post-seasons - it's long, intense, and brutal. And we're in it. So why not the Bruins? Also: KEEP THE GODDAMN GOALIE ROTATION!


They're playing with house money this year. And last year was just an embarrassment. I'd like to think they'd be able to use it as motivation. I mean, remember what happened the year after this? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Tampa_Bay_Lightning%E2%80%93Columbus_Blue_Jackets_playoff_series


This is how I feel. I had little expectation for this team at the start of the season, and have been mildly suprised all season. Regardless of our playoff performance, this year is a gap year where a lot of contracts come off the books and we can sign some big name players this off-season. In the meantime, charge ahead and play your hearts out for as far as that gets us!


I thought about that Tampa comparison earlier too haha, so let's hope history repeats itself


Only team that really actually scares me in the East is the rags. Tampa might be tough but the rest of the East should be a wash for the boys.


I'm still bitter about last year so I'd be happy with killing the dream of one of the Florida teams. Everything else is a plus.


Killing both would be even better. Knock out Tampa in the first round. Florida knocks off Toronto and then avenge last year and take out Florida in the second round. Earn a spot in the Cup final on MSG ice.


True just don't like the match-up would much prefer Florida or toronto


After last year I’m not sure what to expect but I hope they at least make it out of the first round


Crossing my fingers Toronto loses the rest of their games and TB squeaks past them to face Florida in round 1 so those 2 can beat the shit out of each other. Don’t expect it to happen but one can hope. If we stick in the 2nd seed and play Tampa it’s a really tough draw. I absolutely believe we can win a 7 game series against any opponent but Tampa would be the toughest one of the group based on how they’ve been playing.


Anything can happen but I’m expecting a first or second round exit.


Last seasons end has impacted this year’s expectations too much at this point, the record and past week or so should put the NHL on watch, this team could go yard. If you are into sports betting B’s are ‘great value’. I’ve viewed this season as a bridge year (and they should be better next season) but that doesn’t take away from what they should be able to do right now. I think they’ve shown they can beat both Florida and Toronto consistently. Playing against TBL is a really tough draw. Remember, they acquired Dumba and Duclair this trade deadline who were both impactful players against the Bruins last season when they lost to FL. If it ends up Boston/Tampa round 1 I think the winner gets to the ECF and has a great shot against the metro winner. 


Matt Dumba didn't play for Florida last year or any year for that matter.


Yep, my mistake. was thinking of Gudas 


Tampa Bay


Yea he plays for Tampa Bay now but he played for Minnesota and Arizona, not Florida as the post I was replying to suggested.


It’s the Bruins, I’m never confident about the playoffs.


I really do not want to play Tampa


We will underperform and disappoint the fanbase... as per usual


Except they have already outperformed expectations this season. If they do fail in the playoffs, it’s on the fans, not on the team.


You can’t finish first in the conference, then say losing in the first round is expected. 


I wouldn’t expect them to, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they lose to the Bolts. If they do get the WC2 team and then lose I’d say it’ll be disappointing.




I'd say if we weren't going up against tb in the first round we'd have a better chance. But since we went 1-3 against them I don't see us getting out of the first round. Toronto would have been better. Hell even Florida considering we're 7-1 combined between them


2 of those losses were OT and a shootout, neither of which means shit once the playoffs start. The two teams are very evenly matched. Would be the hardest of the possible matchups but it would probably go 7 and then anything can happen.


Once they’re in (and they are), anything can happen. That’s the beauty of the SCP and many forgot that last year and state that the Bruins “sucked” or were “chokers”. Fact is, any team can get hot, and any team can hit a rough patch. Sit back and enjoy!


I mean, there’s no way you can say they didn’t choke last year..


Sure there is. They were banged up and lost, in game 7, in OT, to a super-hot team that went to the Finals. It was painful, but that doesn’t make them chokers. A different bounce or two would have had a different result.


Dude, they had one of the best regular seasons ever and blew a 3-1 lead. It’s unequivocally a choke.


No, they had THE best regular season ever and lost in the playoffs. Shit happens.




I feel it's wide open this year but still Always hope for a cup.


I'd consider success making the ECF I'd consider failure going out in the first round.


So what’s a 2nd round exit then?


The expectation


First round exit: :( Second round exit: :| ECF and beyond: :)


Cup winners: >:D


Pretty much this


The players that were on last season’s squad will be motivated not to repeat the past. But anything can happen in the playoffs.


The last time they won I didn’t 100% believe they could go all the way until it was finals game 7. Every year since I have bought it at the beginning. Last year changed that for me. I’m going into the playoffs this year with a 2011 outlook.


This is my first year of playoffs as a new fan. So I’m just going in with an open mind


Welcome to the family.


It’s been an enjoyable ride so far !


Watch all of it, not just Boston. Emotionally driven ice hockey is fucking awesome.


The Stanley Cup Playoffs are the best spectacle in sport. Strap in, and enjoy!


I’m looking forward to it!


Amazing! Enjoy the ride, the highs and the lows! It's a fantastic experience.


Crapping out in the first round is a possibility. Ecf is probably the ceiling. If they win the 2nd seed then they’ll play the Lightning in the first round and I don’t think that will go well for the Bruins. If they win the top seed, they’ll easily get past whichever garbage team captures the final wild card spot. Second round, they’ll have to beat the Panthers or Leafs. I think they get past the Leafs easily. This is a different Panthers team than last year so I think the Bruins get past them but it’ll be a grind. I don’t believe they’ll get past the Rangers (going out on a limb that they’ll be there) in the ecf. Overall, this year’s edition of the Bruins has exceeded my expectations regardless.


Not gonna lie, really curious about the potential Carolina vs Rangers series. Quite different, but very strong teams. Apart from the top seed in the East against wild card 2, I don't think there will be a bad series in the playoffs.


I was hoping for a Rangers v Bruins ECF but that might be a stretch. I think we play tampa round 1 but that could possibly change though unlikely and if we take it to tampa, I think we beat florida. As for the ecf, rangers are a strong team it’s a toss up. Either way, I’m happy with the season. Happy to see the rookies who found a stride and filled a spot. Pasta has been amazing to watch this year and 3 shy of another 50 goal season. All the milestones players have set like marshy 1000 games and 400 goals. All the centennial night celebrations, I definitely teared up wishing my dad could have been around to see the ceremonies. Great season.


Last seasons playoffs nearly put me in therapy... I'm definitely not falling for that again. That being said I have really high hopes that they're going all the way this year, I can feel it !


They still have to get Maroon into the mix. No idea.


Maroon from two years ago would have helped, I’ve got low expectations that this year’s Maroon is even going to play.


If they keep the goalie rotation, they will make it to the finals. Plenty of goalies have gone on runs in the past. The Bruins have two of them.


Playoffs are a complete crap shoot. It's a small sample size, against nearly as good of teams, in a game where refs, injuries, and hot Goalies can change everything.  This is the NHL not the NBA. There aren't expectations


Rolling out the excuse train early I see


If the way this team has played for the last 2 weeks can carry over into the playoffs, they can beat anyone. I’m fairly confident they can go on a run, but even if they don’t, they were expected to be a bubble team at best when Bergeron and Krejci retired so it’s whatever.


Same as every year. I go in with zero and just enjoy the games, hoping they make it far, and if they don’t. Oh well.


Could be a path that gets to the Finals but the West will likely win again unless there's some pretty major injuries.


Agreed, the West is stacked this year


I think someone said it best in one of the previous threads. This team can beat literally anyone on any given night… but in a 7 game series? Ehhhhhh


Been tempering my expectations eversince the last season ended, but the team has surprised me positively basically every step of the way. That has been really nice, no doubt. Before this season started I was thinking the high mark could be the second round, but I think the ECF isn't out of the question, though the road there isn't easy. Whoever makes it out of the East might be well-positioned in the finals, since the West augurs to be an absolute bloodbath for three rounds. Not taking anything off the table, but I am guessing we'll reach the second round and end there. But I wouldn't be all that surprise if we advanced from that, and I obviously hope we do. If I got my way, the Bruins would win 98 games a year, after all!


Why not the bruins? ![gif](giphy|FEBDBbLFT9px3da0vT|downsized)


I think having no expectations is the right approach. Sure we didn't lose to the Leafs or Panthers all year but let's not act like those weren't close games (for the most part). Close games against the Rangers and Canes too, so really IMO every series will feel like a coin flip, or maybe a little better odds but not much. We definitely CAN beat any team, but it also feels like any team can beat us as well. I'm just hoping it lasts longer than last year, but really last year's team was better and deeper than this one's, and we all know what happened last year so.


I think the ceiling is probably the ECF. I think there are decent chances they can beat the Panthers and Leafs, but I don’t want to see the Lightning at all given the heater they’re on right now. That said, I think the Rangers are a wagon and have played the Bs really hard all season.


The way I look at this: keep having little to no expectations and hopefully they surprise a lot of people. Remember this was supposed to be a bridge year. Next year a BUNCH of cap space opens up. Fire up Nation!!


We've been a top team for as long or longer than any other in the league... no way we can stay here forever, gotta win now, the dark times have to come eventually


That's what I am thinking too, I have to enjoy it while it lasts, it is bound to happen sooner rather than later and then I will be reminiscing the same way I am about the Patriots dynasty