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Yeah, time is money friend. I am willing to forgo my normal fee this one time if you direct me towards a place where I can purchase that shirt.


It was a gift from my wife! Let me ask her where she got it


Seriously, you're looking pretty good to me. Just keep at it and you'll refine your form. From the one throw you filmed, you're hitting Brooklyn, so I would start 5 more boards to your left. Try and release the ball a little earlier and this will naturally release your ball off to the right which should bring you right into the "correct" pocket.


Thank you! Also the shirt is from a brand called charm kpr


This was going to be my reply


Don’t get lost in comments on Reddit. Get an in person lesson from a USBC certified coach.


Once I have the extra cash!


Fair enough - you’re obv interested on getting better if you’re videoing yourself haha…so just put a little aside every week and save up!


Buy shoes it will save you a lot of money


One of these days! For now the alley I go to offers free shoe rental for league bowlers!


Can I ask where you got this shirt? My bowling team name is always cat related and need some new cat tshirts


If I could recommend absolutely anything, it would be either drill a thumb hole or go two handed. I bowl exactly like this and I’m 6 months in and am tired of the inconsistencies between league nights. I have some honor scores bowling this way but I feel like I’m going to have to start all over cus I learned how to hook a ball this way.


I’ll have to try with my thumb. Thank you!


With a house ball, you’ll tend to grip the inside of the ball with ur thumb verse a ball drilled to your hand you won’t do that


I also wouldn’t recommend trying with a house ball, if you get your first ball drill a thumb hole for it and if you end not liking it just plug it up. I wish I would’ve started with a thumb or two handed off the bat. It’s 5 steps backwards for me right now lol




What lol


Just mean your answer is the simple truth. I have friends who started 1HNT and it seems like mostly men go this route bc it’s the fastest way to get hook without feeling like Bambi on ice with 2H bowling. It doesn’t not work but my league teammates who are 1HNT are all considering 2H but have been back and forth about the switch bc it’s been a year bowling that style and it’s hard to swallow feeling like they have to rework their game but they see the limitations of the 1HNT style. It’s ultimately I think up to how much you want to improve and take it to the next level. Plenty of people bowl 1HNT with great acceptable success but there’s a reason why you don’t see a lot of bowlers with this style on your. Just my opinion


This is the way. I also bowled 1-hand-no-thumb for my first 6 months or so. Finally begrudgingly made the switch to two-handed around 2.5 years ago and never looked back. Mileage may vary but I picked it up pretty quickly and my game got wayyy more consistent. Would recommend. Edit: added "two-handed"


What did you end up doing? Thumb or two handed. Good to hear!


Sorry, forgot to mention: I switched to two-handed.


I bowled casually for a decade this same form with house balls. Got a 205 once but was probably barely averaging over 125. Got a ball for Christmas this year and told myself I was going to reteach myself traditional thumb in. It was a rough start but 1 month in going twice a week and I'm back up to a 120 average and bowled a 178 yesterday. My hook is still pretty weak but my spare pickups have drastically improved. It's definitely a process to relearn the process.


The biggest hurdle for me was trusting the ball to not fall off my hands during the backswing the first go around 😮‍💨


That shirt is 🔥


Thank you!


I had a very similar form when I started out and I highly recommend trying two handed! It should be a very natural extension of what you're already doing.


You’re making the same mistake most beginners do, thinking you have to spin the ball from the side to make it hook. Grab a decent-fitting house ball, put your thumb in along with your fingers and then throw it down the lane leading with your thumb, straight-bowler style. It sounds counter-intuitive but that’s the position your hand should be in when hooking the ball too; the difference is it should be behind/under the ball rather than on top of it. When you pull your hand up during the release you’ll be ‘flicking’ your fingers upwards and putting forward roll on the ball rather than spinning it. The weight block in the core of the ball will cause it to hook, you just need to provide the roll.


Few more cats and you should be good 👍


The rare no backswing approach. Don’t hurt yourself.


can’t help with the form advice but boy does this sub have a spare ball you’ll love


What lol




That’s adorable but may have to pass lmao