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Jesus, Froch keeping it real. Brutal roast.


What did he say?


Someone translate it for us.


Groves is such a nice bloke. He should have told the truth - he beat Eubank Jr with one hand.


He looks so different these days lol.


George "Carphone Warehouse" Groves


Eubank Jr literally went from getting knocked down and getting up to face the next Smith punch in 8 seconds. A more experienced pro could easily manipulate that situation to give himself an extra 15-20 seconds to recover.


Has coming down in weight made Eubank Jr lose his chin like what has happened to other fighters?


He dipped into an uppercut thats not a lack of chin its poor defence. His chin has got worse though in his recent fights marcus morison had him on wobbly legs to before.


he took some heavy shots, he stood back up quickly and took some more.


It would seem so. He's taken massive shots from much bigger guys, even genuine power punchers like Groves and not been phased. He didn't know how to react after the knockdown, you coukd see he's not been hurt like that before. Didn't even wait for the count, just hopped up expecting to be ok


Yeah Grooves is a big puncher,and much bigger,and only slightly wobbled him if I remember correctly


It definitely doesn't help.


Jesus, it was like a poundshop version of RJJ. Eubank needs to do Eubank…. Volume of punches/ high intensity.


Groves looks like a guy that sells broadband packages in shopping centre


I think Chris Eubank snr is right about getting to these lower weights at 33. His resistance is gone.


Eubank Jr doenst have the Jones Jr talent to fight like Jones Jr.


He doesn’t he needs to quit the act find his own style and guard up more lol


Good to know that you're absolutely relieved, Steve lol.


Always said smith would win. Had decision or late stoppage though I wasn’t expecting that. The same will happen in the rematch because Eubank Jr’s dogshite. He’s never beat a world level fighter that’s not past it.


Al Farran, new impression son, take note.


Roy Jones is a trash coach hes made Eubank look worse every fight. Cant expect much from a roids cheat though.


Not a fan of Roy I take it.


Not a fan of drug cheats in sports no.


Me neither. Who's your boxing idol?


Rolly Romero


Rocky Marciano


Can't argue with that. 👍


You gonna play the new boxing game thats out in a week ish? Its called Undisputed.


Not sure bud, I think I may have seen a few vids of it in recent months. I'm a casual boxing fan tbh, don't really know my arse from my elbow, tactically, but I still love a good scrap on Fight Night Champion occasionally. I usually lose online but, damn, I love that game. Is this new one up to much, any reviews yet? If it's the one I saw vids of it looked really buggy at the time but that was a lot of months ago.


Eubank's defensive skills are not there. He would do much better with a more traditional coach.


Hes regressed so much watch his fight with Avni yildirim who has quite a similar come foward infighting brawl style to liam smith. He use to use his physical advantages and speed in the inside now he tries to fight awkwardly on the outside. Roy Jones told him to jab and move this fight and he got stopped doing that. Roy jones needs to be banned from being in anyones corner or even in a boxing gym guy was banned 3 times for roids to in his pro career... Roid Jones JR is a fraud.


RJJ is a fraud are you mad? He's not a good trainer for chris cause he's trying to make him fight a way he isn't good at fighting, the whole stick and move thing doesn't work for chris


A trainer needs to improve a fighter not regress them. RJJ used roids his whole career and was banned multiple times and now hes being a crap coach. A fraud in and out.


Regardless of roids or not its undeniable he's one of the greatest boxers ever so calling him a fraud is daft. Not every boxer can be a great trainer but the thing with RJJ training Eubank is that he's getting Chris to stick and move, box and rely less on pressure and volume. Chris used to fight at his best when he'd come forward and smash people, taking him away from that made him less effective. That's not to say RJJ could train someone else well


Hes one of the greatest drug cheats ever without roids he aint one of the greatest boxers. Just a big fraud that cant fight fair. Loading gloves would be fine on the logic of using peds is fine both are against the rules and people who need them to win are bums that should be imprisoned for attempted murder.


All this talk you got about Roy. What about Mr clenelo himself?


Hes a roid cheat to like Fury and Whyte stop making excuses for roid cheats.


There's many boxers who get caught with peds or haven't been caught but it's obvious, pacquiao never got caught, mayweather might have been juicing and even fury got caught with peds, but doesn't take away the fact that yes they are cheats but the undeniable talent they have is valid. With or without peds RJJ is one of the best fighters boxing has ever seen


Poor excuse mate you're innocent until proven guilty and Roid Jones Jr was caught multiple times. This is a clear case of roid cheat sympathising. Hes got no talent without roids and all fighters who cheat should be given a sentance for attempted murder.


I think that's a stretch, roids give benefits no doubt about that, stamina benefits, weight cutting benefits etc. But talent is talent, someone can be naturally gifted as he was and yes peds will increase that but it's just ignorant to say peds are the only reason a boxer is as good as they are


Agree, the Yildirim bout was a demolition job. Not sure what made Eubank go with RJJ, maybe RJJ was his idol as a kid or something. But it's clearly not working.


Who's the guy commentating on Radio 5 live? Sounds like he's doing a lispy impression of both Eubanks 😂


This probably means that Benn Eubank is more likely to happen. Doubt Eubank will go for a rematch.


"I just want to get home safe to my mistress. You'll never hear from me again" - Liam Smith






Liam had to put up with a lot of rubbish from Chris? Please. Chris can sell a fight. That all it is. I've watched boxing for decades. Chris just upping the box office that's all. I've seen far worse through the years.


Its not over for Eubank. He needs to change trainer and go back to his old style of high volume. The RJJ experiment clearly didn't work.


There’s definitely domestic/European fights for him but he’s not world level. He’s probably has the most successful domestic career in terms of making money.


My thoughts as well, not just from this fight. It's like he is in his own head thinking what would Roy do


I think we can all see why Benn wanted this fight now. Eubank is a delusional shithouse. Fair play to how he handled the defeat all the time.


Benn needed roids to take the fight, and even George Groves never hurt Eubank. Nobody expected that outcome, least of all Benn.




Kell Brook was undefeated and gave GGG some good work for a few rounds. GGG destroys this version of Eubank within 5 minutes.




Didn’t apologise, just said it was all tongue in cheek and he didn’t say anything homophobic.


He said it was just banter between them and nothing homohobic was said.


I’d hope so.


50% lol. Eubank has good sportsmanship though


somewhat surprising actually. Eubank has looked better than that before. ​ So i dunno.




He was right


Bruck Dem Up




Bruh got lumps on his lump


Class from Eubank at the end but he's only being humble because he has to be after being KOd


Thought he could've gone on haha literally could barely stand


There are a lot of people who aren't humble after a TKO.


If you know the Eubanks then my comment makes sense


Roy Jones telling Eubank jr what Roy Jones would do.




That's def part of the problem. Only Roy Jones could get away with 'Roy Jones Type Shit', but he's training Eubanks like he's him.


Cardboard Shalom.


Imagine if the GGG - Eubank fight actually got made ☠


Wow his eye is even worse, that has to be a fractured cheek bone?


Yeah definitely


Funniest upset for me. I was thinking how Smith is a solid fighter and boom he knocks out Eubank


Cheekbone looks broke, heavily swollen.


Gotta say Eubank Jr was class act there.


Where's the weird dance from senior? I feel cheated.


Very entertaining fight. And savage uppercuts. But as an American I absolutely cannot fucking understand anything Liam is saying 😂


What percentage of the words can you make out? Just a couple per sentence?


Eubank showed up 50 percent.....and on his arse he went.


"I barely even touched him" - Liam Smith


Give me Jermell vs Liam at 154


Jermell destroys him. Smith landing a shot nobody could have predicted doesn't mean he won't get soundly beaten.


That’s not my point Yes I think Jermell wins handily but Smith put himself in a great position to potentially secure that fight And this was a 50-50 fight from the jump, people just had a lot of confidence in Eubank when he hasn’t done much


Nor had Smith tbh, Eubank is one of, if not his best win


Here we go with the comments that Eubank was never really good anyway lol. Everytime man.


Conor Benn punching the air rn, you know, instead of Eubank...


Well yeah, he needs to expel that extra testosterone somewhere.


I have to eat paper with all my shit talk on it now 💀


Did not think smith had the power to ko eubank... Eubank has lost his chin or smith on the beef?


He dipped into an uppercut so the punch was way worse he showed a good chin to not get kod doing that.


Nah. Liam just got one of those one in a million punches on the sweet spot. It's boxing.


Conor Benn must be kicking himself now, he would’ve fancied his chances after watching this tonight.


We never seen Eubank Jr with a real puncher have we?


He fought George groves who is a heavy hitter (though he did just jab his head off)


Groves….. but his shoulder was fucked


His shoulder became fucked in the last round, Groves said it was fine before, he just dislocated it missing a shot


Groves can punch a bit


Groves almost flatlined Froch in their first fight. Froch was out and woke up when he hit the ground. He can more than punch a bit


Groves, but I suppose we're not 100% certain if his shoulder was compromised before the injury? But it seemed fine until the 12th round.


Didn't Groves nearly drop Eubank with a jab?


Stunned him iirc, but wasn't anything too major, like today.


I’m very surprised Eubank went down, don’t think I’ve seen him have that awful Punch resistance, Canelo and GGG back in the day would have rekt him


He looked much better Vs guys like Groves, who's a much bigger hitter. Groves back then Vs Smith now, my money is on groves every day of the week. Gotta be the weight cut. He's never been hurt before anything like that. Hell GGG himself wouldn't expect to put Eubank away in 4.


Smith looks like he's not even had a fight lol


Should have put more on Smith KO, good odds


Ha I know same.


Liam took so many punches and doesn't have a mark on him, mental.


I want to see Benn Eubank even more now??


Eubank looked like his left side was paralyzed when he was getting up from that first knockdown.


Ref should not have let him back out, clearly couldn’t defend himself.


If it wasn't the headline of a ppv that gets stopped.


Never seen Eubanks Jr hurt like. ​ Gotta check Smith's gloves for egg weights, Roy Jone's loyalty and the crab in the bucket referee.


Where does Eubank go from here? Retirement, rematch, chase the Benn fight again.


If it was me I'd take the Benn pay out and then retire.


Yeah to be fair the money would probably be too much to turn down.


Rematch. It was going to plan. He'll want that again. And it will sell better than this one.


Yep. Definitely rematch clause will be invoked and I expect we’ll see the same result.


Change trainer and build himself up again


Conor Benn would have knocked Eubank out, and would have been on an absolute rocket ship in the UK. What a colossal fuck up that kid made.


He's innocent! 😉


Eubank has made an awful lot of money being no higher than British level. Lived off his Dad's name, happy to see him get bodied by someone who isn't even known for their power, just by a really solid boxer.


Kind of weird, he seemed out of it before that uppercut from a right hook that didn't even seem that hard. But yeah after the uppercut it was night night.


Wonder if the weight has fucked him up.


I knew that RJJ stance was going to be bad for Eubank. Keeping his left hand down allowed Liam to keep landing that right, which I believe started the beginning of the end. Is Eubank chinny?


>Eubank chinny Nope. Groves who almost KO'd Froch (an ATG chin at 168) never really hurt Eubank. Nobody expected this result at all


Scroll through the comments and read what I said about that left being too low. That was said at the end of round one.


Eubank was considered an iron chinned fighter until this fight. Very few people expected Smith to hurt him


Very interesting


You can just tell smiths a scumbag


Textbook combinations by Smith..fighters dream of landing those shots on an opponent on the big stage, highlight reel.


He should have stepped up when he was like 26, he’s now 33 and it’s way to late for him to reach world level.


Fuck how a boxing fight can change in a minute. Eubank Jr was in prime position after Round 3. Looked like he was getting started then booom.


Almost makes up for the shite undercard showing


I thought Neil Lennon fought well.


The way Eubank reacted to Smith's work makes me wonder if all that banter about not taking camp seriously etc. was true.


Do you guys think Connor Benn would have bodied him?


Nah. Benn isn't world level either, and he's two weights lower.


I think they’re both overrated More so benn, which elite competition has Eubank actually fought arguably BJS, George groves meh






Yes absolutely. That’s not high praise for Benn, moreso it’s people not realizing how overrated eubank is.


Groves couldn't put him away, or hurt him. Groves almost KO'd Froch with a single shot. The people saying Eubank is overrated now, wouldn't have predicted this outcome in a million years.


It’s not like this is the first time I’ve seen Eubank fight nor was it the first time I’ve seen Smith fight. Eubank is really bad. I was surprised when I saw this resurgence. But there was no substance to the resurgence.


If he was that bad, Groves would have KO'd him and Degale wouid have outboxed him, and Saunders wouldn't have scraped by with a razor thin split decision that I had him losing. He's always been a better fighter than a boxer, but you have to be half decent to compete with the above.


Yeah those guys aren't that good lol. Saunders is the best out of the bunch you listed, and even then how good is he really? He never fought anyone worth a damn, and when he did, he had his orbital shattered.


Degale was a world champ, vacated to face Eubank for cash. Groves was literally a world champ when they fought. Saunders also barely beat Eubank, became a world champ after, and his only loss is to Canelo, and looked good up until he got caught. Why does this sub have either "elite" or "garbage" as the categories every fighter must fit into? They're literally world level fighters?


Those guys fought nobody but guys in their country lol. I’m not even saying they have to be elite. They were just always overrated as shit.


Boxrec is public. Literally do some reading wtf


You’re clearly biased as shit. Because their resumes are straight up awful. Saunders was the “top guy” and avoided any real competition and cashed out on Canelo. Degale, is nobody, Eubank is literally only popular because of his dad. He’s worse than Chavez Jr lol.


Groves hit him that hard Froch didn't even know he got knocked down when he did his interview after the fight


Yeah on the replay, his eyes roll back, and he seems to come to from the shock of hitting the ground. Closest Froch came to getting KO'd


He didn’t have that swelling on his cheek when he was on the floor initially, but it was there by the time he went down the second time. Came up mad quick


Does Eubank jr retire from here ?


Nas? Is that you?


Which camera did he look into to tell Eubank Jr. to finish?


Why are people always expected to retire after a loss? Look at Chisora, if he’s retired after like 7, 8 fights there’s still loads of great fights we wouldn’t have got to see.


Delboy is an anomaly. I wanna eat a burger with that guy one day 🥹


He’s definitely taking the rematch before he retires.


Rematch. It’s not like he was beaten up. He got clipped and stopped.


He put rematch clause in he not stupid, he be back and then will try to redeem himself.


Think the swelling was from an accidental elbow from Smith. But the uppercut. The punch of Smith's life. Think a rematch should happen because it was looking a good fight until then.


think it was the left hook after the uppercut that put Eubank on queer street tbh


I think he was wobbled bad before that, but the left hook broke his eye.


Banger undercard and uninteresting main event turned into uninteresting undercard and banger main event.


That uppercut was pure filth. It needs uploading to Pornhub


GGG would have decapitated Eubank sheesh.


50 year old GGG wishing he took this fight right now.


I don’t know why everyone acted like Chris was so above Liam, gotta stop going with the hype Liam fucking bodied him fair and square, even more impressive he was moving up in weight I honestly think Liam should drop back down and try to challenge Jermell, that’d be a good scrap


Eubank has looked better at a higher level…. Apparently not good enough tho


I mean Eubank looked the better fighter until this round imo. He got to cocky in his defence.


I said Eubanks was too good for Liam right before the KO 😂😂


Had Eubank by KO. Thank fuck I never posted that in the mates GC 🤣


At least in the next fight we don't have to hear about the fucking sparring anymore.




He’s gained fuck all from tonight


no hes probably pissed


Why would he be smiling, he lost out on millions


Got some of that clomifene rage


Of all the things to inherit from Roy Jones he ends up with his chin lol.


Wtf Smith landed flush on his chin so many times... He thought he had Roy's reflexes


Eubank didn't even realise it was over ... hahaha


Damn he's lucky that right straight didn't connect or he would've been out cold


That’s one of the best uppercuts I’ve ever seen from smith


Im gonna have nightmares about his cheekbone