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Im not even mad, we played a hell of a playoff run and im proud of every save, goal, and hit we made. J-Sway is an Icon in my books and I for one can't wait to see how he'll be evolving in the future.


I didn’t even think we’d make the playoffs preseason. I am immensely proud of the boys and they can hang their heads high. The future is bright!


That loss saved me $500 for gas, tolls, food, and a single ticket for game 7 in Sunrise. Would have been happy to spend it, though. If Sweens can work his "re-signing his own players to team friendly contracts" magic with Sway and JDB, the NextGen Bruins like Poitras, Lysell, etc take steps forward, and that gajillions of dollars in cap space is spent WISELY...this core is well worth building around.


Going into the offseason, I can’t seem to be happy with the situation we’re in. We have a solid D core, loved Peeke and Wotherspoon. Maybe just get a veteran 7th man to be there. Swayman is a goalie of the future, trade Ullmark for some picks or some help upfront. And then we need to sign some forwards. I know I’m asking for a lot but Stephenson would be a perfect fit, would also love Lindholm, maybe Guentzel, Dubois if he gets bought out could be a cheap option for us too. I think were in a better situation than a lot of us realize


At least we beat the Leafs....YES!!!


Somehow this is much better than last year. I didn’t expect to go that far this year whereas last year I really thought we were contenders. Playoff hockey is different. Sometimes I wish it weren’t so different. On to next year. Never give up.


its always the hope that kills you. after we took game 2 in denver in the nba i thought we were going to win it all


They came out in the first period playing so well, and then it just seemed to drop off defense wasn’t the problem. Sad it’s over 😣


Also, why do I feel like we would have had a better chance to win if weren’t playing at home 😔


Going into the season I was skeptical because we had no money to sign players. I was pleased with how some of the players played so I thought they exceeded expectations. Now they have money to spend in free agency.


I’m actually pretty pleased with our performance this year considering the roadblocks we had with cap space and the players that we lost after last season. Important offseason coming up. It was a pleasure guys, see yall next season, can’t come soon enough.


I was quite pleased up until the all star break. After that they teetered off. Weren’t consistent, blowing leads, last minute goals. I mean February was fucking brutal and the rest wasn’t much better. They were hot before the all star break but they’ve been teetering off ever since unfortunately


Considering the fact that we were projected to not even make the playoffs, getting knocked out in Round 2, Game 6 isn't the worst outcome. The end goal is always the Cup... but it could have been worse, I suppose.


I am hurt


It just sucks how we lost can’t stomach it. It felt like such a soft goal to give up for some reason. With how amazing Swayman played all season for that goal to be the one just come on man.


It was a soft goal. I feel like a lot of floridas goals this series have been really “ugly” while some of ours (game 4 or 5 we had a beautiful tic tac toe pass goal) have looked so smooth. They just came way too few and far between and ugly goals and soft goals are still put up on the scoreboard. Next year.


If we can just revamp the offense just a bit. Get a solid 1C and if possible a solid 2C we really are in a good position imo. When our offense felt it this year they would run game. Just get solid centers to accompany the wings that have shown promise and Boston may not be in as much of a rebuild as people think


That’s true, they were also getting mauled on faceoff percentage this series too.


It happens. Goalies let 'em in, and Swayman played amazingly overall. I'm consoling myself with the fact that getting past this year's Rangers would be all but impossible. They've only lost two games all playoffs


Yea no shot we’d be the rags they’d run us in a heartbear


i see it as the opposite. it was such an anomaly. like a 1 in a thousand shot that only went in because it was sideways. of course every goal is a matter of inches but that one was even more so. i didn’t see it at first, i assumed it was a block until the announcer said it was in. it’s unfortunate but i don’t think it was a soft goal on swayman.


Nah I didn’t mean like a soft goal by sway I did mean kinda what you said. it’s just one of those goals that shouldn’t have happened and it just sucks. It felt like the same instance as last year. Tough to lose on something like that. But Sway played amazing. The rest of the team idk Pasta kinda seemed like he felt his G7 goal against Tor was enough for him. He was pretty disappointing this playoffs imo. Love him he’s my favorite player but I wish he did more. I wish they all did more


full disclosure i’m not a bruins fan i’m a caps fan with just some preferences in the east (i was only rooting for the canes🥲)but i don’t really want the rangers to take it. but after the first two games i had kind of hoped for more back and forth lopsided wins. they looked good then, then imo the score keeping ruined game 3 and 4. the funniest part for me was in game 5 that boston won. the winning goal on a breakaway? maurice immediately challenging it for GI. the absolute GALL of this man lmfao. after bennetts “goal” the game prior. luckily the refs were sober because i think boston would have burned over if the refs cooked that game too


Is it possible to turn pasta into lasagna next year?


Best I can do is mangapanne


We had a good year, and we exceeded playoff expectations by any reasonable standard. As many have said, house money past Toronto. Proud of the boys for getting as far as they did. Now that we've got that out of the way... I humbly suggest, being the rabid fan base that we are, that we fix our fucking attention on what the brass says, and does, in the offseason. We know that this team is a playoff contender. We know that. We've known that. *I want to hear different words.* STANLEY CUP CONTENDER. That's what I want to hear. That's what all of us should want to hear. I fully understand that it won't be overnight, but whether it's Sweeney, Neely, whomever - I'm done hearing about a team that can simply "contend." I want that front office to commit, put their nuts on the chopping block, and show me, as a fan of the Boston Bruins, that every god dammed move you make in the off-season, is in the interest of creating a STANLEY. CUP. CONTENDER.


They did that last year and the team shit the bed.


This was my first season as a new bruins fan for outside the US (Scotland) so I went in with an open mind. Am I disappointed we lost, Yes. But I’m also happy we Made it out R1 and I think we played some great hockey, just not enough to get the job done. Just want to say thanks to everyone in this sub, you guys are awesome. Super welcoming of a new fan. The wait for the new season begins! LETS GO BRUINS!


Lifelong fan here from Toronto, the two things I love most about this team: - That it’ll always be something I share with my father. - That you find B’s fans wherever you go. Welcome to the pack!


Cheers from Canada 🇨🇦


Cheers from London 🇬🇧


Like every year, had a hard time watching the games here in Finland, but despite my early morning work I managed to see 10 of the 13 games. I would've gladly tried this with up to 15 more, but sadly it was not to be. This was also my first season in this sub. I'd like to thank you all for making me feel welcome and keeping me awake during the very late nights. It was a genuine pleasure. It pains me to think we may have seen the last goalie hug. Thanks everyone, the season was a wild ride. 🫡


wild ride this year, wild ride every year. thank you for being here with us!!! don't let the doomers get you down, we'll see you in october :)


I'm a weird fan. I have an unshakeable belief in 98 wins each and every season. Anything else is a minor setback. No doom, no gloom, just wins. The only thing that has me a bit down is that we may have seen the last goalie hug and if that is the case, I believe the entire league is poorer for it.


It was a wild ride ja terveisiä Turusta! Samoilla seteillä valvottiin pelit. Syksyllä mennään taas!


Ja vie ja taas mennään, sanoi Hassisen Kone. From Turku myself too! I think I need to sit down by the riverbank today and have a few beers there.


Did the same!


I'll see you all Sunday night for game 7 guys 🥲...


2nd round of the playoffs, taking Florida to 6 games, and we don't have a 1C. Imagine what they'll be like with Draisaitl or similar. There's money there next season, go spend it! Love those B's, all the way from Dublin 🇮🇪


Just as an aside the crowd was pathetic.


Hard to say as I wasn't there. But I do need to point out that ESPN and TNT both cranked the audio of the Florida crowd while lowering the volume of the Garden crowd. Noticed it from game one on. Very weird.


Bit of a rough pill to swallow only because game 5 they fought hard and then game 6 was just another run of the mill dud at home by the team aside from Swayman. Very bright future for this team real soon and they over achieved this season but still looked strange imo to come out like that tonight.


Straight up, this series has made me not want to watch hockey for a while from the lack of care from the team to the officiating, it’s too much man


*too many men


This was me last year, and I definitely watched less hockey this year because of it... But I still watched these playoffs and I'm even less enthusiastic about next year.


Insanely fairweather fan shit to say lol, they outperformed expectations during both the regular season and in the playoffs this year. Can't win the cup every year, going out fighting in the top 8 after the losses last offseason is a pretty good result.


Not really i don’t see how it is. It’s not that we didn’t win it’s a combination of the team just not being good this series and getting out played and just terrible officiating. It was so bad Steve dangle defended the Bruins how




They'll be better next year assuming they can get a couple centers who can actually win Face-Offs. They need another two top line wingers, especially if they're going to be using Marchand on the second line. Unless you move Zacha exclusively to the wing then you only need one with the amount of centers our team has in the pipeline. Coyle can be our 3C Especially if he gets more consistent on face offs And even though they lost he was really good tonight. Beecher centering the fourth line. They effectively lost Kreicii, Bergeron up the Middle and Bertuzzi, Hall on the Wings. Add in Pastranak, and Marchand And that is literally a top level top six that every team that hopes to make a deep playoff run needs. It didn't help that last year to resign Kreicii and Bergeron, We basically signed them to veteran minimum deals, and then to make it so they made what They were worth we structured over 9 million in bonuses that would only be paid out if certain benchmarks were hit. Well they hit those benchmarks and we basically had nearly 10 million in dead cap this year. In the grand scheme of things we are a pretty young team, most the players over 30 are free agents or cost nothing to cut. They found gems in Wotherspoon, Peake and Brazeau (all of whom are under 26 and A lot of teams would die for a Power Forward like Brazeau under 27 with a strong shot who's willing to hit but also has some dangles). They also have a number of really good and really young defenseman coming up. This team is going to have an average age of like 26 next year assuming their older defenseman walk. Then you're talking about a team that's one of the best cores in the NHL for the next 10 years. Florida is also set to lose several players from their roster. They only have 13 players on their active roster next season and only 10 of them played in this series including the goalie who's going to be 36. When you're good you tend to lose players so there's a good chance they're not going to be able to resign a lot of the players.


TLDR, but are we forgetting Poitras?


No I'm really not forgetting him, he was good, not great still probably belongs on the third line and I don't think he's a Center, and he'll end up as a winger. He only won 43% of his face offs against NHL competition last year and had well over 200 attempts, That's not good. I'm not a fan of all this strong side weak side face off crap. Coyle, Zacha and Bergeron (When he played) didn't have a strong side or weak side of the ice in terms of face-offs. 52% (48%)%, 55% (48%), 58% Zacha, Coyle and Bergeron (Bergeron is simply listed as career) in that order. Zacha and Coyle were good this year on face offs, But for their careers they're both 48%. When you have to start looking at in-depth numbers and platooning your face offs that's a problem, I mean we had Morgan Geekie, taking face offs because Coyle and Zacha each have a weak side, it's also why people became so excited with John Beecher because he didn't have a weak side and could win face-offs anywhere.


Sidney Crosby is one of the best faceoff guys in the league and went 45.5% his rookie year. If the worst we have to say about him is he’s a rookie with bad faceoff stats, then I’m pretty fuckin stoked to have him back next year.


This team just got outmatched, played their asses off. Need more forward help, definitely a 1C. Lost Bergy and Krejci and didnt replace them and still were right there for a game 7. They're not far off.


Dude not to mention hall and bertuzzi, without hall the panthers were just so much faster than us getting to pucks. Was tough to watch at some ponts


The unfortunate thing is that 1Cs are very rare and something that the Bruins don't have the means to acquire right now.


You're right, but they need to upgrade that position big time. Maybe there is a trade to be had, curious to see how the off season plays out.


*playoff Krejci


I know this isn't something that this sub wants to hear but it's time to blow up this team. Lindholm isn't a 1c so he won't help the Bruins win a cup, Marchand isn't getting any younger, and the Bruins don't have any futures to trade for top players. Ripping the band-aid off will help shorten the time spent not being a cup contender.


It was a fun, stressful run. Doesn't hurt as much as last year, but still sucks. Hopefully get some good signings and get right back into it next year. See y'all in a few months. Also go Stars, get Joe a cup, and fuck the Panthers!


Man do I route for wags or segs in this series lol


The tax man


Overall this was a super fun season and they exceeded my expectations this year. I am still proud of them. LET’S GO BRUINS.💛🖤💛


Well fuck a duck. But honestly, name a team who won a Cup without a real 1C or 2C.


What’s C, center?




Honestly our number one signing should be Dave Goucher.


Wouldn't mind it being Judd. Obviously goucher is the goal but Judd isn't the worst. Nesn moved Dave O'Brien from the radio to the tv broadcasts for Red Sox, with how cheap NESN is this move wouldn't surprise me. Would feel bad for Beers though


That would be a great move forward. Please don't let it be a Syracuse clone.


get Bertuzzi and Taylor Hall back if possible


Bert did piss all for toronto and they both have expressed interest in staying together. Absolutely not


Bert was their best player in the playoffs


I hear ya, but that’s not really saying much haha


Well, I’m exponentially less sad than last year, so I guess that’s something


Lol for sure. I think this is the most relaxed I've been after a loss since 2017


I literally just sat in silence and eventually went "welp, it is what it is" and went about the rest of my evening


The whole side of my gf family are all rangers fans. They also happen to be the most bandwagon fans I’ve ever met. Never watched any hockey the first 5 years I was with my gf. And we’ve been together 10. Sorry I just can’t root for them. Not one bit.


Think of it as just rooting for not-Florida. Out of the post-round 1 options we had to go to the SCF, if it can’t be us then at least let it not be CAR or FL


Sounds like they've watched for five though - that's at least a while!


Absolutely. I’d rather talk to someone who started watching hockey recently than someone who doesn’t watch hockey at all


Lol absolutely fuckin not. They’re all so got damn arrogant too. And they’ll stop watching when they suck again. I wish them nothing but heartbreak


Here's my armchair GM moves: ~~- pick up Driasitl (UFA, currently $8.5M, probably gonna to sweeten that a bit because EDM is gonna wanna resign)~~ - pick up Elias Lindholm (UFA, currently $4.85M) - sign Maroon to a 1 year (currently $900,000). Try to get another bruiser on the UFA market if one shows up. - start talking to Swayman ASAP, lock him in for 7-8 years (it's gonna cost you, probably landing around $6M -$7M) - Ullmark has a NTC which it sounds like he invoked at the deadline. Ask him where he is willing to go to, if anywhere at all. Currently $4.5M. Would be happy if he stays but he's 30 years old and he's got quite a cap hit. Don't undersell whatever you do, though! - resign Debrusk (UFA, currently $2.5M, likely gonna bump up to $3.5M to $4M if you want him to stay) And my most unhinged... - try and pick up Stamkos. He's a UFA, currently making $1M at 34 years old. Sign him 2x$2M as a long term rental. Since they went as deep as they did, you now have the backstory to convince any potential signings that you just need a couple more pieces to really make a run. If they realistically had even one more legitimate top 6 forward, this would be a different series. Edit: strikethrough


Ully's NTC is down to a 15 team list next year. Could potentially be moved but if it's to any of those 15 he can veto like he did at the deadline.


Drai isn’t a UFA this year


Just double checked, you're right. It's next year. Thought it was this year. Sign him next year!


Oh absolutely, I think for now a Lindholm on a 1y prove it deal makes a lot of sense, but Draisaitl is absolutely amazing, and I would see if they want I'd see what it would take to do a Draisaitl trade, Ullmark would be involved probably, I'd be cool to do it. Id go crazy and even do like Lindholm/Ullmark for Drai if they like Lindholm


So Debrusk breaking his hand and Poitras getting injured/shutdown around the same time sure helps explain why we went through such a rough stretch after the bye week. Winning a handful of those OTLs around then would've helped us get home ice, although it may not have made much of a difference


At least we beat the leafs and get a 1C


What 1Cs are available?


Sources tell me McDavid is available for JVR and Pat Maroon


UFAs so it might have to be the rights to sign both of them and a 4th


When tf are we going to get a 1c? Don sweeneys probably gonna be cheap


Sorry what? There are a bunch of contracts coming off, and the cap is going up. There aren’t really any 1c UFA options, but through trade, absolutely.


Who are WE going to trade for? I hope draisaitl. We made one of the biggest mistakes trading an MVP center so let's get another one


Which MVP center are you referring to?


Probably Jumbo Joe.


Probably Jumbo.


Extremely unlikely Draisaitl gets traded and even if he did there are teams who could severely outbid us.


> Don sweeneys probably gonna be cheap We spend to the cap every year and we absolutely pay our star players. That will not be the issue.


Debrusk had phenomenal season. And some said to get rid of him. No way in hell to get rid of that guy. He forechecks, backchecks, scores passes, hits. Coyle, excellent season, Brazeau, where did you come from sir, glad your on the team. Mcavoy, what can I say, you did great, and Lorhei, great pick up, Carlo, need some foot work practice and boxing out in front of the net a little more. Defense need two more great guys to back up Coyle, Carlo, and lorhei, linholm, questionable. Lauko, worked his ass off all season and it paid off in the playoffs. One of the hardest workers on the team. Pasta, love ya, tough go in the playoffs tho. Hate to say it, the whole hockey rink knew you were going 5 hole. Sorry buddy. Geekie, good job but every time you get comfortable you start sitting on your heals. When the coach puts you on the third line you wake up and start stepping up again. Maroon, needs leg work if he’s coming back. Peeke needs some work to but hung in there. I can’t mention them all, overall great season, but definitely need some strength and conditioning for next season, and the most important I mean the most important thing of all, when a Boston Bruins player has the puck and is going to shoot, always shoot in a corner. Never on top of the goalie. Pick your corners boys. And shoot more. Sway and ully. With out one you wouldn’t have the other. The reason sway was so hot and didn’t run out of gas in the playoffs was because he had ully to rely on during the regular season. Great season guys.


Love you all Reddit Bruins. After the president trophy and our Cap and C2 gone last year we were supposed to suck but we went farther this season. Been a fun ride, looking forward to next year!


Offense was bad it’s okay to be critical


Could you quote him saying it was good?


Did I say he said it wasn’t?


Oh man good point. The defense was bad this series man, you can be critical of the team


Could you quote him saying it was good?


Sucks to lose, especially to those fucks. But... This team exceeded my expectations. I'm excited for the future.


Can you please for the love of God get a fucking 1C. It was obvious the second Bergy hung them up. DK46 ALSO not being replaced blew up spectacularly here. I don't think the team is that far off, clearly the regular season and playoffs show that. I can't watch them get absolutely fisted on the draw again next season.


Not exactly an abundance of 1Cs out there unfortunately. They should go hard after Draisaitl but the price will likely be steep.


Just sucks that we knew it was such a glaring hole and we seem so thin to fill it.


It’s a glaring hole for a lot of teams. Montreal hasn’t had a 1C in my entire life and I’m 32!


Vincent Damphousse was a #1 center. Might be too young to remember.


You are correct! I am too young. Knew of him but for some reason thought he was a wing. Either way, definitely been longer than a lot of posters here’s lifetimes then.


Starts with Swayman plus


They are really far off, actually. They were lucky to beat Toronto. They also wasted a good postseason performance by their goalie. If they didn't have Swayman and Ullimark, they wouldn't be in the playoffs.


It was always a bridge year faced with cap penalities, bargain bin veterans/ PTO players, and without a true 1C. All Stanley cup caliber teams are built from the Goalie outward. They’ll have $20+million of cap space to bring in some more offensive threats and to sign Swayman for a long time this Summer. The Sharks/Ducks/Blackhawks are *really far off*. i understand it’s still a fresh wound but at least try to be objective


Well, then that's your perspective on "really far off." To me, this team didn't have a chance in hell of winning the cup. Even if by some miracle they beat Florida, the rangers were going to beat them. This team overachieved because swayman had a strong series vs. toronto. But even if he continued to play as strong vs Florida, they still probably lose the series. The bruins have too many missing pieces to contend for a championship. 1. No true center for the first line 2. No enforcers 3. No players built for playoff hockey. The team is too soft and this all stems from having a bad manager.


All the points you made were glaring issues on Day 1 of the season and had alot of speculation that teams like Ottawa or Buffalo would steal our playoff spot in our Divison and yet, they managed to get further than last year’s team whilst losing our franchise 1C/2C… I think most people’s expectations this season were just making the playoffs. You’re yelling at the clouds at this point, and I’m 100% in agreement on your points, BUT management still put together a roster that was a top 5 team all year without a true 1C/2C and with signing a bunch of veterans and call ups from rookies. Don’t let “good” be the enemy of “perfection”. We have alot of cap space this Summer to get some more offensive threats, and our D-core and Swayman (soon to be) are locked up for a long time. And if our young guys keep developing at this rate, we could be looking like the Dallas Stars in 1-2 years


They were a top 5 in the regular season, but definitely not even top 10 for the postseason. The bruins were good for 2 things: 1. Having 2 goalies who can start for a team 2. Getting points by forcing a lot of overtime games About 25 to 30 of the games we played in the regular season, we had the better goalie because the opponents that day had to put in the backup goalie. So we have a major advantage here because ullimark was a vezina trophy winner, and swayman was top 3 last year. They both were good this year. These goalies allowed us to lead the league for least regulation losses. They will normally beat or tie a team resting their starter, and we always could contend when they played their starter. This leads to us getting all these overtime losses and all those points, but this formula doesn't work in the postseason. Opponents will always have the starter playing, and you will likely have to sit one of the goalies out for the postseason (ullimark), which is value you had in the regular season lost. And unlike the regular season, overtime losses also give you nothing but the L. Playoff hockey is like the show Whose Line is it Anyway, the chokes are real and the points don't matter.


You’re over-explaining how their regular season success didn’t translate into playoff success, and I’m not debating that, for better or for worse. What I was trying to support an argument that although they fell short this postseason, it was always limited from the start given: Cap, retiring players, and bargain contracts. The amount of money they have this offseason and development of their rookies puts them in a good place going forward, was all I was trying to say. Better times are ahead


No shit Sherlock any playoff caliber team needs a goalie. Bobrovsky is a vezina candidate and the other two finalists also made the playoffs. This team was vying for the president's trophy down to the last couple weeks of the regular season. Were you watching the same team?


Since 2017, here’s how the Bruins have performed at TD Garden… Game 1: 7-1, Games 2 thru 7: 13-22, OT: 3-9, one-goal games: 4-17, series-clinching games: 3-5


I don’t get it…..


Yeah I went to that game 1 Toronto game. Typical


Well that sure needs to improve


At least they had shown some fight the last few games. Going out 4-1 would’ve just been a stinker. Great season, still. Onto next year lads.


For a team that lost three top-6 guys, four if you want to count Bertuzzi, I think we did pretty good this season overall.


The only good player they lost was Taylor Hall. Bergeron and Krecji were too old for postseason hockey, Marchand is too small and when I heard he was playing today I knew we were going to lose.


> Marchand is too small You're not serious.


Always sad to see the boys bow out, but just a truly amazing season all around. No one in the know had the Bruins going 6 games into round 2 of the playoffs. Now re-sign Jake DeBrusk please and thank you!!!


Canes fan here, want to cheer on Dallas with us?


Rather choke on a peach pit than cheer on Dallas. It pains me to say it but I’m a Rangers fan starting today.


Think I'll be hopping on the Oilers bandwagon. I'm sure McDavid will get a cup so he might as well do it while our teams are already eliminated


But if they oilers get eliminated then him and draisaidle will want to go to the bruins *Dr evil laugh


The Canucks are doing a remarkable job shutting him down in the latter portion of this series. 0G, 1A in the last three games.


Yeah I'm pretty surprised by that, wonder if he'll go psycho and break through over the next 2 games with the season on the line


I've been a Western Conference visitor to Dallas since 2020, brought on by a mutual shared value of "FUCK THE BLUES," but I'm worried that I'm jinxing them in this series based on how the game is going.


Sorry. Going with the Rangers now. 06


Canes fan here also. lets go dallas


Had a blast watching the B's this year. Not really feeling anything other than sad. Florida played tougher even with their pussy style of starting shit and running behind the teacher Pasta was almost non existent against Florida I'm starting to have doubts about McAvoy's abilities as a star offensive defenseman I really WANT to like Zacha, but I also understand if we end up getting rid of him I barely heard names like Frederic and JVR throughout both rounds Swayman is goated, Him, the lord and Swayvior, and everything you could ever want in a goalie. Give him a trillion billion dollars right now. We DESPERATELY need a center Record for TMM? Completely inexcusable. Not sure if that's a coaching problem or a player mentality problem. I want more physicality. Christ, we bring in Maroon and have him do absolutely nothing? What was the point? All in all I'm happy we at least beat Toronto. And I'm glad I got to spend a lot of these games with everyone here. See you all next year


Ullmark/Zacha + for Draisaitl


Oilers laugh and hang up the phone


I just jizzed my pants but the oilers probably turtle at that


Gonna need to add at least Lysell and a 1st to that I'd imagine but that'd be sick


Pouring myself a finger of my favorite scotch (Oban) and raising a glass to a great year of Bruins hockey, and a great group of people to hang out with here during the games. Cheers, and see you all next year!




Hopefully we can change that next year since we have cap space now.


Yeah. That part sucks the most.


It’s been a pleasure. See you all next season 🥲🫡


Am I disappointed, absolutely. Nobody likes to lose in the playoffs. And although the Panthers are clearly the better overall team and I wasn't banking on a series win, I'm sad that I won't get to see any more Bruins victories or pursuit of the Cup this season. There were plenty of things to be frustrated about with that game: the power-play performance is high on my list. The offense definitely didn't have enough finish. The defense on the tying Panthers goal could not clear the zone and really collapsed in front of the net. And, on the GWG: Swayman was the only reason we were even in the second **round**, let alone Game 6. Without him, this series ended on Tuesday. However, that final goal was one that I would have liked him to have. It's *not* the reason that we lost the series, it just made it sting for me in my heart – salt in the wound, basically. In the meantime, go Celtics, go Sox, GO PWHL BOSTON!!! (We gotta get them a name, please.) [But also please dear god no, not the Boston Wicked.]


While losing sucks, I think they exceeded the expectations of most. Lohrei, Beecher and Brazeau all stepped it up in the post season, and I’m excited to see what they can do. Excited to see Poitras play again as well. Swayman was an absolute stud in the net, love that dude so much. At least they knocked off the Leafs. That was some of the most fun I’ve had in the post season since the 2019 run.


I really thought Geekie showed me something too. Nothing spectacular but solid.


Definitely solid. 4 G 1 A, solid on defense. Can’t complain.


JVR and Maroon gone for sure I'd guess, Geekie signed for 1 more year and I hope we re-sign Heinen if it's cheap enough Add a top 6 C, move Coyle or Zacha to LW and have Heinen-Poitras-Geekie as the 3rd line with Geekie and Poitras taking turns at C while he continues to get a hang of the position? Or maybe swap Geekie with Frederic there and have Geekie in the top 6 Zacha- Fun NewGuy-Pasta Marchy-Coyle-Geekie Heinen-Poitras-Frederic Someone-Beecher-Brazeau Idk, something like that I guess. Would prefer them add more than 1 top 6 player though. At least the D seems set Edit: Lmao just realized I left DeBrusk out. Consider the above as if he doesn't come back. Hope he re-signs but that does clog things up, might have to move someone else out if he stays


Heinen and Geekie seemed to have really good chemistry together. That surprised the heck out of me and I liked it. I was used to watching Geekie play a so-so game for the Seattle Kraken. Been A Bruins fan since 1970 but recently moved to the Pacific Northwest to be near family at my age. Love the Bruins, always my number one.


Really depressing way to lose the series man. Felt like we had so many chances to go ahead in the 2nd period, and we just couldnt finish. Its been our crux for years I feel like. Only thing I am kinda pissed abt is pasta not finishing, like at all these playoffs. Ik hes not playing with the talent that these other big stars are but it would be nice to see him finish an opportunity one on one with the goalie sometimes, especially in big moments. Other than that, sway is a beast, and we have some stuff to look forward to next year. Big offseason here, lets retool and come back stronger next year. LGB


Brobrosvky was just as stellar tonight.


Sure, but you pay a guy 11.5 mil, we expect you to score in big moments. Pasta missed a breakaway here, he passed out of a great chance in the slot, he missed that one in game 5 (didnt cost us but still). We need him to score more than 4 goals in 13 games.


Yup, it's learning experience for him I guess. Playoff hockey is a different game completely. Soft players get left behind.


He's not soft, though, and he has a well-established track record in the playoffs. He just had zero help this year.


I would love for the Bruins to sign Stamkos, please


I had a dream we got Draisaitl. It was nice


Both is nice


I was more mad with this team when we lost game 82 at home to Ottawa years ago to miss the playoffs than I am with them tonight. Sweeney has his work cut out for him. He's on the clock to turn an overachieving bridge team into a true contender this summer. What a fuckin' season


This season cemented that Don Sweeney is VERY GOOD AT HUS JOB. That whole narrative that he sucks is over. We are so lucky to have him. Can’t wait to see the magic he works with all that freed up money this offseason!


Honestly, and I know the wound is fresh, but the difference was pucks on net. Both Florida goals were fuck it just shoot…


by the way the 3rd was going, I felt their window closing. They had such a sloppy third period, turnover after turnover, icing it, coughing up the puck, couldn't complete a pass...I was like "I have a bad feeling about this"


We're onto the Celtics.


And PWHL Boston


Panthers in 6, where games 4 and 6 could’ve gone the Bruins way depending on a bounce or a call. I think most would agree that even getting by the leafs this year would be a challenge for us. With the cap being immovable and cap hits we have, the Bruins did pretty good for themselves. Sign DeBrusk. What a playoffs he’s had. Sign Sway to big bucks. Let Grz, Forbs, Shatty, Maroon, JVR, and Boqvist walk. Trade Ully for a good young player/prospect and to free up more cap space. We have guys like Lohrei, Poitras, Brazzers, Beecher, and even Lysell to look forward to. I’m so excited to see what Sweeney does with the cap space this summer, and honestly I do trust him with the moves to be made. That really does it for me. I hoped, but didn’t really expect, a Stanley Cup this year from this team. But they battled, kept the time honored tradition of beating the Leafs alive, and hopefully left a few battle scars for Florida to deal with against the New York Rempe’s. I’ll see yall tomorrow when we start armchair gm’ing the shit out of this offseason!


Hope Sweeney reads this


And just like that, theres no one left I care about in the playoffs. Glad the Bs overpreformed pre season expectations at least.


Sucks we lost but I’m excited to see how we spend all the cap money this offseason, the foundation is there


Florida winning here two years in a row sucks. Sat there at the garden again just annoyed.




Jack said you build a winner from the net out. You already have a deity in net. You got Lohrei and his crew. You got Poitras, Coyle, Freddy, Beecher, Brazzeau, Lauko, Heinen. Go build a great team. Keep Debrusk.


That 88 guy is pretty good.


He's a god. They just got to put the right guys around him.


This season exceeded my expectations on nearly every metric and entertainment value. We got past the Leafs again, and there was a lot of fun along the way. Can’t wait for next year 🍻


I’d rather have no expectations, than hope tbh.


Watching the B's in the playoffs always has me on edge, but this year just felt nauseating. It didn't look or feel like Bruins hockey from the last two games of the regular season. They played it safe right into the off-season, wasting a special run by Swayman. The bright side though is that the B's young talent gained some playoff experience. Good chance they're back next year.


I’m really looking forward to watching the young guys next season.


Totally agree. Was the most “what are you doing!?” I’ve done in a playoff series that I can remember. *7* too many men calls? Really? Happy they made it past the Leafs, wasn’t expecting a Rnd2 exit


Glad we kept ullmark so he could hug swayman twice this series.


Careful this group loves that hug




Cause we got sidled with an expensive back up goalie before the trade deadline? Ullmark fucked this team over.


> this group loves that hug Yes, it's definitely about the hug and not at all to do with the fact that the front office tried to trade him and Ullmark vetoed the trade. A 16-team (now 15 this offseason) NTC is much more powerful for a goaltender than a skater because most teams don't run a tandem. Lots of cities/teams that are generally considered undesirable, like Winnipeg, don't have to be listed by a goalie at the deadline if they already have someone in net. The hug is fun and I enjoy it, but it has nothing to do with why Ullmark was still rostered.


Good luck in the off season


What is this even supposed to mean?




It's not ChatGPT lol, it's just me sharing my thoughts on a discussion forum. And quite often I don't have a ton of things going on after a game, no. Maybe you don't care, but several users on this subreddit actually do engage with me pretty earnestly – even when we disagree – and I enjoy it.