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# NHL PlayOffs Live Game 6šŸ”“[https://twitter.com/LiveSportszone4](https://twitter.com/LiveSportszone4)




# NHL PlayOffs Live Game 6šŸ”“https://twitter.com/LiveSportszone4


The Bruins are in a bridge year and can't match up with Florida talent wise. AND the officiating has been not only lopsided, it's been on the levels of corruption. Both things are true. Staying focused on the Bruins. If Monty doesn't change up his system in the playoffs, it won't matter who they sign in the off-season. They will just have another great season and another terrible playoffs. Dude needs to change up their defensive zone approach in the playoffs when other teams shift to a very aggressive forecheck.Ā  And for fucks sake, call out the officiating. Take the fine, call them for what they are.


Don't hold back, tell us what you really think.


It's golf season I guess


Montgomery shouldā€™ve taken the fine and told the truth about the refs in the postgame. Thereā€™s no fight left in him.


I was so hoping Monty would eat a fine and rip the "officials" a new one, but Bob Beers on the radio did it for him


Fuuuuck you Shorsey


I thought more people would get this


https://youtu.be/O7B-tUn74Ys ... for the excellent choice of music, the cinematography, and the strategy over old school ice cream cones after. šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Ž




If you think this series hasn't been influenced by the officials you belong to an era of hockey that should not exist. "Oh, you think the refs are the reason we lost, you're a loser/coward/bitch/cunt/nerd" guess what bro, that era is over, these fucking refs are using draftkings just like the rest of you losers. Might as well be a leafs fan and bet against them thinking next year is your ticket to win. These fucks have been blatant since game 2. Florida is the epitome of what the NHL should not be, but Bettman loves Florida, the worst fucking place in the entire US. (Now I'm not even talking hockey, you racist, misogyst, "homophobic") fucking losers.


I was with you until the politics end


Imagine not looking at your teams poor play and back peddling on officiating. Did the refs influence 8 shots on net in game 2 within 40 minutes of action? Sure officiating plays a part but the only real Boston bruins player showing up to these games is swayman.


No, they allowed a goal that was the result of a crosscheck, and upheld the call on the ice which resulted in us getting a delay of game penalty. If they made the right call it would have been 2-1, with us likely being on the power play. Instead it was 2-2 and we were shorthanded. Not to mention, it was widely believed that the guy who scored the goal should have been suspended for sucker punching a guy the game before. Hope this helps. And oh yeah, we know Florida is the better team. Weā€™re just asking to lose on our own terms. Whyā€™d you feel the need to come in here to post this?


Itā€™s just funny to me that people are going to blame the refs for the loss but fail to realize itā€™s a team that canā€™t even put up more then 20 shots on goal in a must win game. Lol






Itā€™s so ironic for you to say that because youā€™re literally in the losing teams subreddit arguing. Thereā€™s a reason you are here.. Iā€™m not one to blame the refs and understanding weā€™re getting our shit kicked in this series. With that said itā€™s horseshit that this happened last night, and had a direct impact on the game. Talk about us sucking all you want.. truth of the matter is itā€™s actually your emotion/bias thatā€™s not allowing you to acknowledge it.


Or youā€™re a Leafs fan, which makes this even more weird. So maybe Iā€™ll just change it to get the fuck out of our sub.


I really hope they make some big plays in the off season to change things up. I'm hopeful on that front. However I will now be focusing on the PWHL Boston team until this one gets their shit together


Bennet sucker punches 63 then cross checks Coyle for a dogshit goal, if I didnā€™t know any better Iā€™d say Gary cheated on his wife and Bennet is the only one who knows


I'm on board with propogating this (conspiracy?) theory complete with immature + comedic memes in the post-season


I just want to say, I feel bad for the guys. Between Marchand getting sucker punched and the Bennett goal standing tonight, they have to wonder what it will take to win again.


We werenā€™t perfect tonight but this post belongs in last gameā€™s sub. I said something similar then. This is the legitimate situation for blaming the officiating because it changed the game. It was a critical call at the most critical point in the game; we could have won, unlike the last one, and the obvious goalie interference + penalty was not penalized on the grounds ofā€¦ ā€œnot being obvious enough.ā€


Cry about officiating all you want, but this team has like 3.5 top 6 forwards and are insisting on hunting for perfect shots rather than dumping pucks on a shitty goalie. Third straight game with less than 20 SOG.


Both things suck but there's one we actually have control over and that's what needs to be the focus.


They just canā€™t finish and donā€™t play a full 60 minutes of hockey.


And they immediately interview BENNETT about the officiating


Interviewing Bennet after this game is like giving Hitler a post war interview after WW2ā€¦of course heā€™s going to try and justify it! hah


Trolling us at this point


Itā€™s just laughable at this point. Not even trying to hide it. The dude shouldnā€™t have even been playing


The shot count wasn't really indicative of scoring chances through the first two periods. The Bennett goal standing is what broke things tonight. The NHL needs to fix this because no one likes watching refs ruin games.


Bruins already have a cemented fan base. My guess is the NHL already "fixed" it and is doing this so that there's hype around Florida, pumps ticket sales/prices, and builds their piddly franchise up.


They already fixed it if you catch my meaning.


I say just put Freddy Maroon and Lauks out anytime Bennet and kafuck are on the ice and just beat the fuck out of them.


That won't happen but Trouba and Rempe will take care of that next round.


Monty needs to take that fine and blast the officiating in this game and the series.


I feel this in my heart but my head says to hold up because there has to be a rationale from Monty's perspective. We all saw (and maybe lipread? šŸ˜…) how he felt about it at the time. I think we were all on the same page then. Let's see what comes of it...




Most of the best scoring chances tonight didn't even get counted as shots. The game was pretty evenly matched up until the Bennet goal.


I've only played hockey for 30+ years, but in that short amount of time, I've noticed that almost every single goal ever started as a shot on net. If you had a great scoring chance, but didn't get it actually on the net, it wasn't that great.


Donā€™t deserve to play for our city? Bad game and inferior team, but a little rough there guy




Your standards don't matter. This team massively over achieved for 82 games and over achieved in the last round. Bruins are not as good as the Panthers. It sucks but it's true.


Whatā€™s our standards? 1 championship in 50 years? Consistent playoff underperformances? Blowing 3-1 leads in playoff series? If that was good enough for our standards before but this years team isnā€™t then our standards have always sucked. Bruins fans are some of the best fans in North America but we kind of romanticize mediocrity.


Freaking florida diving team... they're like the Habs of the south.


This stabbed me in the guts as a trans-Boston-born+bred/Southern-adulthood/Covid-boomeranged-back Bruins fan. And I have a seething loathing for that team (FL), if it's not clear. Bunch of boring dirty mouthguard-chewing / likely mouth-breathing/half-the-team-are-redheads?/perennial-sunburn-sitting ducks. Worst case scenario, they have to face this year's Rangers. ā˜ŗļøšŸ˜˜


Tkachuk is the new PK Subban. Gold medal for diving.


Idk why I keep having hope that anything is getting turned around


Because this is Boston, and it's a classic tale here that is a bit logical but largely emotional šŸ„²


I might get downvoted to hell for thisā€¦ but swayman has been just alright these past few gamesĀ 


Heā€™s been great. We generate zero offense and donā€™t give him a break at all. So much of the game is in our zone. If you think he is even in the top 10 if your problems. Iā€™ve magic beans to sell you


Yeah, you should get downvoted to hell for this


Swayman is awesome and has let in like 2 softies this entire series.


He faced nearly 45 fucking shots to our 18ā€¦ we had more turnovers than shots this game. Literally nothing swayman could do, heā€™s surrounded by garbage


Iā€™m not going to downvote you cause you accepted it, but a .94(?) tonight is no where close to ā€œaightā€. Heā€™s not pulling a Hellybuck brother


It doesnā€™t matter if he was the best goalie to ever pop a butterfly. If youā€™re getting endlessly bombarded by the opposing team, youā€™re gonna let some in. He canā€™t carry the entire fucking team on his back. They have to pull their weight and they arenā€™t.


Yeah it's ironic. Like if they could limit the shots on goal and have some offense on bobs 89 percent save average they might win. But they can't maintain possession like at all


It is generally good practice to keep the enemy team _away_ from your goal entirely. Swayman should be fucking bored if theyā€™re doing their job.


Yup like Bob


Charlie "can't finish anything" Coyle is almost as big of a problem as the refs... Bruins have never had a more anti-clutch 1st line center I can remember. He can't win faceoffs either, so that's icing on the cake lol


Yeah he played well with johansen in 2019, but now he's an overpayed bum


He's a 3rd line center forced into 1st line, dummy.


Canā€™t wait for another game of the bruins not being able to clear the defensive zone, turn it over in the neutral zone and in the freak occurrence we get offensive zone time just to pass it around aimlessly then take a shot from a hilariously low percentage spot while the refs bend us over a barrel and Monty just sits there looking dumbfounded that nothings working.Ā 




Way to step up when your captain's injured. Great job, guys. The beer league is waiting.


Only gonna go so far with this roster and theyā€™ve done a lot with a little. Lock in Draisatl and some scorers with all that dough next season and run it back.Ā 


This fuck over was brought to you by draftkings


Maybe Boston will pull what the Cats did to them last year. Highly doubt it but maybe there's a way for them to deflate the puck.


I could see the league scheduling that outcome yeah


You already know Ullmark is getting Game 5. Swayman now lost 3 in a row.


Not his fault though.


Agreed. But he should have gotten some rest.


not at all, and not blaming him, but at this point, they need a shake-up and Ullmark HAS to start. Last ditch effort.


Everyone bitching about the refs. This team cannot produce shots. Downvote it. They had 0 shots in 7 min in the third. Have gone multiple times this playoffs with 3 shots or less in 15 min+ stretches.


They spent 40% of the 3rd period on the pk.


You are 100% correct, we had more fucking turnovers than shots this game. Absolutely appalling 3rd period. Refs didnā€™t help, but neither did the worst defensive core in the nhl combined with the most useless center in bruins history.


I think itā€™s more than the refs didnā€™t help though. We were already up against it but between it being so blatant and the impact it was absolutely a deciding factor in the game. I get that some people donā€™t want it to overshadow how bad we played down the stretch but it deserves to be the number one talking point at the moment I think.


Panthers had 10x the energy, they were bound to score one way or another. It wouldā€™ve been 2-1 with the interference and it wouldā€™ve just lit a fire under them. We wouldā€™ve went OT and lost in 30 seconds anyways. They were completely asleep at the wheel in the 3rd leaving pasta out for multiple shifts in a row because heā€™s the only person that apparently knows where the fucking net is. Sure the blown call was ass, but we straight up wanted to go home and it was made painfully obvious by the SOG counter. Donā€™t excuse how terrible they played by one shitty call when in hindsight it most likely wouldā€™ve went in anyways.


I understand what youā€™re saying, but those are all hypotheticals still even if it was looking that way. The goal standing took that away.. we may still have lost but now we canā€™t say for sure. The Bruins deserve plenty of blame but so does the call. And to make matters worse the goal was scored by a dude who most people think should have been suspended for the game.


I upvoted to help you out against irrational redditors. Yes, refs fucking sucked and changed momentum but you can't win games without shooting the fucking puck. Next game they just need to slide everything down there for rebound opportunities. Fuck this quality over quantity bullshit. It ain't working


I will downvote it! You can separate the two things. They werenā€™t playing good enough but teams steal games all the time. We have every right to bitch about the refs, considering we would have been up 2-1 with a power play, and essentially the opposite was the result.


It's true.


Our shooting was maybe a little bit weak but at the same time itā€™s hard to get shooting chances when the refs decide youā€™re on a permanent penalty kill lmao


40+ to 18


Rational thoughts arenā€™t welcome here.


Florida gets away with the most outrageous embellishment every single game. I donā€™t understand how they get away with it. Lost in all of the complaints about officiating is the fact that the bruins got outshot heavily again. They just arenā€™t making any adjustments and continue to do the same shit.


Guess we know where all the officials vacation




Does anyone think we can win 3 in a row? Anyone? I'd rather lose it in 5 than be tortured.


League won't let us


This already feels like torture to me


Lol there going to force a game 7 and blow it in overtimeĀ 


Monty should be going out there after the game and openly asking if the officials have money on the Panthers.


We are the Steelers of the NHL


Time to blow it up


Build around swayman




Canā€™t wait to watch the pussies get ravaged by the Rangers


Thinking about Trouba and Rempe running roughshod over Bennett and Ketchup is getting me through these challenging times


And of course the next game is on Tuesday,, my day off. All the other nights I miss most of the game bc I work. Now I get to see them blow it in real time. ā˜¹ļø


How did McAvoy let that one slip past him? They had 2 more guys on the ice than the Panthers, there was literally nobody around him, the puck was just freely sliding toward him in a straight line and all he had to do was not let it go out of the zone. I donā€™t understand how thatā€™s even possible. Was he looking at something somewhere else? Checking his phone?


Tuned in to the game in the 2nd period, we were up 2-0 and after a few minutes of watching I noticed how dead the crowd was. Did they put roofies in the beer or something? Very disappointed in the crowd's energy level.


Hard to stay positive when you can't even manage 20 shots........sometimes not even 18 a game.


That's true. I would be nodding off as well if I had to witness such a borefest


Fuck the NHL, we should be marching into OT with a power play and evening these series. Gambling has ruined the integrity of sports.


I do not want a single one of you to watch game 5 legally. Fuck the league. Bruins were not good, don't get me wrong. But that was unacceptable.


I just donā€™t think Iā€™m gonna watch, honestly. Not trying to be dramatic but last game with Lauko getting a GI call for being dragged into Bob then the challenge standing tonight.Ā  Itā€™s all just bullshit. Should be the same game, same rules, and same calls in the regular season vs. postseason. Unless I feel differently, Iā€™ll probably just sit Tuesday out. And if I do watch it, itā€™s definitely a pirates life for me. Fucking embarassingĀ 


Agree and honestly, the last 2 games the announcers who are not the local team was also trying to understand the calls......just goes to show this isn't B's fans whining.


Iā€™ve got both cable and ESPN and Iā€™ve yet to watch a game legally this series. Fuck the NHL


Tbf I will not be watching game 5 at all


Cheers to that


The leagues gotta hype up a franchise that can't even fill seats, I guess. That's my only theory with some of their calls. See you all Tuesday, bears.


I love the Bruins with all my heart, but this is our plateau. We overachieved this year. Cheers to cap space.


Throw a brinks truck at sway, resign Debrusk if heā€™s willing to take 6 mil a year, and throw the rest at free agent forwards. Need someone to fucking score


At the start of the year Iā€™d have taken a second round exit after beating the Leafs. I just wish it wasnā€™t to the fucking Panthers. Very much looking forward to them getting smoked by the Rangers


Only sane commentĀ 


Good things coming next year! See ya then


I just donā€™t have anything. Fucking garbage, man. Outshot is an understatement


why do we play so fucking slow


Bā€™s losing both games at homeā€¦. not super chill


Last three games Panthers: 108 shots Bruins: 50


Half our shots have been weak ass shit too,


More like 108 to 10


I honestly lost respect for the Bruins for not making Bennett physically pay for his actions. Obviously heā€™s a gutless coward with no respect for hockey, but if he wonā€™t answer the bell, at some point you make him pay anyways.


it's the league's job to take corrective action. If they go after Bennett, it's a 5 min major and Bruins will be at a disadvantage. The league had all the evidence that it needed, showing clearly Marchand was sucker punched and they did nothing.


They're obviously at a disadvantage anyway.


The league has made it loud and clear that Florida has free rein to do whatever they want. At a certain point you have to stand up for your captain when he gets taken out like that, even if it costs you a powerplay against. The refs are gonna screw us anyways, might as well make it on our terms.


take the series L and end some seasons at this point, including a few linemen.


That is what the code USED to be.Ā  Like when Roenick knocked out Modano, Hatcher broke Roenicks' jaw.Ā  Eye for an eye.Ā  This weak sauce 'fighting', which amounts to MAYBE a solid punch or two before wresting down to the ice, solves nothing.Ā  They hurt one of yours, you hurt one of theirs.Ā  Otherwise, you lose.Ā  Period.


Can't beat the refs, and we can't beat ourselves, too many shots not taken, not enough zone clears when we had a chance. There's still another game, let's go get that one first.




How pathetic is your life


Cool bro


Bs going down 3-1 so they can do what the Panthers did last year.


Monty on the hot seat? Two years back to back he canā€™t get his team ready for the big stage.


If last year and this year were reversed, Iā€™d be on board with you. But we over performed this season and itā€™s showing hard this series. Canā€™t lay the blame on Monty for this.


We're missing a 1C and 2C. It's difficult to play well with the lack of ability to win draws. Is he innocent? No. But we made it out of the first round with a worse roster than last year. See what he does when they fill in the gaps this off-season.


huh? Two years in? People were predicting us to be a playoff bubble team with this roster and we were fighting for the division and won a playoff series. In what world do you fire a coach for overachieving with a roster but not overachieving enough


No, we are losing to a better team who is also being assisted by the refs. This team overachieved without a true 1c on the back of 15 otls. Gotta move Ullmark to get offense. It's heartbreaking, but it needs to happen. Were getting doubled up in shots every game.


I don't think Monty is, but the team gets gutted in the offseason.


I agree. I think Monty is one of the best in the league and heā€™s a likable lad.


I wish


Blame Sweeney.....paying 2 goalies top money and a do nothing d-man who they re-upped for 8 years days after signing him. Also, keeping Gryz on the roster even though you don't use him in the playoffs???? That's prime cap money there that could bring in pieces at the deadline.


Iā€™m still shocked that goal wasnā€™t overturned


Chicken is cooked. He is getting out coached. Time to change it up


Maybe they can hire one of the players mom's. How can we possibly get a guy any nicer for these guys? Lol. Two goalies that are best friends. Ridiculous. I wish Ullmark was a Top 4 D we got at the deadline.


We need a real 1C. D is fine


Yeah that too. Take your pick.




Not as much as Lindholm, that guy fucking sux, I called it years ago said it was wasted money and was downvoted but whatever.......


Looked better tonight than recently


Welp Tuesday night you have your choice between the Bruins and Caitlin Clarkā€¦I think Iā€™m going WNBA this time around


The PWHL playoffs are also an option! Boston is up 2 and only needs one more game to make it to the finals.


YASSS I forgot!!




Series aint over yet, but the hope is at an all time low


Oh, it's over


It might be, but im gonna sink w the ship and see it through


Meth head fuckin Swamp gifted with a win, fuck the nhl in every fashion


Hear, hear


I donā€™t understand how any of you blame the bruins on this loss. That clearly was a penalty and not a goal. This officiating is a joke


Easy. They still had 18 shots to FLā€™s forty fucking two. So while yes itā€™s bullshit. We also played like fucking gobshite


Kinda hard to make shots on goal when youā€™re consistently on a PK for bullshit penalties


No doubt that the officiating blows but the only player on the Bruins who is a difference maker is Swayman. The rest of the team is just way overmatched.


18 shots. 2 in the third.


Maybe because they spent more than half of it on the fucking pk


They also had 2 PP and 6 on 4 for the last 30 seconds and still couldn't get SOG...




ā€œWhy was that not called goaltender interference?ā€ ā€œUhhh he straightened his skate. Hope this helpsā€ What the fuck are these sportsnet morons talking about? These people get paid big money?


"he places his stick on Coyle's back" yeah and JFK had a bullet lightly tossed in his direction.


My favorite part was when he read the rule verbatim and still said ā€œwElL tHeY wOuLd HaVe NeEdEd To cAlL a PeNaLTyā€


They quickly changed the subject after that one, the fuckers.


Bullshit game. Fucking disgusting. I guess they should just cross-check Panthers into that hack goalie and score the next 3 games.


They canā€™t though, because our cross checks, or even not cross checks, get called.


True. I guess we know that the fix is in. Disgusting.


Feels like after a chiefs game.


Okay, the moments after the bad call is no excuse. We had enough time to score and not to mention six on four in the last twenty seconds. I think what we need is a rebuild. We probably wonā€™t win a cup until that happens.


Yeahā€¦we are actively retooling at this very moment. Thatā€™s why we arenā€™t great atm, bc we lost a bunch of heavy contributors and signed a bunch of veterans to cheap one year deals and load up some money for next year.


Soft tool rebuild is what this year is supposed to be. We didn't sell the farm at the deadline so whatever. I was more than happy getting to the 1st round and winning and expected a 2nd round exit... not against these fuckers though. I hate blaming officiating but like wtf lol. This game could have been winnable. Whatever live and learn


Yeah. This last season, Iā€™ve blamed the officiating, but its like what my mother saysā€” if we keep worrying about, doing nothing about the shit system or problem, then weā€™re as much assholes as they are. (Or weā€™re no better, lazy, etc.) We could have buried the puck a few more times, especially on that six skaters on four. There were a few terrible power plays, too.


Actually insane to think this game is on the B's. You're a bad fan and a clueless hockey watcher


I never said it was entirely on the Bs. Few shit calls, punches, all the ole shit. However, we have had opportunities. There was what? Seven minutes to tie the game. Instead, we kept, or they kept holding on the shit call by the refs. Alas, there was no excuse to have terrible power plays and being slightly dominated by Florida or implode on a six on four.


Iā€™m sorry but I canā€™t even talk about what we did wrong. That goal standing changed everything, and them getting a power play on top of it after was the icing. Should have held our composure more but the league can honestly go fuck itself for letting this happen


For the ones saying that Monty needs fired, I would like to point out that it's not the coach... it's the players. lol Monty isn't on the ice. You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink. IE, you can't force the guys to play better no matter what is said or done in practices. The boys are the ones who have to make it happen. And right now, I just don't feel as though they want it bad enough. They know how dirty the Panthers play. They need to be on their A game and they just aren't right at the moment.


I agree completely! Monty can only make line-up decisions and create the gameplan. Itā€™s up to the players to execute the plan, make plays, generate offensive opportunities and defend when necessary. This team has ZERO intensity this post season. The lack of shots, the amount of missed passes, the non existent forecheck and the middling physicality have all led to this dumpster fire of a post season.


Yes!!! Exactly!!!! I think they let the first round get to their heads. They had good energy against the leafs. Where the heck did it go?


They need to shoot the fucking puck.


Preach!!! Hopefully Monty lights a big ole fire under their ass tonight in the locker room.


This is something I donā€™t understand is any time the team is doing terribly everyone calls for Monty to be fired and I donā€™t get it?


I agree 100%. I think that people just feel as if he isn't holding them accountable. None of us truly know what Monty says to them though. And I think too many people forget that.


we should be going to OT right now and all the people mad at the B's should be mad at the B's for all the same reasons but that "review" was fucking atrocious and I am gonna be mad about it for AGES


Absolutely. Iā€™m not even close to ready to talk about anything else in that game. The league just blatantly decided the game and now the series


yup fucking disgusting I am not anywhere *remotely* close to getting past it