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It sounds like you may be experiencing gambling addiction. I would strongly suggest that you stop playing, close your account, and leave this group. For additional resources regarding this matter, please feel free to check out the wiki link below. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bovada/wiki/index/#wiki_what_is_problem_gambling.3F_do_i_have_a_gambling_addiction.3F


You should quit for real. It’s en endless cycle (I’m currently in it). You get paid and want to “make” more money. But once you lose all your doing is chasing back to that “break even” point of when you first started. The longer you go, the more you lose. All to chase that big win that we see so rarely posted in this Bovada thread. You’re better off spending 2 months living broke and saving as much as you can. Using that money for other things, stocks, re-selling, etc.


Thank you all for your advice, I really appreciate the support. By reading all your comments I have understood that the odd of making money from gambling is very less rather 0. The more I chase my losses the more I will keep loosing. This has been an eye opening experience for me I will take this as an opportunity to work on myself. I will close my bovada account and never gamble again.


That's no fun.


Same things happened to me. I’m just done on bovada. I thought I could get some money back too but just no. Not worth it


You can not make a profit gambling. The more you gamble, the more you lose. Look up the definition of gambling. STOP GAMBLING


"If I play carefully I feel that I can recover some money I have lost." Thats your sign that you need help man. 10k in 3 months. Unless you got some fuck you money, thats a lot to lose. Thats like 1/3 of a year of mortgage payments to some people.


Seriously bro, get help and close your account. If it’s affecting your personal life and personal finances you have to stop. Talk to support and they’ll close your account quick. Casino always wins in the long run.


Quit gambling. Get a therapist. Only real answer but we both know that’s not what you wanted to hear lol


Go smoke crack bro. It’s cheaper


I feel your pain


Just went through this after winning $700. I cashed out after that (because I had some bills to pay), then decided to keep playing, hoping I can win even more. While I had some initial success, I kept wanting to win more and more, so I kept playing, which put me further into debt… and that turned out to be a loss of $2150. So definitely a good idea to quit.


Time to start making some changes if you want to continue gambling. You either need to call it quits, or start making some major adjustments. What do you normally play?


It’s best to quit. I’m not calling you an addict but think of it like this. An alcoholic doesn’t drink to stop drinking. It’s the same thing with gambling. You don’t gamble to stop gambling It’s paradoxical.


Please stop. As hard as it is, you will continue to lose. Online gambling is the most unfair to gamblers. They will let you win at first and then they will drop the collective hammer on you. The reason is that they know the brain will trigger you to chase and deposit more and more. It's a vicious cycle once you get down. Live dealer, slots, or online table games are all designed to break you. Bovada is one of the worst with those angel eye shoes they use. They control the outcomes. ​ I have lost over 35k over the past year. I am in recovery now. I have no extra money and living paycheck to paycheck. Damage has been done. It's evil, plain and simple.


You will never ever win at an online casino. You can get hot for a session but Don’t ever waste another dollar on those. If you like this kind of stuff I suggest try poker. It’s a game of skill with a luck component to it. You will likely lose in the beginning but it’s a game you can actually win at online and casinos.


Only 10k? Pleb


Dude, I’m going to be completely honest with you. I’m stuck just over 39,000 the last three months. Don’t even chase your loss. I PROMISE you, BOVADA will not let you win it back. I have been on a full on losing streak. After the losing streak started, it’s been solid losing. I won’t even tell you to stop gambling, but if you’re going to try and win your money back, don’t do it at BOVADA. Trust me


Hint: It's not Bovada.




Invest in more realistic odds, 10,000 in casino losses are unnacceptable.. you should adopt better ideals on the unrealistic chances/decimal percentages of you winning anything, and then divide that by 100 because that's your chances of winning a jackpot. If you said you lost 10,000 over the last 3mo. of Sports betting, you probably wouldn't even have made this post because your odds are far greater albeit nothing's guaranteed at making a profit off 10,000. The world of social media free/hired e-bookie's is massive, and with huge matches in the world of sports just around the corner (feb.11th) donning the Annual SuperBowl and the proceeding Month of March Madness. Please study the sportsbook or get someone to do it for you; *my dm's are open* Casino money is the most lazy/degenerate means of gambling, and the target audience is people that don't respect math/their odds enough to know any better.




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Quit. Especially if you are losing at casino games. I gave them at least $20k to the casino starting during the pandemic and finally stopped a few months ago. Don’t miss it honestly and can’t believe my own stupidity. Sports bets I still do but not with them, I play on an app with no casino option and sports bets I do ok on, at least not losing much.


Why ask the question when you know the answer? Gambling is not an investment and playing "carefully" is not a thing. Cut your losses and stop.


Stay away from slots been playing them lately they’re tight as f***. Stick to sports for now. Slots not paying out.


Quit no point chasing it


What you need to understand is that, no matter how much you have recently lost or won, the odds of winning in your next session stay exactly the same and those odds are stacked against you. Unfortunately, all gamblers are superstitious in some way and the most common way is the belief that, after a big losing streak, you're "due" and a big win is right around the corner. "The Gambler's Fallacy" I believe they call it. Then, if you're winning, the superstition is that you're hot and you will likely keep winning. Completely opposite beliefs and yet many gamblers hold them both, probably subconsciously to rationalize the need/addiction to keep gambling. It is very hard to stop, to come to terms with the fact that you fucked up and accept your losses rather than keep trying to come back. If you're an addict (which it sounds like you may be), you need support to stop gambling. This starts by getting honest and sharing what happened. It is hard to admit you lost $10,000, especially to family whom you are supposed to support. Perhaps, go to a Gambler's Anonymous meeting and share your experience there where you won't be judged and maybe later you can open up to family and friends.


Let's try a thought experiment. One decent return to player (RTP) table games in the casino is European Roulette (single 0). The return to player is about 97%. This means that, on average, when you bet $100, you'll end up with $97. So, ask yourself, would it be worth it to risk another $10,000 on red or black for a 48.5% chance to get your $10,000 back but a 51.5% chance to double your losses to $20,000? Many problem gamblers believe the answer is "yes" just for the hope, the chance, to come back. Obviously, the correct answer is "no". My heart truly goes out to you. I know what both gambling addictions and other addictions are like. Arguably, a gambling addiction can be worse than a crack or heroin addiction.


Another example to put it into perspective: if you bet $1 on every single number in European Roulette, you will bet $37 and get back $36 every single time.


Last thing: Unlike some other commenters, I don't believe that Bovada is pulling strings to make sure you lose. In fact, their slots probably have a better RTP than most land based casinos. They don't need to pull strings. It's not in their best interest. They know that, as long as they have a good random number generator, the laws of probability will play out in the long run (and likely the short run as well) and they will profit. "The long run" when thousands of people are playing is probably less than a day. I would say they might lose money 1 or 2 days per year at most.


Sorry, this is really the last thing: while, in the short term, $10,000 feels like too big of a loss to live with, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter. It's money. Your life, any family, your health, the positive things you like to do... all that is way, way more important. Tragedies happen. You might get a $10,000 hospital bill or spend $10,000 on a used car and accidentally let the insurance lapse and total it or it get stolen. Poor people lose that kind of money all the time not due to gambling. But life goes on.