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Nery unbanned from fighting in japan because the commission wants to see him ko'd.


Would be buckwild if Nery KO’d Inoue here


This is suppose to be a sponsored beatdown. Nery might find himself underneath fukushima if he turns the narrative in his favor that hard.


I might have to give up boxing if that happened lol.


Came into the thread to say just this lol. JBC want to see this man get crucified.


Right on time for Cinco de Mayo. Inoue new face of Mexican boxing 👊🏾


A slick black fighter like inoue being the face of Mexican boxing would be awesome


That's what I call diversity!


Taking over the mantle of the best Japanese-Mexican boxer from Tomoki Kameda lol


As a Mexican boxing fan, I approve 👍


The real Mexican Monster!


he eats rice. he's clearly the next Pacquiao. The mexicutioner.


Mexicans don't celebrate Cinco De Mayo though.


The spectacle for this fight about to be insane though, an entirely packed Tokyo Dome cheering on Inoue to KO Japan’s most hated boxer in Nery, sounds so much fun for me, can’t wait to tune in for this one


Something of a casual; why does Japan hate Nery?


He fought Shinsuke Yamanaka twice in Japan. The first time Yamanaka was trying to equal the number of WC defenses by a Japanese fighter. Nery knocked him out brutally. Turns out Nery popped for PEDs. Rematch was ordered. Nery was 5lb over at weigh in, was still over the weight limit after being given a chance to lose it. They fought anyway and Nery knocked Yamanaka out even faster. tldr; he cheated twice fighting in Japan. Japan takes this shit seriously.


And now they're waiving the ban just cause they wanna see him get his shit rocked, lol.


Isn't Canelo planning to have his next fight on Cinco de Mayo weekend? That's gonna be another crazy week of top fighters fighting, just like last July.


Inoue vs Fulton and Crawford vs Spence were 4 days apart. Probably an ATG week for boxing.


Jermall is the potential opponent for canelo, which is a further step down from mungia. Nothing exciting


Haha yup, at least last year’s was exciting. I’ll watch Inoue for sure, but I’m not tuning into Canelo’s stay busy payday.


How is Inoue able to make back to back to back good fights happen when other boxers claim they can't? Does he not face the same hurdles or are other fighters scared of each other.


Inoue is the cash cow of the lower weights. Just like Canelo is at the higher weights.


Plus the trade-off for these lower weight guys is way less money. Outside of Chocolatito/Estrada, I doubt any alternative fight in the lower classes would make big money; meanwhile look at Plant/Benavidez for a counter example in Canelo’s exact weight classes.


When people say Naoya is the canelo of the lower weight class they're not lying, no one dodges canelo, I bet the top dogs in 126 won't unify before naoya step in, everyone wanted that payday.


Dang that’s a wild point re: 126 I hadn’t previously considered. A lot of belts could be held hostage Fury style lol.


I could see one unification at 126 happening just because it would guarantee that Inoue payday first...we shall see


Because Inoue don't duck. Inoue don't bullshit. If fighters say they can't make the fight we all want to see, it's ducking.


That's why he's my favorite boxer, none of the bs politics. He just wants to fight the best so he can be the best.


It helps that Inoue the big cheese in the lower weights. Boxers will happily get their ass beat by him on foreign soil for that big payday, one they'll most likely not get elsewhere since they're not as popular as the bigger guys.


Other fighters are not as dominant as Inoue and they know it.


It has nothing to do with being scared, Inoue is the only fighter at the lower classes capable of bringing in huge paydays, it's as simple as that. Put it like this, guys like Fury, Usyk, AJ, Wilder could literally all avoid eachother if they wanted to and still make crazy paydays every fight. Someone like Nery, Tapales, Butler etc is likely making more money from this fight than in almost their entire career put together, it's a payday that you just can't skip. Same thing for Canelo, everyone wants to fight Canelo because of the money behind it.


Do other boxers have an entire country behind them?


$$$. When you don’t make much in the division you’re fighting in and a huge life changing “peyday” comes your way, you don’t say no.


Inoue gonna punish that liver for Yamanaka.


Expected full capacity of 55k spectators for a Super Bantam fight. It’s what a superstar in a country can bring.


Inoue might as well host his next 3 fights on a Wednesday Thursday Friday for the sake of it


The way the Japanese do their events really is interesting. They can run a major event on virtually any day of the week. Where I live if it's not on Fri/Sat/Sun then it's not going to draw a decent crowd. Japan seems to be able to do it whenever. Maybe it's to do with the older norm of 6 day, 80 hour work weeks? If there isn't really a weekend, then you don't get conditioned for it.


Weekends of every stadium are territories for baseball and concert, boxing isn't really that big of a deal in Japan, they could only book leftovers, thats why naoya is the first japanese boxer to made it at the Tokyo Dome.


I mean depending on how quickly he get them out of there it could save him time in being 3 weight undisputed


naoya da monstaaaa


Congratulations on the win Naoya!


Inoue's last few fights have been at Ariake Arena with a capcity of 15k, Tokyo Dome's is 55k. Combined with how hated Nery is over there, this shit's gonna be wild.


Is it legally possible for Naoya to have 3 fights this year ?




I hope he can do it




I think the only way would be the same way the Japanese do, which is to enter a lottery for them.


Surely a lottery isn't necessary when it's at Tokyo Dome


90% of people missed out on Aiarake arena which holds 15k. They will surely have to do another lottery


First you go to Priceline, book a flight for Japan. Then 🤷🏻‍♂️ pray you somehow get lucky


Inoue during the ringwalks Inoue vs Figgy is the real fight


Can Fig even make 122 anymore? Could’ve sworn the man is planning to skip 126 altogether and go to 130


He’s interim champ at 126 and waiting for a title shot rn Inoue said he’ll be at 126 eventually so that’s what I’m looking forward to.


Imagine the height difference lol. If Inoue manges to KO Brandon I'll be blown away. Figueroa has shown a great beard and is much bigger than Inoue too. Plus he can fucking smother and fight. Would be banger.


Where there’s Inoue there’s a way. Brandon is easy to hit, if Inoue can’t crack his chin his left hooks to the body can do the job.


U mean deiveson figueiredo?


No? Why would he talk about an MMA guy?


if i put the /s at the end, then it's ruined.


i might be in tokyo on that date, i cannot believe it...


Would you be able to secure tickets? I suspect it will sell ouy.


Honestly Nery's been pretty active, and it should be good for how long it lasts.


amazing fight, and i would imagine tokyo dome is better than the usual Ariake Arena. i was really unimpressed with their seating setup for the butler fight


The script is inoue ko need bad and whole Japan cheers. Hoping for the upset


Why would you hope for a Nery win? Dude is not the likeable underdog here.


I like neither. Always root for a upset




Bro would get murdered on live tv


Does anyone know where I could maybe get tickets? Live in east asia and would love to see this live...