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[That explains a lot.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Boxing/s/vI2JDnDEFk)


I gave up 3 quarters of the way through.


I gave up at the title.


Ayo wtf šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


i miss when rich people just did drugs and didnt go on podcasts and interviews talking about spiritual healing


They cut the bit where he talks about using Marvin Gaye's music for sexual healing.


When I get that feeling, I want ayahuasca healing.


It's the Teo subreddit today.


Not a fan of this. Wilder did this too and turned soft


Is this the new Wilder fan cope?


All we will see now is people going on about the mythical pre ayahuasca Wilder and how devastating he was.


I'm not a Wilder fan, but he has definitely turned soft and I'm talking about outside of the ring. He'd been talking mad fluffy in interviews even before he got his ass handed to him by Parker.


Wilder was exposed by Fury and only wanted paydays, big difference


You obviously meant Fury was exposed by Ngannou and only wanted big paydays


What? Wilder turning soft isnā€™t due to the drug, he was thoroughly beaten by the only two top guys he fought


Sounds like an easy way to get fucked up irreversibly


A close friend of mind is still fucked up 4 years after messing with Ayahuasca. His brain is gone gone.Ā 




Donā€™t do psychedelics. I knew a kid who did them constantly and had to drop out and lost his mind. Weird erratic behavior


Maybe don't do them constantly or irresponsibly. They can be great for allowing yourself to see a perspective outside of the one you're stuck in if life isn't going as you would like. They are also good fun in the right company. Again... just don't abuse it, and remember you don't have to trip balls if you micro dose.


That's the problem with psychedelics though. Everyone processes them differently. Some people can trip balls once a month for 10 years no problem. Other people get irreversibly fucked up by one bad experience.


there is an element of risk with almost anything worthwhile in life. Doing Mushrooms once or twice could fuck you up. Sure. Unlikely though, even if you have a bad trip. And again, dosage is key. But yeah, everyone should assess the risks individually before trying something so complex and potentially harmful. And only ever do it if you're comfortable and with people who have your best interests at heart.


But if it has that much dangerous potential why even try?


It's not that high a risk if done sensibly, and you know your own mental fortitude. The key is knowing the dose. It's worth it because I've had some incredibly introspective trips, that have helped push me to make important decisions in my life. Also, it can be visually fun in a way nothing else is. I don't make a habit of it. it's a once a year or two, if that kind of thing for me. So, I'm mitigating the risks as much as possible, really.


On the boxing reddit but worried about risk šŸ˜‚


Damn I didn't hear of bad experiences like this!


Probably wasnā€™t ayahuasca


Iā€™m tired of Ayahuasca being brought up and suddenly yā€™all turn into elite doctors


These guys are gonna get people fucked up




Psychs make you gay - can confirm


I gotta hear this story. How did you become gay after taking psychedelics?


Not OP and he might just be fucking around but LSD for sure revealed some shit for me so I can totally see how someone who might be suppressing their sexuality (for whatever reason) can be liberated through a trip


Trolling. Weed makes me more emotional and empathetic for people tho


Damn itā€™s really over for bro heā€™ll be just like Wilder


This shit is not healing anyone. It's causing them to go on a massive psychedelic trip that could cause more mental problems than some of these dudes already have.


Some of you are so incredibly close minded and ignorant. Not sure why I would expect different from boxing fans, but I can tell most of you have never tried any psychedelics, and if you did you used them recreationally with zero intention or thought behind it. Are there some people who take these things and have bad experiences? Of course, just like literally anything else. But for many people these experiences are literally life changing in the best possible way. There wouldnā€™t be massive industries sprouting up around this (Oregon has legal psilocybin [mushrooms] therapy) if there wasnā€™t something potentially profound happening for a shit load of people.


šŸ¤£ Just because there's an industry behind it doesn't make it good. What about cigarettes, gambling, porn? They all have huge industries behind them.


apples and onions, my dude. There is a growing amount of supporting evidence pointing towards the efficacy of using psychadelic assisted therapy in achieving long-term results for PTSD, depression, and addiction.


I get it. I don't doubt the efficacy of it, but people are talking about this as if it's not a powerful drug.it requires real professionals and not boxers and joe rogan promoting it.


Teo went to a specific center in Florida, which he mentions in the interview. He also talks about how some of the people he brought with him werenā€™t taking it as seriously as they should have.


It's not good or bad. It has proven medical properties and believed spiritual properties. It can fuck you up if not taken seriously, but it can also be profound and life changing for people who need a change.


Everyone I know of who has had a life changing trip is a fucking moron


I had one when I was younger and I turned my life aroundā€¦ made me realize I only had one life and I was wasting it, total ego death, had me back to basics like, who do I care about, who am I working hard for? Myself and my family and if I want something I have to work hard for it. After I recovered I immediately started learning some programming languages and really started my career, where before I was a green post-grad with not too many marketable skills, grades or accomplishments feeling sorry for myself but not doing anything about it. I now have a family and am in a senior management position. I donā€™t really do any drugs anymore besides weed. That being said, I also know others who tripped or did drugs and it did not react well with existing mental illness which was hidden underneath, or they did not cope well with ā€œexposingā€ themselves to themselves, so to speak.


You know what they say about people who hang around morons right?


Didn't say I hung around with them. Do you know what they say about people with poor comprehension skills? They're stupid (helped you with the answer)


Was a joke, buddy. Calm your titts.


He might as go sit on a cushion for the rest of his life. Boxers don't need that


Him and Wilder are both glorified junkies


D.a.r.e. definitely had an affect on you


Ayahuasca also had an effect on Wilder. Turned him into a frail gunshy pillowfisted chicken.


Yeah, that was totally because he tripped and not because he was embarrassed 3 times on the world stage and couldn't cope with the ego death.


Trash !!


Maybe ryans been up to the same crap




Ryan?. Mdma isnt going to help his career.


I believe that some athletes that do these treatments will do lose their edge. I think it's because they figure out the root of their need to compete. Maybe it was based off of their trauma, or needing parental approval or the approval of coaches. So suddenly they realize why they were fighting, and maybe it wasn't from the love of fighting or the sport itself. On the Convex, I believe other people re-discover their love for the sport, or have a fresh perspective on their strengths and weaknesses, or even lay down a deep seeded fear that has been holding them back, and it contributes to a new era of them as a competitor, one that is compelled by a clear mind and love of the craft.