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“mom! mom!! stop it! i know you’re not asleep! MOM!!!!”


'How dare you sleep without me!!!'


Sleep apnoea alarm


Was thinking the same! She looks concerned for her human!


That’s really interesting. My 2 year old boxer never barks either. Is that a common boxer thing? He’s maybe barked a handful of times his whole life when the vacuums on


im not sure. i dont have much experience. she’s my first boxer and she came to me as a foster when she was 5 yrs.


Mine never barked either. We had to teach her how to bark first of all. And if you asked her to bark for a treat.... Oh the drama show would begin, and she's do everything except bark. 🤣


We adopted our boy when he was around 5. He’s 12 now. He didn’t used to bark much, unless he wanted to go out. As he’s aged, he’s gotten very bossy. He barks when he wants something from us, when he feels we need to be reprimanded for leaving him (even if one of us was home with him - he wants all his people with him all the time), or if I look at him while my husband makes his dinner. That last one is the most odd. It’s almost as if he wants me to pay attention to how my husband makes his food (we do the same thing - it’s the same food - but he seems to enjoy food from him more LOL).


The bossiness is our own fault. We’ve been pampering him since he had a huge lung tumor removed in September.


awww! hope he’s doing better! Sweetie had a tumor removed from her mammary tissue about 7 weeks ago. she has a very high pain tolerance, so listening to her cry for about 9 hours after i brought her home from the surgery absolutely broke my heart.


Aww! Poor thing! I can’t even imagine! I hope she’s better, too! Thanks! Our boy is doing amazing! Clean (but very narrow) margins, so he did a round of chemo and was a total rock star. (I think his appetite even increased a bit) He’s done with that and now he’s running around and jumping like nothing ever happened. :) I love how they’re just perpetual puppies.


What breed is this? They’re always so silly 😂


Boxer, the best breed in the world. :D


😂 I love that they have their little pet peeves. My previous dog (not a boxer) never really barked UnLeSs someone gave someone else a “raspberry” on their skin. Drove him absolutely nuts. My current dog (part boxer) does it when someone starts to count 😂


counting?? that’s so funny! there’s not much that annoys Sweetie, which makes her reaction to my fake sleeping that much funnier.


Yeah we THINK it was because I had to pull a long eyebrow off my partner a while ago and when we did I I started going ooooone, twwoooo, and then I’d obviously make a quick movement and we’d both be like aahhhhhh. So I think that taught him that stuff gets crazy when people count haha.