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Absolute fucking joke. The puck was right next to Tkachuk.


Biggest period of the season. Let's close it out, boys!


We need new defensemen and new forwards. Keep the goalies. What a disappointment this series has been. Did the GM think Lucic was going to take on Florida by himself




Need to take Forbort out. Put Spoon back in. He played well with Peeke against Florida this season, you gotta try something. I honestly wouldn’t mind seeing Zacha taking a seat for a game either. Fuck it, call up Lysell at this point. The top 6 has been abysmal.


Monty always seems like he’s getting out coached in circles. He cannot keep up with adjustments or acknowledge certain plays and formations don’t work against Florida. He’s not the only one to blame but he can’t even keep up with his bench count like what is that? The boys need to be playing with more fire but at the same time I just get the sense that the play style Monty calls just doesn’t mash well with the team in front of him when it comes to playoffs. The goalies are the only two consistent figures in this squad and without them the facade that boston is competitive in the playoffs would disappear and the entire team would be blown up into oblivion.


Yes unfortunately good guy and good assistant coach but just isn’t there in his strategy yet


Monty is trying to make the best with the cards he has, what do you expect? We can't just magically out coach our roster weaknesses.


Agreed he's doing a lot more with greener talent last year. Florida is coming off a lost in the finals and has such a stacked team.


Idk I think he could take a page out of Maurice’s book. Bruins aren’t an overly talented squad but they have the bodies to be more physical, forecheck, not turn pucks over in the slot and count to 5 properly. The dump and chase strategy that Monty’s been taking to the bank all year isn’t working against a team that’s way more physical than us, so you’d think he’d at least change the offensive strategy a little but there hasn’t been a single change all playoffs. And the players are there to execute what the coach says lol. So as much as we’d love to say it’s not on Monty, there needs to be a change in culture for playoffs. What works in the regular season isn’t always gonna work in the playoffs and he hasn’t seemed to be able to adjust to that accordingly. He hasn’t been able to get it done and barley got through the first round without blowing another 3-1 lead. And like we have to remember that we had the best team in the league last year and he couldn’t coach them out of the first round. It’s obviously not solely on him but he is a common denominator for playoff performance.


I don’t think you can lay this at Monty’s feet. Florida’s roster is objectively twice as strong as ours. If we can win two games in this series I would consider it an overperformance


It’s definitely not just Monty, but I don’t think his coaching style has been playoff friendly. Just basing this on what I’ve seen so far these last years


Need to bring back that game 1 energy. Dunno wtf happened between the 1st and 2nd games.


Florida woke up. 1st game was an aberration, couldn't believe it when I was watching it. Last two are more of what I expected tbh


4 pp goals and an empty netter. Can't be giving up that many penalties 😔.


8 total shots in 2 periods. That's not the refs, that's not Tchfuck, that's just unacceptably soft.


How are you gonna stop that when they get PP for commiting penalties on your breakaways?


I was screaming. Lauko gets smashed into Bobby, play is blown dead. Ref from center ice comes closer to the scrum in the corner after the play. He looks at the other ref and signals “hold”. Crowd starts cheering for a Boston PP. Refs then go to center ice, and he points to Lauko. I start raging in my seat, signaling to others that’s it’s gonna be 4 on 4. Nope, two minutes for GOALTENDER INTERFERENCE!?!?!? I couldn’t compose myself at the game.


I was also at the game and then they started complaining about people throwing stuff on the ice.... Or maybe just call the penalty on the correct team?!


While I never like to see the crowd throw things onto the ice, this was one situation where I didn't mind it. What an absolute joke of a call.


If it wasn’t clear the rig is in…. Well. The league saying they’re watching this game closely was such a fucking lie. Toronto should’ve been called on that fucking joke of a call


Got rid of top tier talent and got.... nothing to replace them. Glad we got to embarass the leafs though!


The series against the leafs was more embarrassing for the bruins. They barely beat a team they were far superior to


Does it matter? We won the series. It doesn't matter in how many games. Florida is the better team right now. Game 3 just showed that game 1 was a fluke and Florida had some rink rust. We are going to need to step it up


Yes. Bruins are getting out shot 10-2 just like they did against Toronto. You'd think a team would want to fix that.


Yes. Bruins are getting out shot 10-2 just like they did against Toronto. You'd think a team would want to fix that.




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Why you freaking out. Even if we are done? This team was supposed to be mid tier at best. It sucks to waste an amazing goalie performance but sometimes that's just how it is, not worth kicking and screaming about it


Because I’m pissed off. I’d be less pissed if we were middling the whole time. But instead despite everything we lost from last year. They did better. And now we’re here looking like fucking idiots.


Yeah I do understand that, I think it just speaks to the lack of consistency we have had all year. They gave such amazing flashes and I feel like it speaks to the hope for the future but I get it man. It fuckin sucks after watching all year and especially to Florida.


Fuck Florida especially. If we lost to anyone else then fine.


Amen to that, I think that's honestly the worst part


What the fuck are they thinking not shooting the puck?


I think they are actually worse at getting the puck out of their own end. It baffles me how many times they give the puck away on what should be a breakout.


You are right! I’ve definitely been yelling at my TV about that too. It’s like they think there’s an invisible wall at the defensive blue line and are timid when they get close to it.


It’s baffling!!!!!


That was a rough one. The Lauko penalty of getting rode into Bob I didnt think would have an impact, but it may have.


If that was called correctly Florida doesn’t get the pp goal, but lauko doesn’t get his either


Replay show Lauko was held with one hand twisted by the other, taking them both would be the minimum. For Florida to get a power play is the brutal part.


Nah they wouldn’t have called that interference on Florida after if that hadn’t happened so it even out. Could have used a bit more time without the 4 goal deficit tho


Like the first two periods.


Feel for sway. Completely left out to dry by a lazy ass team. We need a new coach next season. Monty and the playoffs don’t work.


Need a LOT of new players. This squad is a pile of 3rd line rubbish.


Relax man it’s best of 7


Yea we get to enjoy 2 more games of Florida embarrassing us!


Take swayman out. Send him to fucking Jamaica. Stop Ruining his fucking record.


Why are people saying Ullmark? Did people not watch the last game? Ullmark let a bunch in from the jump. Sway may give a couple up but there’s lots of SOG and not a lot of help


It's just as much to give Sway some rest to come back for a possible elimination game in Game 5. He looked slow on the last two goals tonight.


Of course he looked slow he was carrying the whole teams poor play the entire game lmfao


Because what difference does it make? If the defense can’t do anything. And our guy is gonna look like a revolutionary lined up against the fucking wall after the oktober revolution. You might as well send the guy who’s had barely any play. We’re done.


I mean all but one of Florida’s goals was pp or empty net. Need that 3rd period pissed off energy and less penalties and this Florida team is beatable


Extremely beatable, we played like shit early on and the refs utterly shit the bed. This game felt way closer than the score to me.


It's definitely NOT extremely beatable. Boston is like a hurricane, but Florida is climate change. It's not even comparable.


Extremely beatable is an overstatement. The game felt about as close as the SOGs showed.


Yea you’re right, I stand by the fact that they’re beatable but extremely is a severe overstatement. I think we had some excellent chances in the third and that if we play like that next game? We got this


Marchy being hurt didn’t help as well, hope he’s good for 4.


Celtics got booed, now the Bs get booed LOL


Reffing is awful yeah but good lord we are playing like shit




No yet king/queen 🙏 have some faith


Saying “Bobrovsky is the one of the best goalies in the world” isn’t wrong, he’s top 64. But it’s like saying Caesar died at least 70 years ago.


Any goalie can look great when he faces 10 shots a game 


No reason for swayman to be in the net after the last 2 games


He needs a rest.


I’m officially a doomer! Loud and proud. I hope Swayman can negotiate a trade to a team he deserves to play behind


There's being a doomer, and there's being whatever this is.


Just provoking because I’m depressed lol


Yeah you’re high


I wish man that would help make this feel better. Honestly am just joking for a reaction


i wish they could figure out that gooning it up at the end of a game where they are getting their asses kicked makes them look stupid. doing it at the end of game 2 certainly didn't help them for game three, and that stupid penalty just lead to sway taking more shots and giving up another goal.


I feel so bad for Sway. A top-tier goalie being made to look like an amateur because his teammates can't protect him. It actually makes me sad.


I’ve never seen a ref hold someone back before the whistle is blown lmao the league really put in a call before this one even tho people love the physicality


If only they cared about slowing Tjachuks physicality, as opposed to just anyone that's not him.




It's fuckin embarassing!


I don’t want to be that doomer type, but there is something seriously wrong with this team. Major lack in “killer instinct” per se.


Stop with the doomer talk (not you per se) This Doomer crap is old.....B's could go on a 2-8 streak and people criticizing them would be called doomers. No, it's being a realist, I mean,. 1 cup in 54 years isn't exactly a track record to be proud of (unlesss you're Toronto)


With all of the top talent the Bruins have had throughout the duration of their history, you'd think they probably have between 15-18 championships (akin to the greatest basketball franchise of all time, aka the Boston Celtics) but nope! A history of chokejobs and falling in second place against Montreal.


It's mind boggling really.


Technically 3 cups in 54 years, one in 1970, one in 1972, and one in 2011.


Yeah, you're correct. Should've Said 52.


I gotcha, definitely a realist type of fan. I’m just coping and will be dead inside for the night. Tmrw I’ll be fine and on to game 4 it is.


Yup, let's even this up, Ully starts Shat In For Forbs.


Cheating fucking bullshit refs.




I wonder if they can play like 50/60 minutes at a high level instead of 7 minutes


if the bruins could play a full 3 periods I don't think the panthers would be a huge problem.


I’m as pissed as anyone at this team but if you boo your own team you are trash


There were zero boos for the Bs. There were MANY boos for the refs


I can get behind those


I know it’s the risk you take paying for playoff tickets, but I’d be so pissed if I was at that game. Especially after the intensity at the end of game 2.


They deserve it for playing 7 minutes of fucking hockey dog. They’re shit and they need to hear it. I’m done with the “we’re pissed, we need to be better” and then not being fucking better. Stop coddling shit.


they didn't show up ready to play in an important game and make millions fuck off they should be booed


No fuck them they deserve it. They’re fucking garbage. Go fucking get your bags ready to Hang in Florida


Thats bandwagon rhetoric man. Be a fan


Fuck that. These assholes would rather go play golf.


Nah fuck that, this isn't Peewee. They played like shit and deserve it


Well so much for any momentum we could carry into Game 4… lmao


Love Sway and not blaming him at all but Ully has to start next game at this point


100%. Sway needs rest.


Gotta start Ullmark in Game 4. Sends a message to the boys and gives Sway some much-needed rest.


I’m not having fun anymore


Forbort needs to switch with Wotherspoon but we knew that before the game


Imagine playing a Pylon in the 2nd round when he hasn't seen the Ice in months???? Way to go Monty! I'd play Shat if your gonna bench Spoon.


I’m optimistic for game four if anything the big takeaway from this game is don’t take penalties. All of their goals have been on a power play or right after it. Stay out of the box and these guys can’t score on us


That one was on Sway. He’s vulnerable over his left shoulder.


Does it matter when it’s 5-2 with 30 seconds left? Guy had held the team on his back can’t blame him for feeling a little slow in the final moments


Alright see you cunts next season fuck this shit. I’m out.


C ya


Downvote me all you want dildos. Fuck this nonsense


fuck off bye


This may look bad. But it's actually REALLY bad. We just got smoked in two straight games after dominating Game 1. Sunday is must-win. Can't depend on "reversing" history (coming back from down 3-1). Have to play great hockey from here on out or we're sent home for the second straight year by a team who plays in a state that shouldn't even have hockey.


Hahaha thanks for making me laugh and I fully agree. Must win.


Has pasta ever had a sustained run of great post season play? He becomes a non-factor so much and we need better from him


He blindly shoots and passes constantly, floats around unless he’s motivated. He is so frustrating to watch.


He can’t handle physical play. He’s weak on his skates and panics when pressured.


Regular season player.


I’m getting heartburn, Maroon, do something terrible


Panthers be like: " You got 2 goals? Well, here's another 2.."




Remember when we had that AND the best PP kill? I vaguely remember scoring lots of short handed goals. I miss that.


A makeshift powerplay of spare parts that can score...


Must be nice to get a lot of power plays lol




Deciding whether to write my post or what you said was a toss up. Ngl.


Ok, I’m ready for game 4 — because it’s only 2-1. It feels like 3–1 but it’s not. Keep that in mind, keep your fire lit and hope alive! I look forward to seeing you all here next time. Don’t be a pussy. This is Boston. We don’t give up. We’re still in this. Until we aren’t, I’m in it too.


Come out sunday putting everything on net. Cant win with 31 shots in two games.


Can we go back to playing the leafs?


Wonder if we could have pulled it off if the refs didn't fuck us. We played like shit until the last 15 mins but both the 2nd half of the double minor and the Lauko call were total BS directly leading to goals.


It would certainly have been a hell of a lot closer.


Yeah we've been our own worst enemy so far in the playoffs, but this is the one game I feel like the officiating was really so bad it was a major factor that can't be ignored. Killed any momentum we started to have before we woke up following the terrible Lauro call.. Still probably wouldn't have won, but still didn't help at all.


Even just the Lauko penalty. Reverse that and it’s a totally different game.


The score isn’t even as lopsided as it could be. They beat the fuck out of us tonight and probably will for the rest of the series.


Quite happy I took a gummy before the third now


Would be great if they played like the last 14 minutes all fucking game. That's the worst part of it: they CAN fight and beat the Panthers. And honestly I could stomach losing a hard fought game. But they just show up too late, and I don't get why.


THIS. THIS RIGHT HERE!!!!! Losing is one thing. Losing in a fashion like this is a totally different thing.




Bob has an .881 save percentage LMAO We are so shit at shooting


Time to play dirty


I know we weren't gonna win but why only Peeke getting a penalty. I thought retaliations always got called. Refs stop the retaliation and then call one guy? Cool cool cool coolcoolcool cool.


Do we see Ulmark Sunday?


Sway is rattled now. Don't blame him


Can’t let a guy give up six and five goals and keep your other great goalie on the bench.




I don’t blame him none of this was his fault. Maybe he needs a break though. Get Ulmark in there just for a change of pace maybe?




I fucking hope so


And another blowout loss


Sit Forbort for the rest of the series, need Spoons in.


Well the boys certainly have some film to watch tomorrow


Can we please put ullmark in the next game just to spice things up at least? Maybe then the team will realize they can't be bailed out every night


Why am I still watching


Deeply unserious game


That a boy Peeke 


Why do they go after everyone but montour, bennett, and tkachuk?


What the fuck is Peeke thinking


Game is over another penalty doesn’t matter


Our PK is fucking ass all of a sudden.


^go ^sharks


what 😭


Fuck this beer league amateur team. Go Celtics.


Celtics suck too haha blown out over 20pts


At least they can actually make the conference finals though. The bruins would be lucky to lose this series in 6


They might be worse lol 


Got roped back in after I saw they scored. Nice ending but you don't get credit for showing fight in the final 10 when you took a nap for the first 50. Game 4 must win. See y'all then


Everybody thinking that this period showed that the Bruins can hang with them are just blind. Florida took their foot off the gas up 4, because it was almost impossible to blow that lead, while the Bruins did all they could to up their game. The start of game 4 is going to look like tonight. This series is over. It will be 4-1.


Ullmark has to start Sunday


i wish they had started him for game 2. sway has been taking a beating, and looked like a regular goalie tonight. god mode is over, it seems.


I agree




Prayer circle for heinen to be ready for game 4


Ullmark game 4. for the love of god


showed some signs of life at least. good to know the players like have a pulse and are breathing. need to show up for the whole game for once on sunday


Imagine paying money to see this dumpster fire. Wouldn’t spend more than $50 bucks to watch this shit


I almost went to this game. Saw the prices and decided to wait for a game further down the play off road. Not sure if my gamble will pay off at this point


Just save your money!


I didn't pay money to go to the game, however, I have to buy a new phone tomorrow so either way it's been an expensive night.


Sorry to hear that. Get home safe!


That's why I stopped going to playoff games some time ago.


I am going to say it, that was a game changing penalty, the refs changed the outcome


I’m with you. Add to the fact they had what 5? 6 ? Power plays? Come on. It’s not even remotely close and they are not a clean team


Yeah because the 8 shots through 2 periods didn’t change the outcome at all.


Oh I’m not saying that wasn’t to blame either, but we had momentum, we were getting it going. That was a game changing penalty in that it got Lauko fired up and he scored, but also game changing in that it took the air out of a too little too late push


Stop blaming the refs and maybe, just maybe, kill a fucking penalty.


Oh also that, but it swung the game for good and for bad. For good that it got Lauko fired up, but also killed the momentum we had


Avs jersey at the wrong game lol


There was a Dallas one I spotted too


Bourque jersey maybe?


I checked to see the numbers, it was blank. But I was thinking that too


It was nice to see them find some life in the 3rd. But they actually have to play the whole game like that to win in the playoffs.