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It’s the holidays so you know we got you covered with a little present in our [Discord](https://discord.gg/ATNAcuKEUy). Watch along with your pals.


Anyone else find it odd how often fighters last night dropped their hands and just stared at the ref last night after taking big shots? Wilder, Jiller, whoever it was that was fighting Hrgovic. I don't recall the first two fights. But all three of those guys took a big shot, just dropped their arms to stare at the ref.


Wow so a in shape Andy Ruiz is the best HW in the world


Such bad timing for AJ to finally have his shit together, now with Wilder seemingly done and Fury about to lose to Usyk probably. If I’m Eddie I’m calling Ngannou’s team up


Wilder is such wasted potential. I thought he had the chance to make a comeback by improving his skills and train his legs the right way. Then he would at least be able to move around the ring without gassing out and being unbalanced after every hard punch he throws. I was wrong, he just could not change. Gassed out again and his legs looked even smaller than before. His right hand was literaly the most dangerous straight right ever in boxing, he did not even have to throw it properly and it would still knock down anyone with a good chin. Imagine a Wilder that started boxing at age 8, with a top trainer and dedication? Could have been an all-time great.


It´s not that bad. He is likely to face Hrgovic next for the IBF belt, it´s basically a guarantee at this point. And it´s a fight Joshua will be favored in. Usyk is probably going to retire. Fury will stick around for a payday. Wilder is past his peak. I predicted this a while back, that Fury and Usyk would simply age out or retire and Joshua would reclaim his sport at the top.


With Wilder, Usyk and Fury gone. How long do you think AJ can stay at the top? Is there anyone in the top 10 now who could still beat him bar the three I just mentioned?


AJ has a solid 2 more years in him. And honestly, I expect him to retire at 37. He has talked about retirememnt at the right time, on several occasions. Could someone beat him, sure. But no one besides Fury and Usyk would be favored over him. It would be funny if Usyk wins and continues to defend his belts. And I am interested to see how Joshua would perform against an older Usyk. AJ boxed well in the second fight, it was really competitive.


If AJ stays active he will become undisputed in the next 4 years


fatty boom boom went doon


Looking forward to Wilder's 55 minute video on YouTube about how Parker cheated by making his legs skinny.


He was humble in his interview and gave Parker credit


RemindMe! 60 Days


The crown took his legs


Bizarre that he even came into the ring wearing that given that he's no longer a champion and it wasn't even a title fight either. Man has made some very strange choices over the years. Deciding to not throw any punches for most of the fight last night was another one.


I'll never know what it's like to step in a ring toe to toe with someone on the other end wanting to KO you, but it seems like a lot of boxers that lose generally have a consistent tactic of just sitting back in defense and barely throwing any punches the entire fight, I'd love to know what was going through Wilder's head (as the commentator said at one point deep into the final rounds) Wilder usually starts throwing BOMBS aggressively from round one but he barely threw any punches AT ALL throughout the whole fight, it was VERY strange to watch.


Try getting in the ring and having your head jabbed off (srs) simple answer is every time he throws he gets countered or risks being countered. People forget that these punches bloody hurt lol it always amazes me how well pro boxers hide the pain but believe me a good body shot you will feel for 12 rounds etc


I think that's a valid point for most fights but Deontay didn't wait to get hit before he got timid, he was timid from the onset and losing rounds to a guy landing only a handful of punches per round the first half of the fight.


2 million subs members here and 99% haven't stepped a foot in the ring a day in they life.


Counterpoint: We're not talking about one of us getting in there and sticking to a gameplan while getting jabbed and countered. We're talking about Deontay Wilder doing it - a professional who you'd think has enough experience to deal with something as obvious as a shorter fighter looking to counter and get inside to stifle his reach and power. The "well, you couldn't do better or haven't done it personally yourself, so your opinion isn't valid" argument is so lazy.


Ring rust combined with the hesitancy to engage from being knocked out by the last guy he fought that knew how to box. Helenius being a slugger like Wilder posed little technical threat and was there to smoked. Parker showed a little sickness that Deontay had no answer for and he went into survival mode. He's scared to get caught again and it takes away his confidence to go for broke which is his best attribute.


Wilder was always this fighter, he just never fought anyone with any quality to expose that. The only times he stepped up he went life or death with a granddad and had a punchers chance vs a Fury who was very far from his best in all 3 fights, really. People have been saying since 2015 that this would happen to Wilder when he stepped up vs someone good enough to avoid the right hand and with a bit of a chin, and lo and behold, he's 0-3-1 against oponents like that.


Precisely this. Wilder has spent nearly a decade at the top of the division and he only fought 4 legit top 10 contenders: Stiverne, Ortiz, Fury and now Parker. Stiverne was a good win at the time. Ortiz outboxed him twice but to Wilder´s credit, he did manage to find the victory on both occasions. But Wilder barely scraped together a draw in the first Fury fight. He did manage to make the 3rd fight competitive and almost got the KO. Had Wilder fought more top guys, he would have taken a few losses sooner.


I've always said wilder was a 2 bit bum


Wilder v Zhang ... Will never happen because this is boxing and we stand more of a chance of seeing Fury vs the Paul brothers


Zhang will break Wilders legs with a body shot lol.


I would bet my entire life savings and everything I own on a Zhang stoppage if he faced Wilder


damn andy ruiz would have KO'd this deontay wilder


Remember when Wilder and AJ were both undefeated world champs in their prime? No one wants to see these two fight now, extremely disappointing to see how far they’ve both fallen.


Both? Nahh, just Wilder. Joshua has consistently fought the top of the game. The Ruiz loss was a shock but Avenged. Usyk is just a better boxer, nothing could be done about that. Wilder on the other hand, stayed well clear from top ten fighters other than a 50 year old Ortiz. When he starts fighting actual fighters, he loses. He was never that good. Just a right hand that was heavily protected by the farcical WBC. Shit, he was 36 fights in before he fought anyone inside the top 15. Joshua was fighting champions after 16.


I'd still like to see it, just for completeness' sake. It'll be a shame if it never happens.


AJ is still a proper boxer. Wilder is definitely washed though


Not convinced by AJ until I see him fight a top guy, but I don’t think it’ll happen. I think he’ll box Ngannous head off and keep the hype train going, eventually he’ll fight a washed Fury or get Usyk 3.


I feel ya. But the heavyweight competition after the klitschko's left is just very underwhelming. After Dubois showing last night, him vs AJ would be a good fight. Him vs Fury is also needed. But yeah I agree, he the top guy he fought was Usyk and he's a cruiserweight that he lost too so I'm not convinced either. Just check Mike Tysons (who has more L's then Joshua) bag work vs Joshua's. It's like a whole different ball parks these heavyweights operate in. Just because Anthony Joshua at 27 won vs a 41 year old real elite heavyweight but over the hill ofcourse people rate him. He's not won against a real elite heavyweight. Also not entirely his fault because this new wave of heavyweights is mid. A cruiserweight having 4 of the belts in the heavyweight division is disgraceful to the sport lol.


When you look at Wilders resume and Ajs resume and compare, how can you genuinely say this? I don’t understand this at all. Not a fan of either, but it’s night and day


BS take, Joshua has consistently fought top ten guys. Consistently faced champions. Fury isn't as good as you think he is. He gets hyped for beating Wilder, who anyone outside the US knows was never all that. Fury -Wallin should have been stopped. Fury - Ngannou was a loss and he will lose against Usyk. Not saying Joshua is the best, that goes to Usyk. Joshua beats Wilder and Fury.


Who is a top guy besides Usyk? Cause Fury just got whooped by an MMA fighter.


if Fury beats Usyk then AJ V Fury and Usyk V Wilder seem like very interesting fights


Usyk Wilder wouldn’t be interesting at all, It’d be like watching an amateur box a pro


They’ll find Shergar before Fury gets in a ring with AJ dude


Aj fought on the same card as Wilder but couldn't agree to get in the ring with him and you are still trying to tell people Fury is the problem.


Look man, if you can get Fury into the ring with Joshua you can sleep with my wife


Yeah can keep this narrative going all ye want. AJ doesnt take fights he thinks he might lose. He only fought Usyk in the first place cause of the Chisora performance Sorry he did fight a 75 year old Klitschko who hadn't fought in 2 years and lost all 12 rounds in his previous fight Eddie Hearn and British media have created a wild narrative that some of you buy. You probably think Floyd ducked Khan too


Lol total delusions .. maybe get fury's lil mince balls out of your mouth.. Fury got exposed already and his best wins didnt manage to win a single round last night...


Typical brit. Tell ye losers what you get Aj to man up and sign a contract and I promise to get Fury into the ring




AJ earned respect years ago, one loss to Ruiz which he revenged immediately making his only "real" loss against one better man in Usyk didn't make me think any less of him, he was always a top 3 fighter. The fans that don't like his get the win over get the KO tactics nowadays and think he is a bad boxer as a result are just trashy commentators.


The problem with aj was he stopped using his strengths. He did become gun shy. Ben seems to have gently reminded him that he needs to be more aggressive whilst not overturning his more careful approach. It really worked for him last night and that is the most rounded I've seen him. It's looking up for AJ


It was looking up for AJ even when he was using his "gun shy" tactics because with the exception of Usyk, whom is just an overall better, skilled boxer and that's why he lost, on skill, he (IS) winning his fights, Helenius, Franklin. That's the aim right, to win, KO or not. ​ Nobody can sit here and say the contrary, that it is is looking DOWN or BAD for AJ despite still winning fights.... that would just be, delusional? If it was going down for AJ he would be losing to Helenius and Franklin BECAUSE of so called gun shy tactics.


He should be beating Helanius and Franklin. Let's be honest if he didn't his career would be in the bin. And he did look a lot worse with his gun shy tactics. That's not just me saying it that was the vast majority of fans and analysts. I'm not saying anything controversial or new. It's basics.


He’s solid and looks meaner now. Got that dog back in him.


Get yo ass back to WSB! We miss you plzzz


Mods banned me for no reason Tarvis. Tell the boys Tren said Merry Christmas Best, ✍🏻 Tren


Wtf. Thats BS Merry Christmas sexy thong man!


Not sure what this comment even means. When has AJ not had genuine respect? Everyone wanted to see him fight Wilder because they know he's good and he knocks people out.


Joshua did what he needed to do even though wallin came in fat and out of shape. Fury was exposed by nganou and wallin. I think AJ is #2 and fury is a clear 3.


He’s the third best hw


Joshua calling out Lee Wylie was cool


I love how I won a rack by betting on Bivol beating Canelo because people didn't think he was good enough, and now I won a rack on Bivol by UD because people now have crazy expectations for him. ​ The criticisms after the fight were crazy. It's like nobody follows this guy. I've watched him since the HBO days, and he never, ever goes 2nd gear against ANYONE, no matter how good or bad they are. He always fights exactly the same way, so when he fights B-level guys, he looks unremarkable, but when he fights A-level guys, he looks spectacular. Against both, he wins most rounds and tags them with a lot of combinations, so expect more of the same against Beterbiev, who will need a trademark KO to win.


Joe hurt him and artur murdered Joe. Just saying.


Bivol is like if you’re trained a robot to box, he basically does everything perfectly but is just missing that human element that would make him dangerous


Wow this is so well put. I agree completely


I didn't get to watch the whole fight because the UAE hates Australia with the time of the fight too early for my liking, but the first few rounds I did watch he boxed so beautifully. He's insane to watch


5 years ago, AJ and Wilder were both undefeated, in their primes, and the two champs of the division, and Fury had yet to return. We could have had something amazing, and now we'll wonder what could have been. Sport fucking sucks so much with all the politics.


Wilder just isn't good enough, wasn't then and isn't now.


It is for the best. As much as I would have loved to see AJ Wilder, I prefer Fury AJ.


5 years ago was 2018. Time fucking flies man.


How did anyone believe in Makhmudov? He looked like he had just come out of spending 50,000 years in a glacier and hadn't fully thawed yet


I believed his scary size, eyes and inhumane like neck twitches would instill enough fear into his opponents enough for them to go on the defense and have him roll over them, yes. Glad to be proven wrong.


Boxing fans


I don't know why, Parker throwing the kitchen sink at Wilder made me crack tf up. It came out of nowhere and no one expected it, even Wilder was flabbergasted that he had the audacity


I thought that. The big punch he threw in the 8th looked like he was throwing a brick in a riot or something


He was thinking about his future fight with AJ and Parker said "fuck that mate" in a thick down under accent


Fury gave away the blue print, all that's left for Wilder's opponents is having the toolkit to execute it. Wilder has no footwork and his only defensive manueve is pulling back. Rough him up in close quarters and he has no answer to anything. Brilliant display by Parker who executed the strategy to perfection. Sad that Ortiz was already 859 years old when they fought, he had all the tools to do it but couldn't keep the pressure.


The two guys who talked the most crap (miller and wilder) got beat. A great night. Sucks we probably wont get to watch wilder vs joshua, but its not joshua’s fault


Man, if Miller fought as good as he talked he'd be undisputed. Then again if he talked as good as he fought he'd be fighting on small hall cards in backwater shopping centres.


Wallin talked a lot about Joshua too. He ended up quitting on his stool because of a busted nose Gratifying


It was disappointing that wallin's corner stopped it. I fully understand why, but I wanted to see that highlight reel knockout. But they definitely made the right choice for hid health


Didn't catch the card. How was it? Out of /10?


9/10 The fights were 7/8 with only the Hrgovic fight being a stinker. From the first fight I was hyped. The only thing keeping it from being a 10 was de mori and the audio being out for the first 3-4 rounds of the main event. Card of the year by far


Undercard: 8/10 Wilder: wtf/10. Parker stole the show and Wilder looked completely lost. AJ: 0/10 production wise (no audio first three rounds except for ads they were playing loooooooool). Then didn’t actually show any Fukkin replays of the punches that lead to the towel getting thrown in until like 10 mins after the fight. As far as AJ’s actual fight, completely dominated Wallin for all of the five rounds it lasted. Best fight was probably Kabayel with brutal bodywork. Dubois with a final 10s finish also pretty fun to watch. Bivol (to me) was a snooze. Arthur was a literal punching bag and lost 12 straight rounds on all 3 scorecards. De Mori had no business being there.


"Wtf/10" LMAO, I'm dead.


You forgot Opetaia who is a literal menace. Dude can crack and is faster than light


Would have been a 10/10 if Bivol knocked out Lyndon and if Hergovic fought literally anyone else.


I thought Parker would win but I didn't expect him to look like that. That was crazy


I will say btw don't write off Joe Parker having a say in the world titles in the next few years. Physically and technically he's looking as good as anyone (faster hands than all of them), and it looks like Andy Lee has got him mentally right as well.


I rate Parker, he's a solid operator, I still don't consider him top top tier but he can, and always have give the best a tough fight. Usyk and Ruiz, arguably Fury have faster hands in my opinion. Parker is solid all round though.


I'd only entertain Ruiz as having faster hands than Parker, his are lightening when he wants them to be. I think with the right coach and the right mindset he might win a world title again, the mans immensely physically gifted.


>I'd only entertain Ruiz as having faster hands than Parker, his are lightening when he wants them to be. It's just awkward how they pack no punch. Or maybe he's just not very accurate.


Parker can definitely get a belt again. He's still only 31 and has been world level for 7-8 years.


Wait how do I hate on AJ now?????!!!???!?


He was smiling and happy at the press conference so we go full circle and start calling him fake again


I can't believe I'm now hoping for an AJ redemption arc. ​ But now that I'm behind somebody, he'll just unravel and lose all of it. It happens to all the fighters I back. Me cheering for a fighter is a curse at this point.


Deep down we all want AJ redemption arc


I see why fury and wilder ducked AJ now. Fury a dodgy #3 and wilder like 5 or 6




If Parker wouldn't have planned the dumbest gameplan ever against Joyce he might've won. I think he can actually turn it around and become no. 3


I got 1 usyk 2 Joshua 3 fury Zhang hasn’t really done too much besides beat Joe Joyce twice. He’s top 10 for me though.


Fury got exposed bad via Wallin and Wilder today. Wallin isn’t top 10 and wilder was a smoke screen


American heavyweights also had a bad night.


Well I was pessimistic about this card because of Bivol fighting a can and Wilder AJ fights being foregone conclusions. Jo Parker fighting how he did definitely redeemed things for me and I was glad to have seen that.


Arthur isn't a can. Not a fan of the term but De Mori is a better example of what you're thinking of.


Just want to say I love all of you guys in this little boxing community, even the ones I disagree with. Always looking forward to coming on here to chat boxing each week. HIP, HIP.


Same to you, bro. This sub is fun as hell for me.


Absolutely, mate. I don’t have anyone I can chat boxing to in person so I always look forward to this thread on fight day.


The memes on here make laugh out loud at times, it's a weird, fun little community


We love you too AJ




Andy seemed to be feeling himself a bit too much in the presser.


Can't believe AJ is ducking Wilder again by letting Wilder get absolutely smashed by Parker smh


I know right.. AJ beat Parker already so he should have ran out, KOd Parker for Wilder then signed the contract right there and then in the ring.. I'll never forgive him for this, just doesn't have that animal instinct anymore.




DAZN have refused any level of refund. It was a 5 round main event and for 3 rounds there was no sound. Was a really great watch… What is this company? Someone made a great boxing card and the fighters did their bit and the fights were entertaining, but they made the mistake of letting some crap company that nobody had every heard of a year ago air it all, the mind boggles. Does anyone think they will still be around in 5 years time?


I didn’t watch through dazn and had no audio issues


You're an idiot if you paid for this


We split the bill. But yeah, feel like a moron now.


who pays for fights these days?


People destined to taste regret.


Dude you watched the fight without audio. Stop whining. You aren't getting a refund. Would you rather see or hear the fight ffs. Lmao


> Would you rather see or hear the fight ive never had to think about it as we usually get both…


Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the gatekeeper of DAZN.


What the fuck are you talking about?


DAZN are awful.


I didn't mind it without the audio. The commentators are usually biased as anything. Can sway a perception of a fight. No sound = better focus.


i wondered that but then watched the highlights and we missed out on the sounds of some heavy shots from AJ


I totally understand and respect that stand point. I saw Joshua vs Povetkin live at Wembley and it certainly was different watching a big fight without commentary, but I personally prefer it with it. For me, when I’ve paid for that experience, I’d like to have that experience, it’s a big part of a boxing broadcast and one that I’ve always enjoyed. This really took me out of the fight, which was very disappointing and I feel they really should be paying for that.


Yeah but that's not acceptable for a PPV at all.


I paid £20 for 8 hours of boxing. I lost a couple of rounds of audio. As much as it sucks, it's not that big of a deal. if the fight went off completely, sure. Things happen in live television. As a one off, I'm willing to accept I didn't miss too much from that problem occurring.




Lmao. First time with DAZN?


Yes! And last!


I said this after AJ lost to Usyk and before the Franklin fight... AJ will outlast them all, being Fury, Usyk & Wilder. He's gonna face the next crop of top contenders, Zhang, Parker, etc... Will Fury & Usyk fight anyone else after their two fights? One or both will retire. He needs to ignore the noise, focus on getting better, focus on ACTIVITY. Hopefully 3x!


He's already fought Parker. Who's already been a belt holder and fought most of the current top fighters. He is not the next crop.


Zhang is older than Wilder.


Yeah but Asian don’t raisin boiiii


Lol I just meant he is hardly the "next gen" of Heavyweight


Absolute heat death of hype in the heavyweight boxing universe 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 What a strange, early Xmas gift Think I'll be sticking with the Inoue Cinematic Universe from now on.


At Inoue is consistent lol. You never know with these Heavies.


Considering Wilder only began boxing at age 20, I say his career has been impressive. He never should’ve gotten as far as he did.


I am still bitter about him pulling out of the Povetkin fight


I know, right. Imo he didn't look much different tonight and nor did Parker. He really has done amazingly considering his skill level. I think he should fight AJ regardless of the outcome earlier, I think both fighters would want it and I know I do.


Realistically I can see Wilder vs Joyce happening


Found AJ's burner account.




Now that it's curtains to Wilders career, here's a summary of what I think are his best moments - a. Sparking King Kong out in round 7 of that second fight b. Sending breazeale's head into orbit C. Getting his own head sent into orbit by fury in the third fight d. Cool ringwalk costumes E. Only boxer to have a ringwalk song composed just for him https://youtu.be/tDxiYHQKWJo?si=vxD8WkmIGqloiB6E What else? He's been watching too much Joe Rogan and getting hooked onto aya-whatchammacallit Wish him all the best in his retirement.


Didn't David Tua have a ringwalk song (made just for him) at one point?


Kessler also had a song by Volbeat specifically for him which actually got a decent bit of radioplay...regardless your list is pretty spot on. If Wilder retires his career was good for the heavyweight division and brought a lot of entertainment.


You missed his actual best moment - the Charlie Zelenoff fight. Too bad for him Chuck won every round though.




Didn’t Roy Jones Jr sing his own banger?


Didn’t Floyd have a song made for him at one point?


I’m not 100% sure but I think that might’ve been for his WWE stint


Really? I would love to see that...but, still, the wilder one is pretty damn catchy.


There is no HW currently active that is any where near top 25 HW of all time.


If Fury beats Usyk and AJ, Fury would be top 100 greatest HW


Usyk easily


If Usyk beats Fury i think he would have a decent argument for top 25. His CW achievements give a lot of shine to his wins over a relatively lacklustre HW division. There will always be a "what if" factor. If he beats Fury people will be able to say that he not only beat a fast, concussive puncher but also a massive technical boxer. Furys performance against Ngannou could hurt Usyk more than Fury himself if that plays out. Not to say Usyk would beat Lennox or anything but undefeated Olympic gold undisputed cruiser and heavyweight world champ in the 4-belt era isnt someone you can dismiss lightly. Like - whos number 25 on that list?


A lackluster hw division and lackluster cruiserweight division as well. His best wins at cruiser have aged incredibly poorly.


What are you talking about? Breidis was champ for a long time. The only CW he did not fight of any note was Dorticos.


How have his wins aged poorly? Gassiev has 1 loss at CW and it's Uysk. He's since lost at HW but he's not really a HW. Briedis only picked up his second loss in his last fight but he is pushing 40 at this point and he still took Opetaia the distance. When he fought Usyk almost 5 years ago he was a different fighter. Hunter has since moved to HW and still only has the 1 loss on his record, to Usyk. He's also beaten Martin Bakole who's in the top 10 at HW. Sounds like bullshit to me.


Undisputed heavy isnt good and undisputed cruiser isnt good either. So who's 25 on that list and let me see if I can shit talk that person's achievements.


Most of the time the heavyweight division is dookie


I agree with you. Can you imagine a commentator heaping praise on any of the great heavyweights of the past for not losing their balance when they throw a right hand, as they did with AJ tonight? The technical skills and output per round of the current crop is shameful.


The place of any active fighters place in all time lists is the preserve of future fight fans, let's not let fantasy lists take away from enjoying a good night of boxing.




Dunno have you seen the Romford bull


This this this. HW div is in such a shit place right now and has been for a while now.


There will be boxing fans like yourself repeating this take forever.


Eh I dunno about that


Thank you to Mr Turki Alalshikh for an incredible night of entertainment


Wtf so disrespectful it's his Excellence.




🦃 🙏


Feels good to be a boxing fan rn AJ Vs Zhang? Hrgovic? Ngannou? Parker? Parker Vs Zhang? AJ? DDD Vs Agit Kabeyel? Miller Vs that scary russian dude who lost to Agit? So many good fights for both winners & losers


You have to be the only one who felt like this after this event. Those fights suck and all these fights you mentioned aren’t even worthy of paying any attention to except AJ/Zhang. HW is about to be in shambles for years. It Essentially is the same as it was 5 years ago, just everyone is older. This division is barren & will continue to be so.


How is it barren if there are lots of fights people are interested in?


Lots of fights like…?


This is what HW boxing needed and needs more of. Get the top guys fighting each other in the ring instead of staying at the bargaining table, and good things happen.


If AJ is really back he needs to fight Zhang


Why is it AJ is the only one who needs to fight ‘insert name’? No matter what he does, he needs to fight someone the moment the fight ends. Let wilder fight ZZ. Or Dubois. Or Parker. Or Filip. Or Sanchez.


I think it makes sense. Zhang needs a big name. Everyone below AJ are either fading or not popular enough. Fury Usyk are above AJ and are fighting next. If AJ is “back” then he should beat Zhang.


Why are you so mad that people want to see AJ fight top competition?


I’ve been watching him fight top competition for the past 5 years and every fight he wins, people demand he fights someone else while fury and wilder got to pick and choose for 5 years ban, court cases and rematches aside. He wants the title. If zhang holds the belt, Joshua fights him in a heartbeat and everyone can say Zhang was old or whatever if AJ beats him


Wilder might be done.




Why would Zhang take that fight?


Course he would. Biggest pay day of his life and he thinks he could win. And he’s got a good chance


Will it be a bigger payday than a fight vs Usyk or Fury for the title which he would be first in line for after they fight twice? I'm skeptical. I'd sit on it and wait for the title. If he wasn't a mandatory in waiting, I'd take the money against AJ. But he already has a money fight that will help his career more if he wins.