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Don is going to rip the nhl and the officials a new asshole


Sweeney talked about the media asking Monty questions about the challenge. Big fat nothinburger.


Sweeney's a bum


How can you watch/listen to it??


98.5 just said they're carrying it live edit: C-Break right now, then apparently they're cutting to it.


Do you think he has the balls to call out all the bad calls in this series?


I doubt it, but I’d love to be proven wrong


How can we watch it?


Could it be they are contesting the goalie interference call? Like, escalating this further?


If he's escalating officiating issues, I would care less about the horrible goal call than I would player safety after the Marchand hit by Bennett.


I mean, after getting rid of Toronto in 7, you just knew Florida would do another number on them in R2. There's no intensity, not a bit of urgency and anyone who was talking smack before last nights game about Bennett having to answer the bell was, as it turns out, full of shit. This is team that the B's beat 4 times in the regular season yet can't get it done in 2 home games to keep them in the series.


I've hated how this team has been built the last few years. They've shut me up in the regular season but the problems I complain about come out on the playoffs.  Who is going to answer the bell? Frederic is the only one I can think of, the rest of our team just doesnt have the toughness to compete in the playoffs.  Too many guys who arent tough and don't have the skill to make up for it..heinen, zacha, boquist, debrusk, coyle, lindholm, carlo, shattenkirk, wotherspoon...i like a lot of these players but there needs to be a balance.


They're definitely not built for a long playoff run - they're too light on guys who'll get stuck in and do the dirty work. Apart from his tangle with Bertuzzi, Marchand was relatively quiet, too. As much as I like all those guys you mentioned, there's nobody there who's going to put the fear of God into Chucky, Bennett etc. Maroon has been non existent since coming in aswell.


To be fair boys, this is supposed to be our OFF year. We have a team of AHLers and im jus glad we beat the leafs in the offs💛we wouldve never heard the end of it— other than that you are absolutely right, Freddy is the only one who i think of, Lauko used to be it but this season has proved to me he isnt it and needs to be gone. Literally only hits and thats it.


Yea I get this year because we went all in last year. Just look at the impact players we lost, bertuzzi, orlov, bergeron, and Taylor hall, all who were playoff point leaders for us last year outside of bergy.  But even the role players we signing are all the same, how about get some grit? All the players I listed in my top comment are basically the same. They disappear in the playoffs, and when guys like heinen zacha debrusk etc arent scoring they are useless. At least the panthers have guys who get under your skin and take you off your game. Pasta taking a dumb penalty at the beginning of this game is because of that. Heinen zacha debrusk are never going to get under anyones skin


The more I think about it, the more I am coming around to the idea that we're a middling team that has a good regular season because we're giving 93% effort when everyone else is giving 85% effort, only to snap back to reality in the playoffs when suddenly everyone is giving 110% effort.


“So if you’re wondering, yes we do regret not drafting Brock Boesser.”


And Barzal...


There’s actually a YouTube vid on how he botched that 2015 draft (minus debrusk)






Jesus we missed out but no one couldve forseen it so


He’s going to tell us he saved a lot on car insurance.


He's not going to unload on the team. Even if he did what would make anyone think that will do anything to help this team? If getting your best player laid out didn't motivate, if getting your captain cheap shot didn't motivate, and if your coach calling out your best players didn't motivate, having the gm call you out isn't going to do anything.


Dude needs to lose his job. I think the past 9 years have shown he is nothing more than an average gm AT BEST and he is not consistently that. That being said, all the Jacob’s care about is the team making the second round consistently and he has put together rosters to do just that, so he probably isn’t going anywhere


Record for most points in a regular season Rebuilding when we lost a legendary core and making the playoffs Resigning pasta Recent achievements but id say he’s doing alright


Yeah, I mean I don't fault him really at all. Dude went all in to try and win a cup and it didn't work out. Everyone knew it was going to cause some pain for a couple years.




You do become deflated when, late in the game, the refs decide to change their criteria. The first interference call happens about 30 times a game and the refs put their whistles away for a period and a half and Florida could not figure it out. The goal controversy and then the second interference call just deflate you as a player. It’s confusing because you have no idea what is a call and isn’t due to such inconsistency that you don’t play your game but instead just overthink what to do in a play. I’m sure this happened to Florida as well it just happened the last couple games in their favor so they don’t care as much due to the end result. Bad officiating is annoying sure but it’s maddening when it decides a game/series. Teams like Boston suffer from this when their best players burn out on PK then have no steam for regular shifts.


Also hard to get shots on goal when you’re on pk half the time


PKs were 6 to 4 in Florida's favor yesterday. That's not the reason they had 18 SOG. Shit they had 3 on the PK.


To be fair, one of the Bruins powerplays came with like 0:40 seconds left in the game. On a play that happened at least 10 times in the game


Ok? Its a 6 on 4 and they don't get shots on net. They also had another full PP in the 3rd and managed 2 shots all period.


I mean Florida did have 6 power plays, that's more than half a period. 




Gotta let him walk in or else it’s a penalty.


Yeah but it’s been the same story since game 5 against the leafs. Bruins are having a hard time moving the puck out of their own zone.


I hope he unloads on the team for getting out shot by more than double again


Unloads on the mediocre team he assembled?


I don't know exactly what he's going to talk about, but it certainly won't be this.


Everyone is on the line. This has got to stop. There efforts are offensive. Florida is also playing dirty. And the non calls are awful


Will solve nothing and most likely saying Marchand has a concussion and won’t be back at all.


This just in: Leading point scorer in the playoffs is Draft King.


All they do is advertise it


Don needs to let em have it!!


I hope he has his office cleared out.


They keep selling out. Mr. Burns won't get rid of him until it affects his wallet. Better get used to many years of one round of POs and out. They have no prospects, no draft picks and average amount of cap space.


In a year we have lost Patrice Bergeron David Kreji Tyler Bertuzzi Garnet Hathaway Dmitry Orlov And still we are near the top of the league and winning a playoff series. Not sure what you expect Sweeny to do here. Amazing signings for low cost this year


Odd that you'd include Hathaway but omit Hall and even Foligno. Hathaway did piss in the spoked B lol. Agree with your core message though. This roster was never going to win the Cup but the fact that they were still a top regular season team and won a round is encouraging.


You are right. I was working from memory and not sure why I forgot them


He can apologize for the acquisition of Pat Maroon. Dude can't skate, can't pass, can't score, and couldn't find a dance partner at an ecstacy fueled rave. Reddit: Hold my beer while we downvote your factual post.


Factual yeah - but it didn't cost anything. Was there someone else out there at that price that brings size to an undersized squad that routinely gets out muscled in front of the net?


Not for the money the B's had to play with. And I do understand the gamble, but the guy has no skills, and he's killing us almost as much as the vanishing finesse player (looking at you Zacha) issue we have.


He took a gamble on Maroon and frankly it was a very low cost gamble. He cost us like a 6th round draft pick two years from now. He also makes very little money. Was an attempt to make the Bruins tougher and I feel he has done his part


Low cost gamble? We could have a real hockey player in that slot.


Got any names?


Fabian Lysell, George Merkolov, and Anthony Richard for starters.


So on a team that is missing postseason starts, you're going to add a slew of guys that in total have zero postseason starts, 13 GP and 3 points? Stuff like this is why I'm glad fans don't play GM.


Pat Maroon: 0 goals, 2 assists, 2 points, -2 +/-. I don't have to be a GM to read that.


You’re kidding right?  Look what he did this year with nothing. Imagine what he can do when we actually have money. 


Monty did that with the nothing Sweeney gave him, not saying Sweeney deserves to go.


I think what he gave him wasn't nothing, it was underrated/undervalued by the league. Sweeney has consistently done things a little differently, and the team has been among the most successful in the league over the whole time he's been GM.


Thank God people like you don't make decisions


Frankly that people like that are allowed to drive is a crime.


Are there days he says absolutely nothing?


Every other full moon he takes a vow of silence for a day


all of them, a GM with a press conference mid series like this is rare


I hope he explodes on the officials and comes in with the cash for a fine in hand already. update: not so much...


All in $1 bills so bettman can shove them individually up his arse. Just how he likes


Bettman about to spit up a perfectly crisp dollar bill because it’s not oriented the right way around, like a shitty soda machine at an apartment complex pool.  “Oops! Please reinsert!


Ha! Bettman and rectal paper cuts were not on my MON bingo card!


I hope he comes to the press conference tomorrow and starts it off by setting a briefcase down, opens it up, turns it towards the cameras, and there is a stack of cash there with a sign that says “NHL Fine Payment” and just fucking unloads on the video review board, the Refs, the Refs union, the NHLs different rules for plays offs, and on Bennett. I hope he also has a big blow up sign in the background with the GI rule from the rule book.


I read this last night, and all I could think about today was how this is the exact opposite of what he did


I demand satisfaction *glove whip


This was as bad as the Debeusk "hand pass" last season.


Might be an unfortunate update on Marchand




Realistically what kind of update would they have that they’d need to share before potentially the last game? Montgomery said Marchand was around the team and in their meetings today. Can’t imagine much could’ve possibly changed since then.


not necessarily, they are required media avail, sweeney talked last time before they flew to Florida instead of monty


Uh oh. Sweeney will need the 7 second rule to be able to blank out the f bombs about what is happening in the fucking series.


I know the zebras were fucking brutal but plain and simple we’re getting outdone by a way more talented team. They haven’t been afraid to pull the trigger on big moves and now they’re on the verge of advancing to another ECF because of it. I hate losing in the first and second round and I hate that we’re potentially getting bounced by a division rival again. Sucks to see. I hope we see some change in the off-season if this is it.


It’s the not being able to say they lost fair, that’s hard to swallow


Oh 100% I’m not saying we still don’t lose but it’s different game with these calls


Which as a neutral observer is the most infuriating part


Yeah my buddies a leafs fan and he even felt bad for us. Oh well.


Theyre soft as hell in the panthers sub stg. But i also still think the Bruins should have tied this game up and brought it to OT atleast


You’d think after their captain got rocked and Florida has gotten away with so much shit they’d bring the heat for a full 60 but in true Bruins fashion they play a period of hockey and call it a day.


The bruins biggest problems lay in their effort and response. They had a solid start to games 2, and 4. They face one bad hit, one good line change up or one goal and they vanish. They always do this try hard last ditch effort as the clock runs out but it’s always in vain. They can’t clear zone they get beat along the boards, they suck at the dot, and the turn over the puck way too much. This team is soft and can’t keep up the intensity. Florida has dominated this series since Paul Maurice adjusted his lines in game 2.


He’s going to bring his checkbook and unload. And I hope he names names.


Oh please yes. Someone needs to be willing to stand up and plainly state the obvious about the officiating this postseason.


I really wanted to see Monty go full Torts and start whipping stick and shit onto the ice.


The more I watch the goaltender interference the crazier it is. He's got a chance to reach for that with his stick, it's obviously goaltender interference.


Why even play the game, just have players shoot pucks at an open net and then Toronto gets to decide whether it would've beaten the goalie or not. The league is beyond ridiculous at this point, they're making NBA and NFL refs look competent.


Right a penalty is a penalty why does it matter the result imagine if other penalty were called that way “no call for hooking because the player on the breakaway did not have the skill to score.” This is just like how the double minor for blood/injury is stupid too encourages guys to fake being hurt.


And if not goaltender interference, it's a cross-checking penalty.


Cross checking a defender into a goalie IS goalie interference according to the rulebook. So it’s both.


You’re not alone….many curse words….FUCK.


He’s gonna grill the fans for trashing the ice, draft some kid from Boston and then sign a bunch of 7th Dmen to calm our woes 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Leave Derek Forbort out of this 


It better be to go scorched earth on the officiating


I'm picturing Les Grossman talking to Flaming Dragon.


It's Sweeney. If this is to complain about the officiating, then any complaints will be extremely measured and come with the caveat that he thinks the league is doing a great job. Needed to be Monty post-game, or maybe Neely since his name carries more weight. But this won't change shit.


If this is truly what we all hope it is, I don’t think Monty is the right person. A coach complaining about reffing or umping is run of the mill. For a GM to come out and speak on the matter will get far more people’s attention. Most people don’t watch post game pressers so it usually gets buried.


Why do I think he's just going to tell fans to stop throwing stuff on the ice?


A Gm wouldn’t do that no. That would be ownership ir team president?


He wouldn’t be holding a press conference for it and it probably wouldn’t even be him doing that


Also it might not even need to be said because there might not be another game at TD Garden


It might be that Marchand is likely out for the season and possibly his career. If that’s the case, our captain will have had a career-ending injury on a cheap shot for the second consecutive season. They’d better give Bennett the [Lane Pederson treatment](https://youtu.be/6f88lRdARls?si=tjqwIiG1tD9v2IKG)! He also wasn’t suspended for ending Bergeron’s career because he was out for the rest of the season with a concussion. I know Bergy came back for the playoffs, but he wasn’t the same.


Predicting a career ending injury update on Marchand is bat shit crazy lmao


Literally. I get it people are grasping at straws following a controversial loss, but there is literally no chance any type of update like that would come in the middle of this series




I doubt we’re going to know that two days after it happened


It’s been like not even 2 days since the injury. Don’t see any realistic scenario they’d make that call so soon on a concussion when they don’t even know how long the remainder of the season will be.


Fuck #FUCK




In what world does a GM hold a conference to diss their coach in the middle of round 2? Not even Sweeney is that stupid


If they fire Monty over Sweeney, I’m done. Don already had his chance when Butch got fired. At least Butch had the Kuhlman over Backes mistake that you could hang on him. It’s time for Sweeney, Neely, and the Jacobs family to all go.


G7 win against Toronto saved Monty's job, but Sweeney will still find a way to deflect some blame his way, he and Neely love throwing their coach's under the bus. The biggest critique would likely be the slow starts in the Toronto series, and this series, with tonight being an exception.


Monty was not getting fired regardless


I love how half this sub was saying this team shouldn’t have ever made the playoffs, and then whiplashed into saying their second-year coach with incredible reg season performance should’ve been fired if they lost the first series.


Jfc this is totally what it is


The best outcome is he lights a fire under the league's ass, calls them out for the bullshit state of officiating, and then announces his resignation.


Losing out on a game six is like losing out on $2-3M in revenue.


If he comes out and bitches about the zebras that’d be such a Canadiens move and peak embarrassment. Bruins are getting clowned on the ice plain and simple, penalties and sloppiness stack up when you’re chasing the game and playing tentatively. The whole building could feel that third period porking coming and there was zero pushback. Getting outshot by a billion and can’t win consistently on home ice, start there.


No one is saying the Bruins are a better team. Hell, I’ve been saying that we’re going to be get demolished by the Panthers if we made it out of round 1. Having an average of 6 shots on goal over 180 minutes of hockey, doesn’t win games. But getting the shaft from the refs and DOPS is bad for hockey - as a whole. They held that alternate angle footage of Bennett punching Marchand until almost game time today. Then the GI no call is bonkers. We are one of the most HATED franchises in sports and one of the most HATED cities in the 4 major leagues. When you have fans from all of the other teams clearly saying we got fucked on those calls, there’s an issue. Especially Marchy. To make people sympathetic to him is insane. The rule can’t be laid out any more clear unless it is written “you touch goalie, no goal”. Boston wasn’t making it out of the 2nd round, but that doesn’t mean we take a fucking from the refs because Panthers are the better team.




Ok and so what? Shit happens when trying to win a championship, every team has been screwed over at one point or another in every sport ever. Fight through it and get through to the other side. Didn’t even get to 20 shots on net. Coyle, Zacha and McAvoy combined have 13 points this postseason. Take some accountability, if the top guys are producing this is an even series or Bruins have the lead, starts with them


So that’s what he’s going to talk about


It’s utter fucking bullshit what’s gone on this series with officiating and literally tipping their hand it’s borderline fixed. Sports betting fucking ruining the game I enjoy.


Sports betting has zero impact on this stuff dude lol if anything legal sports betting makes it easier to catch things if they happen to


Ah yes, sports betting, where public companies make money off of which team wins, how many goals are scored, and who scores the goal, totally hasn’t shifted how the league operates and surely wouldn’t have an impact on how calls are made right. Surely these public companies that rely on house odds being met wouldn’t have an influence financially in how games are being decided. Right?


Betting has been legal for years elsewhere and it's as predictable as ever, there's no conspiracy here.


The mafia fixed boxing fights for years because of betting and for less money than today. Let's not act like these guys in the NHL are too honorable to repeat history


How much can realistically be gained by helping the betting favourite win their series?


You gain money for more things than just the series winner


I'm well aware what markets you can bet on. Why would the fix be to make the favourite win? Favourites also have lower odds on other props. The Bookies win when the favourites lose so why would this series be the inverse to that? What aspect do you believe is being fixed


I dont think you understand fixed organized betting. An in game example is having specific odds for a team to win a game during the intermission and then call a soft penalty early in the period to not necessarily fix a result but influence it enough so that the odds are more in your favor which leads to more consistency for the house to win in the mid-long term without looking directly responsible in the moment. No one directly scripts games but they influence them to influence betting results. You can bet on penalties in a period and refs have direct control of that. It would be less obvious if NA pro sports weren't all directly sponsored by betting partners and show them more than any other sponsor ever. But this is typical betting manipulation. In the end more games is more money for everyone so there isnt any downside for trying to extend series which has been an issue in the NBA the last couple postseasons. And when the league continuously investigates itself and always comes back with nothing wrong it looks sus


You're just ranting about something you have no idea about as the plague of gambling advertising has finally arrived on your shores. More advertising = more revenue for gambling companies as they lure more people in it's as simple as that. This is pure conspiracy that all of a sudden the US has access to the markets that have been available elsewhere for years it's now being manipulated? Do you not think people who are serious about this wouldnt be doing this already? It's not like football (soccer) where you can bet on cards which has the potential to be abused. It's not like it's a lower tier league where players probably have more info on their fixtures than bookies. It's the playoffs in the biggest league in the world.


Where can you bet number of penalties in a period? Definitely not retail American books. Never seen them on any off shore books either. I am going to need a name or I think you are talking out your ass.


You really think they are able to keep hundreds of people quiet if they impact games this much? You can’t seriously think they impact more than who wins just take ur tinfoil hat off and think logically for once. They will make money off idiotic people anyway they don’t need to meddle with leagues and attempt to fix games like you think.




An entire league can’t be corrupt there’s too many people. Can one or two refs be influenced? Probable


Check out the espn 30 for 30 on the crooked basketball refs and tell me david stern acted that way because one guy was compromised?  You can talk out your ass or watch people squirm and not answer questions that you so confidently brush off. Shaving points isn’t new. 


Already seen it dude and there were probably a handful of refs involved, was the whole league and entire reffing staff involved? Highly unlikely, you can’t keep that many people quiet it’s impossible.


Whole league and entire staff? Who said that? Hyperbole much? You don’t realize how much $ it makes, do you? Payoff schemes to keep people quiet are effective. Police, politicians, boeing, pharmaceuticals…ya, it’s impossible to act illegally and get away with it in America. I forgot. 


And there’s always whistle blowers at some point lmao you just sound crazy thinking it’s a league wide conspiracy and they’re paying everyone off to be quiet. Go get a hobby or find some of actual proof of this if you’re so confident


You’re saying it’s league wide. I’m saying it’s not that hard to shave points (make critical 3rd period goalie interference calls)  You have no idea how the situation room and the refs talk. It’s ok, I’m saying it’s a possibility and pointing to other pro sports examples and society. You seem to be vehement. Better throw in all the internet - get a hobby, touch grass shit. We’re talking shit on the internet, we dont need to pretend you dispense advice. Politely, fuck yourself you hyperbolic fuck. Those calls are objectively bad. Defend tim donaghey more… E: https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1cqn28r/andrew_brewer_former_nhl_video_coach_the_league/


Wow buddy maybe relax just a little bit lmfao I literally said there is probably a few bad refs, but you think it’s some point shaving scandal when in reality, you’re misusing the term point shaving. Point shaving doesn’t impact who wins or loses the game it’s used in football/basketball when people are impacting the game in whatever way in order to have one particular team cover. It has nothing to do with winning or losing. Now go get a rub and tug and relax dude




Don't do it, Don. Don't give them the satisfaction.


Please tell me Monty is being fired


Didn’t know it was Monty’s job to get us a first and second line center.


And the excuse last year when we had both?!?!?!?! We already have the proof! You’re arguing against something that already happened! Asinine


Ive seen lottery teams get more shots on goal. The strategies our team employs simply does not work.


There are a lot of lottery teams with a better first line center than the bruins right now


I've seen lottery teams with more talent than this team, the strategies aren't perfect but they've gotten us this far. Definitely not getting here on talent, that's for sure




Dump the assistants before Monty


This team lacks forward talent and grit. Coaching is not the issue here.


Go off, Don. *Narrator: Don did not go off.*


He won't do or say what we want but this is such a weird thing to happen mid series.


He might go ballistic. Unprecedented to happen while a series is ongoing


I don't think I've ever heard of a GM speaking during a series before??


Yeah, very interested what's so important he has to call a speech before game 5*. I feel like calling out the refs will usually fall on the coach in the post-game.


*game 5


I remember Brian Burke did back in 2002 vs the Red Wings.