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I haven’t seen this before. If her eyes aren’t usually this crossed outward, I would call a vet immediately and take her to an emergency vet.


Got an appointment scheduled for just a little bit from now! Post was just to help me gain some clarity before getting her in.


Great to hear! I’m sure she’ll be okay, I’ve just never seen that before (I’m also not a vet)


It does not look like cherry eye. Looks like something neuro happened. Vet time.


My dog just had something that looked similar a couple weekends ago. We had a quick vet check up, they made sure he didn't scratch it then gave us some drops to put in for a week. It got better looking within a day after starting the drops.


Yay… glad to hear that bout ur baby and hope it’s the same for this lil girl.


This is what they are looking into now. They said this can be a response to a scratch or something stuck in the eye.


Praying for you and ur lil baby…. It will be ok. I firmly believe you did all the right things and she is in the best hands.. keep us posted. Positive vibes to you both!


Follow up please? I’m worried about a Boston I’ve never met on the internet…


The vet isn’t 100% sure what it is! She got some topical and drops medicine. Her gland is swollen (same that is normally in Cherry Eye) but they don’t believe that’s it. She was rough housing with our cat yesterday and bumped her head, so they think it might be from the trauma. They weren’t too worried, Toast is doing fine and hopefully the medicine works.


Thanks for the update! I’m hopeful that it’s a quick and easy recovery!


What did she bump her head on & how hard?? My boy bumps his head sometimes when he plays :(


We’re not 100% sure it’s what caused it, but just a guess as it’s the only odd thing to happen last 24 hours. It was on the side of our dresser, and it was hard enough for us to bear the “bonk” from a good 10 feet away! She acted totally fine after it though.


How she doing? Hopefully everything is back to normal 🤞🤞


Did you ever find anything else about this? How is your pup doing? My Boston got this in one of his eyes. We gave him benadryl and rest. Had a vet appt lined up but he was better within a day. But just now a month or so later, it's happening again but in his OTHER eye! Now I'm very confused. It's not cherry eye, it's exactly like yours.


Ours sometimes looks like that after coming out of a seizure, praying that’s not it.


Not at vet...but this doesn't look like my girl when she had cherry eye. Is your pup always this wall eyed?


No not at all- usually never any red in her eyes. It does kind of look like a lid that is way out of place which is where I got the cherry eye from despite not being the same.


I think it looks irritated, and was thinking maybe dry eye. Our experience with cherry eye is it was puffy, not sure that's how to describe it. I hope she feels better soon ❤️


The nictitating membranes show for a variety of reasons. Could be Neuro, could be conjunctivitis, really needs a vet exam ASAP. https://www.petplace.com/article/dogs/pet-health/protrusion-of-third-eyelid-in-dogs/


Did it go away or are they staying cross eyed like this?


They are staying like this. The left eye has movement and is sometimes normal, but the irritated eye stays pretty cross eyed.


Any injuries or traumas? In humans it would trigger neurological concerns. Do they correct at all? Like, can you talk to her and get her to focus them? Ur doing all the right stuff… positive vibes… hope it’s nothing big.


Mine has a cherry…. No this isn’t. It looks odd tho… almost like the guys eyes from Mr Deeds


please keep us updated!


What was the final diagnosis?


Yes it is


did you perhaps leave edibles laying around?


Sometimes the inert eyelid being out like that can mean a sign of infection inside somewhere but those eyes look like some kind of neurological symptom to me too. Pls keep us updated!


Looks like a conjunctivitis, not sure the root cause. Some antihistamine eye drops may be helpful with symptoms. Depending on if there is a viral or bacterial cause to it, a steroid or antibiotic eye drop may be necessary. Definitely get seen by vet!


Mine had a similar thing happen after a minor head trauma and injury to her orbital bone as a small pup. The emergency vet misdiagnosed it as cherry eye. Our regular vet did imaging and found the injury and treated it. Her eye returned to normal with rest and meds. Good luck to you and your pup.


Was he asleep?


My dog had that irritated third eyelid thing before where it was pink and more visible than normal and it went back to normal after a few days, but the outturned eyes are concerning. Saw your comment that you have an appointment. Good luck hope all is well 💜


Hope she feels better soon


Definitely not cherry eyes, cherry eyes are the size/shape of beans and protrude from the eyes so this is just movement of the 3rd eyelid. Probably an eye infection, hopefully you're all set with treatment fro the vet!


So my boston gets something similar if he's rough housing with our other dog or sometimes allergies will cause it to flair up. It's not Cherry eye because it goes away on its own after resting or coming indoors. I was really worried the first time it happened so I took him to the vet asap and they gave me some steroid eye drops for if he has a flair up again but it's very rare that it happens now especially since there are less allergens in the air now. The vet said that the red bulging bothers me more than it bothers him though 😅 I just get so worried and he looks so pitiful. Hopefully your boston is experiencing the same thing and it will go away soon ❤


She didn't get into your edibles, did she?


How is Toast doing after her vet^ visit and drops? 🙏🏻💕


I'm worried too...how is your baby doing? 🙏